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Projection Alert: Hillary Clinton Claims Trump “Wants To Kill His Opposition”

Projection Alert: Hillary Clinton Claims Trump “Wants To Kill His Opposition”

Epstein could not be reached for comment

You can’t make this stuff up. The least self-aware politician in the entire nation, Hillary Clinton (who is sometimes referred to as “Killery” for the long long list of dead bodies that float up in her wake) has just taken Democrat projection to a whole new level.

The rest of the tweet (x?) reads:

party is weaponizing the ‘Justice’ System against their top political opponent, says Trump wants to be a dictator.

“Trump was just gaga over Putin because Putin does what Trump would like to do: Kill his opposition, imprison his opposition, drive journalists and others into exile, rule without any check or balance.”

“That’s what Trump really wants… he only sees strongmen leaders. He sees Putin, he sees Xi, he sees Kim Jong-un in North Korea.”

“Those are the people he is modeling himself after, and we’ve been down this road in our, you know, world history. We sure don’t want to go down that again.”

Pretty sure she just described herself.

Who can forget her cackling glee in this infamous clip:

We’ve been treated to Joe “I am the Democratic Party” Biden opining in his infamous blood red speech about how Trump voters are dangers to the very “soul of our nation”; essentially, coming from the occupant of the Oval, we are enemies of the state.

And of course we know what the Biden administration is doing to round up, suppress, even imprison Trump supporters or even just parents at public school board meetings, not to mention the scandalous witch hunts that target Trump himself. Biden may be too far gone to actually want to see American voters dead, but you can bet that there are people around him, some of them Hillary’s people, who would be very happy indeed.

Needless to say, people had thoughts.

Yep, we wrote about this.

This is actually true, if conditional on his conviction in one of the many witch hunt indictments he’s facing.

And finally, here’s an amusing little montage I found on Twitter (X).


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The old bat should open a movie theater.

She’s one hell of a projector.

    CommoChief in reply to SField. | April 21, 2024 at 7:50 pm

    That or HRC is channeling a preacher; ‘The guilty flee when no man pursueth’.

    Ghostrider in reply to SField. | April 21, 2024 at 9:10 pm

    So Columbia University hired HRC to an adjunct professor last year, and just look at all the damage and destruction she was able to muster after only teaching one course.

      diver64 in reply to Ghostrider. | April 22, 2024 at 4:35 am

      In fairness to her, she was protested against by the crazies in the classroom so even she wasn’t safe there.

        SField in reply to diver64. | April 22, 2024 at 11:00 am

        I think we’re far beyond fairness at this point. The monsters she helped create turned on her. Seeing our enemies turn on each other is a good thing.

Like Jeffery Epstien?

Bitter hillary lost twice, to black man, and reality show host.

Obviously, Hillary is basing this on her personal experience

Halcyon Daze | April 21, 2024 at 8:35 pm

That’s rich. But seriously, all Hillary has to do is convince their small donors of their righteousness. The large donors are well taken care of already.

Someone please explain how the things she is saying about Trump are considered free speech and not construed as hateful, libelous and slanderous? Why is this disgusting woman allowed to live free and fully protected?

    Ghostrider, you asked, “Why is this disgusting woman allowed to live free and fully protected?”

    The answer is that Trump, when elected president in 2016, decided that Hillary needed time to heal and should not be prosecuted for her many crimes. So that is why. TRUMP is why.

      Shhhh. We’re not allowed to talk about that anymore, now that LI has gone all Trumpbot, all of the time. Next thing you know, you’ll be noticing that Trump gave a full-throated endorsement of Speaker Johnson a week or so ago, just before Johnson screwed us all, passing the Democrat agenda and drawing the endorsement and promised continuing support by the Democrats in the House, protecting him from recall – which is obviously another banned topic. Forget Speaker Jeffries; they don’t need him anymore, now that they have Johnson. (Cue the Trumpcult chorus, blaming it all on McCarthy – who didn’t have anything to do with it.)

