Anti-Israel Student Protesters Intrude at Home of U. Michigan Regent
“The tactics used today represent a significant and dangerous escalation in the protests that have been occurring on campus.”

A regent for the University of Michigan was at home sleeping along with his wife and small children this week, when anti-Israel student protesters showed up at his door and posted a list of demands.
Can we finally stop pretending that some of these people aren’t terrorists?
FOX News reports:
University of Michigan regent says anti-Israel protesters intruded at his home at 4:40 AM: ‘Not peaceful’
University of Michigan regent Jordan Acker said masked anti-Israel protesters intruded at his home “with a list of demands” early Wednesday morning while his wife and children were sleeping inside.
In a post on X with more than 1 million views, Acker said a “masked intruder” showed up at his residence with a list of demands, “including defending the police.”
“My three daughters were asleep in their beds, and thankfully unaware of what transpired,” Acker wrote.
In a news release, the University of Michigan said more than 30 student protesters staged demonstrations at the private residences of at least one Board of Regents member and went to several other residences. The protesters placed tents and fake corpses wrapped in bloodied sheets on the lawn, marched and chanted in the early morning and posted lists of demands on doors.
The protesters hid their identities with masks. On social media, the university’s chapters of Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), Students Allied for Freedom and Equality (SAFE) and Transparency, Accountability, Humanity, Reparations, Investment, Resistance (TAHRIR) Coalition took credit for the demonstrations. The same groups were responsible for organizing the anti-Israel encampment on the university’s Central Campus Diag, school officials said.
Mr. Acker wasn’t the only U. Michigan regent subjected to this harassment.
Pro-Hamas extremists have set up an illegal camp on the front lawn of University of Michigan Regent Sarah Hubbard’s home.
This is harassment and trespassing that’d result in immediate arrest if anyone else did
— Paul A. Szypula
(@Bubblebathgirl) May 15, 2024
Students dump body bags covered in fake blood outside the home of one of the University of Michigan’s Regent’s, Sarah Hubbard as they harass her and set up an encampment demanding she meets their list of demands.
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) May 15, 2024
Here’s a local video report:
The school’s office of public affairs posted this response:
Early this morning, more than 30 student protesters staged demonstrations at the private residence of at least one U-M Board of Regents member and went to several others’ residences. Activities included placing tents and fake corpses wrapped in bloodied sheets on the lawn, marching and chanting, and posting demands on doors.
Individuals hid their identities by wearing masks. The following student groups, who also have organized the encampment on the university’s Central Campus Diag, claimed responsibility on social media: Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) at the University of Michigan, Students Allied for Freedom and Equality (SAFE) and Transparency, Accountability, Humanity, Reparations, Investment, Resistance (TAHRIR) Coalition. Additional social media posts followed on those same accounts restating demands directed at the U-M Regents.
The protesters began to disperse once law enforcement arrived on the scene.
The tactics used today represent a significant and dangerous escalation in the protests that have been occurring on campus. Going to an individual’s private residence is intimidating behavior and, in this instance, illegal trespassing. This kind of conduct is not protected speech; it’s dangerous and unacceptable.
The longer this goes on, the worse it is going to get. These people are becoming dangerously aggressive.
Featured image via YouTube.

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This will go on as long as people allow it to go on.
I’m gonna laugh if/when these sick c*nts start getting shot
To John Smith,
I hate to say it, but JR is right and you are wrong.
You cannot shoot trespassers.
It is illegal in every state in the union to use deadly force against trespassers.
you can only shoot someone, trespassers included, to protect yourself (or others) against a deadly force attack.
furthermore, you are not privileged to use deadly force if you initiated the confrontation.
Body bags and Pale terrorists, what an opportunity.
I think that since courts are not punishing these cretions, that they should suffer some sort of immediate pain. Dems make the process punishment, why not do the same?
Have you met commie democrat Stretchin’ Gretchen wHitler?
I am watching on YouTube right now “The Exodus Project: A Jewish Answer to the University Crisis”
Tikvah Fund
Where is the report of police being called?
Maybe the Regent knows they will do nothing.
It is ann arbor, liberalville is jealous of that slime pit.
Good. These are the tactics that the left has made acceptable.
Enjoy being on the receiving end.
Indeed. The University of Michigan prides itself on being woker-than-thou, and has long turned a blind eye towards bigotry and discrimination directed against “racists” (read: anyone who does not bend the knee to Karl Marx).
Why does everyone assume that these “protesters” involved in threatening acts are students? We already know that most of the arrests for violent behavior are of visitors.
True enough but, so what??
U Mich is where Martha Pollack came from.
We cannot continue this path by reasoning with immature, ignorant dolts. Ceding to demands brings more demands.
Masked and Hooded Anti-Israel Student Protesters shot dead after they trespass on my property. News at 11.
That is all.
“Any protestor found here at night will be found in the morning… at ambient temperature.
That may be a step too far as an opening gambit… though this idea that everyone should simply ignore that these ‘protesters’ are placing bags/tents/containers of unknown contents onto folks front yard/porch or inside buildings is Cray Cray. Especially when these ‘protesters’ disguise themselves to avoid being identified. Eventually one of these groups is gonna do something stupidly violent and then all bets and gloves are off. Unfortunately it will likely take a tragedy occurring before effective pushback by authorities begins.
