Angry Student Mob Chases Attendees of Kyle Rittenhouse Event Off Campus at U. Memphis
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Angry Student Mob Chases Attendees of Kyle Rittenhouse Event Off Campus at U. Memphis

Angry Student Mob Chases Attendees of Kyle Rittenhouse Event Off Campus at U. Memphis

“Swarms of students were shouting at cars while they were leaving the parking garage while campus police and State Troopers tried to control the crowd.”

Kyle Rittenhouse was invited to speak at the University of Memphis this week by Turning Point USA and the event was marred by unhinged student protesters. People protested inside the event, outside the event, and ultimately chased attendees off campus who clearly feared violence.

This has become the new norm on American college campuses. Anyone to the right of the progressive mob is shouted down or forced to leave through intimidation. Safe spaces for them. Angry mobs for you.

FOX 13 in Memphis reports:

Kyle Rittenhouse faced a mass of protestors at recent UofM event

A controversy on campus weeks in the works is now over.

Kyle Rittenhouse made his appearance at the University of Memphis tonight, and the event was derailed by outraged students.

Rittenhouse shot three people and killed two of them during protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin in 2020.

He was acquitted on the ground of self defense.

The UofM said Rittenhouse had the room booked from 7 until 9 p.m., but attendees there said that just before 8:00 p.m., his security team escorted him off the stage.

That is when a student protest took a turn.

Swarms of students were shouting at cars while they were leaving the parking garage while campus police and State Troopers tried to control the crowd.

Here’s a clip of the mob chasing after attendees:

The school is partly to blame for the actions of this mob.

I say that based on this report from TPUSA (emphasis is theirs):

University of Memphis Undermines TPUSA Chapter Event with Kyle Rittenhouse

The TPUSA chapter president, who asked to remain anonymous due to recent events, was doxxed by fellow students at the University of Memphis. His full name, phone number, and even his exact address were posted online with the comment, “Let him know how you feel about this decision to provoke black students by inviting a racist murderer on campus.”

When this was brought to the university’s attention, faculty allegedly responded, “It happens” while speaking to the TPUSA chapter president and TPUSA staff. In a recording obtained by TPUSA, the chapter leader can be heard telling faculty, “That’s my address.”

“That’s public information,” one of the members of the university police responded. “They can easily get that.”

Lauren Shelley, the Director of Conferences and Event Services at the university, chimed in and laughed after suggesting that the student “probably shouldn’t stay there tonight.”

“Is this as big of a deal as I’m making it out to be? Is this not as big a deal as I think it is?” the student asked, to which faculty responded, “It’s scary.”

Watch this report from ABC 24 in Memphis:

Every time a student mob does this, the idea of ‘free’ college slips further and further away. Taxpayers are not going to pay the bill when half of the country is not even allowed on campus. Nor should they.

Featured image via YouTube.


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Eventually someone’s going to have to man up and deal with this problem. These criminals need be locked up

    MarkS in reply to Ironclaw. | March 21, 2024 at 3:16 pm

    The need the Rittenhouse treatment

    OK. Eventually someone’s going to have to man up and deal with this problem. Is that you??? I didn’t think so.

      steves59 in reply to JR. | March 21, 2024 at 6:41 pm

      How would you know that “Ironclaw” ISN’T preparing to deal with it, “JR?” Are you one of the clods that go around shouting people down and threatening violence?
      If I were you, I’d start getting worried. There are more and more people just like Ironclaw every day.
      Critical mass is a real bitch, I tell ya.

      Ironclaw in reply to JR. | March 21, 2024 at 7:16 pm

      I don’t generally go near college campuses and judging from the ages of my children I won’t for another 10 to 15 years. This is not a problem I currently have

    Johnny Cache in reply to Ironclaw. | March 21, 2024 at 6:38 pm

    It will only get worse. These idiots will be making the rules in the future. They already make the rules in college.

    I remember long ago when people said – just wait until the people with tattoos all over their body and nose rings and colored hair get out of school into the real world…. Uh huh. Those people are rampant now. And those are simply superficial traits.

