Maine Gov. Janet Mills signed LD227 into law, which makes it a “sanctuary” state for abortions and child mutilation.
LD 227 defines child mutilation as:
“Gender-affirming health care services” means all supplies, care and services of a medical, behavioral health, mental health, surgical, psychiatric, therapeutic, diagnostic, preventive, rehabilitative or supportive nature, including medication, relating to the treatment of gender dysphoria and gender incongruence in accordance with the accepted standard of care as defined by major medical professional organizations and agencies with expertise in the field of gender-affirming health care…”
Legally protected health care activity:
A. The exercise and enjoyment or attempted exercise and enjoyment by any person of the right secured by this State to gender-affirming health care services or reproductive health care services; and
B. The provision or attempted provision of gender-affirming health care services or reproductive health care services that are authorized under the laws of this State and that are provided in accordance with the applicable standard of care by a health care practitioner licensed under the laws of this State and physically present in this State, regardless of whether the patient is located in this State or whether the health care practitioner is licensed in the state where the patient is located at the time the services are rendered.
What don’t I see in the bill? Parents or legal guardians. It is vague. Maine’s informed consent to health care treatment statute looks like any other statute.
But we all know the left is trying to keep parents away from minors who want to have abortions or change their bodies.
Maine House Republicans spokesperson said:
“This is a really bad law that will promote interstate child trafficking and kidnapping. Police will be prevented from asking questions, investigating, responding to Amber alerts, and honoring judicial orders from other states. Children can be brought here without their parents knowledge or consent, by anyone. This law also creates dangerous loopholes that can be exploited by online predators. By excluding parental rights the safety and wellbeing of children is diminished.”
Nothing in the bill says the minor must have permission from a parent or legal guardian. I found this on page 8, which seems to be instructions on how to become a citizen of Maine easily (emphasis mine):
2. Program established. The Address Confidentiality Program is established to protect victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking or human trafficking and; minor victims of kidnapping; and reproductive or gender affirming health care services practitioners by authorizing the use of designated addresses for such victims and practitioners. The program is administered by the secretary under the following application and certification procedures.
A. Upon recommendation of an application assistant, an adult person, a parent or guardian acting on behalf of a minor or a guardian acting on behalf of an incapacitated person may apply to the secretary to have a designated address assigned by the secretary to serve as the person’s address or the address of the minor or incapacitated person.
B. The secretary may approve an application only if it is filed with the office of the secretary in the manner established by rule and on a form prescribed by the secretary. A completed application must contain:
(1) The application preparation date, the applicant’s signature and the signature and registration number of the application assistant who assisted the applicant in applying to be a program participant;
(2) A designation of the secretary as agent for purposes of service of process and for receipt of first-class mail;
(3) The mailing address where the applicant may be contacted by the secretary or a designee and the telephone number or numbers where the applicant may be called by the secretary or the secretary’s designee; and
(4) One or more addresses that the applicant requests not be disclosed for the reason that disclosure will jeopardize the applicant’s safety or increase the risk of violence to the applicant or members of the applicant’s household.
It’s quite disgusting that Maine put child mutilation and abortion in a provision with kidnapping, child sexual assault, etc.
However, I *hope* the part I highlighted means a parent or legal guardian must sign off on any medical procedure in Maine. But then again…this just talks about the address change.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
No prosecuting or suing our doctors because of the illegality of the acts in other states, is a good idea.
Make what you don’t like also against Maine law and it’s prohibited.
A state sovereignty move.
Once upon a time in america, back in a different era, the 1st rule for doctors was “do no harm”.
Now the 1st rule for doctors is never admit a mistake?
The Hippocratic Oath had to be tossed because it forbids abortions.
More like the hypocrite oath nowadays.
We are seeing one-upmanship rivalry amongst Democrat controlled states to see which can pass to most progressive laws. Assisted suicide is out there but none has gone Full-Canada/Full-Holland yet. The states are “laboratories”….just more Wuhan these days.
Exactly. Junior just can’t fit the whole federalism concept into her puny, addled brain.
I’dI’d actually be all for assisted suicide for Democrats in their blue States
This is exactly what Donald Trump wanted. Leave it to the states to decide.
Put down the crack pipe, hunter.
Decide to shelter Mengele-level experiments on children?
So then you have no problem with Arizona not allowing abortions except to save the life of the mother and if anyone assists in helping a woman murder her unborn child he can be charged with murder just like the mother, right?
“….with the accepted standard of care as defined by major medical professional organizations and agencies with expertise in the field of gender-affirming health care…””
Anyone else see the elephant munching away in this statement? The so called experts were shown by the release of the WPATH files to have zero expertise that would stand up to any true scrutiny. Rubber stamping procedures without any regard to long term consequences is hardly reassuring that true medical care is being practiced.
The left has found a new way to indulge their dreams of eugenics. They will do everything they can to keep that dream alive.
Do they think that this would protect against outraged parents who had these things done to their children without their knowledge and against their consent?
Does this bill protect doctors who commit malpractice, and keep them from getting sued? It seems like that is part of the purpose.
Does it protect them when they convince a minor to get surgically altered, and the minor later realizes that he/she is now sterile and committed to lifetime hormones etc?
If it protects doctors who mutilate children for body dysmorphia, yes, it shields doctors guilty of malpractice. It’s like providing stomach-stapling for anorexics — it reinforcing, rather than treating, an emotional problem.
Accidents happen EVERY DAY.
This really takes balls.
Article IV Section 1: Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof.
Would someone please explain to me how this law doesn’t violate the Full Faith & Credit clause of the U.S. Constitution?
both the dems and the gop have protected the medical professions faults to the detriment of the feeble public
This law also legalizes the state of Maine kidnapping children who come here from out of state and say they want to change gender. Even if they don’t come with a parent.
So Maine has essentially gone into the human trafficking business.
The Democrat leg Legislature and Janet Mills are evil.
They legalized killing babies in the moments before birth, do anything they can to make sure adults in schools can talk about sex with children, (we used to call that pedophilia) and the DHHS they run has the worst record in the country regarding the care of children in the foster care system.
The state of Maine is the first state to fully legalize murder.
Okay, folks, here’s the reality of things: if a physician or any other health care professional is licensed in another state and does something that might be permitted under this law in Maine but prohibited in that other state, they can still be disciplined by that other state. The State of Maine, under any reciprocation of licensure, would then be compelled to discipline the license of that health care professional under any interstate licensing compact they may be party to. It’s a required component of those agreements. Whether it results in loss of license is up to the individual boards based on severity, etc., but Maine cannot prevent that from happening. So an act permitted in Maine could have severe consequences in other states for physicians and health care professionals who think they are off the hook. Newsflash: THEY WON’T BE.