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Republicans Lose House Seat in New York Special Election

Republicans Lose House Seat in New York Special Election

The Republicans will have a 219-213 majority when Suozzi officially joins the House.

Democrat Tom Suozzi defeated Republican Mazi Pilip to flip New York’s Third Congressional District in the special election.

The Republicans will have a 219-213 majority when Suozzi officially joins the House.

It only happened because the House expelled George Santos less than a year into his term.

Suozzi held the district for six years before deciding to run for governor. He did not win.

The election between Suozzi and Pilip was close. With 93% of the votes in, Suozzi has 53.9% of the votes to Pilip’s 46.1%. From Fox News:

The district, which includes a sliver of the outer portion of the New York City borough of Queens, is anchored in neighboring Nassau County. And it’s the kind of suburban district where Democrats need to dominate in the 2024 elections as they aim to reclaim the House majority they lost in the 2022 midterms.

But while Democrats have performed well in suburban districts in recent cycles, Republicans have a history of coming out on top on New York’s Long Island. While Biden carried the current confines of the district by eight points in his 2020 presidential election victory, Santos won the 2022 election for the open House seat by the same margin.

Then again, everything might change due to redrawing the district map:


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The Ronna virus….

    Stop lying to yourself. Nobody in this country has ever voted against Ronna, NOBODY EVER HEARD OF HER.

    She is an irrelevance at best.

    I don’t know how we are going to make Biden the issue, but if people vote on Donald Trump we lose.

      TargaGTS in reply to Danny. | February 14, 2024 at 11:22 am

      McDaniel’s culpability isn’t her personality. It’s in the absolute absence of GOTV infrastructure. Since 2008, Democrats have been building a GOTV juggernaut. The only reason they didn’t win in 2016 is because Clinton refused the help of the Obama-era campaign network, a mistake Biden didn’t make in 2020.

      McDaniel took over in January of 2017, SEVEN YEARS ago. So, you would think that a reasonably competent GOTV apparatus would have been constructed during her tenure, right? Nope. Not only do we not have a competent GOTV program…we don’t have ANY kind of GOTV program. She did spend millions on flower arrangements and consultants. though. So yeah, there’s a lot of blame to go around. But, MUCH of it can be laid squarely at her feet.

      Have we learned our lesson? Again, nope. We’re apparently going to replace McDaniel with a state GOP Charmian (from a state that doesn’t even have a GOP governor) and Trump’s daughter-in-law, two people how have ZERO experience building a get-out-the-vote network. Don’t worry though, they have a whopping – checks notes – EIGHT MONTHS to build something the Dems have been developing for 20-years. I’m sure it will be fine.

        I would be able to take that seriously if any of the criticism directed at her was directed at her total rejection of early voting and fear mongering about how your vote won’t be counted if you engage in it. The only criticism over that I have ever heard is from Megan Kelly who is totally unacceptable to the Trump cult.

        I have yet to see Trump himself turn around and say “It is time to acknowledge the law has changed and that failure to use early voting is a mistake, in case of snowstorm Democrats start with a turn out advantage because they aren’t telling their followers election day only, we will change the system back when possible but in the meantime vote”. I would love it if he did.

        The biggest GOTV difference between Democrat and Republican is early voting.

      mailman in reply to Danny. | February 14, 2024 at 12:03 pm

      This is what democrats do. They have this absolute inability to understand the point being made while at the same time being able to divine meaning where none exists.

      Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Danny 😂😂🤡

        Danny in reply to mailman. | February 15, 2024 at 10:35 am

        You sir are an asshole. The point being made was “MUHHHHH RHIIINNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MUH PEFECT TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” which I demonstrated by the fact that if it was about GOTV such things would not be done by people who advocate no early voting.

        Early voting is the primary difference between Democrat and Republican turnout.

          Thad Jarvis in reply to Danny. | February 15, 2024 at 11:44 am

          Don’t forget to put that little “e” after GOP! That shows ’em every time what pure believers they truly are.

      chrisboltssr in reply to Danny. | February 14, 2024 at 12:24 pm

      No, idiot. George Santos happened to have won this seat in 2022, when Trump was supposed to have been an albatross. This is the result of Republicans sorry virtue signaling in which they got rid of their own and thought they would hold onto the seat.

