Soros- and Gates-Backed Anti-Israel Activists Blocking Bay Area Roads Finally Face Consequences
The call for economic blockades aligns with Soros’s anti-American and anti-capitalist agenda.
On April 15, two groups erected roadblocks on major transportation arteries in the San Francisco Bay Area. One of them took over the 880 freeway in Oakland during the morning commute hours. Simultaneously, the second group stopped traffic on the iconic Golden Gate Bridge between San Francisco and Marin Counties.
The action was called by the A15 global movement whose mission was stated on their official website: “The global economy is complicit in genocide. Join participating cities in blocking the arteries of capitalism and jamming the wheels of production.” While the “genocide”they are alleging—the idea that Israel is murdering Gazans en mass to eradicate them—is pure fiction, obstructing major commercial routes like airports, bridges, and freeways undermines Western civilization and endangers our way of life.
A15 is not some kind of a spontaneously-formed grassroots outfit. This group’s “Bail & Legal Defense Fund” is handled by Community Justice Exchange, itself a part of the Tides Foundation. The latter is funded by George Soros’s Open Society Foundation as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Ford Foundation.
The call for economic blockades aligns with Soros’s anti-American and anti-capitalist agenda. Although A15 was more of an annoyance than a real obstacle to free trade — unlike, for instance, the Houthies who earned the admiration of the pro-Palestinian camp by halting Red Sea commerce — if left unmolested, their effectiveness may grow with time.
I previously argued that since he who controls the roads controls the country, any restriction on the free movement of citizens imposed by a political party is a warlording move. It doesn’t matter if the mobs in question use violent or non-violent tactics or, as is the case with A15 activists, cloak their actions in the shroud of “free expression.” While the militants have the right to speak, their passion for spreading blood libels does not trump my freedom of movement.
Although the A15 action was explicitly political, mostly unauthorized street and bridge closures across the Bay Area are not overtly ideological. Weekend sideshows that attract young people to gawk at car stunts are regular events here, ostensibly conducted purely for recreation, and often ending in beatings, shootings and the destruction of property. There is a familiar racial undertone—typically sideshows involve black and Latino young men wrecking havoc on inner city neighborhoods.
Sideshows are apolitical disruptions of movement—albeit the last such event on the Bay Bridge involved a man waving a Palestinian flag. That the lumpen proletariat is apparently siding with NGO activists on Israel should not come as a surprise to anyone reading the recent polls. Oakland is a solid Democrat stronghold and, led by their far left vanguard, ‘mainstream’ Democrats recently switched sides on this issue.
Although political and recreational road blocks are likely the work of different mobs, since the election of Donald Trump in 2016, both became an increasingly regular feature of life in the Bay Area. They rose in popularity during the COVID closures and ensuing BLM riots. The election of Soros DA Pamela Price in the East Bay Area’ Alameda County contributed to the culture of lawlessness of which sideshows are one manifestation. Because a sizable number of locals have finally had enough of criminality, Price is now facing recall.
The situation is better across the Bay where Brook Jenkins replaced recalled Soros DA Chesa Boudin in a special election in 2022. Jenkins charged the 78 individuals who closed off the Bay Bridge for an anti-Israel protest in November 2023 with offenses punishable with up to a year of incarceration. Unfortunately, the judge substituted serious punishment for five hours of community service and $4,500 in restitution. My bet is that community service will be done through the very NGO’s that plotted the disruption and a generous donor will cover restitution.
Still, it’s worth noting that the antizionist group has yet to block the Bay Bridge again. Instead, they go for the much more narrow and less essential Golden Gate Bridge.
San Francisco judges are notorious for dismissing criminal cases, including drug dealing, and the city has been suffering as a result. At this point, there is not a lot of awareness among the voting public about the role the judges play in turning this once beautiful city into a dystopian hellhole. In March, law-and-order minded candidates failed to unseat the incumbent judges.
Nevertheless, Jenkins is showing a willingness to penalize the individuals involved in blockades of public roads. The day after April 15, she announced that she would be pressing charges against the twenty-six arrested on Golden Gate Bridge for “unlawful shut down [of] traffic [that] trapped hundreds of people.”
The district attorney further explained that the group was “booked into custody on multiple misdemeanor charges and a single felony charge of conspiracy. Because they were booked on a felony charge and are currently in custody, a charging decision is due today by 4PM. That timeline did not give CHP enough time to complete the investigation.”
Jenkins vowed to continue investigation, adding “Anyone who was detained against their will (falsely imprisoned) on the Golden Gate Bridge on April 15, 2024 is urged to contact the CHP.” She explained that the drivers trapped on the bridge have victim rights under Marsy’s law.
Marsy’s law or the California Victims Bill of Rights was approved by voters in 2008. It amended the state constitution to give victims options to address grievances against offenders by using state power.
Since many Americans are expressing anger at the unlawful detentions on the roadways, California governor Gavin Newsom felt obliged to weigh in. His account posted “Thank you, @BrookeJenkinsSF. Free speech is critical, but it does not extend to endangering the public. People need to be held accountable for their actions.”
If Newsom, who is on everyone’s shortlist to replace the increasingly incoherent Joe Biden as a Democrat presidential candidate, intends to hold our warlording NGO minions accountable, he can lead the California Democrat supermajority in passing laws that would mandate meaningful punishment for these individuals. This way district attorneys can file charges needed to protect the public.
