“Chuck Schumer is fighting to prevent Hamas from being destroyed. It’s disgraceful. He will never live this down.”
My appearance on The Tony Katz Show: “All of American policy for the last two to three weeks, maybe month, has been to try to bully Israel into not finishing off Hamas. And now Chuck Schumer steps in and picks up that cudgel and he hits Netanyahu over the head…. Your legacy will be that you betrayed not just the Jewish people, but you betrayed Western civilization and your own country with these comments at a critical moment in history.”

I appeared earlier today on the Tony Katz Show. I’ve been on Tony’s show many times, and it’s always a fun and interesting time.
This time we mostly talked about the decision in the Trump-Georgia case seeking disqualification of Prosecutor Fani Willis and her lover and special prosecutor Nathan Wade. At the time of the segment, we knew of the decision, but had not heard that Wade had withdrawn from the case to allow his special someone and cash machine to stay on the case.
You can hear the entire segment in the embeded audio at the bottom of this post.
The last three minutes were spent talking about Chuck Schumer’s attack on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, calling for new elections in Israel and putting Netanyahu on par with Hamas as an obstacle to peace.
As I wrote on March 9, the Biden administration and many Democrats, are using the old Obama playbook of attacking Netanyahu because he refuses to capitulate to American political weakness in the face of vile Islamist butchers, Biden Admin, Like Obama Before It, Has Found An Enemy It’s Willing To Fight: Bibi Netanyahu:
The Obama administration hated Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with the fire of a thousand Suns, because Bibi would not bow to the Obama “grand bargain” to hand the region to Iran. What infuriated Obama more than anything is that a large percentage of Americans supported Bibi’s position and saw in him something Obama and his VP Joe Biden lacked: A strong leader willing to fight against the enemies of Israel, and America.
Team Obama runs the Biden administration’s foreign policy, so the hate remains. Team Biden wants to force a ceasefire on Israel, leaving Hamas in control of Gaza, and Netanyahu will not capitulate….
On cue, the color revolution in Israel against Netanyahu has heated up dramatically, recalling the weeks and months leading up to October 7 when Israel was paralyzed by the expertly organized hysteria over judicial reform. The Biden administration was closely aligned with those protests ….
The anti-Netanyahu fervor has been mostly kept under the surface since October 7, but now it’s bubbled up as the Biden administration is openly attacking Netanyahu. You think it’s a coincidence? I don’t.
Schumer’s attack on Netanyahu must be viewed in the context of the Biden administration’s regime change agenda in Israel. Many other Democrat Senators have made attacks on Netanyahu, including Chris Van Holen from Maryland, who is increasingly looking like Hamas’ greatest defender in the Senate:
.@ChrisVanHollen has become Hamas' biggest protector in the Senate – despicable https://t.co/pJLmJcYJ2F via @commentary
— William A. Jacobson (@wajacobson) March 15, 2024
Mary covered Schumer’s hit job because I was unavailable:
“I’m biting my tongue out of respect for Professor Jacobson so I don’t unleash my true feelings toward Sen. Chuck Schumer.”
There was no reason to bite your tongue – there is almost no level of scorn that would be too much.
I didn’t bite my tongue in the final three minutes on Tony’s show, and if he invites me back, I’ll be happy to expand:
[Transcript auto-generated, may contain transcription errors.]
Katz (00:00):
Before I let you go, talking to William Jacobson, Cornell law professor, legalinsurrection.com. I wanted to ask you about Chuck Schumer, the Senator from New York, and his commentary about having elections. Israel should have elections and get rid of Netanyahu. Netanyahu is the problem. You have been certainly outspoken about being Jewish, about support for Israel. You’re on lists of people who are influencers in this space. You have dealt with threats because of it. Your take on Chuck Schumer calling for a new election in the middle of a war and getting engaged in Israeli politics?
WAJ (00:49):
So you’re only going to leave me a minute or two to completely rant on Chuck Schumer. <laugh>. Have me back for a 30-minute segment, please.
It’s disgusting what he did. It’s pandering. It’s pandering to the anti-Israel Democratic base, the pro-Hamas vote in Michigan. It is the worst thing he could possibly have done because he’s trying to divide the Jewish community. He knows there’s in the American Jewish community, which is overwhelmingly liberal, he knows there’s some dislike for Netanyahu. And what he’s trying to do, he’s trying to separate Israel and Netanyahu, which has been Biden administration policy. I wrote about this about two weeks ago, that’s where they’re going to distinguish. ‘Well, we hate Netanyahu, but we love Israel.’ Well, they’re in the middle of a war, okay?
