Desperate Biden Panders to NAACP, Compares Conservative SCOTUS Justices to Segregationists
“Today, the resistance comes in other insidious forms. An extreme movement led by my predecessor and his MAGA Republican allies, backed by an extreme Supreme Court, gutted affirmative action in college admissions.”

The closer we get to Election Day, the more desperate the Biden campaign will be to shore up their core voting blocs including black voters and Hispanic voters as well as the youth vote.
But with each passing day, that becomes even more of an uphill climb, particularly with black voters who have increasingly shown in poll after poll that they are slipping away from the Democratic Party.
Harry Enten, who is CNN‘s polling guru, inadvertently emphasized the point on the network Friday, pointing to how much better Donald Trump is doing with black voters in polling now versus how he did in 2020:
“This would be by far the best performance for a Republican candidate among Black voters in a generation, two generations, probably since 1960 and Richard Nixon against John F. Kennedy … This could be a truly historic margin,” he said. “It’s quite a troubling sign for the Biden campaign.”
“This is historic. This is what a lot of folks have been talking about, that Joe Biden has a specific problem among younger Black voters, and that is exactly what showing up right here,” Enten said. “It‘s these younger Black voters who very much are turning on him and being much more supportive of Donald Trump than they were four years ago.”
Trump has doubled his support among Black voters from this point four years ago. If his support held, it'd be the best GOP performance since Richard Nixon in 1960 among Black voters….
Trump's doing it thanks to pulling in a quarter of Black voters under 50.
— (((Harry Enten))) (@ForecasterEnten) May 17, 2024
Biden and his handlers know this, which is why he has spent the last several days pandering for the black vote, as was the case during an appearance before the NAACP on Friday at the National Museum of African American History and Culture.
The event revolved around recognizing the 70th anniversary of the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision, in which the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that “in the field of public education the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.”
Although Biden has tried to paint himself throughout his presidency as a uniter, as someone who would observe “norms” and respect our sacred institutions, none of that was evident in the remarks he made about his Republican critics and the conservative Supreme Court Justices, all of whom he compared to segregationists:
But we know, 70 years after Brown v. Board, there are some forces trying to deny freedom of opportunity for all Americans.
A few minutes ago, I talked with some of the Little Rock Nine, who were determined to integrate a public school in Little Rock, Arkansas, 67 years ago.
I’d like to recognize them for their courage and her- — if they — if they can, would you — if you’re able, please stand and rise so we can all see you.
And thank God Eisenhower was president. Thank God we had someone who stood up.
The Little Rock Nine were met with vitriol and violence.
Today, the resistance comes in other insidious forms. An extreme movement led by my predecessor and his MAGA Republican allies, backed by an extreme Supreme Court, gutted affirmative action in college admissions.
My predecessor and his extreme MAGA friends are now going after diversity, equity, and inclusion all across America. They want a country for some, not for all.
BIDEN (slurring) attempts to pander using SCOTUS' decison to overturn affirmative action.
A recent poll found 35% of Black Americans felt affirmative action put them at a disadvantage and 47% of Black Americans supported banning the use of race in admissions.
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) May 17, 2024
Today we face an insidious few who want a country for some of us, not all of us.
But the Little Rock Nine, and the movement of courage that they inspired, proves that the promise of America is big enough for everyone to succeed.
— President Biden (@POTUS) May 17, 2024
The comparison brought to mind the January 2022 speech Biden gave in Georgia, where a yelling, at times red-faced POTUS threw members of his own party under the bus for having a difference of opinion on reforming the filibuster option, which he wanted so a Democrat bill that would federalize elections could pass.
He equated Democrat Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema along with Republican Senators who also weren’t interested in playing along to notable Democrat racists from the past like Bull Connor, George Wallace, and Jefferson Davis.
“I ask every elected official in America: How do you want to be remembered?” Biden asked rhetorically. “Do you want to be on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis? This is the moment to decide. To defend our elections. To defend our democracy.”
Joe Biden said during this speech that people who disagree with his bill to federalize elections are "domestic enemies" and are on the side of George Wallace, Bull Connor, and Jefferson Davis.
What you see here is truly the soul of nation being restored.
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) January 11, 2022
The irony both then and now is simply astonishing for many reasons, starting with the fact that in 2019 it was Joe Biden who bragged about being able to work with segregationist senators in the 1970s to get legislation passed.
Further, left out of Biden’s mention of the Little Rock Nine was the party affiliation of then-Arkansas Gov. Orval Faubus, who called in the National Guard to block them from entering Central High School in 1957. He was, of course, a Democrat.
Perhaps most embarrassing for Biden, who has repeatedly lied about his non-existent “involvement” in the 1960s civil rights movement, is that on the issue of affirmative action, which he referenced in his speech, a clear majority of Americans support the Supreme Court’s decision, including 52 percent of black voters.
I guess that makes them just like segregationists, too.
Unfortunately for Democrats, the dynamics behind racial politicking are changing rapidly, and there are many reasons for that, including fed-up black Democrats tired of being taken for granted, the Republican Party making inroads with black voters in recent years with a big assist from Trump, and the Democratic Party’s far-left shift on issues like abortion and the environment, which has alienated many black (and Hispanic) voters.