      You NeverTrumpers are beyond pathetic at this point.

        Ghostrider in reply to chrisboltssr. | February 14, 2024 at 4:11 pm

        The Democrats run on Abortion, a/k/a reproductive rights, and it is still an election winner for Democrats.

        He was an albatross or did you forget the failed red wave.

          Dr.Dave in reply to BartE. | February 14, 2024 at 9:18 pm

          Do you guys ever do root cause analysis?

          luckydog in reply to BartE. | February 14, 2024 at 11:24 pm

          Once again – when we look at history – we find out that American political trends & MSM partisanship did not start with Trump.

          A) Mid-Term Elections

          • In the last 20 mid-term elections, the party in the WH has lost seats in the House 20 times (100%).

          • In the last 20 mid-term elections, the party in the WH has lost seats in the Senate 13 times (65%).

          B) Control of Congress

          • Since 1943/ 78th Congress, the Republicans have controlled the House 15 times (36.5%).

          • Since 1943/ 78th Congress, the Republicans have controlled the Senate 13 times (31.7%).

          • Since 1943/ 78th Congress, there have been 15 Presidents: 8 Democrat & 7 Republican.

          • 3 (43%) Republican Presidents have seen their party control both the House & Senate: Eisenhower, GWB, Trump.

          • 8 (100%) Democrat Presidents have seen their party control both the House & Senate: FDR, Truman, JFK, LBJ, Carter, Clinton, Obama, Biden.

          • [Trump elected] Since 2017/ 115th Congress, the Republicans have controlled the House 2 times (50%).

          • [Trump elected] Since 2017/ 115th Congress, the Republicans have controlled the Senate 2 times (50%).

          • Both the House and Senate outperformed historical trends.

          C) 2018 Mid-Term Election

          • 40 Republican House seats lost

          • 6 Presidents have seen more House seats lost than Trump: -40

          • Obama: -63, Clinton: -52, Ford: -48, LBJ: -47, Eisenhower: -48, Truman: -45

          • 2 Republican Senate seats gained

          • Only 6 Presidents – including Trump – have seen seats gained in the Senate

          • Biden: +1, GWB: +2, Regan: +1, Nixon: +2, JFK: +3

          D) 2022 Mid-Term Election

          • Another mid-term election that followed historical precedents in the House – but not Senate.

          • After the SC decision in June, abortion was a significant issue – maybe THE issue – for many citizens.

          • “For Democrats, abortion was the clear top issue (35%), followed by the Jan. 6 committee hearings (22%), health care (16%) and inflation (13%).”

          • “For Republicans, inflation was by far the top issue (40%), followed by immigration (22%), and abortion (10%). Nothing else received double digits.”

          • “For independents, inflation was also tops (37%), but abortion was second (22%) and health care after that (12%).”

          E) Trump Endorsements

          • More Trump endorsed candidates won their election than lost their election.

          • “Trump’s endorsees won 216 of the 257 called races held on Nov. 8 (84%).” — Ballotpedia

          • Trump’ General Election endorsement success rate is as follows:
          2022: 83%
          2021: 67%
          2020: 78%
          2019: 67%
          2018: 59%

          • Obama’ General Election endorsement success rate is as follows:
          2022: 74%
          2021: 59%
          2020: 40%
          2019: 53%
          2018: 68%

          • Biden’ General Election endorsement success rate is as follows:
          2022: 89%
          2021: 50%
          2020: 29%
          2019: 00%
          2018: 64%

          BartE in reply to BartE. | February 15, 2024 at 2:45 am

          @Drdave obviously since the root cause I’ve claimed is Trump. That’s pretty explictly expressed here


          Exactly in broad strokes you are correct which supports the notion of the failed red wave being due to Trump. Well done for proving my point

        You misspelled Lee Zeldin you moron. Lee Zeldin’s effective issues campaign had major coat tail effects. Furthermore Trump was a millstone, not enough of one in that moderate district but enough of a millstone that plenty of other districts voted D.

