Report: Nikki Haley to Suspend 2024 Presidential Campaign
Former President Donald Trump won 14 of the 15 states on Super Tuesday. He’s also won all the other prior primaries except in Washington, DC.

And just like that…it’ll be 2020 all over again.
Nikki Haley will speak at 10 AM ET from Charleston, SC, where she is expected to announce the suspension of her 2024 presidential campaign, according to The Wall Street Journal.
Former President Donald Trump won 14 of the 15 states on Super Tuesday. He’s also won all the other prior primaries except in Washington, DC.
Haley, who served as Trump’s UN ambassador, likely won’t endorse him:
Haley won’t announce an endorsement Wednesday, the people said. She will encourage Donald Trump, who is close to having the delegates needed to win the GOP nomination, to earn the support of Republican and independent voters who backed her.
She is expected to emphasize that she will continue to advocate for the conservative domestic and foreign policies she supports and caution against some of the dangers, such as isolationism and a lack of fiscal discipline, that she sees coming from Washington.
Haley was the first major candidate to challenge Trump for the nomination and the last to stand down, showing determination even as she came under significant attack by the former president and his supporters.
Haley promised to stick with the campaign until at least Super Tuesday.

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“she will continue to advocate for the conservative domestic and foreign policies ” – lolz.
Has anyone done a deep-dive into the primary-contested GOP House seats? It appears there are several incumbent GOP rinos who are on the precipice of losing their primaries. This, in the abstract, is a great thing. But, the reality is in a two or three seat House majority is if these Rinos lose their primary and then exit the House, we’ll see Speaker Jefferies much sooner than later.
While I continue to think the “Speaker Jeffries” narrative is pretty dumb and would never happen I am reminded to cast my mind back to 2018 and the Republicans throwing the house to the Democrats to stop Trump from achieving more than what he did achieve without any support what so ever.
So in essence, never rule out the Republican establishment doing the dumb thing to preserve their place as Democrats spelt with a little r.
The good news is that while there are three vacancies, the GOP will almost certainly refill two of those vacancies which will extend their margin from the current 6 to 8. That’s important because (I believe), five incumbent GOP House members have announced they’re not seeking reelection, meaning any of them could theoretically leave immediately. After those empty seats are filled, it gives the GOP some small breathing room again.
So…. is she going to give the money back to her contributors?
I will wait to see what she says, before passing judgement, but if she does not endorse the candidate of our choice, that will be final confirmation of what I already know: that she never was, and never will be worthy of our vote.
But again, I already know that. This will be just the final nail in that coffin.
You have to wait? She’s a major Rino, she’s been paid, and well, to try to damage Present Trump.
And like them all, nearly, she doesn’t drop out, she suspends , in hope that President Trump dies or is imprisoned
She’s the worst of us, so willing to send your children to useless unneeded wars to fill her coffers.
Oh no.
I did not HAVE to wait.
That was a choice.
It’s not so much the refusal to endorse.
It’s the refusal to endorse, AFTER she signed the precious ‘pledge’ to support the eventual nominee, and preaching the RINO BS about ‘unity’.
Funny how when the wrong person wins, all of the RINO’s ‘unity’ crap goes out the window.
The fact that Haley recently breezily announced that she won’t honor the pledge she had made, months ago, to support the GOP nominee, shows what an utterly vile, duplicitous, greasy, self-serving, untrustworthy and mercenary snake she is. She is simply angling for more filthy lucre and a pat on the head — “Good girl; here’s a doggie treat!” — from her Dhimmi-crat puppeteers and paymasters.
This miserable crone can’t put her ego aside and do what’s best for the GOP and aid President Trump in his campaign to kick crime boss, Biden, out of his bed in the White House geriatric ward.
Nikki lost me with her “It’s A Great Day In South Carolina” admonition.
Sistah Screech
She’s running out of gas on her own. Never was real contender. Just doing it for self promotion. Cabinet appointment?
NOPE. She already served in Trump’s first administration and this is how she thanks him for that privilege.
If Trump puts her in any kind of position I would seriously question supporting him in the general. The only way I or any other Trump supporter would endorse such a move is if she got in front of him, prostrated herself, and deeply apologized for dragging this on and sullying his name in an attempt to gravitate herself with the Leftists and NeverTrumpers.
Her “supporters” are Democrats and Never Trumpers. They are not going to support Trump if he is the nominee no matter what. The only reason she has been winning any delegates is the open primaries.
She’s more popular among Democrats than Biden’s current running mate. If Biden replaced Harris with Haley it would be the Democrat golden dream ticket.
