Selfies and Milkshakes, Trump Mingles with Fans at Chick-fil-A in Atlanta
“I don’t care what the media tells you, Mr. Trump, we support you!”

Former President Donald Trump visited Atlanta for a fundraising event. During his visit, he made an unexpected stop at a local Chick-fil-A.
— Margo Martin (@margommartin) April 10, 2024
The atmosphere looked positive as Donald Trump interacted with patrons and staff at Chick-fil-A. Customers and employees surrounded him to engage in conversation and snap selfies. You could hear one woman saying, “I don’t care what the media tells you, Mr. Trump, we support you!”
“I don’t care what the media tells you, Mr. Trump, we support you!”
— Margo Martin (@margommartin) April 10, 2024
The people’s President!! 🇺🇸
— Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 (@alexbruesewitz) April 10, 2024
— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) April 10, 2024

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Trump ordered 30 milkshakes for the crowd, however, no money apparently changed hands,…was the owner stiffed?
I can answer that question with confidence: No, the manager was not stiffed. Had he been, that secret would not have lasted two seconds before becoming national headlines, with CNN and MSNBC doing in-depth reporting.
When you have real money you have people who do things like handle trivial transactions. Further, the cameras and reporters will follow Trump and his interactions with people, not his Factotums (look it up) as that makes better video than some guy at the cash register whipping out his credit card.
Plus, it was likely all arranged ahead of time. Somebody with Secret Service security doesn’t drop into anyplace without prior arrangements.
I don’t have to look it up.
Was speaking to Mark S …. don’t know why it show as a reply to you Griz.
Funny. I never see any comment like this from you when the meat puppet gets ice cream. I have never seen him pay for it either.
But truth to tell. When Biden does get one of his jumbo waffle cones, he engulfs it like Stormy Daniels trying to dislodge chrome from a trailer hitch.
But hey. Trump! Orange Man! Bad!
When Biden does get one of his jumbo waffle cones, he engulfs it like Stormy Daniels trying to dislodge chrome from a trailer hitch.
Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣
MarkS, do you think you are funny? You are such a jerk. If you believe the owner was stiffed, prove it.
Nope ever since the Hillary gaff (white running for prez her busses stopped at a restaurant whose owner (a supporter) donated free lunch for her and her entourage. A reporter made the mistake / genius idea of asking a waitress after, on camera, how much her tip was for the 2 hours of service. Zero. Suddenly a 10 second story became a big story.) any candidate with competent staff isn’t going to make THAT mistake.
To be fair, Hillary’s campaign eventually did tip the wait staff after the story broke. Just as they eventually compensated multiple print shops waiting months for payment for campaign printing after that story broke.
He’s been doing this his entire adult life in various venues or manner…because…it’s simple really…he gives a damn about American’s and wishes to help. The proof is what someone does, not what they tell you they do. Case in point:
The Husk is proud of his V8 Corvette but demands the rest of us drive asinine Duracell powered EV’s that aren’t the least “green”. Zero integrity with that one (and his Handlers)…they want control at all cost.
Trump is genuine, he personifies SISU MAGA….although some who are jealous or envious, or have been convinced he’s Hitler (because of stupidly believing the Propagandists by way of weak mindedness), will see this as a negative. Can’t fix the warped.
My cousin owns a private detective agency in the NYC area and he does security for different events. He has done security for some of Trump’s events in the past. After the social gatherings, he likes to take his team out for a few drinks to decompress. He wanted to do that after one event he did for Trump, but the bartender told him the bar was closed. As they were getting ready to head out the door, said cousin was approached by PDT to thank him for doing great job. He also asked where he and his team were going. He ended up telling Trump that the bar was closed, so they were going to another place. PDT immediately told the bartender that the bar was open, bought the team drinks, and then sat down with them to chat for at least an hour. He even asked them if he could sit with them! (Well, DUH!) For my money, Trump, for his foibles, is a real mensch who loves people and adores America.
Exactly…and terrific personal anecdote to prove the point. (Wollman Rink comes to mind, and that’s only one “little” example, bringing his own crews in to assist in the 9/11 aftermath is another.)