        For the real Trump effect (for our spammer to hopefully read)

      luckydog in reply to Danny. | February 14, 2024 at 10:43 pm

      • Despite the unrelenting 7+ years of MSM negative coverage, there is a growing public realization that Trump delivered what is important to the average American citizen – not necessarily what is important to the MSM/ Ruling Class.

      • Also, for those who will take the time to objectively review his record, there is the realization that Trump’ results were some of the best in our voting lifetimes.

      [Feb 2024] Voters are delivering a poor assessment of President Joe Biden’s job performance as he and former President Donald Trump prepare for a 2024 rematch. They are also looking back more fondly than before on Trump’s tenure in office.

      Just 14% of registered voters say Biden has done a better job as president than they expected he would, according to the latest NBC News national poll. Another 42% say Biden has done a worse job than they expected, and 44% say his tenure has gone about as they expected it would.

      But 40% say Trump’s presidency was better than expected, with 29% saying it was worse and 31% saying it was about as expected.

      [Nov 2023] With views of things in America continuing to be bad and now hitting their most negative marks of the year, one might expect an incumbent president to trail in a pre-election poll — as Joe Biden does in this one. But that’s only half the story.

      The other half is that Donald Trump holds distinct advantages in his own right when voters look forward: More voters think they’d be better off financially if Trump wins in 2024, and more voters think it’s Trump who can keep the U.S. out of a war, if he wins.

        My concern is when do we actually see any of that in elections located in districts that would not be won by a glass of water with the letter R written on it? Or statewide elections in places that aren’t solid safe red states?

        Furthermore how do we make sure the election is about Joe Biden on election day?

        I agree Biden isn’t popular, but neither is Trump. Our 2021 victories are looking more and more distant the closer we get to November.

    Well, Trump endorsed her to lead the national GOP.

      Gosport in reply to JR. | February 14, 2024 at 11:27 pm

      Trump endorsed her in 2020. That was many lost elections ago.

      For the past few months he has been ramping up his public criticism of McDaniel and just endorsed NC GOP Chairman Michael Whatley to replace her.

        henrybowman in reply to Gosport. | February 15, 2024 at 5:39 am

        Sorry but too little too late. Stinks heavily of noticing that the crowd has stopped following you, and “leading” by running to get out in front of them.

amatuerwrangler | February 14, 2024 at 11:14 am

“It only happened because the House expelled George Santos less than a year into his term.”

And yet the self-proclaimed “D-Somolia” remains in the House. Santos may be as slippery as an eel, but he is not unique to Congress. There are a number of traitors and foreign agents in there.

Dolce Far Niente | February 14, 2024 at 11:14 am

Another election the GOP threw because Trump is the enemy they fight against.

Only the first in a series of losses orchestrated by the right wing of the Uniparty. Ronna, incidentally, has been doing exactly what she’s been told to do, in the long running campaign to crush America First and its standard-bearer.

Republicans expelled Santos to virtue-signal, reducing their power.

Once again, they brought a rubber knife to a gunfight.

    TargaGTS in reply to Tom Orrow. | February 14, 2024 at 11:37 am

    Yep. The last time House Democrats were in this same position was in 2002 with Jim Traficant. Traficant was convicted in early April of 2002. He was not expelled from Congress until almost four MONTHS later. They expelled him just days before he was sentenced to prison. While he didn’t cast any votes after he was convicted, he cast SCORES of votes in the YEAR after he was indicted but before his trial concluded.

Another election the GOP threw because they refuse to divorce Trump and abortion extremism. Suburban women dont like either. So much so, they’d prefer crime, a border crisis, Bidenflation, and deficits 2 voters to 1.

    wendybar in reply to dwb. | February 14, 2024 at 11:29 am

    The woman they picked wasn’t a Trump supporter….and the guy who won, wants to kick ICE out of NYC so I guess voters want more Illegals sent up in more buses. Can’t blame Trump for any of it…blame the GOPe who picked a woman who couldn’t win.

      Ahh, yes, I forgot, its never Trump’s fault. Its not as if he picked Ronna Romney McDaniel as GOP chair to recruit these loser candidates, urging her to drop her name, and then dropped her like a hot potato like everyone else he supported then dumped. Pilip tried to distance herself from the GOP, but how could she in a party dominated by Trump cultists who refuse to admit he lost the house twice, the senate, and the election. The only election fraud thats happened over the last 7 years is Trump.

      mailman in reply to wendybar. | February 14, 2024 at 12:06 pm

      Sorry Wendybar, I hit downvote by accident.

