Our Own Little Gazas Week at Legal Insurrection
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Our Own Little Gazas Week at Legal Insurrection

Our Own Little Gazas Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

What happened in Michigan this week was disturbing and Greg Gutfeld’s take on it was perfect.

The radical left is more emboldened than ever.

Israel is not backing down.

This is not good.

Biden is making things worse.

Things are about to get even crazier.

This seems like a cause for concern.

Other world news.

Our media is broken beyond repair.


Trump defies the leftist narrative.

The entire system is allied against him.

More green insanity.

Democrats are so predictable.

That’s a real shocker.

You don’t say…

How curious.



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RepublicanRJL | April 14, 2024 at 8:11 am

I never thought I’d see the day when antisemitism, anti-Israel sentiment was on full display in America.

I never thought I’d see the day when the DOJ is more concerned about the Presidential Records Act instead of domestic terrorism.

American, it’s YOUR fault for electing the Squad.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to RepublicanRJL. | April 14, 2024 at 10:32 am

    Given that none of the squad members represent me, and in fact do not represent anyone in my entire state, no. It is NOT my fault.

    Antifundamentalist in reply to RepublicanRJL. | April 14, 2024 at 12:31 pm

    We don’t choose the candidates, not really. Remember that the DNC changes it’s rules mid-cycle to ensure the candidate they want on the ballot is on the ballot.

You might think the guy chanting ‘Death to America’ would merit round-the-clock surveillance by FBI or Homeland Security, right? Instead, they’re laser-focused on some geriatric grandmother who was standing kinda/sorta near the Capitol on January 6th.

Little Gazas are forming everywhere a Democrat mayor has been in charge for too long.

Imagine how many Muslim terrorists have sneaked into our country? Add that to these scum bags and there is now an anti-American army within our borders. Add into that toxic mix, billions of dollars from the oil sheiks of the Middle East and you have a wave of terror that the FBI has never even dreamed of. Our military is not trained to fight in urban America nor are our citizens prepared for mini wars in their neighborhoods. Large events like baseball and football games are going to be prime targets but who knows, they may go for malls and playgrounds.