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Harvard Students Accused of Assaulting Israeli Classmate Face Criminal Charges

Harvard Students Accused of Assaulting Israeli Classmate Face Criminal Charges

“charged with misdemeanor assault and battery and with violations of the Massachusetts Civil Rights Act”

There are people who have ruined their lives over these radical protests. There will be more fallout in the coming years.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

Harvard Students Slapped With Criminal Charges for Accosting Israeli Classmate

The Harvard University graduate students who accosted an Israeli classmate last October have been slapped with criminal charges, court filings reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon show.

The students, identified in a Free Beacon report as divinity school graduate student Elom Tettey-Tamaklo and Harvard Law Review editor Ibrahim Bharmal, were each charged with two misdemeanors on May 9.

The charges stem from their conduct at an Oct. 18 “die-in” protest held outside of Harvard Business School. Tettey-Tamaklo and Bharmal were captured on camera accosting a first-year Israeli business school student, surrounding the student and making it difficult for him to walk freely, as keffiyeh-clad onlookers shouted, “SHAME!”

The students are charged with misdemeanor assault and battery and with violations of the Massachusetts Civil Rights Act, which prohibits attempts to “intimidate or interfere with … any other person in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the constitution.” Tettey-Tamaklo and Bharmal are expected back in court next month for their arraignments and face up to 100 days in jail for each count.

It’s unclear how Harvard, which has issued no comment about the incident and did not respond to requests for comment about whether it has taken any disciplinary action against Tettey-Tamaklo and Bharmal, plans to respond to the charges—including whether the school will award the students degrees while judicial proceedings are ongoing.

Both Tettey-Tamaklo and Bharmal remained in good standing with the school in the wake of the “die-in.” While Harvard removed Tettey-Tamaklo from his role as a freshman proctor in November, the school did “nothing to sanction” him otherwise, according to a January legal complaint. Bharmal avoided discipline altogether, the complaint said.


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healthguyfsu | May 18, 2024 at 4:04 pm

Let’s hope there will be more fallout and less of the judge that gave those scumbags at Brown a free pass.

stella dallas | May 18, 2024 at 4:08 pm

For decades Harvard has relied on Middle East money. Many of their leaders send their sons and daughters there.

henrybowman | May 18, 2024 at 5:36 pm

“There are people who have ruined their lives over these radical protests.”

If you think so, wise up. Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Bobby Seale, Tariq Ali, and Eleanor (Stein) Raskin are laughing at you.

destroycommunism | May 18, 2024 at 9:00 pm


wht kids singing rap lyrics get a “life sentence” of no jobs etc

ahad haamoratsim | May 19, 2024 at 12:09 am

Isn’t a violent misdemeanor grounds for disbarment/ denial of admission to the bar?

Harvard should have already expelled these two–the fact that they haven’t tells you everything you need to know–regardless of the outcome of any case, Harvard is going to award them their degrees–and employers should take note of this.

Who wants to hire an attorney who assaults people, before he’s even admitted to the bar; and as for the divinity student, why would anyone listen to anything he has to say?