      Ghostrider in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | April 21, 2024 at 11:34 pm

      Yes, you are right. Trump went easy on Hillary, Rosenstein, and although he fired McCabe and Comey, they were n3ver prosecuted .

      CincyJan in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | April 22, 2024 at 1:55 am

      You’re criticizing the man for not pursuing his political enemy? As far as I’m concerned, he’s a better man than Biden, Alvin Braggs, Garland, and pretty much all the rest of them!

      mailman in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | April 22, 2024 at 2:20 am

      This is pretty fucking stupid, even for you Fuzzy.

      I would have been right there criticising Trump had he gone after Hillary like Biden has been going after Trump because shit like that happens in banana republics!

      However now all bets are off. Fuck the Democrats, they started going after their political opponents so now it’s time to give it back to them times a million!

      They wanted to burn the house down to get Trump so let’s finish the job and burn EVERYTHING to the ground and go after every single Democrat involved in the conspiracy to remove Trump from office as soon as he won the election!

      Meanwhile pretend little c conservatives like Fuzzy get the vapours at Trump for mean tweets while Democrats purposely and openly set about destroying America right in front of their eyes!

      gonzotx in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | April 22, 2024 at 4:45 am

      That’s just ripe and vintage fuzzy
      I guarantee that no court would have convicted her once Comey publicly announced her innocence
      Clearly it would have been an international clown show of epic proportions

      Too big to convict. The wife of a still popular President?
      I can only imagine the daily headlines
      , cause as we all know the media is fair and balanced and not part of the intelligence community

      Get off your TDS… sad

      diver64 in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | April 22, 2024 at 4:54 am

      I believe that despite his rhetoric even Trump realized how damaging to our country it would be if, as President, he went after his political opponent. Biden has no such qualms.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | April 22, 2024 at 10:41 am

      Trump is the nominee. I will vote for the nominee over Biden any day.

      I am sick that Biden and his tyrannical government are persecuting Trump, as well as conservatives. I was never a fan of using political power to persecute and harm political opponents.

      So, Trump was 100% correct by calling to prosecute Hillary, but upon election, decided to not cause that level of harm to our country.

      But that didn’t stop the left from their persecution. That has damaged this country and has been so divisive, that I fear we will never recover.

      But Trump was correct not to pursue Hillary, and should wear that as a badge of honor.

      I am surprised that you of all people would hold that against him.

    Milhouse in reply to Ghostrider. | April 22, 2024 at 2:44 am

    Someone please explain how the things she is saying about Trump are considered free speech and not construed as hateful, libelous and slanderous?

    Because free speech means exactly that. There is no exception for “hateful” speech. There is an exception for factual statements about an individual that are both false and defamatory but opinions are fully protected, and what she said was an opinion, not a factual statement. What Trump wants, deep in his heart, is inherently a matter of opinion, not of fact, because it’s impossible to know it for a fact. It’s a conclusion, an inference, that she has drawn from things he has said, things she thinks he said, things she imagines he might have said, and what she thinks she would want if she were in his place. Conclusions are not actionable unless they imply unstated facts that the speaker supposedly knows, on which he based his conclusion. When all the facts on which it’s based are out in the open, it can’t be actionable.

    Why is this disgusting woman allowed to live free and fully protected?

    I am not aware of any crime she has committed recently enough for her to be prosecuted for it. The crimes that are well known happened so long ago the statute has passed. In 2017 there was still a chance of finding evidence of something within the statute, but Trump deliberately chose to renege on his promise to “lock her up”, and instead reached out to her to make peace. In fact he always intended to do that, and “lock her up” was always a lie; it proved to have been a big mistake. By 2025 I fear it will be too late to get her on anything.

No matter how many boxes of cheap Chardonnay she guzzles, Hillary just can’t get the taste of Trump’s nuts out of her mouth.

I’m not in favor of Trump killing all of his opponents when he’s reelected.
But if he decided to make an exception for Hillary, I’d look the other way.
Ooh. And Garland.
Almost certainly Schumer. And Maxine.
And Wray. And Clapper
And Alvin and Fani.
Aw, never mind.
Do what needs doing, Donnie.