And why do they hate Netanyahu so much right now? It’s because he’s refusing to capitulate to the American President and the American Secretary of State who want Hamas to survive. They do. You can’t read their actions any other way.
Hamas now exists only in Rafa, four battalions by all counts, which is thousands of Hamas fighters. That’s where the leadership is. That’s where the hostages are. And all of American policy for the last two to three weeks, maybe month, has been to try to bully Israel into not finishing off Hamas. And now Chuck Schumer steps in and picks up that cudgel and he hits Netanyahu over the head. And why is he hitting net over the head? Is because he’s been too uncompromising.
I think there’s going to be a huge, there is a huge backlash to this. I think what Schumer did is disgraceful. He’s trying to walk it back.
Too late, Chuck, you will not walk it back. Your legacy will be that you betrayed not just the Jewish people, but you betrayed Western civilization and your own country with these comments at a critical moment in history. Because let’s face it, the people Israel is fighting in Gaza and elsewhere are enemies of the United States. They are enemies of Western civilization.
What they did on October 7th, they would do to us in a heartbeat if they could. And Chuck Schumer is fighting to prevent them from being destroyed. It’s disgraceful. He will never live this down.
Katz (03:04):
Next time I give you the full 30 minutes, that’s all there is to it. That is William Jacobson Cornell Law professor legalinsurrection.com.
Schumer is trying to walk it back, but too late.
Too late, pandering to the pro-Hamas Jew-hating mob at a critical moment in history will be your legacy. https://t.co/QK9Y3K0I4I
— William A. Jacobson (@wajacobson) March 15, 2024
Biden and many Democrat Senators have praised and embraced Schumer’s attack on Netanyahu. Nothing is coincidence. This is Obama 2015 all over again.
Israel reportedly is ramping up its domestic production of armaments, but it will take years to replace a meaningful part of the American defense industry production supply. Israel should hurry, we are no longer a reliable ally, we treat our allies worse than our enemies.
Here is the full segment, including analysis of the Fani Willis decision:

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Schumer is self loathing jew who would sell his own grandmother to Hamas. Soros is smiling.
And, his biggest voter base is either blind to that or vote for him because he’s a fellow lanzmann. G-d forbid som goy take his place even if better suited to their own interests.
When I see someone on the left act this way, coming out aggressively in favor of what even they should know is evil I always wonder, how much was he paid?
Perhaps more likely — how much was he threatened
In Schumer’s case, neither. He’s just this awful by nature.
A hollow man filled with liberal kool-aid.
I question the whole “self-loathing” thing.
Imho it’s more of a supreme naïveté, combined with an incredible unlimited high opinion of oneself.
Rather like the guy that built that Titan mini-sub, and convinced himself and a few others to go into the ocean and get killed.
Those people didn’t seem self-loathing. They seem a lot like Blinken and Thomas Friedman and Jake Sullivan
et al.
A couple years ago there were two young women from Northern Europe who travelled to North Africa in order to demonstrate that “we’re all the same, etc.” and they were murdered pretty soon after arrival
A couple years ago there were 2 or 3? people who set out to bicycle around the world in order to demonstrate that “we’re all the same … love conquers all” and they were murdered in Central Asia.
I don’t think most of these people were/are self-loathing. I think they were/are incredibly, incredibly, supremely naive. And irrationally almost-unbelievably confident in themselves.
Yeah, this whole “self-hating Jew” thing is usually wrong. Most of the people thus described don’t hate themselves at all. It’s only other Jews they have a problem with.
There is an element in many different parts of society to disparage their own to gain favor. They always accentuate the bad or shortcomings. No matter how much Israel does to mitigate collateral damage the classic “they haven’t done enough” will be heard. The whole of progressive ideology is based on that. Religion is just an accessory to use.
Way past time these people retire
He’s got nothing to worry about…….until they come for the useful idiots.
BREAKING: Federal agencies are secretly collaborating with gaming companies to “monitor and fight domestic extremism”
A report by the GAO reveals undisclosed collaboration between FBI, DHS, & huge companies like Roblox, Discord, Reddit.
