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Medical School DEI Crisis: “It’s up to us to fight these battles … It’s not the students’ fault”

Medical School DEI Crisis: “It’s up to us to fight these battles … It’s not the students’ fault”

My appearance on the Sandy Rios show: “It’s really up to people like me to call attention to it…. It’s up to us to fight these battles. It’s not fair to expect a second year medical student with their entire career on the line to be the one who stands up to this.”

I recently was interviewed by Sandy Rios of American Family Radio, for her Sandy Rios 24/7 podcast.

I have been on Sandy’s show several times in the past, though not recently. So it was good to be back.

The topic was the crisis in medical education as documented at our project. This is the article of mine she refers to during the conversation, Most people don’t realize how bad the situation is in medical schools, worse than in general higher ed.

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Partial Transcript

(Auto-generated, may contain transcription errors)

Sandy Rios (00:00):

Hi, this is Sandy Rios, and we’re gonna have a very important discussion today because it affects each and every one of you. If you ever go to the doctor, if you ever need healthcare, if you have a student who wants to be a doctor or a nurse, this affects you. It affects every single one of us. Our next guest says that medical school education is in crisis with social justice and race focused activism being imposed on students, faculty and staff. You won’t believe what we have discovered. I’m sure you’ve heard part of it, but you’re going to hear hear it in more detail today in just a second….

Rios (05:16):

…  So we’ve asked someone who’s tracking this very carefully to join us this morning. His name is Professor William Jacobson. He is, by the way, the founder and publisher of Legal Insurrection, which is just like it says, it’s like a, it is like an insurrection toward the move toward the left or the lurch, or the jumping off a cliff of the legal profession, whether it’s judges or attorneys.

They’ve done just great work reporting on the malfeasance in the courts with attorneys, et cetera. Bill is a graduate of Harvard Law School. He also was on the Cornell Law Faculty. I think that’s when I first actually interviewed you, professor, and you’ve argued lots of cases. Bill has had some important positions and done some very profound things in the legal profession. So when he speaks in critique, it has weight. And so I’ve asked him to join us this morning because they are tracking medical schools around this country to see where they stand on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Good morning, professor Jacobson. Thanks for joining us.

WAJ (06:54):

Good morning. Thanks for having me on.

Rios (06:56):

Why in the world did you start tracking medical schools? Did something come to your attention? Something in particular?

WAJ (07:03):

Well, was really an outgrowth of the activism post George Floyd. And we began to realize that these ideologies had permeated higher education. So we started off with 220 higher education institutions, we’re now up to over 500, but we also started to get tips about what was going on in the medical community and the medical schools. And so we started that and we now have covered, we have a whole separate database, an interactive map, which covers all 156 domestic US medical schools.

And what we found is that CRT/DEI, whatever you want to call it, I call it the racialization of education, is deeply permeated throughout medical schools. And in some ways, it’s worse in medical schools than in higher ed in general. So we found out about it because we were interested more generally in the education topic, and then we started to get complaints and tips from people about medical schools.

Rios (08:09):

So you report in your article, which is what I’ve used to prep for you today, among other things, I think, did you say that there are like 156 medical schools in this country? Is that right?

WAJ (08:24):

That’s right. MD schools, so there are osteopath schools that are not in our database. That might be a next step for us, but 156 domestic US medical schools, there are some in some of the Caribbean islands, they are not included. So these are schools located in the United States.

Rios (08:44):

So, and you say 70% of those schools have embraced and are implementing or practicing orr indoctrinating through DEI, diversity, equity, and inclusion, or critical race theory. Alright, so here’s the thing. Of course, professor people don’t really on these initials. They’re used to them. They hear them, but they don’t really know what this means when it’s applied to medical school. So what, what does that look like? What does, what does it look like first for the students? What does it look like?

WAJ (09:16):

Well, to a certain extent, it looks like what we see in higher ed in general. So, mandatory courses in many cases, sometimes voluntary training that  teaches people, we are a systemically racist country, that it can’t be fixed. That, and the way to undo those negative impacts on society is to give preferences, to give racial preferences to non-whites, and particularly to blacks and Hispanics, and that is the remedy.

So it’s very much what goes on throughout higher education, but it’s taking place in medical school. And that has enormous real world implications, because if you’re going to prioritize somebody for medicine based on their skin color or ethnicity, you’re not treating people as individuals. You’re treating them as proxies for groups. And so that’s happening in medical schools. And, we’ve documented it. Our database has all of them, and every single thing we say in there is documented with a source link to the medical schools and an archived link in case that link went bad.

So we’re not just saying it’s happening. We have documented it hundreds of times with regard to medical schools and thousands of times with regard to higher ed in general. So that’s what’s happening. It’s the same DEI, diversity, equity and inclusion agenda you see elsewhere.

