Training Political Commissars Week in Education
Your weekly report on education news.

In a recent media appearance, Professor Jacobson explained what’s happening in education today.
And the politics go in only one direction.
- Angry Student Mob Chases Attendees of Kyle Rittenhouse Event Off Campus at U. Memphis
- Journalism School’s ‘Diversity and Civility’ Course Teaches Students ‘About Racial Microaggressions’ and ‘Cisgender Privilege’
- U. South Florida Student Govt. Won’t Allow Student Leadership Candidates to Speak to School Newspaper
Does the left think this is progress?
- Protest Display at UCLA Depicts Jews as Pigs
- Harvard Contract Worker Ordered to Leave Campus After Being Caught Tearing Down Posters of Missing Israelis
There are consequences.
Republicans are finally pushing back.
- Alabama Governor Signs Law Banning DEI Policies at Public Schools and Universities
- Glenn Youngkin Reviewing DEI Content in Courses at Two Virginia Universities
The left wants CRT embedded in everything.
You couldn’t make this up.
This is why the academic left fears Trump.
They’re on the defensive now.
Good for him.
This is so dumb.

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OFF TOPIC I know, but the below is a copy of the lede on a Popular Science column linked by Instapundit this morning, 3/23/24. Thought the reference to WordPress being ‘consumed’ by an AI entity might interest – concern – professor Jacobson, his staff, and the LI community. “Who’s going to stop them?” and “What could go wrong?” Excellent questions.
“OpenAI wants to devour a huge chunk of the internet. Who’s going to stop them?
“The AI giant plans to buy WordPress and Tumblr data to train ChatGPT. What could go wrong?
In an established echo chamber, what’s the value of automation doing it gooder and harder?
Poor chatbot, wondering “Why am I even here?”