John Stossel Calls the Southern Poverty Law Center a ‘Scam’

Libertarian journalist John Stossel aims at the Southern Poverty Law Center in a new report. He points out that the group has become little more than a far left fundraising machine which, in some cases, targets people just for having opinions that progressives don’t like.

Stossel uses specific examples, such as the SPLC’s attacks on Moms for Liberty and parents’ rights groups.

We have covered the SPLC extensively over the years:

This analysis by Stossel is top notch. Partial transcript via Real Clear Politics:

JOHN STOSSEL: There are dangerous hate groups in America, who will warn us about them? The media tell us. The “Southern Poverty Law Center,” based in Alabama calls itself “the premier group monitoring hate groups and other extremists.”Looking at their map of hate groups, you’d think hate groups were everywhere. I once believed what the Center said. Well-meaning people still do. Apple gave them $1 million. But what donors don’t know is that today, the Center smears good people.Somalian woman [Ayaan Hirsi Ali] speaks out against radical Islam. For that, the Center put her on its list.When I first investigated the Center, its leaders would not talk to me. So liberal commentator Nomiki Konst defended them.NOMIKI KONST: They have a history, a long history, of fighting against extremists like the KKK.JOHN STOSSEL: History, yes, but they labeled skeptical Muslims like Ayaan Hirsi Ali as haters.NOMIKI KONST: If you have a horrible experience with religion, that’s one thing. It’s another thing to use those experiences as ammunition against others who are practicing their religion and remain peaceful.JOHN STOSSEL: But they’re just speaking, criticizing it.

Watch the whole thing below:

Featured image via Twitter video.

Tags: Culture, Free Speech, Libertarian, Progressives, SPLC