It remains to be seen to what extent if any there will be in terms of movement from black voters away from Democrats to Republicans in the November elections. But rest assured of one thing: the exodus from the Dem Party is real and it has terrified their power players, all of whom are sure to pull out all the stops in the coming months in an effort to drag Joe Biden over the finish line one more time.
— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

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Sundowner is getting to be a very mean despicable human being. Nothing he says is the truth, maybe except they have the best fraud voting operation.
He’s always been a mean spiteful asshole. He’s just loosened his mask
Yep. And everyone who’s spent more than 2 minutes with the guy has known what a evil, vindictive prick he is. It was no secret. EVERYONE in Washington has known this.
Biden’s only saving grace is that he’s a moron.
“Today, the resistance comes in other insidious forms. An extreme movement led by my predecessor and his MAGA Republican allies, backed by an extreme Supreme Court, gutted affirmative action in college admissions.”
We are just warming up.
I look forward to dozens and dozens of excoriations of “my predecessor” from the next (past and future) occupant of the White House.
The Death Of A Nation by Joseph R Biden will be good for starting a fire in the myriad of shanty towns that result from the death of a nation.
This demented, evil corrupt loon is an insult to the entire nation.
Never forget that Biden is just the front man for worse people.
But meanwhile RFK Jr is hosting a contest where you can win a day of FALCONRY with him.
How can Biden possibly compete with that!?!?!?!?
Never launched a falcon. But I throw a mean boomerang. I’m in.
Never done that. I’m in, too. Why would you mock something like that? Brandon screams at you how much a racist you are and waves his fists at the sky while RFK Jr wants you to try out falconry. I know which I choose.
“Why would you mock something like that?”
“The Sport of Kings?”
A Democrat?
A Kennedy?
It’s way harder to find a reason NOT to mock it.
Biden used to be a falconer. He carried entire truckloads with him. Those are the trucks that he drove back and forth between Detroit and Gary. Indiana. Corn Pop sat next to him, riding shotgun.
Sounds risky, might smell the brain worms
james clyburn and his wife knew why only fjb could run in 2020
b/c when the cheating took place only a white dem could have plausible deniablity to the cheating
even other white dems wouldnt have voted for the favored ,by dems, stacy abrams
It takes a Democrat to be a segregationist. Ask Chief Justice Tanney.
Joe Biden* who eulogized the Grand Cyclops of the KKK wants to lecture the rest of us about racism? What a joke.
Go back to sucking Corn Pop’s c*ck, Joe, it’s the only thing you ever did right.
Biden is a sick, ornery and obnoxious racist, today, and, he was no different, yesterday. The dolt’s dementia-addled brain means that whatever scintilla of tact and restraint this dim-witted oaf and bully ever possessed, are completely removed, now, laying bare the full scope of his ugly persona and personality, and, his racist paternalism and fear-mongering.
Any black American who votes for crime boss, Biden, and the rest of the wretched Dhimmi-crat ticket, is a gullible fool.
Traitor Joe is a psychopath. A demented, retarded psychopath. His whole family seems to be nothing but deranged sociopaths.
Without a doubt. A man who lies as perennially and unabashedly as he does, always seeking to embellish his personal history and accomplishments, without a scintilla of shame or remorse, is a pure sociopath.
Add in Biden’s and his crime clan’s obnoxious and off-the-charts entitlement, greed, laziness and brazen and criminal exploitation of Biden’s sundry political offices as a family cash cow/get rich mechanism, and, the odiousness of the old fool and his relatives becomes even more apparent and galling.
Agree … but have you considered using fewer commas and breaking up the runon sentences? Readibility is good.
I suspect he’s a lawyer specializing in contract law. Obfuscation a specialty.
/all in good fun, guy…
Democrat pandering to Blacks is not exactly breaking news, but ok.
It’s as apt a comparison as the chance meeting of an umbrella and a sewing machine on a dissecting table.
There’s an Antifa joke in there somewhere, but I’d need to do an autopsy to find it.
I am confused, not that that’s unusual. What is Dark Brandon on about, now?
The political stuff he referred to has been in place for a while; what’s happened? People kept out of Harvard with their “Irish need not apply” signs?
All I’m seeing so far is babbling, incompetent, plagiarist college prezzies dumb enough to get caught, being treated like any other babbling, incompetent, plagiarist college prezzie dumb enough to get caught. That and the occasional lucid, data-driven Black professor excoriated on The View, and run out of polite society — same any wrongthinking white guy.
I wouldn’t bank on black voters. The most you can hope for is that Biden pullers stay home.
This is a notoriously unreliable bloc in terms of voter turnout.
Brandon the pedophile knows all about segregationists. He was good friends with all of the Senators of that ilk.
Joe Biden inspires Black graduates at Morehouse College by telling them that they’re victims and America hates them.
Biden has told blacks in the past that Republicans want to put them all back in chains. That’s funny because scores of blacks spend their entire welfare checks on gold chains worn around their necks.
fjb goes to the black colleges and starts in with the
you are alll victims of the white man
White man says what?