With Jenkins, San Franciscans have a DA willing to throw the book at the law-breakers. Unfortunately, the book is full of blank pages, and the judges are given the ability to overlook some of the worst transgressions. More needs to be done to restore peace and public safety in the Bay Area.
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Off subject but not really, I. Category of how nuts these thugs are and how they want to destroy everyone that doesn’t bow to these insane peoples
Really, where did these trailer trash, gutter lords come from?
Biden suing store that didn’t bow down to him , cause he’s embarrassed, no other reason…
It’s embarrassing when you act so gullible, gateway pundit really.
Speaks the dim-witted, resident dunce and useful idiot, LOL.
Apparently there are those who do not find it odd that Biden failed in a farcical attempt to one up Trump at an unannounced campaign stop and sued that very store chain the next day. I mean, who doesn’t want convicted felons running tankers full of gasoline down the highway or pedophiles working at the local convenience stores next to grade schools. Having a bank robber working checkout is perfectly logical.
Why would a bank robber be a problem at a convenience store? All the welfare money is in EBT cards, right? There’s no money in convenience stores, so he shouldn’t be tempted, right? It’s nuances, man. Nuances.
/sarc for the reading impaired
Also sarc…
Easy solution. Put the child molesters in the tanker trucks, the bank robbers next to the schools, and the other guys working checkout. Duh.
Are you saying the lawsuit is fake?
What’s far more embarrassing is that you post this kind of shit without even a shred of self-awareness.
Somewhere, a Stone-Age village in Britain is missing its idiot.
Unable to refute the actual news, BartE maligns the messenger.
It’s what they do. Including the ones who pretend to be on “our” side.
Pretty much nothing aligns the rabid Trump acolytes with the Democrats more than their tactics. Their lies, their gaslighting, their character assassination, their crazy.
BartE is a ridiculously obvious troll, and a rather dim-witted one, so it’s fun to see what he has to say (without any supporting link or attribution; BartE says it, so it’s so. Hilarious.).
I’m old enough to remember when you could hire who you jolly will pleased. That all ended in 1964.
You still can. If you check the right boxes.
No, this isn’t revenge for their doing all they could to help Biden not look too ridiculous in their store. (One can only do so much with Biden to help him not look ridiculous.) There is no way they filed this within 24 hours or so of that op.
No, this is a perfectly routine part of their attempt to tear down western civilization. And it isn’t the first time they’ve done this. (Nor was the bit with Musk the first time; they really want this carp to happen… because they just can’t grasp reality.)
They’re evil. They are stupid. Their religion (progressivism) tells them they are morally upright and virtuous. But this instance isn’t also one of seeking revenge. (At least not for Biden’s appearance there.)
Yeah, that part is dumb. For one thing, you don’t file a lawsuit on a 24 hour clock. It’s simply not researched enough to do that.
They just waited until after his appearance to file something they already had planned to in order to avoid any of those pesky 1st amendment hijinks that corn pop was likely to pull out.
These are just training exercises for the main event which begins at the DNC in
1- 2008 was Code Pink
2- 2012 was the occupy poopers
3 – 2016 was BLM but pretty low key as hillary was a shoe in
4- 2020 they weren’t taking any chances they went all in with BLM & ANTIFA
5- 2024 – will be the pro hamas genocide burning looting beating killing event…
During the 1992 LA riots, Reginald Denny taught me to never stop for an angry mob blocking a street. NEVER.
Yeah, they’ll be charged with parking violations.
Why aren’t the funders of these roadway shutdowns charged wity RICO violations involving violation of interstate commerce laws?
I’m not a lawyer and I’d sure like to know.
Because they are acting against the law to support the Left. The Left is above the law in all things.
Subotai Bahadur
Because they are part of the plan
$4500 in restitution, which I imagine is the total and not on any individual. That doesn’t even cover the cost of their day in court I bet.
And will any of the struck commuters or sick/dying people see a dime of it? What about the small businesses that lost revenue from it?
2024 will be crazy with lunatics crawling out of the woodwork.
It doesn’t matter if the mobs in question use violent or non-violent tactics
Don’t let the progs control the language! If they are blocking roads that is a violent tactic. Lawfare is also violence. They are doing their best to provoke, so that they can turn the situation around and cry “Oh, he hit me!” Just like a 5yo bully, holding his fingertip half an inch from your face, taunting you with “I’m not touching you!” If they are keeping you from exercising your normal life – work, shopping, etc., it is violence.
Do not let them get away with that malarkey.
$9 bridge toll to get trapped on bridge for hours??
CA is such badly mismanaged state.
$9? Pikers.
The Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel was $12 when I crossed it 15 years ago.
I just took the beltway around Houston a few weeks ago instead of driving my RV straight through the middle of the nastiest blue city in Texas, thinking, “Eh, how much could it be?”
Some enterprising lawyer will file a class action on behalf of every one who was unlawfully detained (kidnapped) and seek damages from the thugs personally.
Soros assisted the Nazis as a youth and now he’s funding their heirs.
Someone should call Gates out on his support for the Tides Foundation during a live interview. Seriously. There’s no excuse for this. I’m sure Soros doesn’t care how evil people think he is, but I think Bill still does.