Athletes at Davidson College Forced to Watch ‘Only Whites Are Racist’ Video

Alums have found out about this and are not happy. Who can blame them?

The College Fix reports:

Davidson College forces athletes to watch ‘only whites are racist’ videoDavidson College alumni are calling for change after student athletes recently were required to watch the video “I’m Not Racist … Am I?” which labels all white people as racists.The Davidsonians for Freedom of Thought and Discourse, an alumni-run free speech organization, exposed and denounced the video after learning the North Carolina institution forced student athletes to watch it this semester.Notably, “in one clip of the film that we uncovered, is the unequivocal repetition that all white people are racist, and people of color cannot be racist,” the organization told The College Fix in a statement via email last week.“The students with whom we have spoken about this film found it offensive, divisive, and personally insulting,” the organization stated.Moreover, the athletic department opted to show the film on a Sunday afternoon instead of normal school hours, according to the organization. Students “were disappointed that the Athletic Department would compel them to participate in this event for over three hours on a Sunday afternoon,” the group told The Fix.Primarily, the Davidsonians said they are concerned with the compulsory nature of the viewing.“Again, DFTD does not object to discussions among teammates or anyone on any topic, including weaponized definitions of racism. Compelling them to do so, guided only by the extremist views of the film producer, is a hazardous way to go about it,” the group said in its statement provided to The Fix.The free speech organization also expressed concerns that the viewing could facilitate conflict among student athletes.“Will those teammates classified as ‘the oppressed’ and ‘the oppressor’ continue to trust and respect each other?” the group said.

Tags: College Insurrection, North Carolina, Social Justice, Sports