Report: Israel Eliminates IRGC Terror Operative Wanted for Attacks on Synagogues in Germany

Israel allegedly eliminated an Iranian terror operative who was responsible for a series of attacks on the Jewish community in Germany, the anti-regime news outlet Iran International reported Monday. The unnamed slain operative, belonging to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) — Mullah regime’s international terrorist arm, was reportedly killed in a covert operation carried out in the Iranian capital, Tehran.

The slain IRGC operative was behind the 2022 arson attack on a synagogue in the German city of Bochum, the newspaper Israel Hayom reported. According to official German sources, the attack was carried out by the Iranian regime.

In recent years, Iran has been spying on Jewish individuals and institutions in Germany, including kindergartens. The Israeli intelligence agency Mossad has foiled several Iranian terror plots to target Jews and Israelis abroad.

The Jerusalem Post reported Tuesday:

Israel targeted and eliminated an Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) operative in Tehran, Iran who was allegedly involved in targeting Jews in Germany, Israeli media, citing an Iran International correspondent, reported on Monday.According to the reports, the eliminated operative had caused damage to Jewish centers in Germany. However, aside from the initial identification, no further information or details about the assassination or confirmation of who was behind it have been released.In Germany two years ago, it was suspected that the IRGC was behind three attempts to damage synagogues in the country. The incidents were synchronized to occur on the same night in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, according to Y-net.

Unconfirmed reports on social media suggest that the slain IRGC-linked terrorist was Ramin Yektaparast, a fugitive German-Iranian mobster who was recruited by the IRGC for terrorist operations in Germany.

According to the German public broadcaster ARD, Yektaparast, formerly a Hell’s Angels gang leader, is wanted in connection with “several attacks on synagogues” in Germany. [Read our December 2022 post about Yektaparast’s terrorist and criminal background here.]

Israeli officials did not respond to the supposed anti-terror strike in the heart of Iran, media reports confirm.

Qatar nixed deal with Biden admin to remove Hamas terror leadership from Doha

In another diplomatic blow to the Biden administration in the Middle East, the Arab Gulf regime of Qatar broke its previous agreement with the U.S. to kick Hamas’s top terrorist leadership out of the country, the Israeli media reported Tuesday.

The news comes as Hamas demands a ‘permanent ceasefire,’ in an apparent rejection of an Israeli offer of a temporary truce as well as freeing of convicted Palestinian terrorists in exchange for remaining Israeli hostages.

Hamas has been refusing to give the names of hostages still alive, raising concerns that most of them may have been murdered by the terrorists. Out of around 13o remaining hostages, only a handful are believed to be alive after nearly seven months of captivity, media reports indicate.

The Israeli TV channel i24NEWS reported:

Negotiations aimed at securing the release of hostages held by Hamas in Gaza have hit a roadblock as Qatar allegedly failed to fulfill its commitments in the process.According to Israel Hayom, Qatar was expected to take significant steps, including expelling Hamas leaders from Doha and freezing their bank accounts, if progress was not made towards a prisoner swap deal.The agreement between Qatar and U.S. representatives was seen as a crucial step in pressuring Hamas to accept the Egyptian proposal for a hostage deal and ceasefire.Despite the initial agreement, Qatar did not provide explanations for its failure to uphold its commitments when questioned by U.S. sources.

IDF making ‘intensive preparations’ for Rafah operation

With Hamas stalling negotiations, the Israeli military is carrying out ‘intensive preparations’ to storm the last-standing terrorist stronghold of Rafah. Hamas’s Gaza-based leadership is believed to be hiding in Rafah, using Israeli hostages as human shields.

The IDF has reportedly set up a tent city outside Rafah to accommodate Gaza civilians fleeing Rafah in case of a possible combat operation.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday reiterated his determination to capture Rafah and wipe out Hamas’s terrorist fighting force from Gaza — with or without a hostage deal. “The idea that we will stop the war before achieving all its aims is not an option,” Netanyahu said. “We will enter Rafah and we will eliminate the Hamas battalions there — whether or not there is a deal — in order to achieve total victory.”

The Times of Israel reported Tuesday:

The Israeli military’s 98th and 162nd divisions have been carrying out intensive preparations in recent days for future offensives in the Gaza Strip, including the looming Rafah operation.In a statement, the IDF says the two divisions are “working to strengthen readiness for the continuation of the war in the Gaza Strip,” and that both had gone over plans for the upcoming operations.The 162nd Division had operated in Gaza for six months until last week. It had most recently been tasked with the Netzarim corridor in central Gaza. The 98th Division had spent four months operating in southern Gaza’s Khan Younis, until it was withdrawn earlier this month.“The division commanders have completed the approval of plans for the next missions, and are now continuing to increase readiness,” the IDF says.The commanders of the divisions and their brigades have also undergone learning sessions in preparation for future operations, the statement says.

Tags: Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, IDF, Iran, Iran-Israel War 2024, Israel