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Border Patrol has Encountered Over 30,000 Chinese Nationals Since October

Border Patrol has Encountered Over 30,000 Chinese Nationals Since October

“The number of Chinese nationals encountered at the border since Oct. 1 is a 8,600% increase over all fiscal year 2021, when only 342 Chinese nationals were nabbed across the entire southern border.”

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection told Fox News that it has encountered over 30,000 Chinese nationals since October 1.

The sources confirmed the numbers after the border patrol took in 118 Chinese nationals in San Diego on Saturday.

From Fox News:

The number of Chinese nationals encountered at the border since Oct. 1 is a 8,600% increase over all fiscal year 2021, when only 342 Chinese nationals were nabbed across the entire southern border.

Since Oct. 1, CBP in the San Diego sector alone has encountered 8,900 illegal immigrants from India, 7,800 from Turkey, 2,900 from Uzbekistan, 4,400 from Mauritania, 3,000 from Vietnam, and 5,600 from Guinea.

Some migrants previously told Fox News that they are seeking a better life in the United States.

“My English is not very good, and I don’t know anyone in the United States,” one migrant said in March. “Once I get to the United States, I know I have to start all over again. But I want to live a good life in the future, and I want my children to be educated well. I strive to take root in the United States as soon as possible.”

I do not doubt that many people crossing the border want a better life, especially for their families.

But remember the Turkish man who spoke to Bill Melugin? You don’t know which ones are the good ones.

The Chinese national statistics are interesting because of the potential for espionage and organized crime.

I wrote about Chinese organized crime affecting Oklahoma with illegal marijuana farms. The DOJ wants to sue Oklahoma for its immigration laws, but what should we do?

In 2022, a quadruple murder shook Oklahoma at an illegal marijuana farm in Hennessey, OK. A Chinese national pleaded guilty to four counts of first-degree murder. He claimed the four people owed him $300,000.

NPR has a fascinating interview describing why Chinese organized crime and Mexican cartels target Oklahoma. Read this part:

ROTELLA: Sure. I mean, these are thousands of workers, most of them themselves Chinese immigrants, many of whom come across the Mexican border. I interviewed one who, you know – it’s classic odyssey, coming from China all the way through South America, up across the Mexican border, gets caught, applies for asylum, gets released, makes his way to New York, and he hears that that there’s work in the marijuana farms of Oklahoma. So he shows up. He’s, you know, in Oklahoma and gets to work and he finds, you know, hundreds and thousands like him. And they are working on these farms.


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They’re gonna push out the Hispanic cooks at Panda Express

This an invasion people.

    Dimsdale in reply to Justanug. | May 27, 2024 at 9:27 pm

    Agreed. If there’s one country with its border situation under control, it’s the ChiComs. I can see a trickle, but 30,000???

    Does Biden get a package bribe, or does he get money by the head?

*is an invasion.

Hey, Pres Biden was paid GOOD MONEY for this. C’mon, man . . . Strength through diversity!

Keep voting Dem!!

China is going to attack from within.
There are too many Chinese industries here for them NOT to have a foothold.

    henrybowman in reply to scooterjay. | May 28, 2024 at 2:00 am

    It’s like Mao was wondering for decades how he was going to take out the USA, and Xi found an entire package deal on sale for $48 on Temu.

We haven’t had nearly enough posts about Memorial Day here

“When you go home, tell them their tomorrow is because we gave them
Out today…”

But the. British, they k le how to do pageantry

One thing the houses full of Chinese border-jumpers fear…a pistol.

The Chinese government is in on this, big time.

henrybowman | May 28, 2024 at 2:08 am

And, as usual, it will take ten years for the wheels to turn enough times for our rulers representatives to realize that specific people are, in fact, guilty of treason — exactly what those of us who are paying attention ALREADY KNOW TODAY.

    mailman in reply to henrybowman. | May 28, 2024 at 4:31 am

    This is because politicians all over the world have lost the fear of their electorate.

    Hang on…let me rephrase that, they have lost the fear of their non-muslim electorate.

      henrybowman in reply to mailman. | May 28, 2024 at 2:18 pm

      Politically I suffer from the very same feeling of frustration I got in grade school, where I had to constantly sit through days’ worth of brain-numbing repetitions of shit I already knew because Wiggum and Muntz in the first row still weren’t getting it.

Why would there be 30,000 chings crossing the southern border? Are they all looking for asylum???

On the bright side, it’s a higher average IQ population, so they may vote Republican, especially when they’re discriminated against for being smart.

    henrybowman in reply to rhhardin. | May 28, 2024 at 2:22 pm

    That strategy apparently didn’t work for the massive numbers of Vietnamese repatriates living in Fairfax County — people who had actual life experiences with the effects of Marxism, and yet still cant keep it out of their public schools… the ones that now want to find excuses not to admit them. So I reject any form of Pollyanna star-wishing that supposes that immigrants will ever vote more right than left.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | May 28, 2024 at 7:48 am

What we have going on is an expansion of Balkanization of our country. It’s no longer the melting pot of this flavor and that flavor to make a better stew.