      Milhouse in reply to wendybar. | February 14, 2024 at 4:06 pm

      The woman they picked wasn’t a Trump supporter….and the guy who won, wants to kick ICE out of NYC

      Neither of these things is true.

      Ghostrider in reply to wendybar. | February 14, 2024 at 4:20 pm

      Blame Peter King. He picked her to be the sacrificial lamb. Republicans need to select better candidates.

      Milhouse in reply to wendybar. | February 14, 2024 at 4:24 pm

      “Nobody is above the law,” Pilip told local news station PIX11. “If [Trump is] convicted of a crime, he cannot represent us. But unless we see that … I will support him. He was a great candidate, a great president. He did great things for America.”

      BartE in reply to wendybar. | February 14, 2024 at 7:39 pm

      Part of the reason Republicans lost is because of immigration. Republicans blocked there own bill and now Democrats can claim quite legitimately that its Republicans who are the problem with respect to immigration.

        Milhouse in reply to BartE. | February 14, 2024 at 8:44 pm

        That’s stupid. Immigration is a strong issue for the Republicans, which Suozzi neutralized by agreeing with the Republicans and slamming his own party’s immigration policy.

          BartE in reply to Milhouse. | February 15, 2024 at 2:48 am

          Agreeing with republicans that it’s an American issue neutralised it for REPUBLICANS. And it’s also a winner when republicans are the obvious block on actually doing something about it. It’s not Democrats that held up the legislation. Basically republicans have totally fucked themselves yet again

          Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | February 15, 2024 at 11:18 pm

          A bill that officially lets in millions a year, and has absolutely nothing to guarantee that even that limit will ever be enforced, is not “doing something about it”. Unless you count making it worse as “something”.

      henrybowman in reply to wendybar. | February 15, 2024 at 5:51 am

      In fact, the woman the Republicans picked was a Democrat. That’s how committed they were to winning.

    chrisboltssr in reply to dwb. | February 14, 2024 at 12:25 pm

    Here’s another idiot. No word in how the GOP Congress expelled Santos over nothing but an empty virtue signal, huh?

We can’t even mention the squad but we can peral clutch our majority away.

And how many republicans are “retiring “

    Ghostrider in reply to gonzotx. | February 14, 2024 at 4:22 pm

    {And how many Republicans are “retiring “?}

    Precisely. More than enough Republicans than is needed are retiring to turn over control of the Senate and House to the Democrats.

The GOP has to get wise to early and mail-in voting. The Dems started Tuesday with a huge lead, which essentially was insurmountable once Tuesday’s snowstorm rolled in. Trump is toast if none of the lessons from 2020 are learned.

They also need to realize placing a bunch of lawn signs and running PAC-paid attack ads are no substitute for retail campaigning. They had a candidate with a compelling personal story–an immigrant & refugee–running to secure the borders. But we saw/heard none of that in NY.

    Idiocy. ‘Getting wise’ to early and mail in voting will not help because the Democrats are using them for mass cheating, and can do it at a FAR LARGER SCALE than in-person voting. Normalizing this simply normalizes the level of cheating the Democrats are conducting.

    Mail-in voting has to end. Period.

      Milhouse in reply to Olinser. | February 14, 2024 at 4:27 pm

      It’s not going to end. Either you get wise to it or you will never win an election again.

        henrybowman in reply to Milhouse. | February 16, 2024 at 4:58 am

        I wonder why we even bother to write things like state constitutions. Ours is very clear about talking about the balloting that takes place on Election DAY — not Election Month or Election Season.

One other extremely important – likely existential – issue Republicans are facing right now is an ENORMOUS fundraising deficit. I believe the GOP candidate (who was not impressive) was outspent by DNC campaign and special interests 5:1 or more. I haven’t seen the national fundraising numbers for January yet (not sure if they’ve been released). But, at the start of they year, the RNC had a MEASLY $8M cash-on-hand.

