CDC Says You Can Treat COVID Like Any Other Respiratory Virus, Ends Five-Day Isolation Suggestion
Our Leslie Eastman is correct once again!

Our masters at the CDC finally said what we always knew: You can treat COVID-19 like any other respiratory virus.
What did Leslie say in August 2021? “Today’s [coronovirus] variants are just common cold variants.”
The CDC announced that you don’t have to isolate yourself for five days after you test positive for COVID-19 no matter what.
Look, don’t test yourself unless you have to.
CDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohen said: “When you get sick, stay home and away from others.”
You mean to tell me when you’re not well with an infectious illness, you should stay at home and away from people!? You should stay away from people until you’re fever-free for 24 hours without the help of medicine!? This is hilarious:
Instead of setting a strict 5-day isolation period, the new guidance says people can return to normal activities so long as their symptoms improve, and continue improving over 24 hours and they no longer have a fever, without having used fever-reducing medications.
The guidance also recommends that people who are recovering from respiratory illness take additional precautions for five days, like wearing well-fitting masks, washing their hands, keeping a distance from others, and improving ventilation in their spaces.
“We wanted to give folks simple, actionable things that they can remember and do in order to protect themselves,” says Cohen, adding that the country is “in a different place related to COVID than we’ve been in the past.”
In its announcement, the agency said the decision reflects the “progress we have made in protecting against severe illness from COVID-19” — and that a unified approach makes recommendations easier to follow and more likely to be adopted by Americans.
The “progress we had made.” No, dummies. Anyone with an ounce of common sense knew all along that you could treat COVID like any other respiratory virus.
This is how it should have been all along!
In December 2019, someone in this house caught the flu. We isolated her, and I stayed in the room with her. I ended up getting it, and it turned into pneumonia because of my RA. Pneumonia is not contagious, but I still stayed away.
But guess what happened. NO ONE ELSE IN THE HOUSE EVER GOT SICK. Isn’t it weird what happens when you stay away from people, wash your hands, and disinfect everything when you have a contagious illness?
Also, who wants to be around other people when you’re sick!? I had the flu last week. No one else got sick. I stayed away from everyone, washed my hands, and disinfected. I didn’t emerge until the fever broke because you’re not contagious without the fever.
It’s also weird how the flu has returned. I’m also glad the doctors don’t get all huffy when you say no to the COVID shot.
Oh how I wish Leslie was here. She could tell everyone I told you so. I’ll add the video she always uses from one of the BEST CHRISTMAS MOVIES EVER.

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So… Covid is just another cold. Like we didn’t all know that’s exactly how this was going to end years ago?
Tens of thousands of Americans are alive today because of the COVID shots. They were high risk individuals. Elderly, obese, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetics, etc. It wasn’t just a cold for them. I agree that the shot was useless and probably harmful for healthy people and young people, but for others it was beneficial.
Ok joe
Fair enough to say that though your emphasis on the exception and not the vast majority mirrors the disastrous policy response of the public health bureaucracy who jumped feet first into pushing mandates like some fascist HOA Karen offended by someone’s lawn ornament.
No one, not me anyway, is arguing that the most vulnerable populations you listed shouldn’t have a Covid jab as an option. Far from from it. In fact that is what most of us were arguing FOR. Give those at high risk some options and leave the rest of us alone. If any hypochondriac weirdos also wanted to get the Covid jab be our guest but don’t make it mandatory, don’t close the schools, don’t shut down the economy.
This x 1000. I wish people on both sides would work towards thinking this way.
Very difficult to calculate because as the data has been more carefully and completely analyzed, it’s becoming clear that the window of effectiveness of the ‘vaccine’ was very, very narrow, think several months or even weeks. If anything should be credited with saving lives, it should be nature; the evolutionary pressure for survival that made the virus less lethal, as is often the case with highly infectious viruses.
The vaccine did not prevent infection nor did it prevent transmission and there’s questionable data to support the conclusion that it really did prevent serious disease. At the same time, the data is beginning to support the theory that the vaccine created far more problems for people under 30 than it solved. More research is still required to know conclusively. But, it’s not looking promising ATM.
