Israeli Physics Prof Forced to End Lecture at UNLV When Anti-Israel Protesters Burst Into Classroom
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Israeli Physics Prof Forced to End Lecture at UNLV When Anti-Israel Protesters Burst Into Classroom

Israeli Physics Prof Forced to End Lecture at UNLV When Anti-Israel Protesters Burst Into Classroom

“Students in the room looked shocked and embarrassed, according to the professor.”

How much longer are American schools going to tolerate this unhinged and infantile behavior?

The Jerusalem Post reports:

UNLV police end Israeli professor’s black holes lecture after protest

An Israeli physics professor’s lecture on black holes was ended by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, after pro-Palestinian protesters burst into the room on Tuesday afternoon, Bar Ilan University physics department Professor Asaf Peer and the UNLV told The Jerusalem Post.

Peer said that he was 15 minutes into his guest lecture when a group of protesters entered the room with banners and flags. Students in the room looked shocked and embarrassed, according to the professor. Peer invited the activists to stay and learn about black holes and said that they could talk about unrelated issues after the lecture.

The students held signs that protested the death of Islamic University of Gaza president and physicist Sufyan Tayeh. Reuters reported that the Palestinian Higher Education Ministry announced that Tayeh was killed in an Israeli airstrike on December 2. Other signs accused Peer of supporting “genocide,” with mention of an organization called Tax Payers for Peace.

“Hey Asaf Peer! Because of 1948’s Nakba in Palestine, you were able to obtain your Ph.D. in illegally occupied Ramat Gan. Is that why you support genocide?” read the signs. “Didn’t higher education teach us to be ethical? Why is the administration supporting speakers who openly support genocide?”

The protesters continued to shout, and the campus police were summoned. Peer said that the police told him that they could not remove the protesters because it was a public event and their expulsion would constitute an infringement of free speech rights.

A UNLV spokesperson said that the public event was ended early by a staff decision in response to the interruptions.

“University Police then arrived and accompanied the guest lecturer to his vehicle as a safety precaution,” said UNLV public affairs director Francis McCabe.


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“Hey Asaf Peer! Because of 1948’s Nakba in Palestine, you were able to obtain your Ph.D. in illegally occupied Ramat Gan. Is that why you support genocide?” read the signs. “Didn’t higher education teach us to be ethical? Why is the administration supporting speakers who openly support genocide?”
First of all, the reference to the “Nabka” tells me right away they’re dishonest (or deluded). Period.
Second, “illegally occupied” is also a lie.
Third, WHAT genocide? Against “Palestinians”? The Israelis would have to be the worst genociders on the planet if what they’ve been doing is genocide.
Fourth, ethical? Your higher education didn’t teach YOU to be ethical, it seems. Disrupting a lecture, lying, and slander aren’t ethical in my book. Maybe you should go back and protest your professors.
Lastly, why is the administration supporting those who support genocide? I don’t know. I would have had the students beat you down and zip-tie and duct tape you all for your stupidity and rudeness, then have you expelled from campus for trespass – because you all support actual genocide.

henrybowman | March 1, 2024 at 7:04 pm

“Peer [the SPEAKER] said that the police told him that they could not remove the protesters because it was a public event and their expulsion would constitute an infringement of free speech rights.”

F’ing Democrat Bizarro-Land… where the victim is the oppressor, and the crybullies are the victims.

Something similar happened in medical school years ago. The big issue then was something happening on campus that was so “significant” I don’t even remember it. A bunch of students marched into the lecture hall during an ICM (integrated clinical medicine) lecture and started shouting worthless slogans. Dr. Martin stopped the lecture and moved directly to the slides showing the physical effects of syphilis. Didn’t stop the protest, but it did shut them up and there was a lot of cries of “That’s disgusting!” Rather funny way to meet whackos on their own terms.