And just so people understand all these acronyms, so Critical Race Theory is the theory. It’s a theory that we’re a systemically racist country. It’s a theory that there is no, essentially the legal system is meant to perpetuate racism as well as other systems in society, such as the medical system. That’s the theory. The way it is put into action is through what’s called Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. So they’re essentially the same thing, but one is theory and one is action. And it’s the actions that we’re mostly documenting what is being actually done in the schools for this.


WAJ (12:24):

… that’s the poisonous atmosphere that they’re creating, and it carries over to actual medical care. So when two people walk into an emergency room, you should treat each one as an individual. What is their personal medical history? What is the personal medical condition they have? And you should prioritize that care without regard to race based on who needs it most. But that is not what’s happening….


Rios (17:22):

Now let me just stop to give a commercial a little, a little bit for you, because you mentioned this, but your website where you’re actually collecting you, you are welcoming people for telling stories or bringing their information on what they’re seeing, and it’s CRT, and also then of course, you print that and it’s the information that’s available at, that’s I think the question also, professor, is are they doing this in admissions? Are they screening students for their political views, for their color? Are they doing that?

WAJ (17:56):

I think there’s no question about that. I think  was, essentially, the Harvard case that the Supreme Court decided, that was colleges, not medical schools. But if you read the diversity objectives, if you read these things on the medical school websites, it’s very clear they’re giving preferential treatment. Whether you can prove it as a legal matter and assert a legal claim based on it is a different question. But there’s no question that there is preferential treatment being given.They barely try to hide it.


WAJ (20:05):

… So [Ibram Kendi] has monetized the whole concept probably better than just about anybody else. And his leading book is called How to Be An Anti-Racist. And in fact, it was that book which became required, not required, recommended reading at Cornell University the summer of 2020 after George Floyd. My reading of that book for the first time is what eventually led to our website, because his ideology is so horrendous. His ideology is, and to quote one of his most famous lines, or to paraphrase it, is that current discrimination is justified to remedy past discrimination and future discrimination is justified to remedy current discrimination. So he has set up an expressly discriminatory program and agenda, and that has been adopted a lot of schools, and it was Cornell’s use of that book and recommending of that book that eventually led me to create


WAJ (23:21):

… there are many of these DEI consultants, DEI speakers, DEI, activists who express open hatred of whites, what they call whiteness. whiteness in quotes, is actually a study topic in a lot of schools. And it’s held up as the paradigm of evil is whiteness. I’ve seen that even at Cornell. And so this is really poisonous stuff. And, you know, we have a another website called, where we take legal action against these. So because we got so many tips website, we formed another entity,, which is the Equal Protection Project, where we bring legal actions challenging it.

…. we focus on higher ed, but it’s in government and elsewhere how many openly discriminatory scholarships and programs there are in this country. We filed over 20 claims, and we’ve barely scratched the surface. So it’s really a problem. This whole CRT/DEI ideology is poisoning our society and is moving us away from our constitutional principle in the 14th Amendment that everybody is entitled to equal protection of the laws, is moving our way ourselves away from the Civil Rights Acts and from various laws throughout the country. And what’s most amazing is a lot, almost every one, I’d say every one of the institution where we found these discriminatory programs, has their own set of anti-discrimination rules that these programs violate. So on the one hand, they say we’re all against discrimination. On the other hand, they’re actually discriminating. It’s beyond amazing.

WAJ (26:03):

…. critical race theory, one of the defenses of it is, oh, that’s just a subject matter taught in law schools, so nobody hides it [in law school]. I would say that medical schools are worse because you don’t go to medical school expecting to study legal theories regarding race. You go to medical school to learn how to treat people or to do research or whatever it is. So I think it’s worse in medical schools than law schools because it is a recognized legal theory, critical race theory that is taught in law schools, most don’t require you take it, but do have it available. But you don’t expect that in medical schools. And that’s, to me, the big issue.


Rios (28:19):

… Professor, one last question. You were a teacher, and I’m assuming, I’m just guessing that you are a fine teacher and that you cared about your students. So there are students listening or parents of students listening. What would you recommend? How would you counsel them on how to survive in this kind of atmosphere? They find themselves into medical school, and they need to finish, or like, this is their life plan. How can they navigate this? How can they?

WAJ (28:49):

Yeah. Well, it’s tough. And I certainly can’t recommend to people that you become a dissident, that you object to it and all of that, even though maybe in a better world you’d be able to do that, because there’s a high personal price to pay. People need to make a decision what’s best for them. It’s a little different undergrad than medical school because there are, what, 2000 plus undergrads [schools], you have a lot more choices. You can investigate the schools, decide which school has the best atmosphere for you. You may decide now you want to go to school in Florida, not in New York State, because Florida’s getting rid of all this DEI stuff. And those, so people have choices. Medical schools, there are very few. It’s extremely difficult to get into a US-based medical school. And most students will simply take what they can get, getting into any US-based medical school is considered a prize.

