Researchers Warn of Mutant Monkeypox Strain with ‘Pandemic Potential’, Discovered in Congo Village
Health officials call for ‘urgent measures’ to contain the virus, which appears to be spread primarily through sexual transmission.

At the end of last year, I reported that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned that a more infectious mpox (i.e., the rebranded monkeypox) virus strain had been found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). It was spreading, and had a higher infection fatality rate than previous strains of the virus that had spread during 2022’s “Monkeypox Emergency“.
Last month, the World Health Organization (who) sounded the alarm about the DRC mpox outbreak.
Now researchers, who have studied the strain, are warning that it has ‘pandemic potential”.
The virus is a descendent of the deadlier clade 1 mpox strain, but has evolved to become even more infectious and better at evading tests than its predecessor.
The concerning discovery was made in Kamituga – a poor, densely populated gold mining town that is feared to be ripe for an explosive outbreak. So far there have been 108 cases.
Researchers who detailed the virus in a pre-print have called for ‘urgent measures’ to contain the virus and avoid a global outbreak.
‘Without intervention, this localised Kamituga outbreak harbors the potential to spread nationally and internationally,’ the authors wrote.
The study was published by medrxiv, and is a pre-print that has not been certified by peer review. However, the research tean’s findings about the virus being primarily transmitted through sexual activity is consistent with the transmission mode associated with the 2022 outbreak.
The Kamituga mpox outbreak spread rapidly, with 241 suspected cases reported within 5 months of the first reported case. Of 108 confirmed cases, 29% were sex workers, highlighting sexual contact as a key mode of infection. Genomic analysis revealed a distinct MPXV Clade Ib [i.e., the new strain] lineage, divergent from previously sequenced Clade I strains in DRC.
Predominance of APOBEC3-type mutations and estimated time of emergence around mid-September 2023 suggest recent human-to-human transmission.
The team expressed concern that the mobility of the population will led to the spread of this particular strain and assert it is a “global issue”.
“This is not just a Congo-centric issue, this is not just a sub Saharan Africa issue, this is a global issue. As we saw in May 2022, we’re all interlinked.”
The pre-print warns that the “local healthcare infrastructure is ill-equipped to handle a large-scale epidemic”, and calls for urgent action – including surveillance, contact tracing and targeted vaccinations – to halt the spread of the new stain.
It says there is a “substantial risk of outbreak escalation beyond the current area and across borders” because the mutations have emerged within a “highly mobile” population.
People, including miners and sex workers, frequently travel to Kamituga work, including from nearby Rwanda and Burundi.
The strain that WHO was warning about was reported to lead to the death of approximately 4.6% of those who were infected. The research paper indicates 2 of 148 patients died, for an approximate Infection Fatality rate of 1.4%
In a nutshell: As troubling as these developments are, it appears that measures related to the stopping the spread of sexually transmitted diseases will be effective with this new strain.
Given that the latest bird flu should really be called Low Pathogenic Bovine Influenza, the quest for the election-impacting, bureaucracy-supporting “Disease X” continues.

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Just in time for election season! We’ve seen this one before, but still I have Ebola on my bingo card if Trump pulls ahead in Pennsylvania.
A gain-of-function modified H5N1 is more likely for the election. But Israel could use Ebola to depopulate Gaza, since it only spreads by direct contact.
Nope. Not buyin’ it. “Researchers” and “experts” blew their credibility four years ago. It’ll be years, if not decades, before they recover it.
“Evolved.” Heh.
Yep, all by itself, no doubt.
Engaging in monkey sex is definitely not evolved.
How is there “pandemic potential” from a disease that is spread primarily by sodomy, and secondarily by intravenous drug users that share needles?
Can’t help but notice that these health organizations never seem to advise that the people at risk take any of the obvious precautions. For that matter, they seem to be avoiding mentioning entirely who are at risk from this.
Its like the entire intellectual Left, world wide, is deliberately trying to kill off as many homosexual men as possible. Based on their actions, its impossible to conclude otherwise.
For the first 20 years of the AIDs plague there was not a single research paper written that examined anal sexual transmission of HIV. NOT A ONE.
But we did have ANthony Fauci trying to scare normal people into thinking that AIDs would quickly become a “normal” sexually transmitted disease, which it never did, of course. Also, the AIDs researchers were “vexed” at the fact that there was no outbreak of AIDs among the Times Square hookers so they suppressed that information, too.
Hollywood TV producers/writers were vexed also.
I remember giving up on the show “ER” when they did a series of shows aimed at normalizing women with AIDS, contracted from straight sex. What a farce.
Meanwhile, the millions that were at risk, and actually suffering and dying from the disease, were not being warned that they needed to drastically change their behavior to lower their risk. In particular, authorities universally avoided telling the “gay” community that they needed to reduce their promiscuity.
So, while there were no breakouts among female prostitutes in Times Square, the men who regularly frequented Bath Houses to engage in sodomy with multiple, often random, partners were driving the spread of the disease.
Facts are stubborn things.
They did give us disposable toilet seat covers for public toilets because they knew it had something to do with men’s restrooms…
Being Africa, they will quickly spread Monkeypox around just like they did AIDS. They are not very smart & well known for liberal sex.
“They are not very smart”
Said without a hint of irony.
“Said without a hint of irony.”