One of the consequences of appealing to down-income voters is that it seems to alienate up-incoming voters, the very voters who fund campaigns. If House and Senate Republicans – and Trump – get outspent 3:1 this fall, it’s going to be a very, very long Election Night for Republicans.

    buck61 in reply to TargaGTS. | February 14, 2024 at 12:18 pm

    I don’t donate to campaigns or sign up to be on mailing lists. I know people who have made small contributions to candidates recently and they are now getting email or texts multiple times a day asking for more money. This is the primary reason why I choose not to donate. They turn off more contributors than they gain by engaging in this behavior.

      TargaGTS in reply to buck61. | February 14, 2024 at 12:50 pm

      The GOP money problem isn’t a dearth of small dollar donations ($5 or $100). They’re suffering from the lack of $1K donations and above. The reality is while Democrats enjoy the benefit of incredibly wealthy and very lefttwing benefactors, Republicans don’t have that endless well to dip into and they’re really suffering in donations from millionaires in addition to the problems with billionaires.

      henrybowman in reply to buck61. | February 15, 2024 at 5:56 am

      “Text STOP to opt-out.”
      It’s their little joke, since they never spam you from the same (phony) number twice.

    BartE in reply to TargaGTS. | February 14, 2024 at 7:59 pm

    A lot of the grassroots money has gone to Trump PACS, which has funded his legal defences rather than actually being used for any form of campaign funding.

      henrybowman in reply to BartE. | February 16, 2024 at 5:02 am

      Why gild a lily? People are losing to him with big margins in races where he isn’t even allowed to appear. It’s not like his campaign is hurting in any way at all.

      Except, of course, for all the deliberate character assassination in blue courtrooms, in which case it appears he is almost certainly using that money to its highest purpose to help his campaign.

destroycommunism | February 14, 2024 at 12:12 pm

it was basically a dem vs a dem

the gop has moved left of center

we alllll know that

Blah. Blah. Blah. It doesn’t make any difference what candidate Republicans run, or what leftist degradations they are cowed into ignoring. The rise of the unconstitutional regulatory state (thanks FDR) saw the beginning of when tyranny came to America. The Constitution no longer gets in the way of how the despotism in DC does business, and “democracy” now means what individual rights, if any, our globalist overlords might deign to allow. No doubt the Republican Party is not up to the task of defending liberty. We are in the end times of the American experiment in free government, and the world will be much more Hobbesian in the future.

    destroycommunism in reply to Capitalist-Dad. | February 14, 2024 at 12:49 pm

    spot on

    henrybowman in reply to Capitalist-Dad. | February 16, 2024 at 5:04 am

    The constitution was at best a holding action. We got 250 years out of it, more than anyone else ever has. But such things are due to inevitable failure. You cannot base a free society on writing a document that guarantees people inviolable rights against state oppression, then put that document into the hands of the oppressor to “interpret.”

Gosh, maybe it was incredibly stupid idea to remove a reliable Republican vote without an actual trial and proof.

    Paddy M in reply to Olinser. | February 14, 2024 at 12:36 pm

    Had that happened, the GOPe couldn’t try to impress their commie pals with their “”””principles”””” for the 1,000th time.

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Olinser. | February 14, 2024 at 2:18 pm

    I doubt the allegations against Santos, to begin with. Most of what they accused him of were run-of-the-mill actions of the bulk of congresscritters – and not even as bad as most since Santos didn’t have his family leeching off of pretend make-work jobs in the campaign to get them “paid”. Everything Santos did was small potatoes, at worst. The biggest thing was their exceedingly exaggerated claims about his exaggerations and lies. Santos was only about middle of the pack in Congress with respect to that.

      I mean Santos is definitely a scumbag, but every scumbag is entitled to their day in court. The idea that we had to rush to throw out somebody who hadn’t been convicted, while meanwhile Democrats have a Senator that is about to have his SECOND criminal trial as a Senator, was ludicrous.

        Milhouse in reply to Olinser. | February 14, 2024 at 4:49 pm

        Menendez was acquitted the first time, so who’s to say he won’t be acquitted the second time too? The senate won’t act until his guilt is proven. In Santos’s case the House ethics committee did its own investigation and found independently that he was guilty.

