AOC Lets ‘F’ Bomb Fly After Anti-Israel Protesters Confront Her at Movie Theater
“I already said that it was and y’all are just gonna pretend that it wasn’t over and over again. It’s f–ked up, man. And you’re not helping these people, and you’re not helping them, you’re not helping them.”

Monday was not a good day for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and her boyfriend, Riley Roberts.
The two appeared to be leaving the Alamo Drafthouse movie theater in New York City on Monday afternoon when a group of anti-Israel protesters confronted the leader of the so-called “Squad.”
At issue for the far-left protesters was the fact that AOC, who along with her fellow Democratic Socialists demanded Israel deescalate in the immediate aftermath of the October 7th Hamas terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians, has as of yet not specifically used the word “genocide” to describe Israel’s actions in Gaza.
Their heated exchange was… not productive. At one point, a clearly frustrated AOC cut loose with the “f” bomb because she was worried that they would take her out of context, something she’s done to her political opposition countless times:
“I need you to understand that this is not OK,” she told one male protester who held an iPhone near her face.
“It’s not OK that there’s a genocide happening and you’re not actively against it,” the protester shot back.
The protesters continued to trail behind the Democrat, who was visibly aggravated as she made her way toward the exit. Between sets of escalators, Ocasio-Cortez got in the face of the protesters to again defend herself before walking away.
“You’re gonna cut it … and you’re gonna clip this so that it’s completely out of context,” Ocasio-Cortez fumed.
The congresswoman has not publicly called Israel’s retaliatory bombardment in Gaza a genocide, but on Monday she suggested otherwise.
“I already said that it was and y’all are just gonna pretend that it wasn’t over and over again. It’s f–ked up, man,” she railed. “And you’re not helping these people, and you’re not helping them, you’re not helping them.”
#NYC "You refuse to call it a genocide" – handful of protesters chase after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at a Brooklyn movie theater, "You gonna cut it and take it out of context, I already said that it was" – AOC responded to protesters claims on refusing word "Genocide" , "This is…
— FreedomNews.Tv FNTV (@FreedomNTV) March 5, 2024
Contra what she told the agitators, AOC has not characterized Israel’s actions as “genocide.” When asked during a January “Meet the Press” interview about whether she thought genocide was taking place, she skirted around the question.
Instead, she referenced the “young people” (Hamas sympathizers like the ones who confronted her Monday) across the country, who she said were “appalled” at what they were seeing. She cited unverified (and likely inflated) stats that have come from the Hamas-run Ministry of Health. She also said that, in her view, the people of Gaza were facing a “mass inhumanity”:
KRISTEN WELKER: Some of your colleagues – and we talked about what’s happened at the protests this week have called the president “Genocide Joe.” Some of your colleagues have accused the president of supporting genocide, including Rashida Tlaib. Do you agree with that word, genocide, that the president’s been supporting a genocide? Or does that go too far?
REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ: I think what we are seeing right now throughout the country is that young people are appalled at the violence and the indiscriminate loss of life. We are not just seeing 25,000 people that have died in Gaza. We are seeing the starvation of – of millions of people, the displacement of over 2 million Gazans. We have South Africa that has mounted a court in the ICJ. The ICJ ruled this week that Israel has a grave responsibility to prevent genocide.
I believe that – [the ICJ is] still determining it, but in the interim ruling, the fact that they said there’s a responsibility to prevent it, the fact that this word is even in play, the fact that this word is even in our discourse I think demonstrates the mass inhumanity that Gazans are facing.
AOC on Meet the Press stops short of accusing Joe Biden of supporting genocide
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 28, 2024
Even if the protesters were promoting a message I agreed with, I would still not be a fan of this type of ambush-style confronting of politicians. But AOC is saying in December 2020, as Republican and Democrat politicians (and random people on the street) were being harassed by “Defund the Police” radicals that, it was acceptable because the purpose was to make them uncomfortable:
The whole point of protesting is to make ppl uncomfortable.
Activists take that discomfort w/ the status quo & advocate for concrete policy changes. Popular support often starts small & grows.
To folks who complain protest demands make others uncomfortable… that’s the point.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) December 2, 2020
Hmm. The saying “You reap what you sow” comes to mind here…
— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

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An absolutely disgusting woman, and an embarrassment for the country.
It is a tragedy that we have such immoral people in elected office.
Huh. I recall ‘Auntie’ Maxine, aka Rep Waters, encouraging folks who disagree with public officials that if they see those officials out in public to ‘get in their face, let them know they aren’t welcome’.
Strange that AOC would buck Rep Waters advice unless of course these d/prog hypocrites believe it to be a one way street. Past time to disabuse them of that notion. They decided civility no longer mattered, that their ideological viewpoint rendered such concerns about basic public order as passe. So be it until they recant.