The report warns of “extremists” using… pic.twitter.com/qGliN4xl2U
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) March 13, 2024
The FBI and DHS are working with gaming companies to root out memes, humor, & aesthetics that might convert people to “domestic extremism” pic.twitter.com/6Ld3ccg95z
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) March 14, 2024
Democratic lawmakers and Gov. Jared Polis exempt legislature from Colorado’s open meetings law
Schumer is a deranged c*nt. He desperately needs the Hairy Reed Exercise Band Treatment™
I’ve never heard that he’s involved with the mafia, so that’s unlikely to happen.
IMO there aren’t enough negative, insulting modifiers to place before Schumer’s name.
I dunno. Has guyjones chimed in yet? ;-{)}}}}
/all in good fun, folks
Bibi and Gen. Mattis would get along great. Mattis once said Obama did not eliminate ISIS because our troops would come in one end of town and ISIS would go out the other. Mattis said his plan is surround the town and exterminate them like cockroaches. It worked. ISIS prettty much disappeared for a good while.
Unfortunately Mattis proved to be a supbar Sec Def suffering from TDS.
“He will never live this down ”
I beg to differ. His seat in the Senate is as safe as Ted Kennedy ‘s or Diane Feinstein’s were. He’ll die of old age in that seat.
Sooner rather then later
There IS a GOD in heaven.
As Teddy died in his… although way too much of my money was on cirrhosis for his eventual COD.
But… how many Jewish voters in New York will continue voting for him? That’s the question.
I mean, it’s not like Hamas would go any easier on American Jews than they do on Israeli Jews.
Doesn’t matter, there are plenty of illegals who will not to mention the vast majority of people that have no idea what is going on in DC let alone know who Schumer even is. They will not have heard of any of this.
Yes, by all means, blame the Jews in New York.
He might as well be holding hands with the Squad. They strike fear into the hearts of progressives.
Along with his Supreme Court oration, he has cemented his colors as one that would stoop to any level, even knowing it’s wrong.
I sure miss Rush poking Chuck U.
I miss him everyday and Brietbart
Israel is now in the position the WWII allies were in before they entered Berlin. The allies knew there would be many civilian casualties involved in taking Berlin, but the Nazis refused to surrender and had to be eliminated.
Hamas could end the war tomorrow by surrendering and releasing the hostages. But they won’t do that, because they think international pressure will force the Israelis to back down. Hamas intends to survive as a fighting force to continue to plan terrorist attacks. Israel needs to finish the job now.
Actually Israel is alone
The “allies” were not
It’s like a secular antizionist Sabbatai Zevi moment.
He is such a scumbag.
I realize I am not enlightening anyone with this comment, but Schumer brings out the worst in me.
Schumer is a human windsock! The slimy bastard has sold out every stronghold of the American government. Now he is undermining Israel. Schumer is now the Soros traitor to all Jews and no amount of mea culpa will ever undo this insult.
Schumer is half-dead, mutant pond scum. He’s a perfect representative for the insane, self-hating, nihilistic left. They are among the most dysfunctional, destructive, deranged lunatic pieces of sh*t that evolution has ever puked onto the Earth.
History will not be kind to us, for very good reason.
This asshat will be remembered as long as Harry Reid and Diane Feinstein. Remember the throngs that went to their funerals?
They hate Bibi. Pure and simple. The left wants to foment a regime change in Israel. They are trying to interfere in the elections of a democratic country. The left has spent the last 8 years screaming hysterically about foreign election interference. We as a country have a political structure that has done more interference than any other country in the world. Central and South America, Ukraine, Israel, Asia. Probably the only continent we haven’t interfered with is Antarctica. And that’s only because they don’t have a political infrastructure. Schumer is the symptom, our political class is the disease! FJB
UpChuck Schumer is pandering to the pro murdering savage part of the Democrat party. Some of them support causes because of bumper stickers and slogans not thinking it through. Others know and continue to advocate for the evil causes.
I think Barky’s minions are as well
We all know that our politicians never need suffer any consequence of their cynical and shortsighted actions.
Schumer engenders more antisemitism in the general public than any Israeli military action. Watching him is to tolerance of Jews what watching an African American committing a smash and grab is to tolerance of blacks.
To me Schumer exposed his true colours when he refused to attend the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem. That told me that his “support” for Israel was a fraud. His leftist ideology and hatred for Netanyahu superceded any possible interest in, or feelings for, Israel.
He calculated that this was the moment to slip the knife into Netanyahu’s and Israel’s back. My hope is that this will backfire on Schumer and that his name will live, like that of Vidkun Quisling, in ignominy.