Biden would get all the Democrats voting for her, maybe but would Never Trumpers vote for him? I’m not even sure about the Dems. They may go RFK and never Trumpers sit it out.
That simply is not what anyone on the left is saying.
Very true. Haley has always been the establishment choice in this primary.
That just isn’t true she won around a third of the Republican primary voters.
If Trump loses a third of Republicans in the general the race is over.
I pray to god that Trump is listening to people with the best interest of the country in mind who want him to win instead of stocking Trump’s ego (Jared Kushner seems to have a good record there so hopefully he will be a major player).
No he can’t afford to lose a third of Republican voters and pretending they aren’t Republican is a recipe for disaster.
Remember when Trump rewarded the people who insisted “DeSantis is satan” by praising DeSantis?
Hope whoever convinced him to do that works overtime with Haley. I don’t care about my own ego enough not to support Trump now that he won, and I sure as hell don’t care about Trump’s ego and neither should you.
The Republicans you are blowing your load against the wall over are Democrats. They will not make any difference to the outcome.
I know you want another 4 years of fucking children and blowing shit up around the world while your town burns down around you Danny but for those of us who live in the real world, another Democrat Presidency will spell disaster…even for people like you.
However unlike you, those of us in the Real World ™ wont be bending over and taking it with a smile.
Tell you what you show me data that 1/3 of registered GoP voters (defined as those who have been registered GoP voters for a decade and have consistently voted in th GoP primary and general elections in that past decade as well as sending small donations $25 to GoP candidates and who voted for Trump in ’20) show me THOSE voters pulled the lever for Haley and I will take your point seriously.
So it is to be the last thing America needs, a Biden -Trump rematch. H.L. Mencken once wrote that democracy is the “theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” Apparently it will be bohica time come November.,
You don’t think you’ve been getting hard enough during this stolen period? Be honest and don’t be a liar: You had it better under Trump than you did under Biden.
My concern is this seems the best America can do…2016, 2020 and apparently 2024. Surely this isn’t all we have as a nation of 320 million people. On election day I will vote vigorously for Trump because I must. He may or may not make a good president but he just might be a necessary one as a system disruptor.
Did you see what hell Trump was put through just for having the gall to step forward to be president? Did you? Do you think you can weather that?
The right man did step forward. And frankly, he has more courage and conviction than men less his age.
Trump 2024.
“My concern is this seems the best America can do…2016, 2020 and apparently 2024”
And your problem is?
Upon Trump’s election, not inauguration, the economy started to turn around. A month after, businesses were starting to hire and raise wages -still before he was ever sworn in.
Our enemies became willing to talk, instead of saber rattle and the new conflicts that arise like maggots on a corpse when the left is in office vanished.
Domestically there was pushback against the left’s insane social agenda and people started thinking ‘morning in America’ again– all over the world.
Trump was not simply a good president. He was a great president.
Because he showed that American greatness is still there, still ready–all we need to do is get rid of the left.
Trump needs to reach out to Haley’s voters ( like independents and soccer moms) and to Reagan Democrats like UAW members and others whose lives and jobs have been placed in jeopardy by Biden’s policies.
Before he does that, he needs to get his mouth under control. I voted for him every chance I got and I’ll support his policies that, obviously, are good for the country and the world, but his lack of self control when giving speeches and texting are dismaying.
Yeah. Just eliminate the unforced errors in his speech patterns/language choices that tend to PO, alienate and/or scare suburban women/soccer Moms who would otherwise be open to supporting his policies. Can’t afford to lose the women’s vote again with 57% going to Biden. Cut that down by 5 to 52% and it’s a ten point swing in favor of Trump from 2020.
This is a point I have made as well. Many of Trump’s policies are quite good, but we need him to be disciplined in his messaging and his interactions with the media, keeping the focus on the actual issues, rather than the personality traits of his attackers or himself. In other words, always be “presidential”, and if attacked, counterattack with facts and data, not insults.
I would hope also that if elected, he will be more careful with his appointments, avoiding RINO’s and anyone else who leans Left.
“I would hope also that if elected, he will be more careful with his appointments, avoiding RINO’s and anyone else who leans Left.”
And keep that idiot son in law as just that: his son in law.
I said at the time, afterwards and still say now that if Trump had left twitter in January 2017 he would still be president today I couldn’t agree with you more.
Bless, you morons must be new around these parts
I mean you say this in all seriousness and yet its his direct off the cuff comments like calling Democrat shit holes Democrat shit holes that has endeared him to Real Americans.