Since we are not electing “Pastor in Chief”…and all of us – if we admit it to ourselves – have foibles that had we’d been under that level of public microscope we’d all shrink back red-faced then slink away. For me the man gets a pass for being human. Even in his business dealings the Evil-Doers have found NOTHING to hang him on (he’s not that stupid to play fast and loose in business, too prominent, and besides, the man does have integrity). With that they have to make things up and torture what’s left of the law in order “to get him!”…completely failing their own bad character. Demented hypocrisy reigns with that crowd. Praying God protects him (along with that security detail in the picture who must be on high red alert at all times as the crazies are getting desperate).
“have found NOTHING to hang him on (he’s not that stupid to play fast and loose in business, too prominent, and besides, the man does have integrity)”
He and his businesses have been found liable for fraud multiple times, including persistent fraud. His CFO is in prison for perjury, The evidence of his crimes on the public record is damning. Not sure a story about him buying drinks really makes up for that.
Really. His CFO commits a crime, and is convicted. But not Trump?
Funny. I didn’t think people went to jail when their associates commit a crime.
Funny. Trump has never been convicted of fraud. Even including his sham EggHeadMoron show trial.
But yeah. Orange Man Bad.
I’ll bite…
Nope. None of that garbage is true, those “charges” are entirely fabricated in order to bankrupt him and stop his presidential bid. If they were true then the premise is his bankers and development partners were all stupid and duped. Hardly.
All what you trot out are nothing but a bunch of lies built on a false premise sprinkled with corruption and Lawfare…totally bogus to create a certain optic, that, apparently, the uninformed or TDS types choose to believe instead of seeing the forest for the trees, preferring to wallow in the weeds. You want it to be true…yet it is not. (Is Trump perfect? Are you?)
As for others folding…when the pressure is brought down on your house (usually armed to the teeth at 3AM) by the weaponized 3-letter shops let’s see how you respond/react as they enjoy entrapment and have endless resources (Gen. Flynn is only one example, and all that was fraudulently brought to bear against a man who was newly minted as a Uniparty enemy when he was tapped for the PDJT Administration.)
Check your facts, not your tone deaf belief.
I’ll add: He knows the game better than him having dealt with this type his entire life. In the end making up “laws” (aka Lawfare) to persecute the man is massively more egregious than anything his detractors have said about him Hypocritical projection on steroids (aka “We must destroy democracy in order to save democracy”, totally asinine.)
Lastly, PDJT is [metaphorically] selling them the rope they will hang themselves.
…knows the game better than “them”…autocorrect strikes again (see, even I’m not perfect – heh)
Are you really stupid enough to buy all of that politcally-motivated garbage?
1. The claim is that they have ‘nothing’ on Trump which is clearly absurd given the court cases that have gone against him
2 The CFO is the one who committed perjury not Trump
3. Trump is literally in court on Monday
4. Trump has been found liable for fraud on multiple occasions, including persistent fraud.
Saying orange man bad in a sarcastic way in light of the above facts is just plain dumb.
Lol that’s your argument that the charges are made up 😂😂 dude he has already been found liable for fraud. Even if the banks were naive that not a defence for fraud, also they relied on his fraudulent statements duh
Dude Trump would be convicted on the public record alone at trial, why do you think he is trying to delay all the trials. Because he guilty AF and his only solution is to become president. That’s his only play, not proving his innocence (becuase he cant) but delay.
Flynn was guilty AF, you’re just gullible
Are you really that stupid you ignore the mountain of evidence against Trump and think he is innocent. There fixed that for you
Do you listen to NPR?
Perhaps the NYT?
Maybe the Heimlick manuever needed to get that stuff you swallowed from your throat.
In other words, you seem woefully misinformed and have an opportunity to get back to reality, unless the TDS is malignant.
Name one other businessmanpoliticiancelebrity who’s been more scrutinized than Trump.
And yet he’s still free and still standing.
F*ck off, you pathetic dingus.
@steves59…Funny how strawman charges are created then entire “cases” are built around the falsehood, then, like clockwork, people believe it…then vociferously defend it (which is usually a sign of anarchy or self-delusion).
