NYC Mayor Eric Adams Approves Rules Controlling the Delicious Smokey Aroma of City’s Pizzerias

The last time we checked on New York City, the state of chaos was such that New York Gov. Kathy Hochul announced a new five-point NYC subway safety plan, bringing in hundreds of National Guard troops and adding new security cameras.

The only thing lacking right now in the Big Apple is Haitian cannibals. But, I digress.

Apparently, normalcy has been restored to NYC to the point that Mayor Eric Adams has approved controversial rules regulating the amount of delicious, smokey aroma generated from the area’s pizzerias.

Democrat Mayor Eric Adams has approved a new green plan that requires facilities using wood- and coal-fired stoves to cut their smoke by 75 percent.More than 130 businesses will be impacted by the law, including many famed pizza joints. Businesses can apply for an exemption from the mandate – which goes into effect on April 27 – but they must prove they can not financially meet the requirements.Still, business must then cut their emissions by 25 percent.’Get the people doing crack on the corner of the street away from me and leave my wood-burning ovens alone,’ Alejandra Sanchez, a professional chef, told ‘We want health care. Leave our pizza alone.’

The costs of the ventilation control systems are enormous, and they are likely to force many pizzerias to close.

More than 100 iconic New York City pizzerias could be forced out of business thanks to a quietly approved plan requiring wood- and coal-fired stoves to cut carbon emissions by 75%, a pie shop owner told Fox News.”This regulation will go a long way to put an end to charming wood-fired pizza restaurants in New York City,” Brooklyn pizzeria owner Paul Giannone, known as Paulie Gee, told Fox News. “A sad day in my opinion.”…”Regulation after regulation puts more pressure on us and makes it difficult to do business, particularly now with the cost of labor has gone up, the cost of the goods we have to buy to produce our products — it’s just making it more difficult,” Giannone said in June.The rule led a Jewish bakery to spend over $600,000 on new air filtration systems ahead of its approval, the New York Post reported. Another iconic pizzeria, John’s of Bleecker Street, spent more than $100,000 on a smoke reduction system.

The challenges are enormous for shops selling coal-fired pizza.

Grimaldi’s Pizza, which has three New York locations, has installed the systems already, according to Anthony Piscina, its co-owner.In their Manhattan location, it costs $50,000 to install the air filtration systems, with the cost rising because the building, which was formerly a nightclub and church, is gothic in architecture and needs additional protections. “We have to do it. We can’t cook pizza any other way,” Piscina said.To cook pizza in the traditional way, ovens need to reach 1,200 degrees. Only coal-fired ovens can reach such high temperatures.

The regulation will come into effect on April 27.

Of course, the kicker is that carbon dioxide is a life-essential gas, and Norwegian scientists have concluded changing levels are not related to any of the supposed temperature changes.

But Mayor Adams gets to pretend he is doing something meaningful…so there is that.

Of course, the shops may close due to lacking customers as NYC residents flee to less liberty-crushing areas.

Expect the shrinkage to continue until New York reverses its tilt ever-more leftward.From April 2020 to July 2022, Gotham’s population fell by nearly a half million people, or 5.3% — wiping out almost three-quarters of the gains over the previous decade, DiNapoli reports, citing Census figures.That was more than double the state’s 2.6% drop, and it came while the nation overall was expanding by 0.6%.

Tags: Climate Change, Economy, Energy, Environment, Eric Adams, New York City