Considering that the covid vaccine didn’t work, it was more of a moral hazard than anything. Giving people the false confidence that they’ve got a level of protection they don’t is not a good thing. Time to come back to reality
Yeah, I lost an employee and friend of 25 years who had no preexisting conditions and was vaccinated. Fat lot of fucking good it did him.
I lost a cousin who was very healthy due to his exercise regimen, routinely riding a bicycle several dozen miles three or more days a week – at the age of seventy. He got the “vaccine” and also contracted the virus about the same time. His immune system went into panic mode and he died a few weeks later.
We knew from the very beginning that children were practically immune to the Chinese death pox and that people who were fit, healthy and active had little to worry about from the Chinese Death Pox because the data just did not lie about this.
However Democrats had a very successful President that they needed a coup to remove from office to retain power in the greasy little fucking fingers and because of that we all had to pay a price!
We had to pay a price in our liberty and freedom and worse, people had to pay the ultimate price with their lives either from dying WITH the Chinese Death Pox because things like HCQ and other forms of treatment that did work were banned and doctors who were honest were fired; the elderly were locked up with covid sufferers, vaccines that did fuck all were forcibly injected in to entire populations and now fit and healthy people are still paying the price of Democrat power grabbing with their lives due to sudden death syndrome via heart attacks and other issues that were not prevalent in their age groups prior to 2020.
The vaccines may have “saved” some in the at risk category, like the very aged and those with multiple severe health conditions AND fat cunts but the increased risk of death to everyone else was nowhere near worth the risk to their lives for these vaccines to have been forced on EVERYONE.
Yes lock up the very at risk people but not entire fucking continents, which in the end did sweet fuck all to stop the spread of a nasty Chinese cold.
There is no proof of what you say because you can’t prove a negative. Just stop. The people you cite are more at risk from what you list than they ever were from Covid.
So, in your addled brain, let’s inject everyone with an experimental MRNA drug (not a vaccine) for a “pandemic” that was no more dangerous than the flu for elderly and infirm?
Now we have the possibility of some unknown clots in our veins, only to be found by an embalmer. We have otherwise healthy kids dying for “unknown reasons,” and athletes dying during training and competitions.
You are one sick MoFo!
How do you get your handlers to let you roam free?
COVID started out extra nasty but rapidly devolved, My theory is that spike protein was artificial, and started collapsing (mutating) immediately because it was an artificial, unstable construct that had not been honed by evolution.
And now it is a cold that causes whole lot of congestion, which means pneumonia secondary infections are to be expected.
I’m still taking my zinc and D for flu season.
The second time I got it was worse than the first and it was 3 yrs after Covid began
The spike protein was not “artificial”, at least not in the sense of being from whole cloth. It was a mutant variant form of the spike protein found in other coronaviruses such as SARS-CoV(1).
Whether it was mutated intentionally or occurred spontaneously in bats is up for debate. It would not matter though about “evolution” since it was tested by evolution in hosts and it passed with flying colors. It lead to a multi-year outbreak, but it didn’t “devolve”. Its opponent in co-evolution (aka our immune systems) kicked in to fight back. These basic facts aren’t really debatable no matter your politics.
The biggest difference was the packet inside the viral coat that was able to more efficiently replicate and produce a larger viral load. The spike protein variant was also better at entering and exploiting cells (in other words, it was the opposite of fragile…it was hardy and good at its job).
If you artificially construct a protein by genetically manipulating it then it is not naturally occurring, it is an artificial construct by definition. There is much evidence it was not a naturally occurring protein found in any species of bat. Try harder to research what you are saying
I cited a completely objective reference and it describes the 80 pct similarity between SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2…that’s the whole virus not just the spike protein.
Take your own advice, cite a reference that supports your rebuttal (that the spike protein is “artificial”), and explain it rather than trying to pot shot your way to some kind of imagined comment block victory.
Are you so dense to think we know every coronavirus in every species of vector animal? Your “has not been found in any species of bat” is both a non-sequitir and a false debunk. Bats are an ideal vector for coronaviruses that jump to humans. This is known. Regardless, you missed the point completely as the point was that origin is debatable but the evolutionary hardiness and fate of SARS-CoV-2 is not.
Yes, I am dense upon occasion. I also have a degree in the field and have worked in several labs. How about you?