No, the charges – regardless of result – were/are political warfare, otherwise these folks would have done this to him before 2015 when they called him a friend (because…money talks and BS walks).
“Dingus”…I’m borrowing that…good word.
Actually it’s you that badly informed, your link don’t counter the facts I’ve stated in any way. Frankly your position is absurd, particularly in the context of the claim being critiqued.
Charges based on law can’t possibly be strawmen. Your welcome to claim that upgrading misdemeanors seems inappropriate but the fact is the charges have to have some basis demonstrated in court. It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out in court. You seem to be pre judging the trial, given the evidencewe already have and the conduct of Trump it’s entirely reasonable to doubt his chances
First, the DA’s novel theory that the one act of filing a single doc with a “falsehood” printed more than once on it is actually multiple acts deserving multiple indictments is not universally held, in fact it’s kinda seen as a cat fluffing up its fur to appear scarier than it actually is. It’s PR, not Law.
Second, quoting a ballpark real estate value when applying for a loan or mortgage has NO legal force. By Law, the bank is required to do their own, separate, evaluation (which they did) and not to rely on the applicant’s one, (which they didn’t.)
Third, “fraud” usually entails misleading another to your benefit AND their detriment. The Bank actually agreed with the Trump evaluation – separately arrived at. If Trump’s evaluation is a felony why isn’t theirs? If a Bad Loan harms some nebulous imaginary fourth party so is worthy of indictment the Bank willingly took part. Ignoring of course the factoid that a Bad Loan that makes money and gets paid back on time is – by definition – not a Bad Loan.
Fourth, every person who applies for a loan or mortgage with real estate as the basis estimates the collateral value. By common practice, an estimate that is wrong is not a felony. By this DA’s theory, every homeowner could be at risk of selective prosecution. Welcome to the Gulag, Comrade.
@BartE…Simple question: “Who’s the injured party?”
A: No one…therefore ZERO fraud. (regardelss what some want to believe)
2nd Question: “Who gets the penalty payment?”
A: Yeah, The State. Pure theft by the Criminals in Charge.
Nuf said.
“First, the DA’s novel theory that the one act of filing a single doc with a “falsehood” printed more than once on it is actually multiple acts deserving multiple indictments is not universally held, in fact it’s kinda seen as a cat fluffing up its fur to appear scarier than it actually is. It’s PR, not Law.”
This is factually incorrect, each charge is in relation to a different document.
“Second, quoting a ballpark real estate value when applying for a loan or mortgage has NO legal force. By Law, the bank is required to do their own, separate, evaluation (which they did) and not to rely on the applicant’s one, (which they didn’t.)”
Again this is false, there is no law requiring a bank to do there own valuation. Nor is this an escape clause for fraudulent data for said valuations. It is factually the case that key facts were deliberate made false to inflate the value of property. For example 10k sq ft going to 30k sq ft. Additionally there were years when Trump presented valuations when no outside party even did valuations, he just plain lied about it. So your just wrong in your entire statement.
“Third, “fraud” usually entails misleading another to your benefit AND their detriment. The Bank actually agreed with the Trump evaluation – separately arrived at. If Trump’s evaluation is a felony why isn’t theirs? If a Bad Loan harms some nebulous imaginary fourth party so is worthy of indictment the Bank willingly took part. Ignoring of course the factoid that a Bad Loan that makes money and gets paid back on time is – by definition – not a Bad Loan.”
Errr no the banks did not do separate valuations, this is just wrong (again) what they did was make adjustments to the valuations that Trump provided thinking that they were estimates (as opposed to fraudulent misrepresentations)
Your also ignoring what the harm actually was, given non fraudulent information the loan conditions could have charged higher interest or indeed rejected the loan(s) which is how the disgorgement was calculated. So once again your wrong about everything.
“Fourth, every person who applies for a loan or mortgage with real estate as the basis estimates the collateral value. By common practice, an estimate that is wrong is not a felony. By this DA’s theory, every homeowner could be at risk of selective prosecution. Welcome to the Gulag, Comrade.”