It’s now, for example, enclaves of factions like Chinese in Oklahoma, Muslims in Minnesota, separating themselves and creating their own country within a country. Establishing their own law enforcement and courts, preventing free travel of people into and out of their areas, and otherwise not following the Constitution.

They want the government largess, but don’t pay into the programs through taxes, because they remain under the radar.

The payers into the largess are the people who still follow the laws of this country and fear the government coming after them because they aren’t part of the “exempt groups.”

And the exempt groups keep getting larger and larger.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to AF_Chief_Master_Sgt. | May 28, 2024 at 9:04 am

    That Balkanization began when “Press 1 for English” got started, combined with multilingual ballots, “bilingual” classroom instruction, and other caterings to people who will not fit in.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | May 28, 2024 at 5:09 pm

      Every tree begins with a sapling, every weed with a seed.

      I remember when it was “Press 1 for English.” If you listen closely, that has started to change to “Para Español, presione 1″ followed by Press 2 for English or stay on the line.”

      I recently retired as an administrator in a hospital system. All hospitals are now required to have translators employed for many languages, or use a teletranslator. All paid for by the patients who actually have insurance.

      Strange. I recently traveled to Ecuador, Panama, and Honduras. All signage and conversation was in Spanish. I relied on Google Translate for most communication.

      No one offered me anything in English.

10M+ in the last 3.5-years. The last election was really only decided by <45K-votes. It's insane to believe that at least 45K votes (less than .5% of all NEW illegals) won’t be cast by illegal aliens considering how easy it is to register to vote in this country.

While WI, PA & MI all kinda/sorta have voter ID requirements, there are GAPING holes in those requirements. For instance, in MI, even if you don’t have an ID, you can still vote. You’re just required to sign a form stating you didn’t have your ID.

NONE of those states require that you prove your citizenship to register. All three of those states will allow STUDENT IDs to be used. WI & PA allow EMPLOYEE IDs to be used. As I said, it’s insane.

…wake me up when the shooting starts.
Invaders have no clue what is coming.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to scooterjay. | May 28, 2024 at 8:28 am

    The shooting has already started (along with murders with knives, pushed off of train platforms, splashed with fuel, and more).

    It just hasn’t come to a neighborhood near many of us.

Hear me now and believe me later. There’s about a dozen middle easterners waiting and biding time. They will systemically shoot out transformers piece meal until spares are depleted.

Then they will take out a bunch at once AND take down some other infrastructure – AND booby trap the repair process. There’s a chess move after that as well which will be the bigger can of worms, but I can’t see that far into the crystal ball.

    venril in reply to Andy. | May 28, 2024 at 9:51 am

    Lot’s of choke points. Power transfer stations have been shot up before. Reservoirs? Water Plants? Sewage processing facilities? Telcom switching facilities? Power distribution to any of these? Someone knowledgeable could probably take down sections of the grid. Food processing facilities/distribution facilities – lots have already been burned over the last couple years. Schools? Any expensive, complicated difficult to replace infrastructure/industry. Refineries? Chemical factories (lots of splash damage there). power generation stations. Most of those are very soft targets.

    On open society is one big target. That’s one reason you vet who’s entering your country.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Andy. | May 28, 2024 at 5:14 pm

    Two Muslims shut down Boston for a few days, and the BPD forces everyone to stay indoors.

    Two hundred bad actors can shut down the nation by booming grocery stores, schools, malls, big box stores, and metro/train in strategically placed locations and terrorize the people to stay home.

    Two thousand can be a nightmare.

    Two shooters in DC many years ago had people scared to go outside.

E Howard Hunt | May 28, 2024 at 10:41 am

Old Chinese proverb, “Man who pull down pants can pull up again. Man who pull down fence have pants stolen and no more pull up.”

Guatemala’s Attorney General is delving into the dark world of child trafficking at the US border, and shockingly, her investigation may implicate the Biden administration.
This unsettling revelation has led to an even more disturbing response: Biden’s State Department allegedly threatened to revoke the visas of Guatemalan congressmen’s children studying in America if the congressmen didn’t support removing the AG. This blatant act of coercion marks a desperate and dangerous escalation.

.. this has that “Biden” feel to it, visions of Burisma

destroycommunism | May 28, 2024 at 4:57 pm

this is what happens why fjb orders his meals through borderdoordash

destroycommunism | May 28, 2024 at 5:24 pm

fjb said

we have to let them in or everything will be built like the pier we were building for the hamasplo