    The “real world” has no baseline. It follows the rules of those in charge, and the people in charge get more tyrannical every year. They also bring more followers.

    This doesn’t apply to you, but I don’t think enough truly understand what we’re facing.

Interesting to me that in that entire three and a half minute “news” segment, not a single word uttered by Kyle was aired.

Did he speak at all? If so, I’d think they’d have been able to air at least a sentence or two of what he said.

Maybe he didn’t say anything they could spin enough to make him look like the devil he’s portrayed to be.

I have to wonder, if they’d have asked the protesters “what did Kyle Rittenhouse do to earn this ire?” how many of them would have said he murdered black people. I’d bet most…if they even knew anything at all about him beyond that they’ve been told to hate him.

Reminder: Kyle Rittenhouse shot three white men in self defense. That makes him a racist in what way exactly?

I especially enjoyed the hippie saying “it’s not free speech, it’s hate speech”.

Hate Speech – n – Speech by anyone the left disapproves of.

“Let him know how you feel about this decision to provoke black students by inviting a racist murderer on campus.”

These comments are always may favorite. I can never get anyone to actually explain how a white guy shooting 3 other white guys is “racist”.

    alaskabob in reply to Gremlin1974. | March 21, 2024 at 4:55 pm

    The three white guys identified as black…. down for the struggle with their soul brothers. Memphis is now another No-Go zone.

    diver64 in reply to Gremlin1974. | March 22, 2024 at 3:58 am

    Especially after being attacked with it on film. Very odd.

    Flatworm in reply to Gremlin1974. | March 22, 2024 at 5:58 am

    It’s the magic of the Regime Media, they can turn a white sex offender trying to burn down a black-owned business while yelling the N-word into an anti-racist, while anyone who fights back is a racist.

    At this point, “racist* is simply a convenient term for someone who resists the regime. It’s easier than coming up with actual arguments. And the tarring of Rittenhouse as a racist means by implication that the violence in Kenosha was instigated and sponsored by the regime.

A racist murderer??? What kind of hyperbole is that from college students? Rittenhouse behaved admirably – I was shocked that a 17 year old kept his head that well. The University of Memphis should be ashamed of its reaction to this event, and for its pathetic inability to educate their students. All those greedy administrators care about is the tuition money they plan to use to give themselves raises. The University of Memphis is nothing but a scam.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to CincyJan. | March 21, 2024 at 6:10 pm

    Most colleges are scams today, loading students up with massive debt and not delivering useful skills. Admission of students who are not smart enough for college who degrade the college experience for those who are smart.

Turning Point USA must anticipate that they won’t be provided adequate security by leftie administrators. So they should first produce their own video version of their events in private closed secure setting. Then they can post link to that video on their website immediately after their live event gets disrupted. That way the protestors are just giving Turning Point USA free publicity, and driving more viewers to their website to check out the video link.

U of M needs to refund any fees they were paid for the event, since they didn’t control their premises and “students”.

This continues until the organisers and protesters are forced to pay a price for this behaviour.

I’d start by expelling the organisers and protesters.

And then let god sort the rest out (for they will go running to lawyers about their fweeeelings being hurt 😂).

Let them suffer the consequences of their actions.

How many arrests were made?

And these people, along with their cheerleaders in government and the mainstream media, will always claim REPUBLICANS are threatening our democracy . . .

Old Navy Doc | March 21, 2024 at 4:57 pm

So, the Univ of Memphis administration enables Brown Shirts?
They enable violence to suppress free speech?

Sounds like a possible civil rights violation and maybe some criminal offenses to me.

Certainly the Tennessee state government and various federal agencies would find it worthwhile to investigate before blood is inevitably shed.

Irony is a group of protestors shouting no justice, no peace at a person who is the poster child for malicious prosecution.

“Let him know how you feel about this decision to provoke black students by inviting a racist murderer on campus.”