But it is fraud if there is a deliberate misrepresentation of the facts which is what happened. So your wrong yet again.
Simple question: “Who’s the injured party?”
The banks could have charged higher interest or rejected the loans. The disgorgement was calculated on the basis of a) lost interest and b) loans to make investments that couldn’t have happened without the loans.
2nd Question: “Who gets the penalty payment?”
and lol, this doesn’t have a bearing on the facts of the case which are damning.
The people writing those articles are way smarter than you, except perhaps in your own mind, and they confirm how much you have swallowed. Lose the TDS because it perverts your thinking.
Your comment would have a lot more weight if you had an actual point but you don’t so it doesn’t.
If you can’t actually counter anything stated its not really clear to me what all your huffing and puffing is for.
Not here to impress you, but to point out your TDS. That you cannot figure it out, shows how much the rot has invaded your brain. The mentality is expressed in the articles. Maybe try reading one of them.
It’s not a question of impressing me it’s a question of demonstrating your point. Which you’ve spectacularly failed to do so. Your not actually saying anything. I’ve read the articles here, some of them just aren’t very good
President Trump is a real man and likes to be around real men
And real people
Look up where Jennifer Hudson’s family went after the murders in their home…
When he went to the policeman’s funeral in Massapequa, NY, he stopped afterward at a landmark stand-alone burger place – All American Burger – and ordered $200 worth of burgers and fries for his entourage.
On a more somber note – Professor, do you care to address how Tucker seems to have gone around the bend with regards to Israel and Jews? I know he has helped you a lot over the Oberlin situation and other DEI matters, but he has gone into Candace Owens/Pat Buchanan territory.
It seems like a Tucker unbound is becoming Tucker unhinged.
He’s a weird guy. 90% of the time, he has thoroughly interesting, often novel ideas, expressed in an incredibly engaging way. But, that other 10% is often batshit crazy. It seems that the guardrails put in place around his show when he was still at FNC were…necessary.
Most geniuses have their 10%, it’s how they think outside the box and make the world move forward…
Are you aware that Targa is talking about Tucker and not Trump?
“Jews are under assault around the world, so @TuckerCarlson decides to stoke hatred by presenting false portrayal of Israeli Jews being responsible for decline of Christians in M.E. even though Israel the only place Christian population is growing”.
“ No reason anymore to give him the benefit of the doubt. I thank him for putting me on his Fox show many times. But something has gone extremely wrong with him.”
Tucker Carlson is an X-click-chaser. It’s easy to see what TC is doing. He defends America’s enemies and attacks America’s allies (Israel). There are not very many objective brain cells functioning in that pompous, washed-up talk show host’s head.
His guiding principle has evolved into a school of senseless contrarianism, which he reinforces with childish tactics.
$200 worth of burgers in New York…what is that like 5?
Six. One did not have extra cheese.
The photo at the counter makes him appear to understand what to do with money in an openly commercial setting. Our current President Alzheimers, not so much. Likewise with Vice-president Halfwit.
If you’re not from Atlanta, it’s hard to appreciate what a ballsy move this was by Trump because this particular Chick-fil-A is not on the outskirts of the city. It sets between three HBCUs that are home to some of the most strident, extreme progressive activists in the country and a neighborhood that is ‘rough,’ put charitably. This easily could have gone in an entirely different direction. But, Trump pulled it off.
Trump has all kinds of issues, many of which are frequently self-inflicted. But, what he does like few national politicians – especially GOP politicians – is connect with less affluent people, which is odd considering how rich he is.
” It sets between three HBCUs that are home to some of the most strident, extreme progressive activists in the country and a neighborhood that is ‘rough,’ put charitably.”
Funny how those two go together.
That probably comes from the fact that he did actual work for his father with other people who do real work. I used to work for a firm where the owners also did real day-to-day work. Best place ever. Management knew how others’ jobs actually worked.
My wife was born in Brooklyn. She says the key to understanding Trump is that he’s a typical Queens construction boss turned up to 11. If your on his crew and busting your hump, he’ll give you the shirt off his back. Do a lousy job, especially if it backstabs him, and you might end up in the foundation.
