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Ilhan Omar’s Daughter Arrested at Anti-Israel Protest at Columbia University

Ilhan Omar’s Daughter Arrested at Anti-Israel Protest at Columbia University

“We will stand resolute until our demands are met. our [sic] demands include divestment from companies complicit in genocide, transparency of @Columbia’s investments and FULL amnesty for all students facing repression.”

Isra Hirsi, the daughter of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), was arrested on Thursday during a large anti-Israel protest at Columbia University, just as the school president was answering questions from congress about antisemitism at the school.

Hirsi was also suspended from Barnard College, a women’s college that’s affiliated with Columbia.

FOX News reports:

Rep. Ilhan Omar’s daughter arrested and released amid NYC anti-Israel protests at Columbia University

The daughter of U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., was arrested Thursday at anti-Israel protests at Columbia University, law enforcement sources told Fox News.

Isra Hirsi was in the custody of the New York Police Department and put into flex cuffs or zip ties and will face trespassing charges, according to sources. She was among more than 100 people issued a summons for trespassing, the NYPD said.

Hirsi was released hours later from NYPD headquarters.

Earlier in the day, Hirsi said she was suspended from Barnard College, located near Columbia, for “standing in solidarity with Palestinians facing a genocide.”

“Those of us in Gaza Solidarity Encampment will not be intimidated,” she wrote on X. “We will stand resolute until our demands are met. our [sic] demands include divestment from companies complicit in genocide, transparency of @Columbia’s investments and FULL amnesty for all students facing repression.”

Dozens of anti-Israel activists began protesting at Columbia University Wednesday morning, creating an encampment on the main lawn in protest of Israel’s war against Hamas. Fiery protests continued into the overnight hours with calls for an intifada and the death of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Barnard College addressed the situation in an update:

Dear Barnard Community Members,

As many of you already know, during the early hours of Wednesday, April 17, 2024, a group of Columbia and Barnard students set up an unauthorized encampment on Columbia’s South Lawn with the stated intention to remain. We want to share information directly with you about the University and College responses to this unauthorized encampment.

Before noon on April 17, Columbia made multiple requests that students participating in the unauthorized encampment leave the lawn. A number of Barnard Senior Staff also went to the lawn to ask Barnard students participating in the encampment to leave and to advise Barnard students that they would be subject to sanctions at Barnard if they did not leave the encampment.

Members of the Barnard Senior Staff provided participants in the unauthorized encampment with written warnings at approximately 7 p.m. on April 17. These written warnings stated that students would receive interim suspensions if they did not leave the encampment by 9 p.m. on April 17.

This morning, April 18, we started to place identified Barnard students remaining in the encampment on interim suspension, and we will continue to do so.

Hirsi posted this to Twitter/X:

The scene at Columbia was pretty crazy.

Featured image via YouTube.


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thalesofmiletus | April 19, 2024 at 9:09 am

This is my shocked face.

    SeiteiSouther in reply to thalesofmiletus. | April 19, 2024 at 10:22 am

    This is a generation whom have never been told “no”.

    Wake up, Little Miss Sunshine, it’s time for your reality check.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to SeiteiSouther. | April 19, 2024 at 12:37 pm

      With my children it was attitude adjustments. We love our children for their potential, in spite of the fact that is a painful process getting them to strive to achieve their potential.

      In this case there is little potential

    Virginia42 in reply to thalesofmiletus. | April 19, 2024 at 11:50 am

    Another village, missing its idiot.

    Omar, which most likely is not her real name, should be arrested and deported. Powerline did a great deep dive into her which includes lying on student loan applications and marrying her brother.

      Milhouse in reply to diver64. | April 20, 2024 at 5:50 am

      She is a US citizen, so she can’t be deported, no matter what she did. There is no indication of any flaw in her naturalization; and if it was valid it can’t revoked.

      A far as arresting her is concerned, her last documented crime is probably past the statute of limitations. She may have committed more recent ones, but I’m not aware of any evidence of such.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to thalesofmiletus. | April 19, 2024 at 6:18 pm

    Somalin’s and practice female genital multination, so when any are arrested a doctor should examine them, and charges brought against their parents. There was a doctor in Detroit who was butchering pubescent girls. They let him off. Maybe tis kind of abuse has something to do with both Omar and her daughter, Isra Hirsi’s mental condition.

      Milhouse in reply to JohnSmith100. | April 20, 2024 at 6:05 am

      They let her off, and the reason was that at the time Michigan had no law against it, and the federal law was unconstitutional because there is no interstate market in this, so Congress has no authority to regulate it. Michigan has since passed a law.

The Gentle Grizzly | April 19, 2024 at 9:10 am

The tolerance for people like her is growing tiresome.

    I wouldn’t be so quick on this. Children are a product of their upbringing. Her mother is a terrorist loving, American hating anti semite. It’s no wonder the daughter turned out like she did. The daughter has time to change.

Now, just to be clear, which “marriage” produced this child, her fraudulent marriage to her brother or the other one?

    Camperfixer in reply to Concise. | April 19, 2024 at 9:46 am

    Doubtful Omar knows.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Concise. | April 19, 2024 at 12:11 pm

    That is one U G L Y thing…. So is the daughter.


    She looks like she fell out of the ugly tree, hitting every branch along the way. Between this nastiness and Heels Up Harris’ progeny, I don’t know which is uglier.