First, Mr. Rittenhouse is not a murderer. A jury of his peers acquitted him.

Second, the people Mr. Rittenhouse exercised his privilege of self-defense against were all white. I don’t know how shooting three white people in self-defense would be triggering to “black students.”

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to chaswjd. | March 21, 2024 at 5:34 pm

    Why? Because when told something should trigger them, they react without thinking.

    MarkSmith in reply to chaswjd. | March 21, 2024 at 8:13 pm

    Yea, was thinking the same thing. The day before the shooting, Rittenhouse was seen clean walls that had been vandalized.

    Bottom line, it is optics, not reality.

Day ending in Y

For the life of me I can not figure out how they come to a conclusion the shootings were racist when the 3 idiots that got shot were all white?

BLM are domestic terrorists. Kyle rittenhouse did the right thing.

    not_a_lawyer in reply to smooth. | March 21, 2024 at 6:58 pm

    I was subpoenaed to the Ventura Superior Court in 2000 to sit as a a juror.

    I explained that BLM was a terrorist organization, insofar as they were using violence to compel a political agenda.

    The defense attorneys used one of their pre-emptories to dismiss me.

      Ironclaw in reply to not_a_lawyer. | March 21, 2024 at 7:20 pm

      Considering what a waste of time jury duty is, good tactic

        artichoke in reply to Ironclaw. | March 21, 2024 at 7:57 pm

        It’s not a waste of time for the prosecution or the defendant, whichever is more meritorious in the particular case.

      artichoke in reply to not_a_lawyer. | March 21, 2024 at 7:56 pm

      You could have done some good on a jury. Why are we giving them full information? Lefties slide onto juries all the time, and wait for jury deliberations to express or go for what they really want. Proof: jury verdicts of the past 5 years of high profile cases, the only counterexample I can think of being Rittenhouse’s trial where the jury eventually managed to do the obviously right thing.

        “Why are we giving them full information? Lefties slide onto juries all the time”

        Lefties won’t be investigated and prosecuted for perjury if they lie on the juror forms. You will be. Any questions?

          artichoke in reply to SDN. | March 22, 2024 at 7:51 pm

          I didn’t advise lying. What not_a_lawyer described sounds like it was more forthcoming than it needed to be, or what would even be said normally in polite company. That’s your answer. Now do you have any more questions?

And they were so excited to get on with the violence that they forgot to bring their tiki torches.

a sine wave at 22000 hz will bother an agitated person. you can download a frequency generator app…just saying.

When I was in College years ago, and identified as a “Liberal”, Liberals were all about Free Speech.

Anyone else remember,

I disagree with what you say, but I will fight to the death to defend your right to say it.”

Silly Me… perhaps I just dreamed it.

The article makes one think that somehow the case might have been close. It never should have even been in court. It was in court because Rittenhouse’s real crime was pushing back against the destroyers of society, even when they were attacking him directly.

“Let him know how you feel about this decision to provoke black students by inviting a racist murderer on campus.”
He shot WHITE MEN, you fucking moron.

    but those white men were rioting over a black man. In the new world order, black people are now saints capable of no evil.

    A home work assignment is not due if the student is black.
    A grade is racist if it makes a black person uncomfortable.
    A crime is not a crime if committed by a black person.
    A candidate for a job must be hired if the skin color is black. If you need to fire a white man to make room, then do it. He can use the down time to think about and atone for his white privilege.
    Travel budgets are locked down, except for blacks with any job title attending a summit for black engineers.
    A management position must be filled by black person or the other execs don’t get their exec bonus.

    Planes falling out of the sky is not an excuse for racism people, we MUST do better if we are to thrive in the new world order.

What beautiful poetry in motion Rittenhouse was on the fateful night where he was attacked by several thugs. I thought he was Special Forces.

U Memphis students are reportedly 44% white, 36% black, 20% other races. It’s not unreasonable to bring to campus a speaker that whites like more than blacks, and the blacks have no right to chase him off campus.

