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Are We Inching Towards World War III?

Are We Inching Towards World War III?

“The ongoing conflicts have strained the military and policy resources of the United States and its allies.”

This is a topic that has been whispered about for months. Now the whispers are getting louder.

From Real Clear Defense:

Preparing for World War III: The Home Front

During an interview on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Brigadier General Amit Sa’ar of the IDF disclosed that he penned a letter intended for Prime Minister Netanyahu just before October 7, 2023, cautioning “that Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah recognized an opportunity to attack Israel … due to internal conflict … as well as the level of readiness of the IDF at the time.” His reflection, which focused on military preparation, domestic politics, and international threats, should be taken as a warning for the United States.

On June 6, 2021, the anniversary of D-Day, the authors of this essay predicted that the major Eurasian autocratic powers—China, Russia, and Iran—would soon launch multiple opportunistic or coordinated attacks. Thus far, three of the four fronts of a new global conflict have emerged.

Given that the upcoming general election will likely provoke political instability, we believe the following warning must now be issued: Eurasian autocracies will see this election and any associated instability as a strategic opening for asymmetric and grey-zone attacks against the United States. At the same time, China will escalate its campaign to reincorporate Taiwan through blockade, invasion, or economic coercion.

How did we get here?

The ongoing conflicts have strained the military and policy resources of the United States and its allies. The perception of these conflicts as disconnected, rather than as parts of one coherent conflict, has produced profound confusion among the American and Western polities. The piling-on by our adversaries has stretched the military and industrial capacity of the United States to the point that allies are running short of key warfighting materiel, such as artillery shells. The resources to fully support our allies are not available. None of the Western Powers have shifted their economy onto a wartime footing.

Read the whole thing.


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The writer correctly explains that Hamas watched the internal strife taking place in Israel, with mass demonstrations protesting the government for real or imagined policies. They knew the country was too distracted to adequately defend their attack.

What has not been mentioned is that the Biden administration was heavily involved in fomenting the internal strife because Biden’s people, just like today, will do anything to get rid of Netanyahu Biden’s policies with Israel had little concern about the country–they just wanted to get rid of a leader they hated. As a direct result of Biden’s actions, the horrible massacre of Israelis took place.

    You misspelled ‘Obama…’

    david7134 in reply to JOHN B. | March 30, 2024 at 5:30 pm

    I read a few days ago of the fact that France is arming. That really disturbed me as history shows France was responsible for most of the world conflict in the past.

      Christopher B in reply to david7134. | March 30, 2024 at 5:48 pm

      I don’t know if it’s been widely reported in the MSM (probably not) but Peter Zeihan gave a quick hit on Macron making noises about really deploying French troops to Ukraine. Not just trainers/advisors but to actually occupy defensive positions in ‘quiet’ sectors. I have no idea how serious this is or if he’s gotten any kind of NATO blessing to do it, or the when it might happen.

It’s been long-recognized by the global rogues’ gallery (since at least Jimmy Carter’s wretched and ineffectual tenure, I’d submit) that Dhimmi-crat Presidents’ naivete, stupidity, narcissism, gullibility, affinity for appeasement and inability to explicitly acknowledge and condemn manifestly evil and totalitarian regimes and ideologies, as such, create conditions that are ripe for malignant states’ exploitation.

This reality has been confirmed by the utterly incompetent and destructive foreign policies of Bill Clinton, narcissist-incompetent, Obama, and, now, crime boss, Biden.

    Biden is the holograph they’re currently using to conceal Obama’s 3rd term…
    He’s getting quite bold and fearing no consequences as he can take a wrecking ball to what’s left of the republic with no accountability, at least until Mike Flynn is AG

We are already in WWIII.

Dementia Joe eating ice cream, and giving Iran billions while they pursue nuclear weapons program.

What could go wrong there?

We have no bullets

We have no bombs

And we have no will

    What on earth are you talking about? We have thousands of nuclear bombs and missiles. Are you utterly delusional?

      CommoChief in reply to JR. | March 30, 2024 at 4:37 pm

      DoD has already raised concerns about our diminished stockpiles of conventional munitions. As one example the DoD purchased about 1200 tomahawk missiles over the past decade. Then there’s the expenditure of missiles v drones/rockets in the Red Sea to counter Houthis attacks. Plus digging deep into the stockpiles of 155mm artillery rounds to send to Ukraine.

      Sure we have nukes but it would be nice if we had a more robust conventional munitions stockpile lest we be stuck with nukes as our only ‘tool’ and be forced to use them for lack of alternatives.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to JR. | March 30, 2024 at 6:13 pm

      Are you suggesting that we or Israel should nuke sleaze bag Muslim terrorists? As far as Palestine is concerned, that would harm Israel. Lebanon and especially Iran would not.

      steves59 in reply to JR. | March 30, 2024 at 10:28 pm

      Dear f*cktard: we are dangerously low on 155mm artillery rounds and 105mm tank rounds, dangerously low on cruise missiles and antiship torpedoes, our vaunted F35 squadrons can maintain only a 50% mission capability, and our Navy can’t navigate two ships by each other without colliding.
      Do you think each conflict automatically goes nuclear?
      Get the hell out of here. Adults are having a conversation.

        AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to steves59. | March 31, 2024 at 10:13 am

        Not to mention that the administration’s attention is on the “white supremacists” here at home.

          Correct. And I didn’t even mention the military’s epic recruiting problems brought on by the incredibly stupid focus on DEI.
          JR’s too ignorant and would not have understood.

The Gentle Grizzly | March 30, 2024 at 3:13 pm

I’m turning things over in my mind; some things to ponder.