And so people just go there and, and if it’s a negative atmosphere, they just deal with it. And I’d say each person needs to make their own decision. Most students that we interact with, most people we interact with, simply say they just keep their head down. They regurgitate whatever nonsense they’re expected to regurgitate. They don’t necessarily absorb it, they don’t necessarily believe it. They just go along with it to get through. And that it’s unfortunate that it comes to that, but for many people that that’s the logical choice, rather than putting your career online.

It’s really up to people like me to call attention to it. And thank you for bringing attention to this, to your listeners, it’s up to us. It’s up to us to fight these battles. It’s not fair to expect a second year medical student with their entire career on the line to be the one who stands up to this. I think that’s asking too much. Certainly if somebody wanted to, that’s fine, but I don’t think we can expect them to fight those battles because we’ve permitted these systems and these institutions to get the way they are. It’s not the students’ fault. And it’s really the rest of us in society who should be fighting against it.


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“It’s up to us to fight these battles. It’s not fair to expect a second year medical student with their entire career on the line to be the one who stands up to this.

It is even less fair for a patient with thier life on the line to stand up to it.

    Danny in reply to Peabody. | March 13, 2024 at 11:35 am

    Your right we should end the 21st century Republican Ron Swanson larp and use the portions of government we control to fight against this.

    david7134 in reply to Peabody. | March 13, 2024 at 1:15 pm

    Actually, it is the science base that is corrupt. The Peer review system in medicine is broken. A good example is the issue of cholesterol. Cholesterol is a major building block in our systems. Yet it is blamed for various CV diseases. It does nothing, I repeat nothing. Prior to the 90s, a tract of disease manifestation was formulating regarding inflammation being the reason for CV disease. Then big pharma developed stating, and that changed everything. The American public was infused with the thought of this horrible cholesterol causing problems, so much so that you can not tell them different. Taking statins does might lower your cholesterol, but does not lower your chance of a MI. Now, there is a gradual shift back to inflammation causing the problem. About 40 years wasted on cholesterol, which is actually of benefit.

    david7134 in reply to Peabody. | March 13, 2024 at 1:21 pm

    My introduction to issues with ethnicity was introduced 50 years ago. At that time, medical students rode ambulances. We saw firsthand the living conditions of other people and the various issues that certain populations encountered. To an extent you were sympathetic. But this was tempered by encounters in the hospital. I was not uncommon to be shot at or find yourself in the middle of a gun fight. This was usually by certain ethnic groups. If you had a patient that was critically ill and you started working on them, the family would often fight you as they did not understand, despite trying to ally their fears. I could go on, but don’t worry about the medical students, they will learn the truth.

      Azathoth in reply to david7134. | March 13, 2024 at 3:13 pm

      Will they?

      What truth?

      Because the one you speak of is well known and widely ignored.

      Deliberately, officially ignoring upon pain of cancellation.

      And that is the point. This ignorance will be drilled into them, IS being drilled into them –as is it’s ‘remedy’ –which consists of ‘reparation’ through reduced treatment, even in the face of desperate need, for patients of, shall we say, unprotected ethnic groups?

I just interviewed with a group in South Carolina and asked how they would want to improve their academic program. All 3 replies every one involved some version of supporting students in their intersectional identity and making sure no one was exposed to micro aggressions.

My conclusion is that it is everywhere and the only way to get rid of it is with a sledge hammer (on departments).

Exactly. I’m fairly sure I was denied monoclonals because I wasnt the right race
They put me on the list but somehow “ran out” twice

Lucky for me, I survived

I can only say “Bonne chance” with that. The rot stems from decades of rot that occurred with the radicalization of the AMA as it sought to reform its image. It went way overboard and advocated for positions that its own membership was patently against (such as socialization of medicine and eugenics) all the way to the present (where it became so radicalized that less than 15% of American physicians even bother to pay dues anymore). It is nothing more than a medical coding empire fraudulently called a medical association. I don’t belong and never would. Same for AAMC, the American Association of Medical Colleges—its counterpart on the whackademic side. That’s run by the left wing junta. No thanks—dislodging all of that would take more energy than all of us wish to expend.

    artichoke in reply to drsamherman. | March 13, 2024 at 6:27 am

    Does the AMA have an official status? Like the ABA has in law, writing the bar exam that screens potential attorneys, and issuing ratings that are customarily taken seriously in the confirmation of federal judges?