MoeHowardwasright | March 22, 2024 at 6:59 am

The truth is the Tennessee governor will not do anything about this mob action. Memphis is run by the African American community. Can’t offend them by enforcing the law. Besides that, Memphis is a dangerous place. I stayed at the Motor Coach campground at Graceland a few years back. Armed guards and fencing. Graceland was across the street. We were advised not to go outside the gate after dark. We took an Uber downtown for dinner and a stroll on Beall St. Dinner was fine, but the stroll was a nervous one. Head always on a swivel. It was a tactical situation. Walked back to the restaurant and got an Uber the hell out of that threat zone. And this was before St Floyd passed away. FJB

just fascists being fascist and getting away with it. there will be no consequences for this behavior but the UM needs to expel everyone involved in the mob.

Capitalist-Dad | March 22, 2024 at 8:33 am

Democrat stormtroopers get to burn, loot, assault, and murder without consequence. We should know this by now.

KR was manifestly unwise and naive to 1. go to the protest 2. armed and 3. call attention to himself in the way that he did (“Medical here! Who needs medical? I’ve got medical!).

But when attacked, he certainly acquitted himself pretty damn well, esp. in the areas of attempted avoidance, marksmanship, and fire discipline. (The only attacker he fired at and missed was Maurice “Jump Kick” Freeland, and when Freeland stopped attacking, KR stopped shooting at him. Worst white supremacist EVARR!)

I still remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I heard the news of his acquittal. I was genuinely thrilled.

But KR is definitely nowhere near ready for prime-time. He’s still a boy in a lot of ways. I don’t mean the speaking circuit, I mean ADULT LIFE AND A PATH FORWARD. He threw his mom and sisters under the bus in his autobiography, and he’s allowing himself to be exploited by mfrs of 2A products, and even by TPUSA.

If TPUSA truly cared about Kyle’s well-being, they would take him off the stage and let him grow in wisdom by hooking him up with a wise Christian man to mentor and advise him,

ALL THAT SAID, the racialist victimology industry losin’ they damn minds over him make me sick. KR is no racist, or white supremacist. He is no threat to any black American.

I find it very interesting – but not surprising – that apparently no one bothered to point out to the submorons engaged in this protest, who called Mr. Rittenhouse a “racist murderer,” that all three of the two-legged animals who attacked Mr. Rittenhouse back when, with the clear intent of murdering him, were, in fact, white. Racist? Only in the deranged minds of Leftists does this make any sense.

    KY Squatch in reply to chocopot. | March 22, 2024 at 10:44 am

    “All three”

    You forgot the 4th — Maurice “Jump Kick” Freeland. He was the first attacker after KR ran down the road and stumbled to the ground, landing a kick on KR’s head just before Huber’s skateboard. But when KR fired at Jump Kick (and missed), Jump Kick wisely tapped out.

I agree that Kyle is still a kid in so many ways. Had he not had good legal representation, chances are he would have been dead by now from a prison at the hands of some filthy animals for their own psychotic reasons. Problem was, he’s still at that age where he saw a lot of money and fame. Fame is a drug more powerful than any. He is intoxicated on it, and as a kid, it’s hard for him to understand just how easily he is exploited and controlled by it.

BierceAmbrose | March 22, 2024 at 4:41 pm

Like the prior mob, many in this mob are alive because of KR’s awareness, ethics, and self-control.

Can’t help but wonder how differently this would have gine down had the attendees taken a tip from their mentor Kyle. Suppose the “angry mob” had taken up their pitchforks and come at the attendees only to learn that said attendees were saying “hell no we won’t go” and stood their firmly, handguns at the ready.
The lynch mobs in the old deep south did not end until enough of their intended victims ended up being ARMED intended victims, thus victims no more.
A pox on the local law enforcement that let the punk attackers win. NOT that for which they have been hired.

The irony here is that in terms of overall harm to the black community, the black race grifters are #1, well intentioned but naive white liberals are #2, and way way down, perhaps #10, are white supremacists.