Biden Moving Forward With Plan to ‘Forgive’ Billions More in Student Loan Debt
“I’m not backing down.”

Biden doesn’t seem to care that the Supreme Court told him he couldn’t do this. He is a lawless president.
FOX News reports:
Biden vows to forge ahead with student loan handouts, has 4 words for all his critics
President Biden is vowing to forge ahead with his plan to forgive billions of dollars in student loans, just months ahead of his expected 2024 presidential election rematch with Donald Trump.
Despite a national debt soaring past $34.5 trillion and the U.S. Supreme Court previously serving as a roadblock for such handouts to loan borrowers, the president is again vowing to forgive the borrowed sums.
“From day one, I promised to fix broken student loan programs and make sure higher education is a ticket to the middle class, not a barrier to opportunity,” Biden wrote on X.
He added: “I’m not backing down.”

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“Come on, man. I need those votes!”
It’s good to be king.
Spending other people’s money is fun!
This is fascinating. Instead of earning your way through college via enlisting in the military, serving in Americorp, working and savings other wise, this group will get our grand children to pay for it. For that kind of “investment”, the public should be granted full visibility into the identity of the fortunate recipients.
Attempting to buy votes in election year. Can this be court challenged?
It could be, if you find grounds for a challenge, and a challenger with standing. But it’s not clear that you could find either one. There is no a priori reason to believe he doesn’t have the authority to do this, i.e. that the administration’s interpretation of the relevant statutes is in error. Just because they got one statute wrong doesn’t mean they got others wrong too. Having been knocked down in Biden v Nebraska they’re being more cautious and acting in a more limited way each time they find a statute that can be read as authorizing some kind of relief.
No, it never told him that.
That he is, but not because of this. He is in full compliance with Biden v Nebraska.
For gawd sake Milhouse can you EVER stop being such a tool of evil. Serious question are you actually an attorney or do you just pretend to be one because you are such a narcissist tool???
You are not just a tool of evil, you are evil itself, since you clearly don’t give a shit about the truth or about justice. To you the only thing that matters is which side of politics something helps or harms. If Trump did the exact same thing you’d be applauding him, because to you there is no right or wrong, no truth or falsehood, no objective reality at all. Which is pretty much the definition of a leftist.
If you think the Supreme Court ever told Biden he can’t do this, cite the case and the text that does so. If you can’t do that then shut your filthy lying mouth and don’t dare comment on the topic.
People took out a loan in order to pay for products and services.
After those services were rendered, they are expected to pay back the loan.
If this is describing a “broken” loan system, why am I still paying my credit card bills?
Sailor, your CC was not backed by the taxpayer (at least not directly!) enabling merchants to raise prices 400% or more. Because the taxpayer got into the student lending business, it now is in the debt settlement business.