What saddens me is the appearance that Trump is still getting his advice from stodgy RINOs, people who don’t seem to realize that Chik-fil-A is no longer the bastion of MAGA that it once was to his avid followers.
Probably not, but the African American/Black residents of Atlanta and Georgia were probably impressed that Trump stopped there. Many years ago I worked in the Atlanta area and attended the wedding of a young lady that reported to me. It was a large church and her father the pastor officiated. There were probably several hundred people in attendance and only a few whites. The point is that there are a great many black Christians particularly in the south and I would not be surprised to learn that there is a lot of talk in that community about Trump’s visit to a location where probably all the employees and most regular customers are black.
Chik-Fil-A is also its’ workers and customers. Way more votes there than in the management suite.
I used to deal with construction sites in NYC. I dealt with one where the crew had just come off working at a Trump property, and they all raved about dealing with him (this was long before he entered politics). This was a mix of White and Hispanic workers. They told a story of when he came to visit the site; then a delivery truck with a bunch of pizzas came up for the workers, and then Trump came out and ate with them. He had a nice silk napkin which he used to keep the food off his no doubt very expensive suit.
Dad was a commercial real estate developer, similar to PDJT. Every Friday morning dad would go to the jobsite with donuts and coffees for the entire crew, sit with them and ask them to voice concerns so as to deal with problems then and there instead of 2 days before opening the doors. Rapport was important to him..which is why I can see the man’s integrity from the cheap seats when he does this sort of off the cuff act. It’s genuine.
Chick Fil-A…good call!
now you know why lefty is not
throwing away fjb just yet
they were able to use him in the 2020 “elections” as their
plausibility denial tool
they need him again for that
trump won in 2020 and the citizens of the usa were denied that victory and didnt have the guts that the blmplo did to take it to the streets
they wont in 2024 either
the military will now be given a different set of rules ala the 3rd world country we have become
you see it happening at the local levels with the police in many,,not alllll,, but many departments
the dei is here and nottt going away
just different wording ,,as per the usual mo of the tribalists
and dont worry about the gop
they will be screaming abortion as they raise that losing flag time after time
Like him or not, Trump is very good at retail level politics. He has a salesman’s knack of making folks feel comfortable with him and a showman’s presence to buttress it. This event was just another in a long trail of Trump doing his thing, glad handing effortlessly and getting free media. The best part is that even his legion of detractors can’t seriously claim that Biden could do the same without having a ‘Joe Biden’ moment of either some off the wall statement or turning into a roomba when he tried to depart.
leftists went batsh crazy after america WON ww2 and by using the advantages that a capitalist country has
so the over the top indoctrination via the schools etc took place
trump was the linear continuation of that victory over evil in 2016
so lefty teamed up with their lefty ussr connections ( nina janko ..imho) to create yet another hillary like attack for 2020
etc etc
hey murderer and lefty hero oj just died
watch the “Confusion” over how to handle the msm coverage of this
and THATTT is indicative of the lefty and their hold over todays america and the decline of the juchristian ethics in favor of
I think that I have seen the white woman in a dark suit in front of him before, her in Las Vegas. That woman was part of his SS detail. Their women look fairly solid. They are, but some of the bulk is equipment – guns, radio, vest, etc. the guys tend to be fairly large, so covering it up isn’t as hard. Wife recognizes his advance team when they show up. Jokes with them, and gets to the front of the crowd as a result.
Barely missed him working the crowd in the lobby one day. I dawdled coming downstairs, and we were caught in the elevator bank when we got to the bottom, until he walked by. He stopped and waived – she thinks at her. The whole group was moving fast, including Trump. Walking much more vigorously than I can, several years younger than he. In any case, he had spent maybe 20 minutes in the lobby talking to him and taking pictures with him. Told her that next time she thinks something is going down with Trump, tell me in time.
Let me add, that at least here, there are multiple layers of protection around Trump when he is in public. The big guys and heavy women right by him are invariably Secret Service. Here we have hotel security as an outer perimeter. And plenty of local PD right by.
Donald Tiberius Gracchus, Tribune of the People.