Ph D in a biomed field and do research with physiology every day of my life in a current lab where I run my own research. I’m not sure what that pissing contest proves though.
Nasty due to Fauci and China. When will Fauci be held accountable?
Now, where did I save that meme of Satan skating?
“adding that the country is “in a different place related to COVID than we’ve been in the past.”
Yes, we’re post-Ceaușescu Romania.
The problem is that we got here directly from Ceaușescu Romania without being allowed to enjoy the cathartic intervening moment of justice.
Pretty sure that a great many folks saved up their stockpile of toilet paper and hand sanitizer for any future bureaucrat bonfires that may become necessary if the bureaucracy tries going fascist Karen again.
Chief. That’s coming. Soon.
It is now early March, all efforts to prevent Trump from being the nominee have pretty much failed, Jack Smith looks like failed replica of an eastern block Boris Badanov, and the Democrats have a demented, perverted, molester who can’t form a complete word, let alone a full sentence.
The bureaucratic bonfire is being prepared for an October Surprise.
Stock up. Arm up. Train up.
I don’t doubt they want to try that, it fits the ‘kitchen sink’ approach the d/prog and establishment have been using to maintain their grip on power.
IMO, another attempt at panic porn for a virus is not gonna work. The most consistently loyal group of Biden voters/supporters is the 65+ demographic. They went for Biden at about 45% and polling shows the same rough level of support 43% +/- very consistently.
That demographic is also on ‘vulnerable’ side of the Covid ledger yet even this demo seems to be rejecting additional Covid Booster Jabs. Not just them either. Every day more people learn just how Cray Cray the public health community and some jurisdictions were. More studies, more email exchanges more info re Covid and the very poor risk/reward decisions made by bureaucrats imposing tyrannical policies comes to light. I believe well more than a critical mass of the public is paying attention and will actively refuse to participate in a future cosplay of panic porn.
So, 3 years later we’ve added one more to the menagerie of endemic circulating resp viruses that cause common colds — was about 40% corona viruses before this paticular ‘rona.
If COVID returns as a re-gift from China, the very last thing that the current administration wants is to remind Americans of the intrusions on our life we had last time. It might make it harder to steal the elections.
Subotai Bahadur
Fauci is such a fraud. There was no reasons to destroy the economy with lockdown.
He should be imprisoned, his pension terminated, and his entire fortune from his profits from the “vaccines” be taken.
He is nothing but a murderer.
I knew this in January of 2020.
So they’re finally admitting what people with sense knew all along.
I’ve never been test, I’ve never worn a mask, I’ve never taken a shot.
Why? Because I just don’t do STUPID.
You never had a medical appointment, during the height of the bs? I don’t know a single medical office that flat out did not require a mask… That was my one exception.
Sustaining meds that require periodic “checkups” to keep the prescriptions active. Then they yelled at one for the “standard” inoculations yr behind on, when they wouldn’t deliver those, and changed the standard of care in the meanwhile.
Good times.
And yet, just as with COVID, the sanctimonious technocrats, bureaucrats, clerks, and potentates at the mighty CDC slow rolled and obstructed local attempts to get to the bottom of the Chinese lab in California, Reedsville was it? last year. We still know virtually nothing about either it or the people and organizations behind it.
It, like so many organizations in government today up to and including Congress have forgotten what their jobs are. We need them. They need to be “slapped upside the head and reined in.” They are going to get more people killed unnecessarily than they already have . . and that is a big number and still growing.
“We need them.”
We need some few things done that in principle work better done collectively.
When the admins for our collective stuff club decide they’re the deciders, it’s time to change how we get that stuff done, and who we let do it for us.
Not taking the MRNA vaccine was a dual test of intelligence and moral fiber. Did you pass?
Mary Chastain: Our masters at the CDC finally said what we always knew: You can treat COVID-19 like any other respiratory virus.
The human immune system is a complex of different reactions. If you have been previously infected, you will have antibodies to that pathogen. If you are re-exposed to the pathogen, the antibodies will prevent infection. However, antibodies are a static defense, so as the virus mutates, antibodies lose their effectiveness.
