Nikki Haley Officially Ends 2024 Presidential Campaign
Trump v. Biden again.

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley has dropped out of the 2024 presidential race.
Haley wished former President Donald Trump well but did not endorse him. Instead, she quoted Margaret Thatcher.
She also encouraged Trump to earn the votes of those who supported her and the other candidates who ran.

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Buh bye.
All you haters out there should be honest and admit the fact that Haley did a great job . . .
. . . of helping Chris Christie to realize that he would not even receive the RINO vote.
So she proved again what she is. And I will quote from commenter guyjones, from the previous post, as his words perfectly get her essence:
Or you could just save time and say she’s a democrat.
Easier still, Mitt in a. skirt.
I don’t think she is vile.
She was irrelevant and just ended up giving Trump more stuff to laugh at her about 😂
Trump admired her so much that he appointed her to be the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.
Don’t let the door hit ‘ya in the posterior.
She’s imitating what she thinks a man is.
Good, about time.
The instant you start making noises about removing anonymity from the internet gets a big no from me.
Hell, she’d turn in Benjamin Franklin if she had a chance.
Add to that the requirement to extend the age of retirement past 70. She wants us all to be slaves and work until we die.
She lost me long before that, when she opened her campaign with the utter nonsense of ‘being a brown girl in a black and white world’.
Take that crap to the far left, they’re the only ones that care what color you are.
Now, it’s back to D.C. Swamp or NYC Swamp, to collect mad $$$ from sundry media companies, consultancies and corporate Boards
“Raytheon Lowers Flags To Half-Staff After Nikki Haley Drops Out”
– Babylon Bee, this morning.
Totally on-point. They do such pungent satire.
Military complex, it’s where she screamed after the UN and made her millions
She’s probably going to work on tearing down more statues
Sounds like she’s (surprisingly) smart enough to not seek the nomination of some 3rd party group like No Labels. Her only utility as a corporate board member or lobbyist is as a person of some influence in the GOP; who wants to hire someone who’s hated by both parties? No one. Good night and good riddance.
Well, the Democrats loved her for a while, anyway.
The Dhimmi-crats loved Haley only inasmuch as they were using her to give President Trump a black eye, in the primaries. It’s a very exploitative, fleeting and insincere type of affection, proffered only for so long as the GOP recipient serves and is useful to advance Dhimmi-crat aims and goals.
It’s like a teenage guy who asks out someone else in order to make their actual girlfriend, with whom they are feuding, jealous. Extremely cold and calculating. She’s the other girl.
An apt analogy. And, any Republican who is insecure, narcissistic and gullible enough (or, perhaps, greedily focused on padding his/her wallet) to slavishly fall for these manipulative affections, deserves nothing but scorn and contempt.
“smart enough”
Not really. Her only usefulness was to the deranged neverTrump crowd that actually thought Haley would help STOP TRUMP. Now that they realize they have no tool to do that, there is no money for anything further. It’s the dollars drying up, not intelligence.
Hats off to Nikki Haley. Between her campaign and the Nikki-boosting PACs, she managed to suck north of $130 million out of the Republican establishment per OpenSecrets. In keeping with Haley’s political philosophy, over three quarters of her fundraising came from large donors. Her campaign and PACs have torched at least $115 million. It takes talent and hard work to burn through that much Establishment money in a matter of months and have nothing to show for it. Quite an achievement.
So she nets 15 million!
Hey, for that kind of money I may have done it my
As I recall, Jeb! blew quite the fortune just to get a paltry number of delegates. Please clap.
The funniest thing about the 2 primaries she “won” (Vermont and DC) is that if you add them together, she got a total of 35,000 votes in them.
Wot a Triumph.
I find it more useful to look at raw vote numbers. In Texas yesterday, for example, the primary results were:
Trump: 1,809,606
Biden: 837,957
Haley: 404,809
(Trump beats all of Biden and Haley’s voters combined)
And if you add up ALL the votes in DC amd Vermont little Indian won
35,000 votes
Let’s see
About 300,000 a vote / per clearly democrat
Dang, I need to get in line
Hey Niki, your so fine, you blow my mind
I’ll vote for you at 300,000 every freaking day in the primary
“Nikki Haley Officially Ends 2024 Presidential Campaign”
Was I looking in the wrong direction, and missed the bright flash and mushroom cloud?
She ended her political career. As a Republican. In the future she will rise from the ashes like a phoenix and say, “Guess what. I’m a Democrat.” And will welcomed with open arms.
Haley did not say she was ending the campaign. She said she was pausing it. Clearly she thinks at some point there will be an opportunity to reopen the campaign before the General Election.
Pretty much they all suspended their campaigns, waiting for President Trump to be behind bars or murdered
Well it’s about time…
Good riddance.
Haley is despicable. Her entire campaign wasn’t against Trump but against America and Americans. She is McConnell’s rabid poodle.
And, on a non-political note, what the hell is her problem with her gesturing. She cannot sem to keep her hands still while she’s talking. One hand is always flying all over the place in nonsensical gestures, with her constantly changing the flying hand. It is one of the most annoying things I have ever seen in a person’s speaking style. It is CRAZY. She could knock Traitor Joe out if she was speaking to him at close quarters … which might be her only saving grace.
I have hated Haley since her pathetic BS with the Confederate statues when she was governor. She did okay at the UN but the fact is that Trump should have left our seat at the UN empty and just had a placard saying “VETO” put up on the table in front of it, effectively ending the UN.
What!!?? After such a “resounding” win in Vermont!?
Gag me with a pitchfork. So good riddance, besides, she wasn’t eligible to be President anyway, born here in 1972, parents Naturalized years after, weren’t citizens.
So “Miss Anchor Baby” (spit, spit) needs to go away…or maybe she’ll announce she’s changing parties (one side of the Uniparty to the other), and when The Husk blows a gasket after years of being pumped full of Chinesium Special Sauce they can shuffle him off the The Home then plug her into his ‘NonPrimary Gained Dem’s Vill Vote for Dis Von” slot.
Important and True.
She will be the moderator of the presidential debate. Each candidate with be given 6 note cards with answers to the questions. Biden will receive answers to the questions he will be asked and Trump will also receive the answers to Biden’s questions.
$100,000,000 is quite a price to pay for a slot on MSNBC.
Sorry Nikki, Kamala might be dumber but she slept around with more useful men than you.
That delusional lunatic Sununu was out there spewing about how Haley ‘knocked all the others out of the race’.
These RINO morons really live in their own reality, don’t they?
She is done with this campaign of running in theory for herself to be president. I rather suspect that once it is sure who the Democrat running is [it is still possible for the Nomenklatura to replace Biden] and whether or not we are really having a real election with real votes honestly and freely cast. counted, and announced; that she will be shamelessly campaigning for the Left’s candidate.
Subotai Bahadur
I would just label this such an obvious outcome that even Bill Mahar saw it coming.
Trump is now free to engage in his self destruction without the distraction of Nikki Haley.
What does a marxist call “self destruction”?
A man who received the most voters votes in the history of the republic.
Self destruction. You TDS idiots are so damn laughable, and you don’t even know it. Go watch a biden speech.
How many times have you voted for Trump? Do you think it’s more times than me? (You’d be wrong.)
You’ve made him your god. That’s a mistake.
Who will the NeverTrump neocons come up with now to oppose Trump? Will French make another try?
They have their man, Biden.
Unless they decide they need a replacement (my prediction for 2+ years*).
The NeverTrump a$$holes will do what they always do, support the marxist.
*looking as though I may missed on that one, but there is still some time left