Occasion-Cortex is as vile, stupid and morally disgraceful as the pro-Islamofascist, pro-terrorism, Jew-hating Dhimmi-crats. They are all cut from the same rotten bolt of cloth.
…then pickled in brine before being dyed a false shade.
Has AOC tried photo-oping herself faux crying at the hamas border wall yet?
The F bomb and its forms are epithets, not the part of speech they only make a convenience of. They color the whole utterance that they appear in. The coloring is the point.
The rudeness of taboo words is in assuming familiarity with the listener without familiarity having been granted. There’s no such rudeness of the words among friends.
It is indeed a flexible word as our lexicon shrinks daily.
Are we in Portlandia, South Park or some other idiocracy?
Effin’ A right, bro! 😂
Trying to play it both ways. AOC is such a fraud.
b-d-b-d-b-d-but that’s all, folks!
Here we go again, while LI is up in arms about a potty mouthed member of Congress, RWTR is laying out the most recent scandal of the Biden administration
“Recently a bombshell report revealed how Biden flew 320,000 migrants into the country secretly. The program at the center of the FOIA litigation is perhaps the most enigmatic and least-known of the Biden administration’s uses of the CBP One cellphone scheduling app, even though it is responsible for almost invisibly importing by air 320,000 aliens with no legal right to enter the United States since it got underway in late 2022,” said Todd Bensman, the bombshell report’s author who revealed how Biden administration let illegal immigrants free roam in 43 cities.”
What will happen when the Dems let these protestors loose on their political enemies? If Trump wins he should make the right to keep and bear arms a civil right and enforce it just like past president enforced civil rights against Jim Crowe.
Yes, how can you have any sympathy for a person that has encouraged and promoted such hyperbolic, delusional and aggressive behavior in people? She regularly enjoys exaggerating, misappropriate vocabulary words, distorting history, and using quotes and photos out of context when it suits her purposes. She just doesn’t like those tactics being used on her because after all she is supposed to be untouchable, since she’s just so cool, pretty, and woke. I’d like to say she might learn some empathy and civility from this experience but I’d doubt it.
This is another case of two colossal jewels of human ignorance.
Y’all? She’s from the south Bronx.
Her past tweets show that she’s in favor of bullying to get what you want (“demands”), so I hope they follow her relentlessly everywhere until she cracks. Enjoy the attention sister!
She was raised from about age 4 in Yorktown Heights, NY. This is Upper Westchester, not far from where Bill and Hillary Clinton settled in 2000. Also home to a lot of the most successful people who work in NYC — Wall Street, law, medicine, Broadway, etc.
The point is that this is literally about the most idyllic, most peaceful, most secure places to grow up. (Go ahead, look it up.)
Imho she is very conflicted, psychologically, about the wonderful upbringing that her parents provided for her.
When she campaigned for Congress, she advertised herself as “Alex from the Bronx.”
Yes, it is true she lived in the Bronx while in diapers — but
she is as much a “city girl” as Senator Warren is a Cherokee.
She is really as much “Alex from da Bronx” as Rachel Dolezal is from Africa.
Another weird fact about her (and her family, frankly):
Instead of taking on over $100,000 in student loans in order to attend a non-elite but expensive private college — Boston U. — she could have attended , for example, SUNY-Albany or Binghamton for about a third the cost, as a NY resident.
She has complained about her student debt but she could have graduated debt-free or close to debt-free is she had worked as a waitress or bartender at an Upper Westchester bistro etc. for a year or during her summer breaks.
Imho there’s something weirdly entitled and childishly irresponsible about how she (and her family) handled all this.
Oh, I am so sorry to see that she’s getting exactly what she has encouraged those sub-humans to do to others .. need I point out the sarcasm?
Poor Sandy (D-Hamas). Turns out getting followed around and confronted isn’t as fun as you thought it was when Sinema was followed into a bathroom. You and the other Progressive nuts encouraged this behavior.
“Live by the sword, die by the sword” or “eventually the outrage mob eats its own after running out of targets”.
Pic looks like a West Virginian fixing to mount a donkey.
It’s all well and good until the alligator finally gets around to eating you, Sandy.
The guy looks like a soy boy — class 2.
But of course. Do you know anyone else with such low standards?
Everyone should encourage them not to procreate. To save the planet.
It’s a little perverse of me perhaps, but I always enjoy it when monsters turn on the people who created them.
So that’s her boyfriend? There’s a lid for every pot.
🤣 Guess she can dish it out but she can’t take it!
We’re laughing at you, Sandy.. When you were a bartender, you were the only one who asked what kind of gun was used for a “shot of Scotch”.