Additionally, we can tell your new around here but the very fact you believe the media will treat a Republican with respect if only they wouldn’t say mean things
Let us know when you morons are ready to join the adults will ya

You get President Trump , warts and all
The issue is those ‘warts’ drive off voters. Particularly women voters. If Biden carries women voters by 57/43 as he did in 2020 then those women who get PO about Trump’s linguistic choices will give Biden the WH again.
All it takes is being disciplined enough on th campaign stump to avoid using the phrases that PO folks and substitute other words/phrases. The policies won’t change nor the message nor the substance just change the delivery. Seems worth it to try and win over hesitant voters….just like a salesman must tailor their sales pitch to the customer.
I could care.less about his language. I find it amusing but others get all all hot and bothered about it. Some seem to ‘swoon’ over it and fan girl while others clutch their pearls.
While it’s always good to try and tack to the center in the General to maximize the broadest possible appeal. But, let’s not kid ourselves about who Haley’s voters largely were: Faithful Democrats. According to exit polling in Virginia, 87% of Haley’s voters gave Biden a POSITIVE approval and 90% said the economy was good or strong.
Those people were never voting for Trump in the General, nor were they ever going to vote for Haley in the General.
Haley isn’t trojan horse for Dems. She wouldn’t support impeachment or prosecution of DJT.
IMO Haley is a neocon hack who would sacrifice nearly anything on the alter of her own ego to advance her ambitions.
No, no, no, and no. You grow up and you come to terms that the party is moving RIGHT, where it should have been all this time. It’s time for fencesitters to get off and make a choice.
You have lived through a nightmare period which can only get worse if Trump loses. It’s time for “moderates” like you to put aside your hangups and make a choice. That’s what it means to choose.
If you are done with your spam you could actually read the post by the person you just insulted or are you illiterate?
1. You just insulted someone insulting Trump for hoping Trump will actually win this time instead of doing endless unforced errors that alienate voters while gaining nobody
2. You insulted someone for supporting Trump in a genuine way instead of cultism
3. If he was a moderate on the fence about voting for Trump (he isn’t) your comment would have been a message to vote for Biden.
Get out of your delusion this instant. And yes you are delusional or illiterate if you read Stevens post and saw something other than support for Trump winning.
I read the post, fool. Did you?
1. Trump won in 2016 not listening to idiots like you and never changed his message to appeal to “moderates.” “Moderates” need to make a choice and live with it.
2. I like how you call Trump supporters “cultists” and try to make anyone else insane like your behind appear reasonable. “Moderation” is more cultist and selfish than any other political view out there. As Barry Goldwater said, moderation is no virtue, especially when it leads to constant destruction. What is the moderate position between leaving kids alone and allowing them to cut their genitalia off so they can feel like they’re the opposite sex? Also, why is it you “moderates” never demand the Leftists moderate to win your support? Miss me with that nonsense.
3. I don’t give a damn! If his constitution and fortitude is that weak, he doesn’t need to be voting for Trump, or any other GOPher, for that matter. There’s an entire party where men get cucked, f*cked, and have their balls literally and metaphorically cut off. Vote for them. But live with your choice and don’t blame anyone else for the consequences of that choice.
So yeah, I read his post exactly as it is. And I stand by what I wrote to him, and especially to you. You “moderates” are the ones who needs to yield on your positions, not Trump.
Haley doesn’t HAVE any voters.
And Trump secured the Reagan Democrats long ago. His problem are the Obama Republicans.
And he doesn’t need to appeal to them–he needs to keep them from facilitating leftist cheating AGAIN.
Oh, no!
Suspending, to…lurk. But not in the shawdows, but the limelight, hoping lawfare – or worse – ends Trump’s candidacy.
While I wouldn’t put it past the Deep Sewer to take a shot at Big Don, there is no way Trump’s delegates would be voting for Birdbrain Haley.
Completely agree. But I doubt she realizes that.
Yes, just like the others… Ron , looking at you
He did support President Trump, barely
It looked last night like Texas would get rid of Dade the Felon, but this morning they’re predicting a runoff for his district. I guess he must have gotten a surge from his Dem friends.
Nobody wants Nikki or Liz. These Indians just can’t win.
Its actually a pity Haley has turned out the way she turned out as she did an amazing job in the UN.
“Haley was the first major candidate to challenge Trump for the nomination and the last to stand down, showing determination even as she came under significant attack by the former president and his supporters.”
Showing determination?, your kidding right?
Showing the money handlers were paying her millions upon millions to try to sully President Trump.
When is abruptly left the IN she went straight to the military industrial complex and got on her knees and raped in 11 million.
That’s who supports this how, she sold herself to the highest bidder and would send your children to useless wars to die, for her 30 bits of silver in a hot second
She’s scum