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At Connecticut Event, Anti-Woke Veterans Group Decries Destruction of U.S. Military

At Connecticut Event, Anti-Woke Veterans Group Decries Destruction of U.S. Military

A relentless focus on all things Woke is damaging our military, says retired three-star General Rod Bishop, Chairman of the Board of non-profit supporting the U.S. military

I had the pleasure of attending an event hosted by the local VFW Post in Guilford, Connecticut on May 21 and featuring as its guest speaker Lieutenant General Rod Bishop (U.S. Air Force – Retired (pictured above at the event)), Chairman of the Board of STARRS (Standing Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services), a group of “Veterans standing against CRT/Woke ideology in the military and service academies.”

For those unfamiliar with STARRS, I recommend watching this short, three-minute video explaining their mission and focus:

Essentially, STARRS (and I, as a member), believe that our military is in the process of being gutted by an administration that places incorrect and unseemly priority on all things WOKE at the expense of mission readiness.

And, as General Bishop explained, this situation is getting worse all the time, which for some people, including a great friend of mine who I served with on my first submarine, is hard to believe. But there is proof, in two forms.

First are the daily headlines, which we have reported on almost weekly for years now:

You get the idea, but use our search box and type in “woke military” and you’ll find dozens more for your review.

The other form of proof, which General Bishop emphasized, is anecdotal, but overwhelming, evidence from those in the military right now. From the STARRS website, which keeps a running list of these comments that they receive daily, come the following:

  • “Currently in the military as O-3 [Navy Lieutenant or Army Captain] and let me tell you, it is an absolute joke. Integrity and honor are not rewarded but diversity and sexuality is.”
  • “After 20 years of commissioned service, I tell folks all the time—no matter how woke you think the armed forces are, it is much worse.”
  • “Every one of my former soldiers who got out did so because of this woke nonsense that harms morale and readiness.”
  • “Come from a long line of people who served in the military. I did 20 years myself. My daughter has 16 years in, and my other two sons have served multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan but not one of them wants their children to serve in today’s military when they grow up.”
  • “My transgender Station commander is personally responsible for at least 4 people deciding to get out….”
  • “When DEI started to become a thing, when they started ramming down our throats how we didn’t have to just tolerate people but celebrate depravity and lunacy, that’s where they lost me.”

It absolutely breaks my heart to read the thousands (over 10,000 by General Bishop’s estimate) of such comments posted at

And maybe the most powerful part of General Bishop’s presentation occurred when one of the attendees, obviously a former military professional, asked what they could do to help.

The General’s main message was to get involved, however that is possible in your life, either by simply signing up to receive the free STARRS weekly newsletter, which you can do here, by talking to friends and family about the problems in today’s military, by feeding STARRS information and/or stories you hear about the military (all of their info comes from regular people who provide them with information), writing to your elected officials in Congress, or by donating to STARRS, if you have the means to do so.

See STARRS’ “A Call to Action” webpage, available here, which includes draft Congressional letters you can use, to see how you can help.

Also, visit STARRS’ “What Happened to Our Military” webpage, available here, to watch the eight-minute video, which General Bishop played for audience, describing the horrendous explosion of Woke/CRT/DEI mandates, policies, and events taking place in our military since the Biden Administration took office. It is frightening.

For some X commentary on this subject, see the following:


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We definitely need STARRS. They would be very helpful in putting together a plan to start fixing the problem(s).

And they are filming these atrocities in military uniform, on military equipment

The CO of that LPD (the ship where that 2nd video above was filmed) should be cashiered, immediately. She’s a NOTORIOUS lesbian activist masquerading a uniformed service member. She has regular ‘pride’ nights on ship while at sea. I wouldn’t have believed had I not seen the photographs for myself.

I retired from active duty just over a decade ago. It’s unbelievable how much the military has changed in that short period of time.

Lastly, there needs to be an absolute prohibition on service members posting ANYTHING on social media while in uniform and clear guidelines on what they post even out of uniform. I’m dumbfounded that it’s allowed. DoD Directive 1344.10 – the regulation that guides service members on allowable and prohibited political activities – desperately needs to be updated for the 21st century; I think it was originally written back in the 1990s.

destroycommunism | May 24, 2024 at 11:07 am

lefty is laughing at the veterans who sacrificed so they could be free to

transition and burn down cities

healthguyfsu | May 24, 2024 at 12:08 pm

Just you wait, when those Chinese invaders use the wrong pronouns on our soldiers they will be murdered*

*on Twitter

You can cut down a forest in a day. But it takes decades and decades to regrow it. If they destroy military effectiveness, it will be 30 years before we can get back to to

Bitterlyclinging | May 24, 2024 at 1:56 pm

“We are just days away from the ‘Fundamental Transformation’ of America”
“You dont have to do this, Joe!”
When 5,000 US sailors are lying on the bottom of the South China Sea will he use the usual “I was just following orders” excuse?
Didnt work in 1946.

henrybowman | May 24, 2024 at 3:51 pm

“Navy training video tells sailors how to use ‘correct’ pronouns and create safe spaces”
I thought the whole purpose of military training was to know how to create UNSAFE spaces.

Why stop at the military? How about civil service as well? They support the MIC and the DEI bullshit that runs rampant there is just as bad. Mandatory conscription is where this crap is leading to. If war kicked off tomorrow guess what? Before they can start the draft up the IRR and RETIREES will be called back up, including those who were retired for disabilities. I know as I am a category III retiree. Think I’m making this up? Look up DODD 1352.1

Most of my generation of my family served. The majority of them for 20+ years. At the moment three of my nephews are naval officers (pilot, NFO and Surface Warfare). None of them intend to stay past their initial commitment and nobody in the family wants them to.

If anyone can read that and not perceive a major problem for our nation they are blind.