Nope. You trespass and enter my clearly signed “No Trespassing/Trespassers will Be Shot” property in hoods, masks, and carrying bloody body bags you will be treated as an immediate threat to my safety and the safety of others that may be in my home and will be dealt with accordingly. No verbal warnings. No warning shots.
You can’t kill people for trespassing on your property. You talk tough, but if you ever did this, and you know this is true, you would go to prison, For a long time. So keep on talking tough.
This depends on where you are and rather you fear for your and your family’s lives. Also, where I live I have deep bogs and a large excavator
You are so dumb ! !
Poor Junior has nothing in life worth taking a stand over.
Just go be a good little serf, and let everyone else walk all over you.
And quit upvoting yourself. It’s a really bad look.
“We must confine protests to the untermensch districts” – unnamed regent.
But if you take selfies in the Capitol after the police let you in – INSURRECTION!!!
Obnoxious predations, thuggery and intimidation, acted out by vile, evil and goose-stepping Muslim supremacists/Islamofascists, and, their non-Muslim, Dhimmi-crat allies.
The Dhimmi-crat Party has a genocidal, Muslim supremacist/Islamofascists problem. They won’t deal with it; rather, the Party apparatchiks embrace this identity and gleefully court these constituencies, which means that any person who supports the Dhimmi-crat Party is directly supporting and enabling Islamofascist/Muslim supremacist Jew-hate, Christian-hate, Hindu-hate and all the other pathologies that are intrinsic to the supremacists, totalitarian, belligerent and pathology-laden ideology of “Submission.”
Yes, and one says they are aiming for the WH.
Smoke a joint or something you bloviating jackass.
You need to come up with some new material, you infantile, Islamofascist-loving, Muslim supremacist-rationalizing, Jew-hating useful idiot.
Your pro-totalitarianism, pro-Islamic supremacism attitudes and comments, entirely devoid of civility, rationality, intelligence and are exceedingly lame, stupid and tiresome.
You don’t have anything insightful or useful to contribute, so, you’re content to simply spew your moronic and infantile musings. No one here gives a damn what you think; you’re a reprobate and a fool, quite transparently.
Now, return to your kindergarten sandbox, to play with the other Hamas-loving children.
LOL — I fairly submit that a persistent apologist for, and, defender of, Islamofascism, genocidal Jew-hate and Muslim supremacism, such as your moronic self, is more of a “bloviating jackass” than the person who fairly criticizes that wretched ideology and its fanatical, genocidal adherents.
Your moral compass is totally warped, and, your brain is squirrel-sized, as your idiotic and juvenile comments reveal.
Why don’t you supply some marijuana to your genocidal, Jew-hating, Muslim supremacist and Islamofascist friends, “Thad?”
It might make them behave in something approaching a peaceful and civilized manner. Maybe they’ll renounce their desire to commit genocide, rapes and atrocities against Jews, Christians, Hindus and other non-Muslims.
Suck a d*ck or something, you bloviating jackass.
Thad Jarvis is an expert at sucking
The U. Michigan Regents have actively created this, and should not now be seeking sympathy.
If they are on your front lawn, are you allowed to continuously soak them with a garden hose?
We are seeing continuous proof of how the politics of appeasement works, as craven universities try to bribe universitry thugs with concession after concession. Notice none of this is going on in Florida. But too many states and schools are waiting helplessly for deranged students to get tired of their fun and games as Palestinians. Seems modsern academia has only bred idiots who support a regime that would rape, torture and murder them withourt a secobnd thought. There are no Winston Churchills on hand.
University’s conduct tells us more than avoiding a specific university, it is a sign to not settle in the state.
hope no one gets hurt
A masked intruder at 4am deserves to be met at the door with an offensive weapon.
But these sorts of rascally shenanigans have been invited by the regents of this uber-woke university, so my level of sympathy is in negative territory.
Time to reinstate anti-masking laws.
Past time to nip things in the bud.
Why don’t the regents just stage protests at the student terrorists homes? Camp out on their front yards, with loud speakers and videos of the horrid attacks from Oct 7th; present their list of demands (like effing go to class and study since that’s what you’re here for)? My demand would be that all of protestors be sent to Gaza to fight for their cause. Then we’d see how committed they were.
Now the regents know in no uncertain terms that they are considered a threat. They have been ID’d and the implication is that they could be a victim of violence. Of course Frau Eva runs Michigan, along with her own version of Himmler as the AG. So if you expect any help from the state forget it. They were probably the ones who fixed them in the first place. FJB
We need to strictly observe the “peaceably” part of the right to peacefully assemble. I will make reference again to Natural Rights. I suggest that, properly understood, any gathering at or near a person’s home is an implied threat, and should be treated as assault. I would go further than simply criminal trespass for actually stepping on the victim’s property.
I also agree that a person showing up on someone’s doorstep, masked and hooded, and placing provocative items on the lawn, should be regarded as a likely imminent threat. Legitimate use of force should be implied.
As far as not knowing the identities of the persons involved, of what consequence is that? We know the identities of the groups that organized and subsidized these acts, as well as their leaders, organizers, and funders. Charge them criminally to whatever extent is possible. At the very least, they should be compelled to identify their operatives.
a list of demands, “including defending the police.”
Did they mean “defund” the police?