Said without a hint of irony.
Here comes the Buttplug Mandate! And they’re going to force it on everyone … because monkeypox has nothing to do with homosexual guys or their ridiculous promiscuity and love of super-high risk sexual acts.
Yes thad jarvis is getting himself tested now.
Is that really the best you can come up with? I would think the genius who coined the term “muzzies” would be able to craft much more sophisticated insults. Oh well, keep bringing your A-material.
If you think he coined the term “muzzies,” you need to get out more. And more permanently.
“Derrr I know!”…scratches head above perpetually open mouth…
“I’ll imply someone is a homosexual! YEAH! That’ll REALLY get to him!”
Um… “Just don’t?” Why is this hard? Plus policy:
— Quarantine for leaving where the outbreak is for potentially exposed exceeding time for disease to become detectable if that’ s available, or run its course if now.
— Quarantine for known infected, til disease runs course. (Occasional celibacy has some benefits, they say. Consider it a juice cleanse.)
— Reliable detection makes both of those easier.
Sorry. Went a tad Great Barrington there.
Um… “Just don’t?” Why is this hard?
Well, FJB said “don’t” many times recently and no one paid any attention.
I can’t blame them.
I wouldn’t pay attention to a whispering madman either.
Well, even I can be more on point than Joey Mumbles.
It’s a low bar, but I at least know the idea is to get *over* it.
“Just say NO!”
Egads! Shades of Nancy Reagan. We can’t have that, now, can we?
Of course, “Just say NO!” solves a lot of life’s issues.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
We’re not supposed to say “no” for ourselves: it’s Gummint’s job to say “no” for us. My bad.
So 30 pct are sex workers and at least another 30 pct are their clients
And the other 30+ % are their other random partners.
Just sayin’
It doesn’t seem to have Pandemic potential for anyone who doesn’t have butt sex with monkeys.
Ahhhh, but you see … butt-sex with monkeys is part of next year’s K-12 common core curriculum, with mandatory field trips to bath houses and “special” public bathrooms.
Monkey Butt-Sex? Weren’t they a semi-obscure late-punk band?
Making a comeback, maybe, like so many things: measles, TB, drug-resistant VDs.
I didn’t know that any members of that band were still alive.
Micky Dolenz is still kicking, but at 79, I doubt he’s still passing monkey juice.
Not sure that would stop everybody.
So, is the Monkey the pitcher or the catcher?
Species-ist. What would Gaia say?
when everything becomes a pandemic…. then nothing is ….
The so-called experts destroyed the public’s trust with their “flatten the curve-safe and effective” lies. This is just more CDC fear mongering BS. Not buying it, not anymore.
I don’t see how a sexually transmitted disease could be used to force us to mail-in ballots etc., at least not by itself. Perhaps it could be used in conjunction with other diseases to ramp up panic.
Or maybe the use will be more along the lines of “welp this is Trump’s fault! He cut the budget for monkey sex response teams hurr durr!”
I, myself, don’t see how either. BUT I have come to realize that f___nuttery will find a way. Maybe somebody should make a disaster movie about that, if they can stay ahead of reality.
For years now these people have been out-doing even South Park in their creativity, and willingness to go way, way too far.
They will have to do a little gain of function so it spreads as easily as Smallpox did, back in the old days.
There go my vacation plans! kamituga is especially lovely in April.
Actually, the all-male Chinese dance troupe who visited there in January for an unannounced “cultural exchange” week of free performances reported it was even lovelier then!
No, we are not all interlinked, and if you were more choosy about who interlinked with, you wouldn’t have this problem.
“We’re all interlinked.”
Geez, Kumbayfreakinya, Go sell it to the gay Marines.
AIDS became so prevalent in Africa because African men are incapable of using either a condom or self restraint. Monkeypox appears to be on the same trajectory.
Any population that is so stupid as to continue to have unprotected sex (or sex with a frigging monkey {shudder} ) after being told for decades that “It could kill you” probably is better dropped from the gene pool.
Sadly, in America, we will soon be encouraged to support and cheer for monkey/guy marriages because “love is love”.
AIDs became so prevalent in Africa, and among heterosexuals, because anal sex is rampant among heterosexuals, there. The same reason that Haitians were among the first groups that had high prevalence of AIDs – gay men, hemophiliacs and Haitians. Does anyone remember the old AIDs joke?
What is the hardest thing about getting AIDs?
Convincing your mother that you’re Haitian.
Of course the sex is anal, this accounts for their darker skin.
I’ll be sure to wear a mask in public so I don’t catch it.
From what? Droplet mist from wild sex on streetcorners and alleys?
I see potential here for some new super heroes. Mutant warrior monkeys from Wakanda to go along with mutant ninja turtles from Japan. Mutant Ninja Turtles defeat the enemies and protect the innocent whereas Mutant Warrior Monkeys infect the innocent and protect big pharma.
cant be anything else
Climate change.
If you’re the type of man who enjoys sex with other men who are covered in festering sores, you could contribute to the monkeypox epidemic.
A virus that is spread sexually is not pandemic grade. In order to do that, it will have to be spreadable by casual touch on surfaces, like gas pump buttons, doorhandles, and paper money.
And boy would they love an excuse to get rid of cash, so that all transactions are recorded.
Arriving soon via our non-border.