“ What they did on October 7th, they would do to us in a heartbeat if they could. ”
Indeed they would. And given our open border, I suspect a number of like-minded terrorists are already here, just waiting for their go orders.
They already caught one dumb enough to tell them his plans.
Chris Van Hollen is no doubt more popular in Montco than ever.
Setting aside the Jewish element of this story for a moment, I would like to point out that Schumer’s behavior is in fact TRAITOROUS. More than two-dozen Americans were killed on October 7, 2023 and roughly a half-dozen Americans continue to be held by Hamas. At ANY other time in American history (that wasn’t led by Jimmy Carter), this would be an act of war. And yet, Schumer and Biden and scores of other Democrats are actively working to prop-up a known clear & present danger to America.
If they like the prosecutions of Trump the last two-years, they’re going to love watching themselves get hauled away for charges of sedition and treachery after Trump is inaugurated.
They will never be tried for anything.
Nor should they be. But their support for Trump’s legal persecution means that if it were to happen to them they’d be morally estopped from complaining.
That’s not actually true. The attack was aimed at Israel, not the USA; the fact that US citizens were caught up in it doesn’t make it an act of war against the USA.
Through all of our history there have been dozens, probably hundreds of foreign wars and attacks in which US citizens were killed or captured, and the USA has never considered itself to be in a state of war with the parties responsible.
Just to take one example, consider how many US citizens were in Poland when Germany attacked on Sep-1-1939. The US embassy in Warsaw worked diligently to track the survivors down and repatriate them, and the Germans cooperated, but there were many killed and the USA still considered itself to be at peace with Germany until Germany declared war more than two years later.
“…the American Jewish community, which is overwhelmingly liberal…”
In other words, they voted for Schumer, Obama, and Biden. Who will they vote for in November?
Recent polls indicate that Trump will get a far greater share of the Jewish vote than he got 4 or 8 years ago.
“Far greater ” multiplied by “almost zero” is “not quite almost zero ”
Biden and the Democrats worry very little about Jews voting for Trump. They worry a great deal about loss of Jewish money.
Most New Dorkers neither know of care he did this. They are too busy propping up a disgusting party.
Chuck Schumer knows that the intelligence agencies have six ways from Sunday to run straw man militant groups, and, in fact, have some of them train together (as disparate as their aims seem to be,)
This is the kind of speech from someone that has a severe case of invincibility. He knows that senate seat is his until he decides it isn’t. He knows the democratic caucus in the senate is not going to replace him as leader of the senate.
NY has not elected a republican Senator this century, D’Amato left the senate in Jan. 1999. Between Javits and D’Amato a repub served in the senate from 1957 to 1999.
Zeldin or Stefanik are the only repubs would have the slightest chance of getting him voted out but he is not on the ballot again until 2028. He won the 2022 election by 800k votes.
I don’t see a moral difference between the DNC and hamas. except that the dnc has a much higher death toll. They both are satan’s female dog and will spend eternity as satan’s literal female dog next to that mass murdering pedophile prophet and that female hitler, Ruth bater ginsburg
Schumer’s speech was a complete disgrace and thee not only Israel but the American Jewish community under the bus as well
When Schumer started his career he went to every Jewish communal event but once in office he became allergic to bipartisanship and a publicity hound for the Sunday morning talk shows who accomplished nothing as a Senator
None of this matters. He’s from NY, which means that he will continue to be reelected until he dies.
I would say that based on Schumer’s past history and histrionics and hysteria, he really doesn’t care if he lives it down, because he lives it down with rats and other sewer and swamp creatures. He’s a malignant narcissist who sees himself above every “flyover country bumpkin”, and he doesn’t care whether anyone knows it or not. He speaks only for east coast elites and the smattering of like minded transplants on the left coast who are willing to put up with his messaging so long as it doesn’t conflict with their Granolafornia weirdness. He pays lip service to his leftist Jewish base, but they’re as brainwashed as can be, and will vote a straight “D” ballot because they have terminal Pauline Kael syndrome.
Chuck Schumer is one of many old, rich politicians who have become accustomed to getting rich by letting other peoples’ children die for their causes. I, for one, am tired of it. It’s not just the state of perpetual war, but also the perpetual lying on every topic, to promote policies that damage the general welfare but enrich him.
He has profited immensely on the philosophy that “What’s good for General Bullmoose is good for the USA.” He’s had a long run. He should resign, forthwith.
It may be dangerous to be America’s enemy but to be America’s friend is fatal. – Henry Kissinger
Senator Schemer.