Assistant Professor Removed by Police for Disrupting Ann Coulter Speech at Cornell
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Assistant Professor Removed by Police for Disrupting Ann Coulter Speech at Cornell

Assistant Professor Removed by Police for Disrupting Ann Coulter Speech at Cornell

“I really appreciate you coming in and talking about these issues, that way I get to know how many racist people belong to this University.”

Conservative commentator and author Ann Coulter spoke at Cornell University this week and the event was disrupted by an assistant professor at the school. The last time Coulter spoke at Cornell, her alma mater, student protesters caused such a ruckus that the event was cut short.

The left simply cannot allow conservatives to speak on campus without interruption. They prove it on a regular basis.

The Cornell Daily Sun reports:

Ann Coulter ’84 Appearance Leads to Faculty Arrest

Ann Coulter ’84, a controversial conservative media personality, made her return to campus on Tuesday with a talk entitled “Immigration: The Conspiracy To End America.”

Audiences largely did not disrupt Coulter. However, Prof. Monica Cornejo was arrested during the question and answer section due to disorderly behavior.

At Coulter’s last speaking appearance at Cornell in November 2022, numerous attendees protested, resulting in the removal of eight audience members and an early end to the event.

In March, The Sun broke news of Coulter’s invitation to campus, which was spearheaded by Provost Michael Kotlikoff as an effort to allow diverse perspectives on campus during the current freedom of expression theme year. At the start of the event, Kotlikoff expressed it was important to allow Coulter to speak again — this time without interruption.

“We’re here really to correct something that happened a year and a half ago when [Coulter] who was invited by Cornell students was prevented from speaking at Cornell, something that I did not attend,” Kotlikoff said. “I wish to remind all participants that Cornell values free and open inquiry and expression and strives to create a community where diverse opinions can be expressed.”

Campus Reform describes Cornejo’s behavior:

“I’m an assistant professor of communication here, and one of those illegals that you mentioned,” Cornejo said during the Q&A portion of the event, as reported by The Cornell Daily Sun. I really appreciate you coming in and talking about these issues, that way I get to know how many racist people belong to this University.”

Coulter then interrupted Cornejo for not asking a real question, yet Cornejo kept on continually shouting, insulting Coulter, and causing a disturbance.

One of the attendees at the event, which was titled “Immigration: The Conspiracy To End America,” described the incident to The College Fix: “[Cornejo] was yelling counterpoints to Ann, and was the only disruption. She kept objecting quite loudly, gave Ann the finger repeatedly, and after about the sixth outburst the cops came and took her away. . . . She had accused everyone in the room of being a racist because we support Ann Coulter.”

Here’s the moment where Cornejo was removed:

Here’s another view:

Professor Jacobson had a front row seat for the incident. The look on his face says it all.

Featured image via Twitter video.


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E Howard Hunt | April 18, 2024 at 11:05 am

Morbidly obese, hideously ugly, grossly tattooed

Lucifer Morningstar | April 18, 2024 at 11:15 am

That’s an Assistant Professor at Cornell University?!? I”m at a loss for anything to say beyond that.

The perp should be fired ASAP!!!!!!

I would think that everyone in that room including Prof Jacobson who was maligned by being called a racist would file a formal protest against that Midwest.

What type of discipline will be happening as I can’t believe a university would tolerate such behavior from a staff member.

Dude looks like a…..dude.

Disrupts a peaceful assembly and has the audacity to get unhinged and declare “hands off”…

Someone needs to have an escort to Gaza…or put her in a WWII single-engine plane and shoot it down over New Guinea.
The cannibals would feast.

Good on the police for rolling her out of there.

She should be terminated with immediate effect.

Further, the people responsible for hiring her in the first place should be subjected to a performance review, and should be reminded that only qualified applicants should be accepted for employment.

Fat_Freddys_Cat | April 18, 2024 at 11:40 am

A “professor of communication”…oh, the irony.

I’ve heard that charges are being presed against her.

An assistant professor interfering with a speech? That’s somebody who needs to be fired. Now.

Do we have a link to the speech? I’d like to hear what the Left is so frantic to keep muffled.

Did she get her degree from the Golden Corral School of Culinary Arts?

Prof. Cornejo was quoted as saying, “I really appreciate you coming in and talking about these issues, that way I get to know how many racist people belong to this University”. So then are we to conclude that if Prof. Cornejo leaves the university, then Cornell will have one less racist on the faculty?