The Republican brand is now no abortions and so Republicans lose.

Fat_Freddys_Cat | February 14, 2024 at 12:31 pm

It’s not in my district but I’m not clear on why the GOP picked Santos in the first place. They really couldn’t trouble themselves to vet the man? They don’t have any normal people to pick from?

    destroycommunism in reply to Fat_Freddys_Cat. | February 14, 2024 at 12:53 pm

    the gop quit caring about middle class america decades ago

    they gave in to lefty and realized they could still hold power and “work with” their overlords

    they come out screaming abortion to mend fences but its worthless

    when they should be embracing abortions

    If I recall correctly he was the only person to sign up for the primary, so he won automatically. No vetting involved. Just like that nazi in Illinois who got the GOP nomination in an unwinnable district simply because nobody else signed up. Except that this district turned out to be winnable after all.

destroycommunism | February 14, 2024 at 12:51 pm

gop should be pushing for abortions faster than an influencer can and does spread her legs willingly

let them abort

they dont want their own

we dont either

destroycommunism | February 14, 2024 at 12:56 pm

what lives are the gop REALLY TRYING TO PROTECT!!?


which do nothing to educate children in anything other than social justice lefty style

then they work hard to promote only poc children so that the affirmative action laws look like they are needed/working

the gop pretends to love the middle class

while the lefty has no problem publicly showing how much they hate them

    Thad Jarvis in reply to destroycommunism. | February 15, 2024 at 11:49 am


    which do nothing to educate children in anything other than social justice lefty style

    then they work hard to promote only poc children”

    Stunningly brilliant analysis. I’m shocked you haven’t swept to victory in your local election.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to destroycommunism. | February 15, 2024 at 11:50 am

    People actually upvoted this Francis E Dec-level, mental-patient rant.

Of course, conservative voters fleeing the state would have nothing to do with this.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | February 14, 2024 at 2:14 pm

Mail-in ballots … once again.

So long as there are mail-in ballots no election will be clean. This has to stop. One day, one person, one vote. End of story.

And no asinine bleating about military votes, which has nothing to do with the mail-in balloting fraud. The military have their own systems they can use to safely and securely transmit votes to the districts.

I really don’t understand Trump cultists.

-Trump didn’t lose anything ever he was cheated (I mean did you see the Apprentice? He was at the very end of every season!)
-Anytime someone they want loses it’s cheating or it was a GOPe plant
-Trump is never wrong and if you say so, you are:
a. a never trumper
b. a dem trying to troll
c. Mitt Romney’s secret account
-…this includes pointing out times Trump pivoted and about-faced on an issue that became unpopular with his cult; it wasn’t him it was the snakes around him (which is also somehow not his fault)

If you all believe HALF of this shit then you don’t have a country anymore, so if you are going to start some kind of crazy revolution you should just get off your asses and do it instead of complaining about how everyone else doesn’t join your crazy cult. Let’s get this crap over with and move on to a new era.

When will Republicans stop acting like Boy Scouts? Have you ever seen a Democrat get kicked out of Congress by their party? They are a little smarter than the choir boys in the R party. Bob Menendez has been charged before and is again but he is still there. Santos’ issue was with the people who voted for him, not members of Congress. Now, thanks to their holier-than-thou attitude, they are a one-seat majority.

    Milhouse in reply to inspectorudy. | February 14, 2024 at 4:43 pm

    The difference between Santos and Menendez is that Menendez was acquitted the first time and may very well be acquitted again. He’s entitled to a presumption of innocence. The House GOP stood by Santos until the ethics committee did its own investigation of his crimes and came to an independent and unanimous conclusion that he was guilty.

There are far worse democrats than this guy, straight, married, sixty something white male who actually worked in accounting and law. Wish more of them were like him.

His opponent was a democrat too, so either way it was getting flipped.

    Milhouse in reply to Just Al. | February 14, 2024 at 5:35 pm

    BS. She is a Republican. She is registered to vote as a Democrat, as are most Republican voters in NYC, because in most cases the D primary is the real election.

Once again, The Feckless R’s fail to discern that their sobriquet is a dig, not an aspiration.