When the actual boom! bang! kablam! shooting war starts up and the draft is re-started, will women be drafted? Or, will the we-can-do-it-as-well-as-men feminists suddenly discover their delicate femininity (like they do in family court) and say they need to stay home and take care of their non-existent children and stuff?

If the above-cited actual boom! bang! kablam! shooting war starts up, will the country unify behind the war effort like they did for Roosevelt’s war? Or, have the “celebrate diversity” subversives divided the country irreparably?

Wars do not need to start by two parties. One will do just as well.
Certainly, many in our government and Deep State would love a little war, Sundowner told Putin as much about Russia

    JR in reply to Skip. | March 30, 2024 at 4:10 pm

    OK. Then please tell us who these “many” are who would love an all out full blown nuclear war.

      Skip in reply to JR. | March 30, 2024 at 4:31 pm

      Only a fool would want a nuclear war, someone who wants all of civilization gone.
      I specifically said ” little war” like what Sundowner owed to Putin.
      But little wars have a way of getting turned into Big wars. See Austria and Serbia 1914

        Skip in reply to Skip. | March 30, 2024 at 4:35 pm

        Certainly many in this administration and Barky’s ( sorry for the duplication) want Iran to have nuclear capabilities to offset Israel or to unwisely use them against Israel

    geronl in reply to Skip. | March 30, 2024 at 4:12 pm

    Putin and Xi are all too happy to start one.

Prepping the public space:


– Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has warned that Europe is in a “pre-war era” but still has a “long way to go” before it’s ready to face the threat ahead.

-We have a lot to learn from Finland … their defense preparedness is not just the military’s concern, it is
everyone’s concern.

-The French government is pushing for the European Union to issue joint debt to pay for increased military spending.

-War is looming for Europe, Poland’s Donald Tusk has warned.

-For European countries relying on professional armies, the challenge is to make the armed forces attractive.

-The European Commission has asked the former president of Finland to prepare a report on how to enhance Europe’s civilian and defense preparedness.

And people thought the bumbling, ignorant fool Obama was a bad president.

Bush’s multi-wars didn’t do us any good.

The US did NOT share info on potential terrorist strike in Moscow as Russia is “adversarial”. We let the attack take place …. ah… that would increase adversarial conflict… hum… juicing up WWIII? So much for seeking peace in the region. All of this did…not… have… to …happen. 0bama/Nuland should be locked out of any bunker for this. As for FJB…. his mind is already in the bunker, third drawer on the left… behind the socks and Dr. Jill’s unmentionables… and I really mean unmentionables.

Nuclear weapons are not needed to topple the USA. It is being done exactly as stated in 1950 or so.

    True, but if we were actually in WWIII as many commentators here on LI allege, then we would be in a nuclear war, which we are not.

      JR in reply to JR. | March 30, 2024 at 8:53 pm

      I agree with the LI editor/commentator that we are inching towards WWIII, but to say that we are, right now, in the middle of WWIII, as many LI commentators have posted here, is insane.

        Thinker in reply to JR. | March 30, 2024 at 10:16 pm

        Is it not possible to have a war where no shots are fired? Yes, it is entirely possible. A country can be overrun and taken over without any shots. It can be done economically or by a massive influx of foreigners. In our case today, it appears to be a combination of those two things. Add in a completely incompetent administration that is hell bent on allowing anyone and everyone into our country without any vetting process. Add in that we are sending billions of dollars to a corrupt foreign government under the guise of helping them in their war against Russia and it will not take long for us to lose this country. All done without a single shot being fired!

      steves59 in reply to JR. | March 30, 2024 at 10:29 pm


It’s predictable that dictatorships will externalize domestic problems as a means of deflecting responsibility. China’s growing economic troubles and Iran’s social upheaval are flashing warning signals. Russia, as always, remains a conundrum.

What a shame we have outsourced so much of our manufacturing capability as if we would never need it on our own shores again.

If only someone would have warned our leaders that was a pretty stupid idea, cost of goods or not.

Stumbling mumbling biden, international symbol of weakness, getting pushed around the world stage by 4th world countries.


Instead of a Republican win in the November election there will be a WWIII. Biden and company will declare an emergency, cancel all elections, and we will have one party rule from then on.

Some simple observations:

1. The world’s wealth crowd (rulers/elites) has constantly fomented events through history to further their interests, whether that be war, disease, famine, etc. They are about resources, access to the resources and creation of markets upon which the repackaged resources can sold and turned into gold.

2. Nuclear war is not their preferred solution, but the threat of it is great for instilling fear and driving public action. They do not want to destroy their Garden of Eden – would you completely destroy your utopia when your stated problem is merely the global population. “Climate change” was invented to be the planetary evil to be defeated by a globally united population.

3. History is repeat with patterns that have been consistently employed to rile the populations to action against themselves – e.g., globalism versus nationalism, Christian versus Muslim, Republican versus Democrat, capitalism versus socialism, communism.

4. World War III, like the previous wars before, is based on introducing new approaches to conquering the “enemy” (WWI – machine guns, gas, and propaganda, WWII – “blitzkrieg,” strategic and area bombing, atomic bomb). Events unraveling now have been planned and aspects of those plans are openly discussed to measure the populations acceptance on a global scale. And the solutions are always directed to their goals and sold to the public as “labor saving, time saving, and convenience-based.

5. The common thread is that those who have retained power and those that strive to join that group care not for humanity – they view humanity as a resource to be exploited. Accordingly, they will use all means except global destruction to further the continuation of their “kingdom.”

When the US President is weak the whole world comes unraveled in real time. And this President is not only weak, he is compromised by his decades of corruption engaged in with enemy states. A double whammy. Licking his ice cream cone while the world edges toward major problems home and abroad. Sad to watch.