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Science FAIL: ‘Scientists’ Claim Chest-Feeders’ Fake Breast Milk Just The Same As Actual Breast Milk

Science FAIL: ‘Scientists’ Claim Chest-Feeders’ Fake Breast Milk Just The Same As Actual Breast Milk

“Indeed, some of the campaigners’ concerns are over the safety of the drugs given to men to produce the milk – drugs which can cause heart problems. They also point out that the result produces very little milk.”

And the whole world laughed.

Seriously, on what planet is “chest feeding” fake ‘milk’ just the same as an actual woman providing nutrition to her baby?

Even the most uneducated person in this country gets that this is completely nuts. Seriously, how insane do you have to be to buy into the “chest-feeding” fetish and then pretend that it makes actual biological sense? Nothing about this makes any sense in scientific terms or in terms of biological reality.

The Daily Mail reports:

In explaining its policies, the Trust cited a five-month scientific study in 2022 which measured ‘infant milk testosterone concentrations’ and found ‘no observable infant side effects’ on babies of lactating transgender women. But experts rejected the claims and pointed out the overall lack of scientific studies on such side effects. ‘There have been very few publications and the vast majority have not looked at what’s in the milk itself,’ one medical expert said.

Indeed, some of the campaigners’ concerns are over the safety of the drugs given to men to produce the milk – drugs which can cause heart problems. They also point out that the result produces very little milk. There is ‘barely enough for a single feed’ per day, the same expert told The Mail on Sunday.

But here we are because we have been had, played, and done by degenerates and deviants who hate America. Let’s do better because this is completely insane and unacceptable. It is possible that we are seeing the results of pumping women full of testosterone as they keep shooting up schools and other venues with strict no-gun policies.


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Just when you thought things could not become more idiotic . . .

Considering the fits these people throw about BGH/BST in dairy products but they total support all of this trans crap.

This could only happen in a country as prosperous as ours.

This is such sick, obnoxiously totalitarian, misogynistic, anti-science, anti-women and EVIL stuff.

If George Orwell were alive, today, he could trade his dystopian fiction writing for non-fictional accounts of the Leftists’ fascistic “trans” lunacy and campaigns to erase women and abuse/mutilate/manipulate impressionable kids and teens.

Re: In explaining its policies, the Trust cited a five-month scientific study in 2022 which measured ‘infant milk testosterone concentrations’ and found ‘no observable infant side effects’ on babies of lactating transgender women.

I enjoy listening to old time radio shows, which often include commercials.

Dragnet had a series of cigarette commercials, where doctors gave a group of smokers a series of checkups and always reported “no adverse effect.”

Dragnet’s study is wrong, and I am sure fake milk discussed is harmful to the child.

This is child abuse. I’d even entertain arguments that it’s sexual exploitation of a child, perhaps even child molestation. These creeps should be in prison.

    henrybowman in reply to TargaGTS. | February 19, 2024 at 11:35 pm

    I distinctly remember an outrageous case from maybe 20 years ago, where a new mother had her infant taken away by CPS for being an undesirable parent. Her offense? She made the mistake of telling a Karen acquaintance of her surprise at discovering that breastfeeding actually felt pleasurable, and that she actually looked forward to it. For that, they took her baby.

    Yet now, a man with a breastfeeding fetish gets applauded.


If my son did that I’d punch him in the mouth and immediately sue for custody

“The mammary gland is a gland located in the breasts of **females** that is responsible for lactation, or the production of milk. Both males and females have glandular tissue within the breasts; however, in females the glandular tissue begins to develop after puberty in response to estrogen release. Mammary glands only produce milk after childbirth.”

Do not insult me by saying chestfeed. If you really are a **woman**, you would not use this term. It is diminishing and wrong. You are a man deluding himself in thinking he is a woman.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | February 19, 2024 at 4:25 pm

Western Leftists are the sickest, vilest, most depraved and demented humans that evolution has ever puked onto this Earth.

Not unless one of those Star Trek replicator thingies are invented, and we are a long long way from that. off

This is just trash.

They are not actual scientists, clearly no critical thinking.

I agree this is insane nonsense. However, if you go to your local WalMart you will see many old white guys with breasts so big they should be wearing really big bras. They are usually pushing their carts with their stomachs hanging over the cart so they can push their fat guts instead of having to walk in the store. I don’t think they are lactating, but it is really disgusting. Yet they do it, and no one objects.

Something IS wrong with the cow milk we’re feeding kids as well. Maybe those cow hormones are making kids fat. Also American girls are developing too fast and that is gross as well. Something is clearly wrong.

    herm2416 in reply to spappas. | February 19, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Growth hormones in so much of the food supply, in addition to high fructose corn syrup and little exercise.

      CommoChief in reply to herm2416. | February 20, 2024 at 7:24 am

      Lack of exercise, too much fast food and take out food v healthier meals prepared at home. Obesity and excess body weight for the 99% of people is a result of consuming too many calories above the number of calories burned off. Folks can’t eat 3K or 4K calorie diet when they only burn 1,500 calories and not expect to gain weight.

I didn’t know Frankenstein was a do it yourself Manuel

Ms. Slippers, you should have either explained who established “the Trust” and its present trustee, or explained why that information is not available. How can one not be disappointed?

Now we know what Peety was up to those 4 months.

Actually, I haven’t heard about him for at least a year and haven’t missed him one day.

BigRosieGreenbaum | February 19, 2024 at 9:23 pm

I think it might be time for the big asteroid to hit us. Are we going to have to accommodate them at the office with special rooms? This is just yuck beyond belief.


Fat_Freddys_Cat | February 20, 2024 at 10:51 am

Ya know, back when I was a young ‘un my Dad told me that the world was going to Hell in a handbasket. I was foolish enough to disbelieve him. He’s probably chuckling up in Heaven right now “told ya boy”.

I mean, if twenty years ago you had told me this would happen I would have laughed it off as the imaginings of a out-of-work Hollywood screenwriter trying to cook up another one of those dystopian sci-fi flicks.

It’s a measure of their frantic desperation that they have to resort to increasingly idiotic claims to validate themselves. Like any child, if boundaries are not set the child will continue to push-push-push, while not being mature enough to realize he’s pushing to destruction.

So far, boundaries have not be set, much less enforced. I fear that we are nowhere near “peak crazy” on this.

destroycommunism | February 20, 2024 at 1:19 pm

headlines in 20 years:

babies “breastfeed by males” show a bone structure with the density of a 95 year old and a yearning to listen to hillary clinton speeches

destroycommunism | February 20, 2024 at 1:21 pm

the left doesnt care if we believe the bs or not

they know they are making it “legit” and the new standards that society will have to adhere to