      drsamherman in reply to artichoke. | March 13, 2024 at 10:46 am

      The AMA has official status in that it forms one=half of the LCME, the accreditation body for allopathic (MD) medical schools in the United States along with AAMC (see above). AMA also has official status with its medical coding empire, as it specifies the procedural codes for medical billing standards. Those standards, known as CPT (common procedural terminology) are used universally in the USA. It is one way the Feds can control AMA, namely by Medicare/Medicaid threatening to use a different billing coding system to keep AMA in line with what they want AMA to espouse. AMA makes a fortune with CPT and its coding empire. Its dues from members are a drop in the bucket.

        artichoke in reply to drsamherman. | March 13, 2024 at 2:34 pm

        And AMA collects a royalty every time someone uses their codes? Sweet. Sounds like one of those things where the government intentionally set them up as a monopoly. I mean there’s no magic in those codes, and I hear of confusion and arguments over coding. If they were great, I’d expect less of that.

          david7134 in reply to artichoke. | March 13, 2024 at 4:12 pm

          The AMA represents about 5% of the doctors in the US. The board makes all decisions and is a paid board. The organization is basically useless except for providing codes as you described. Most doctors ignore the organization with the state medical organizations being the center of doctor’s thoughts. The state medical boards provide guidance and punishment. Now who started these stupid codes, which are confusing…. Jindal.

“Most students that we interact with, most people we interact with, simply say they just keep their head down. They regurgitate whatever nonsense they’re expected to regurgitate. They don’t necessarily absorb it, they don’t necessarily believe it. They just go along with it to get through.”

And that is the perfect reaction, and I am glad to hear it. It befits the very intelligent medical students who need to do it. (Those who are the intended beneficiaries might be quite a bit less intelligent, so they are not given this difficult challenge, but instead a red carpet.)

But of course if the med school admins read that students are not taking the stuff seriously, they might come out with bigger cudgels and more insidious brainwashing, or the admissions might become even more racist. Because surely there’s nothing they would hate more than a white male slipping in on just merit, pretending to go along with the bullshit, and graduating to become just a plain competent doctor who doesn’t believe any of the crap and has excellent personal defenses against it. They would consider that to be like antibiotic-resistant bacteria!

    david7134 in reply to artichoke. | March 13, 2024 at 1:24 pm

    One thing you must know is that there is zero attrition rate from a medical school. A social course of this type will be something for students to sleep through and learn the highlights for any exam from the note taker. Basically, a waste of time. The only exams that count in a medical student’s life are the boards.

It is unnerving to think about just how much deliberate damage has been done by so many to so much for so long right under our noses. The late N.C. Senator Jesse Helms was right when he said the decades long Cold War was a two front battle: Communism over there and Liberalism here at home. We watched the first and lost sight of the second.

E Howard Hunt | March 13, 2024 at 9:21 am

Equity demands that health care be available to as many as possible. Therefore doctors’ salaries should be limited to that of the average American worker, with the associated cost savings used to reach out to our brothers and sisters of color.

Professor J. articulates the threat posed by “DEI” and “equity” ideology very clearly and succinctly.

He and his team are doing amazing work. Thank you.

This on top of a medical industry and regulation which is intellectually corrupt and has not been “science” based for decades.

    david7134 in reply to Andy. | March 13, 2024 at 1:15 pm

    Actually, it is the science base that is corrupt. The Peer review system in medicine is broken. A good example is the issue of cholesterol. Cholesterol is a major building block in our systems. Yet it is blamed for various CV diseases. It does nothing, I repeat nothing. Prior to the 90s, a tract of disease manifestation was formulating regarding inflammation being the reason for CV disease. Then big pharma developed stating, and that changed everything. The American public was infused with the thought of this horrible cholesterol causing problems, so much so that you can not tell them different. Taking statins does might lower your cholesterol, but does not lower your chance of a MI. Now, there is a gradual shift back to inflammation causing the problem. About 40 years wasted on cholesterol, which is actually of benefit.

      Andy in reply to david7134. | March 13, 2024 at 7:43 pm

      Any male who bought into the low/no fat diet in the 80s /90s was basically castrating himself.

      Fortunately bacon to men is like a 1989 SI swimsuit issue.

      artichoke in reply to david7134. | March 13, 2024 at 8:27 pm

      And my doctor is saying I “really should be taking a statin”. I agree with you it makes no sense, and I understood why when I was a freshman in engineering school and, for some random reasons, attended a lecture on cholesterol. (Mainly, I wanted an excuse to go into a building that was often locked and that I hadn’t been in before, and the lecture was in there.) Where, in the mid 70’s, I learned that cholesterol is a part of a feedback system. I was relatively good as college freshmen go and I don’t expect the same systems understanding of the general public. But when the whole medical profession went off the rails 20 years later as you said, it set me up with a level of skepticism that served me well during the Covid / Covid-vax episode we’ve just been through.