Hermenegildah | April 18, 2024 at 2:05 pm

It’d be great if the link to the video came from the account of the guy who actually attended the talk, filmed Cornejo when she was getting arrested and shared it with TheCollegeFix, rather than getting it from McGuire’s X profile. Give credit when it’s due, FFS.

    Perhaps he chose not to, so as to avoid being targeted for the usual harassment.

      Hermenegildah in reply to venril. | April 19, 2024 at 8:52 am

      Incorrect. The person who recorded the arrest is very much on X, just like McGuire is. In fact, McGuire gives h/t to him on the repost. But heck, yeah, the OPer is not as high on the food chain, does not have that many followers, f**k him, let’s just go with the popular guy, because that’s how we generate more publicity. Who cares about this Russ Nelson dude.

Cornejo at Cornell…could she be the impetus for The Great Cornholio?

freespeechfanatic | April 18, 2024 at 2:14 pm

Naturally she’s an ugly cow.

destroycommunism | April 18, 2024 at 2:27 pm

love ann!

A leftist ousted from a public meeting for disruptive behavior against a conservative never happens. The simulation must be glitching.

Professor Cornejo has the appearance she so richly deserves. Frankly, in the time I spent in Ithaca, she was the rule and not the exception.

“ In a feature on the assistant professor last year, The Cornell Daily Sun noted that Cornejo “is one of the first undocumented tenure-track faculty members at Cornell.””

She should be deported.

And, why is Cornell hiring Illegal Aliens to be professors? Or anything else?

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Aarradin. | April 18, 2024 at 4:00 pm

    An employer of illegals to do menial tasks stands a far bigger chance of being prosecuted than some place like Cornell University. And even then, that is not likely to happen.

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to Aarradin. | April 18, 2024 at 4:13 pm

    I assume that the hiring was because of ideology bordering on religion.

    Subotai Bahadur

    henrybowman in reply to Aarradin. | April 19, 2024 at 1:01 am

    Virtue signalers, hiring pure vice.

Interesting, I would not have expected this from any liberal college. When you’ve managed to get on the last nerve of those people, you’re definitely doing something wrong.

Ann should have calmly asked her, since you have admitted that you are in the country illegally what are you doing to get legal status?

Finally! Removed by the police. Is it too much to hope that she was arrested???

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to CincyJan. | April 18, 2024 at 4:01 pm

    I don’t think I’d go that far in my wishes. She will probably get a great run-up of the student newspaper, calling her a hero.

chrisboltssr | April 18, 2024 at 5:10 pm

Day by day, I am becoming more convinced that women are making our cultural and political discourse worse, not better.

So it was a fat crazy white chick this time?
Who would believe it!

Anyone know her mailing address? It would be nice to send her a full burka.

The disrupter was removed, and Ms. Coulter finished her speech.
This is progress!

They ought to be sending “professor” Cornholio back to whatever crap hole she came from

I have heard of some university removing a person degree because they were a high profile, outspoken conservative. I am surprised that Cornell hasn’t done that to Ann Coulter to increase their Leftist merit.

Sad, when a RINO is considered a Representative of the Right, someone who sold out her audience to back the old guard war mongers.

    BobM in reply to Solar. | April 19, 2024 at 6:28 pm

    This slur is different.
    Usually the Coulter H8ters just claim she’s a Trans man and has too prominent an Adam’s apple to be a Real Woman. Because so many Lefties think if THEY say it it’s a joke, if someone on the right questions gender it’s Hate Speech.

    Coulter believes a major part of The Left are reality challenged, and she’s not too timid to take up that challenge. RINO is (imho) a label that properly belongs to “conservatives” who’d rather be polite than correct. Ann would rather be correct than polite – the opposite. Conservatives can differ on wether a particular war is justified and still both be conservatives.

How do these people get professor jobs?!! You would think the bar to become a professor would be a little higher, but there are no shortage of sociopaths and mentally unstable people in academia.

Steven Brizel | April 19, 2024 at 4:55 pm

Hard to believe that this person is a professor at any college but this academia 2024

BierceAmbrose | April 20, 2024 at 2:22 am

“…She had accused everyone in the room of being a racist because we support Ann Coulter.”

Listening to someone’s speech doesn’t mean you agree with them. Even when they’re wrong, you learn what they claim, and how they got there, often stuff I’d never imagined possible.

Marvelously flexible language: “support.” Is allowing a platform “support.” Or do you have to agree with what was said? Or pay for the work being done?