Trump wants to Vince Foster his opposition.

When Buddy the dog was hit by a car, the Clintons gave the same statement of regret and grief that they did for Vince Foster.

    scooterjay in reply to rhhardin. | April 21, 2024 at 10:16 pm

    Vince Foster knew the “hole” truth. It was discovered in the post-mortem autopsy from the plane crash that killed him. It was in his skull and matched the wound a 9mm pistol would make.

      txvet2 in reply to scooterjay. | April 21, 2024 at 10:50 pm

      I’m not one to rain on somebody else’s fantasy, but my understanding is that Vince Foster committed suicide in Fort Marcy Park by shooting himself in the back of the head (twice). You might be thinking of another former “friend of Hillary” who was killed in a plane crash whose name escapes me at the moment. The name escapes me, (Ron somebody, I think) but as I recall, you’re right about the bullet hole.

Serious question: Why isn’t this vile, venal witch in prison already?

    Milhouse in reply to LB1901. | April 22, 2024 at 2:50 am

    Because the one time there was a chance to find evidence of a prosecutable crime and put her there, Trump decided not to. By 2025 it will surely be too late.

      diver64 in reply to Milhouse. | April 22, 2024 at 4:57 am

      There is no statute of limitations on murder but if someone can tie Hillary to one directly or through minions I’d like to see it. Much like Hunter I think she has managed to outrun illegality from any of her actions such as that mysterious $100,000 cattle future windfall.

    MajorWood in reply to LB1901. | April 22, 2024 at 10:49 am

    No prison wants her.

IIRC, Trump cashed her out. Vapid cretin has to be the worst “spouse” of any president in American history. Hope that Bill outlives her and tells the true story of how he made such a mistake.

Satan knows, Hillary knows and Bill probably knows.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to NotKennedy. | April 22, 2024 at 9:01 am

    Bill? Bill?!?? Write a tell on book after Hillary dies? That’s a joke, right? Because if Hillary gets any whiff of an idea that Billy might stop buggering little girls long enough to write a tell all book after she dies she’ll make darn sure he goes first. And I’m more than sure Billy knows that quite well. Hillary, she’s just that kinda lady.

    BierceAmbrose in reply to NotKennedy. | April 22, 2024 at 2:24 pm

    “Hope that Bill outlives her and tells the true story of how he made such a mistake.”

    No mistake. They are a match for the ages, in ambition, ruthlessness, need and opportunism.

    They both wanted to be president. He saw a calculating, relentless operative with the discipline and perception he didn’t have. She saw actual talent, and endless energy to do the politicking part of politics she’d never be capable of.

    Together, they could become president, but not so much be one. You could see the arrangement and it’s weaknesses in the “co-presidency” campaign and first term. She hand a full time job running the knife fights to contain bimbo eruptions, discredit opposition, corral “allies.” He was the charismatic face of someone cooler than Bush the Elder. Later, she can’t win because she can’t be the face people accept, while he can’t run the support operation they need.

Wow. Where is the Ministry of Truth when you really need it?!

Hillary is an embarrassment. She and Biden might soon end up with rooms at the same rest home. Nevertheless, you cannot be prosecuted unless you break a law. I used to think she should have been prosecuted for Benghazi, until I realized being incompetent is not against the law. The server thing was problematic. But high government officials have usually been given a pass foir infringements … unless your name is Trump. Our Repubs in Congress are simply not aggressive enough. The Dems run circles around them.

Start with Hillary.

E Howard Hunt | April 22, 2024 at 9:52 am

There’s nothing meaner than a closeted old lesbian.

Hillary should be the new head of NPR. She clearly understands the NPR business model, brand and journalistic mission.

destroycommunism | April 22, 2024 at 12:02 pm

she is as ruthless as pol pot

and as successful as hunter the artist

destroycommunism | April 22, 2024 at 12:04 pm

Hillary ran her campaigns just like her running the welfare state

she counted on others to do the job for her

Citing a conspiracy theory to claim projection. That’s wild

Slipping on her drivers, I’d say.