    No wonder they have to marry their brothers.

    diver64 in reply to Concise. | April 19, 2024 at 1:07 pm

    The brother fraud marriage as near as I can tell was for immigration only as she had another boyfriend at the time or something like that

    caseoftheblues in reply to Concise. | April 19, 2024 at 1:19 pm

    Daughter… niece…?? It’s all so confusing

      The Gentle Grizzly in reply to caseoftheblues. | April 19, 2024 at 1:51 pm

      Now, now…! That’s not niece.

      thalesofmiletus in reply to caseoftheblues. | April 19, 2024 at 4:40 pm

      Well, they still practice cousin-marriage in the Islamic world, so yeah.

        Milhouse in reply to thalesofmiletus. | April 20, 2024 at 6:17 am

        We practice cousin marriage here in the USA, thank you very much. It’s less common now than it used to be, but it’s still completely normal and acceptable.

        Siblings not so much, but it was a sham marriage that existed only on paper. They never lived together for even a day.

    Milhouse in reply to Concise. | April 20, 2024 at 6:13 am

    The “marriage” to her brother was, as you say, a sham, so obviously it could not produce a child.

    Her first husband is the father of all her children. The entire time she was supposedly married to her brother she was living with her real husband, presenting herself to society as his wife, and they filed joint tax returns. Their divorce was a sham, as was their subsequent remarriage after she purported to divorce the brother.

    Ironically she’s since divorced him for real, and married a white infidel.

I am troubled to know that the vile, duplicitous Anti-American Omar reproduced.

E Howard Hunt | April 19, 2024 at 9:37 am

The world would be sane if Britain had made peace terms with Germany early in the war.

So, this wasn’t just a protest, but violent harassment of other students. The “news” articles have been whitewashing the actions of the students. This makes them sound like the students were merely talking.

I knew if it came to actual university action that there had to be something besides speech going on.

    Camperfixer in reply to Valerie. | April 19, 2024 at 9:50 am

    The media shades everything to obfuscation with anything they deem purposeful as a means to their deranged end so that what really happened is never known except to an actual observer on scene. These people are violently pushing their demented narrative and the media covers it up because they are in the same boat (different deck).

Apples-Tree…shows the rot within that incestuous family. Deport them all…except…Minnesotans keep voting her in. Can’t fix the willfully stupid.

    Milhouse in reply to Camperfixer. | April 20, 2024 at 6:20 am

    Also can’t deport US citizens. The mother was legitimately naturalized. The daughter was born here. Both citizens, so we’re stuck with them.

Ilhan Omar’s daughter is crazed extremist.

    CommoChief in reply to smooth. | April 19, 2024 at 11:04 am

    Compared to her contemporaries? Not really. These privileged weirdos on campus believe they are victims of oppression from some nefarious other. I steal and Jews are a convenient proxy for what they actually hate; Western Civilization.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to smooth. | April 19, 2024 at 6:34 pm

    bad genes, Isra Hirsi can’t help it, she and others need to go. That will require numerous changes in law.

Maybe time for the Jewish Defense League.

So… is this also her niece?

Put her in Guantanamo.

She’s one of Biden’s Brownshirts. She’ll receive no significant sanctions or punishment.

Is this daughter a product of Omar’s marriage to her brother?

    Milhouse in reply to UJ. | April 20, 2024 at 6:23 am

    Why do people keep saying that? HER MARRIAGE TO HER BROTHER WAS A SHAM. Therefore it could not have produced any children. For the entire duration of that “marriage” she was living with her real husband, the father of her children, whom she has only recently divorced for real.

    The HusBrother is a “dandy” and doubtfully even virile. His family name is not Omar and neither is Ilhan’s family name Omar. She came to America under false pretenses and has remained, under false pretenses, thereafter.

CaliforniaJimbo | April 19, 2024 at 1:04 pm

No hijab?

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | April 19, 2024 at 1:37 pm

DEI Amy Carter.

“in protest of Israel’s war against Hamas”

But not Hamas’ war against Israel?

They demand a ‘ceasefire’, but neglect to recognize that there was a ceasefire. Hamas broke it on 7 Oct. Or that Hamas could have an immediate ceasefire if they laid down their weapons and returned the hostages or their remains,

This is why it is abundantly clear that what they claim to be doing is so obviously disingenuous, deceitful, and obviously has little if anything to do with the suffering of “innocent Gazans’, assuming they actually exist.

Steven Brizel | April 19, 2024 at 4:40 pm

Those arrested should have spent at least one night in Rikers

“Hirsi was released hours later from NYPD headquarters.”
Don’t they have a Gulag, like DC has? They need one.

IMO the President and Board of Trustees of Columbia should all be removed. I saw an interview with a Jewish student, who was clearly scared about going to class and walking on campus. Has this leadership no shame? Their duty is to provide a safe and welcoming learning environment for all students. Given that Hamas is a designated terrorist organization, all of these demonstrators could be rolled up by the FBI and ones here on visas expelled, except that the Democrats want this. If they are organized and funded by outsiders RICO might apply.

Has she been married, in her faith tradition, to uncles, brothers/sisters or total strangers for “special” advantages or purposes, yet?

What a great gig … she can get away with almost anything. She can do all she wants knowing that she’s under the cover of her mom as a Congress-person and because of that people will be hesitant to criticize her, and if that doesn’t work she can claim that she’s being singled out because of political reasons and if that doesn’t work she can claim racism because of her skin color.

She will never be self responsible … ever …

    Milhouse in reply to PODKen. | April 21, 2024 at 7:13 am

    No, she can’t. She may think she can, but being arrested by cops who don’t care who her mother is, may have dented that illusion.