You will also develop immunulogical memory in B cells and T cells. Having been previously exposed to the parent virus, your memory cells will produce antibodies at a much higher rate. This process takes time, so you may acquire the disease, but will generally quickly clear the infection when compared to naïve infection.
When COVID struck, it was a *novel* coronavirus. That means the human immune system had no experience with the virus, so there was no memory of exposure. The defense had to be built from scratch, which takes time. That allowed the disease to cause serious damage to the infected person, sometimes resulting in hospitalization and death. More than a million Americas died during the pandemic. That’s not just a common cold or seasonal flu.
What has changed is that nearly everyone has previous exposure, either through vaccination or natural infection, so there is much less danger. At this point, COVID can be treated like a case of the flu. But that’s not the same as “what we always knew”.
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I will never take the jab. That said, I got Covid this past November for the first time and it was worse than any flu I’ve ever gotten, and I have been laid up in bed listless, aches and with a fever for days three times in my life.
The Covid that hit me started with a cough and quickly filled by a fever. Then what I call a mucous pump. Nonstop mucous and coughing and then a horrible sore throat, as bad if not worse than the one I had with mononucleosis in my 20’s. At the worst point, four days in, I thought I might drown in my sleep from the coughing and mucous and labored breathing. Finally after nine days the fever broke and I started to get better. Then there’s the brain fog ..
Covid is NOT just another virus like the cold or flu. It was designed by evil and sadistic sociopaths (fauci?) and is intended to do harm. From my point of view they succeeded. I think the CDC trivializing it now is just another lie and a way for them to cover their collective asses. “Oh, it’s just a cold.” Uh no, it’s not. It was and still is a weapon. It, like any traditional weapon, just doesn’t always kill
Why do I ignore preview?
I think it’s exactly correct to not lose sight of the (increasingly indisputable) fact that this was a genetically engineered virus which undercuts the claim that it’s ‘only a cold.’ We know that other viruses can have lasting, detrimental impact on health through a variety of mechanisms. Some viruses cause cancer. Some viruses can lay dormant for years, even decades only to manifest themselves as a different disease, like varicella-zoster virus (Chickenpox to Shingles). The only good news, perhaps, is that I don’t believe were aware of other viruses in the corona family that cause lasting damage. Of course, those other viruses weren’t manipulated by man.
Interesting. I got Covid twice. The first was as an “early adopter” back in the spring of 2020 and it did almost nothing except give me a mild fever (100°F) and a little fatigue. The second time it was more like a very mild cold/cough, except that I lost my sense of smell and taste for about 3 days.
A couple of months after that 2nd time I caught the flu that was going around our small town. I’d infinitely rather have another bout of Covid than that flu; it gave me a fever of 104°F, horrific coughing, and bone and joint aches that hurt continuously and that ibuprofen wouldn’t even touch. It also triggered my auto-immune problem in my eyes, making me resort to eye medications I hadn’t used for a couple of years.
This year I caught the head cold that’s going around our small town…low fever (100.5°F) but a runny nose that was like a faucet. Lasted five or six days, and I didn’t stir out of the house for fear of giving it away…my wife basically lived in the basement for that time and managed to avoid getting it from me.
My experience as a multiple-risk person (over 65, overweight, high blood pressure, auto-immune problems) is that I’d much rather have Covid than either a cold or flu. I will NEVER submit to the mask and jab Nazis…the fact that the jab has killed more people, particularly young and otherwise healthy people, than it ever protected is now becoming well-known, since it:
– Didn’t prevent transmission of the disease,
– Didn’t prevent acquisition of the disease, and
– Didn’t lessen the severity of it in those who caught it.
Anyone who claims otherwise is either stupid or evil, and possibly both.
Thanks China, we owe you BIG TIME!
For Covid, the ‘stay away from people until 24 hours after you’ve quit taking drugs’ is a bit short. 24 hours afterward still leaves you strung out and exhausted. Take 48 like I did last year when I caught it (again). Prop your feet up, enjoy breathing again, watch movies you never had time to watch before, and sleep when you want. Only then should you return to the rat race. Life is short. Netflix and chill.
Wait, what? The CDC is gonna denounce itself now? Get itself banned from Teh Interwebz?
Was it mis- dis- or mal- information before, or what they’re saying now?