MA Middle School Responds to Trans Student’s Threats of Violence With Anti-Bias Training, ‘Empathy’ for the Student
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MA Middle School Responds to Trans Student’s Threats of Violence With Anti-Bias Training, ‘Empathy’ for the Student

MA Middle School Responds to Trans Student’s Threats of Violence With Anti-Bias Training, ‘Empathy’ for the Student

“The district placed a higher priority on the transgender student’s comfort than the safety of 40 other individuals.”

A transgender student at a middle school in Watertown, Massachusetts, created a ‘hit list’ that included the names of other students and members of the faculty. The school responded to this threat by calling for empathy for the student and implementing anti-bias training.

Not only is this crazy, it is yet another case of selective justice. If said student wore a MAGA hat to school, do you think this situation would have been handled the same way?

The Daily Mail reports:

Leaked emails show how a woke Massachusetts school handled a trans student’s ‘hit list’ threat – anti-bias training and ‘LGBTQIA+ affinity group’

A records request has uncovered shocking emails of how an ultra-progressive Massachusetts school dealt with a transgender student who named 40 students and teachers on a ‘hit list.’

Watertown Public Schools, in the west Boston suburbs, did not expel the student. Instead, officials called for ’empathy for the creator’ of the list, anti-bias training and the ‘urgent’ creation of an ‘LGBTQIA+ affinity group.’

Parents Defending Education (PDE), a conservative group, obtained school emails through a public records request this week. They show parents were alarmed by the school’s lax response to the threatening situation.

The emails spotlight wider fears about the rising number of children who identify as trans and nonbinary who face bullying, and the small but worrying number of them who turn to classroom violence.

Casey Ryan, the PDE researcher who obtained the emails, said it was ‘irresponsible to an alarming degree’ how Watertown Public Schools ‘kept this student’s gender identity hidden from the public.’

‘Parents deserve to know why their kids were targeted and potentially at risk of losing their lives,’ Ryan told

‘The district placed a higher priority on the transgender student’s comfort than the safety of 40 other individuals.’

The ‘hit list’ was apparently discovered back in late January.

This is the letter that was sent to parents at the time, via the Watertown News:

Dear Watertown Middle School Families,

As always, I want to keep you informed when situations occur at WMS.

It came to our attention that a student made a list of people they were frustrated or annoyed with. While the intention of the student was not to cause harm, we responded by implementing our safety protocols thoroughly. We assessed whether there was a credible threat, including sharing this information with the Superintendent and the Watertown Police Department through our School Resource Officer. We have been working with the student and their family, who have been cooperative, to ensure their well-being and the safety of our community.

Earlier this afternoon, WMS administrators made phone calls to every caregiver of a student whose name was on the list to inform them. If you did not receive a phone call, there was no connection between your child and this list. At this time, we are informing you out of an abundance of care for our community.

Our counseling team is available to provide support and guidance to any student who may feel anxious or overwhelmed. Please be assured that we are dedicated to maintaining a secure and nurturing learning environment. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Caregivers, please speak with your children about the importance of reporting anything suspicious or concerning to an adult. Proactive communication is one really important tool we use as a school community to ensure everyone’s safety.

Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding.


Jennifer Chen Fein


You cannot convince me that this would have been handled the same way if the student in question was not trans.


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Gender confusion is a mental illness and most (if not all ) suffer from multiple mental illness. Most often , the gender confusion is the mechanism to cope with the other mental health issues.

Proper mental health treatment for the other mental health disorders will likely reduce the gender confusion affliction

    I have been told that just like homosexuality, gender confusion is perfectly normal.

    Also, a licensed mental health professional could lose their license if they claim otherwise.

Until these school administrators are stripped of their personal qualified civil immunity, nothing is going to change. Today, if/when the parent’s of that female victim sue the school, the only people who will really be punished are the taxpayers. That has to change.

    CommoChief in reply to TargaGTS. | April 24, 2024 at 6:42 pm

    IMO all qualified immunity should come down to who is gonna take the hit on liability. If the employee does X and X is the policy then the employee did what the employer wanted them to do. THAT fact should then make the employer policy the issue and the blame for X falls upon the school district or Law Enforcement Agency which developed, reviewed, implemented and maintained X practice by official policy. Hold the employer accountable or hold the employee accountable but someone gotta be accountable for X.

” a transgender student named 40 students and teachers on a ‘hit list.’”

40 people? The kid is probably only directly exposed to a few more than that per day and they just forgot a few when they made their list, so they are a threat to everyone.

Society shouldn’t be walking on eggshells trying to keep the mentally ill from exploding. Instead the threat must be neutralized by removing the problem from the general population.

Recognize the illness as an aberration to society. Isolate and treat it.

Good Lord. I predicted this as a joke over at Instapundit.

A joke.

Which is what the schools are run by.

Trans sex offenders need to be isolated from society.

The liability insurance carrier should be cancelling its coverage as fast as it possibly can.

And parents continue to donate their children to the government schools.

BierceAmbrose | April 24, 2024 at 10:31 pm

Good gravy, I can’t decide whether that letter is more vapid, smug, or self-congratulatory. Embrace the healing power of “and” I suppose.

The particular mental illness that is being described is gender dysphoria, also known by its older name gender dysphoric disorder. It’s a subset of major depressive disorder. True gender dysphoria is a rare condition, affecting 0.5 to 1.3% of the population in literature, though I suspect this is far overstated, given the propensity of over-diagnosis of “in-vogue” mental illnesses like ADHD, autism in waves of parental fads of the last four decades. Given what I have seen, I would say the actual rate probably is somewhere closer to half of that range, if even that high. It must be remembered that gender dysphoria IS a form of major depressive disorder, and just using surgery and hormone treatment will NOT treat the underlying depression that these patients suffer. The hormone therapies themselves are known to have their own, horrific adverse event profiles that can exacerbate underlying psychiatric conditions, as can the pressures and permanency of surgery. Funny how nobody ever talks about that last subject.

Company I work at, we had this woman who was approaching retirement, was very alcoholic, and clearly losing her faculties. Any time anyone tried to help her fix one of her mistakes, she falsely accused them of racism. Was very loud about it, and several times became physically abusive.

Result: The entire company had to sit through “diversity training”, where we learned that only white people could be racist and only men could be sexist.

Things went downhill fast after that.

We went from having one problem employee, that would have been fired were it not for her privileged pigmentation, to having to field new complaints from a variety of employees pretty much every week for the next few years.

E Howard Hunt | April 25, 2024 at 5:49 am

For the sake of our republic all sexual deviants must be kept in solitary confinement for life. Also, our water must not be contaminated by unholy, communist fluoride which saps the vigor of our essential fluids.