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Stop Wasting Your Money Week in Education

Stop Wasting Your Money Week in Education

Your weekly report on education news.

If a left leaning person like Michael Rapaport can understand this, there is hope for everyone.

Columbia University may have a serious problem.

And they’re not alone.

Does MIT finally get it?

Legal Insurrection’s Equal Protection Project is making a real difference.

How is this even acceptable?

And this relates to medicine, how exactly?

Some good news.


Progressive policing?

Beyond parody.


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Find a satisfying career requiring no degree and educate yourself with good books.

    TrickyRicky in reply to E Howard Hunt. | February 17, 2024 at 12:01 pm

    The only reason to pay for a degree is to acquire skills needed for a well paying career. STEM or business comes to mind. Geology has been good to me.

    When it comes to literature and history, both of which greatly enrich my life, I would take my reading list over what I was offered at university fifty years ago, much less what would be force fed to me today.