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California: Illegal Immigrants Convicted of Violent Felonies Could Receive Legal Aid Under New Bill

California: Illegal Immigrants Convicted of Violent Felonies Could Receive Legal Aid Under New Bill

Racial justice, you guys.

California’s Representation, Equity, and Protections (REP) for All Immigrants Act would allow illegal immigrants convicted of violent felonies to receive legal aid.

I don’t know how Californians can stay in that state. Leslie, you are a brave woman.

REP is the perfect proof that you don’t give the government an inch. You do not go down a slippery slope.

The One California program helps illegal immigrants pay for attorney services for immigration issues along with “those applying for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, naturalizing and Temporary Protected Status (TPS).” The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) funds One California.

Well, now the Democrats want to expand that inch to 500 miles because REP will allow those funds to pay for legal aid for those convicted of violent or severe felonies (emphasis mine):

Although the One CA program has provided crucial access to legal services for California’s immigrant population, the program has failed to match California’s commitment to racial equity, as the program prohibits funds from being used to assist certain individuals who have a criminal history. Further, CDSS has limited the types of eligible services, preventing funds from being used for interpreters, medical examinations, and litigation costs. As such, updates to the program are necessary to ensure service providers can more adequately serve all of California’s immigrant communities.

AB 617 will improve the One CA program by removing outdated exclusions to representation and access for all immigrant Californians, regardless of past interaction with the criminal legal system; broadening eligibility for qualified nonprofit organizations that can apply for funding and provide services; clarifying and expanding the definition of immigration services to include social services, interpretation, and litigation costs; revising data collection and reporting requirements; and, creating an advisory committee to provide recommendations and strengthen California’s immigration legal infrastructure and services.

Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D) said the bill takes a step toward racial justice:

The bill, introduced by Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D), would end those restrictions and also update the program to expand the services that can be provided to include interpreters, social services and litigation costs.

In a press release, his office said that “the program has failed to match California’s commitment to equity, as the program prohibits funds from being used to assist certain individuals who had past interactions with the criminal legal system.”

Jones-Sawyer said it would provide equal access to immigration services.

“For as long as I have been in state office, I have worked towards ensuring people are given a second chance and have championed efforts to prevent people from being treated as second-class individuals,” he said in a statement. “The REP for All Immigrants Act ensures racial justice and truly equitable access to crucial immigration services for all – not some.”

The bill also drew significant support from a number of immigrant activist groups who voiced their support of the legislation.

Stay classy, California.


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Gov newscum turning CA into sanctuary state for illegal aliens, homeless junkies, black looters. Did I forget anybody?


I am going to delve into psy-ops against Latino invaders by dressing as el Diablo and welcome them into el Estados con un risa diabolica.

Here are two lists. Which one is longer?

1. List of benefits for being an American citizen
2. List of benefits for being an illegal alien

The (deeply flawed) concept Racial justice is born from America’s own complicated history with subjugating black populations to slavery and segregation and undoing the damage that fundamentally racist policy did to black Americans even post-segregation.

What exactly does that have to do with migrants who voluntarily and illegally entered the country? What racial inequity is there to rectify? On its face it seems the only reason they must be beneficiaries of racial justice is not harm done unto them because of their race, but simply because they aren’t white Europeans.

E Howard Hunt | March 13, 2024 at 2:07 pm

This is not a very proactive approach. The lawyers should help the persons experiencing no documents with planning their violent felonies. That way the later defense will be in a stronger position later.

We should have a new law:

Any offense committed by an illegal alien, no matter how minor, should be considered a capital offense.

    I know you are being sarcastic, but there are way too many commentators here on LI who would agree that even a speeding ticket (which is a criminal offense) should be considered a capital offense, if committed by an illegal alien.

    thalesofmiletus in reply to ChrisPeters. | March 13, 2024 at 3:51 pm

    No, just deported like they should have been all along.

      CommoChief in reply to thalesofmiletus. | March 13, 2024 at 5:24 pm

      Yep. Every illegal alien should always be concerned that the next LEO encounter,.even a.routine traffic stop, may be what gets them ID as illegal and deported. Same for every other interaction with every govt agency at all levels, Federal State and Local. Each govt agency or for that matter NGO which accepts Federal funds should be required to alert ICE and help facilitate the apprehension and deportation of those illegal aliens.

When your State leadership proposes Cray Cray such as this you should seriously consider leaving. If you are unable to gather sufficient political support to successfully oppose this sort of Cray Cray it is time to go while you still can.

The Gentle Grizzly | March 13, 2024 at 6:08 pm

Mary: I don’t know who writes the headlines, or who edits the stories, but, the subject matter is not “Illegal immigrants. They are border jumpers. They are invaders. Not “immigrants”.

I wonder if some Democrats are getting worried that they can be replaced very quickly if they stray from the Party Line or get mouthy on camera?

Capitalist-Dad | March 14, 2024 at 9:35 am

Another leftist thumb in the eye for actual American citizens.

Because “no person is illegal,” right? Not the mugger, not the rapist, not the murderer. All fine, upstanding legal persons in California.