Biden Fiddles While the Country Burns Week at Legal Insurrection
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Biden Fiddles While the Country Burns Week at Legal Insurrection

Biden Fiddles While the Country Burns Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Once again, Biden is putting the priorities of the far left over real problems the country is facing.

All he cares about is votes.

Democrats are becoming victims of their own policies.

The effort to ‘get’ Trump continues.

As does the conflict in Israel.

This is on Biden.

Other world news.

And now, the world of sports.

We have a serious problem in this country.

California seems so lost.

Pure projection.

New York is still getting worse.

Sure you don’t.

She really is terrible.

You don’t say…


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“Biden fiddles.”

Well, he used to fiddle—in the old days—at the Grand Ole Opry with his uncle Finnegan. But these days he can no longer walk and chew gum. So what I think you are referring to is “Biden twiddles”.

JohnSmith100 | April 28, 2024 at 5:18 pm

We are lucky that technology does not exist for Dems to use Biden’s empty husk when he dies.

BierceAmbrose | April 30, 2024 at 5:34 pm
