Biden Border Crisis: Illegal Immigrants Overrun Texas National Guard
“Absolute chaos.”

I’m in the car (my ‘husband’ is driving, seriously) but had to share this.
All these people completely overran the Texas National Guard in El Paso.
Someone is going to die. I am shocked it hasn’t already happened.
This is the moment when TX National Guard became overrun by migrants rioting to get across the border here in El Paso today
We were there and saw it all happen. Absolute chaos here.
— Jennie Taer (@JennieSTaer) March 21, 2024

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to the full extent allowed by law.
But America is dying.
Don’t the taxpayers provide the National Guard with perfectly good firearms and ammunition to … umm … guard the citizenry?
Fire the FPF.
If ya know, ya know.
No I do not know. Educate me.
“Final Protective Fire” normally used when a military unit is about to be overrun in an overwhelming attack.
Generally a concentrated fire directly in front of the defending force.
What did the FIB know, and how much did the FIB orchestrate in order to give Abbott a black eye (or worse if shots get fired)?
I don’t really know why they can’t unload a bunch of AR-14’s [Biden’s term, correct?] on these INVADERS.
If you called the National Guard, it’s because you needed military force.
Putting military force on the line and then not permitting them to USE military force to defend themselves (not to mention the country) is nothing but kabuki theater.
Shoot a few, the rush will end PRONTO.
Shoot. To. Kill.
It’s long past time to stop ignoring the invasion.
I agree 110%.
That was the first thing I thought. Crime, the Guard did more damage (Americans, too, of all things) at Kent State a half a century ago. There’s gonna be blood shed if this keeps up.
We’ve already had bloodshed, but the victims are not those in uniform. They are the civilians in various states the military is duty bound to protect.
I feel for those Guardsman who have been put in an untenable position by Joe Biden. Effective, non-lethal control of a civilian crowd is incredibly difficult. It requires specialized equipment, training…and numbers, something the Texas National Guard units probably don’t have; there are no Guard units that have access to our Active Denial Systems, for example. We have military units that do have that training and equipment and those are the units that should be on the border ATM. But, Biden would never allow it and even if he – or Trump – wanted to, it would be proscribed by the latest additions to Posse Comitatus that were quietly inserted into the 2021 Defense Authorization Bill.
This is only going to get worse and will almost certainly see one of these skirmishes turn violent, which is of course EXACTLY what Biden et. al. want.
Clearly, it will take deadly force to stop the invasion.
Shoot to kill.
They would just as soon kill us.
They have been
Notice they have absolutely no fear
If you like want the state of New York is doing to Daniel Penny, you would absolutely love what Merrick Garland’s DOJ would to the poor Guardsman who opened up on these interlopers.
Drones, fire ants and Caldrops.
If no one can account for them I doubt anyone will notice if they go missing.
Just saying.
They’re irregular soldiers. No one’s keeping track.
Those invaders should have ended up rotting corpses decorating the wall.
This is just pathetic. … Beyond words …
They couldn’t even find it in themselves (the ones in charge) to have them spray rubber bullets into that crowd??
No alien should ever get within 100 yards of the border if there is anyone allegedly “guarding” it. Escalating violence against them to ward off the invaders, until there should certainly be lethal means at the fence, itself.
it was always understood that there were no-man’s lands and that no one stepped foot in them, lest they be shot dead or have to chance stepping on a mine. Mines served a very, very important purpose – and saved a lot of money and material and man-hours.
This is just laughing-stock stuff, and in a very ugly way.
I am a big fan of lots and lots of beanbag rounds. A full load in a bunch of 12ga shotguns and fire for effect when you get a riot/mob/crowd.
If they continue after several volleys of beanbags, then you immediately switch to lethal rounds.
What if Abbott deliberately put the Guard there with order to not engage? Now that illegals have removed a border fence and attacked Guard Troops with live video being aired it’s hard to argue there is not a hostile invasion going on.
Likely this sort of thing was a part of the thinking when developing the ROE. TX has been very deliberate in progressing step by step, IMO, trying to build a factual record that they are exhausting every possible effort. Eventually though even if the CTs rule against them the leadership of TX gonna have a decision point of what comes next when they have actually run out of alternatives; getting close. At some point they gonna have to choose to authorize force or not when every other possible option fails. IOW overwhelming force and violence of action to secure the TX border when/if the Feds continue to not only fail but abrogate their responsibility.
And that’s when the politics will get really, really ugly.
BE PREPARED, everyone.
Most likely your correct. I’m not aware of too many ROE’s involving National Guard troops that include live ammo. If I’m not mistaken even during the Swearing In of Dear Leader Biden with all the trappings of a dictator seizing power involved N.G. with firearms but no live ammo.
Want this to end?
Start shooting them.
Damn. That’s harsh.
But that’s where your head goes.. They’re invading–there’s no way to hide that, they’re invading.
There’s only one way to get that to stop.
I almost wrote the same thing for the squatter story.
This is where we are.
The State is happily moving forward with legal confiscation of property–all property, not just Trumps.
People are being slaughtered in the streets.
This is where we are.
It’s not some Tim Pool Civil War fantasy anymore, it’s here, the US is crumbling, quickly, before our eyes.
You’re not going to retire. You’re not going to buy a house. There’s no more time to prep– now, you must scavenge enough to survive of the still warm corpse of America –and understand that the war of all against all is now, you will spend the rest of your life fighting it, for survival, and maybe for a faint glimmer of hope.
Welcome to the Apocalyptic Hellscape.
How is this not an INVASION ?
Time to bring in the A10 Thunderbolt II’s
Oof, no. A-10 is not really made for dismounted infantry confrontations. It generally requires a sturdier, larger target.
Unless, of course, it’s dropping cluster munitions. But, then, any puny F-16 or F-35 could do that. Or a B-52, for that matter.
That’s a picture of a country committing suicide.
Strangely I could not find much coverage of any of this attack on our nation. Only reference I could find was on several sights like this and Peter Doocey asking that mop haired idiot about it and her response being “it’s the N.G. fault for being there”.
Almost like there is a concentrated effort to not let the country know an invasion is going on.