Oakland, CA, Losing Catholic School Due to Crime and Human Trafficking
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Oakland, CA, Losing Catholic School Due to Crime and Human Trafficking

Oakland, CA, Losing Catholic School Due to Crime and Human Trafficking

These poor kids.

Two Catholic schools will close in Oakland, CA.

St. Anthony Catholic School will close due to crime and human trafficking. I kid you not:

Parents at “St. Anthony Catholic School” received notice two weeks ago, according to an email sent from the Oakland Diocese. Aside from crime, the notice says the closure is tied to homelessness, unemployment, lack of affordable housing, as well as human trafficking operations near the school.

Enrollment at the K-8 grade school declined to 65 students.

The I-Team first broke the story about human trafficking operations in this area one year ago – where video shows young girls and alleged pimps surrounding the campus. It prompted action from the FBI to put up cameras in the area and install traffic barricades near the school campus.

These poor kids. The parents have no idea where to send their kids to school since they don’t have a safe option.

“It’s really hard to get into good schools, it’s really hard,” former school parent Rosa Vargas told ABC7. “And for us parents that are paying to get our kids in a safe school… it’s hard because if we take our children to another school…. we’re told they’re not at grade level.”

Will Oakland cease to exist?

Gov. Gavin Newsom has sent more police and attorneys to help combat the crime.

But it doesn’t help that Oakland has a George Soros-backed district attorney. The people have already started the recall process to kick out Alameda County DA Pamela Price.


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The schools are perfectly sited for sex education field trips.

So another Democrat Party success story. That children suffer seems to be the goal. Will Oakland cease to exist? As long as the Democrat party exists, then yes.

LibraryGryffon | February 28, 2024 at 9:43 am

It’s hard to believe that the less safe schools have kids with better academic achievement.

Unless, of course, it just means the kids aren’t fluent enough in DEI-speak.

Recruiting right from the school as they walk home? That “black” amber alert created by gov newscum has already become black teen hoe app? That didn’t take long.

Ayn Rand novel….. somewhere past the midpoint, but not 3/4 of the way done.

Re: Parents at “St. Anthony Catholic School” received notice two weeks ago, according to an email sent from the Oakland Diocese. Aside from crime, the notice says the closure is tied to homelessness, unemployment, lack of affordable housing, as well as human trafficking operations near the school.

The article cited the real reason for the closure:

The Oakland Diocese says the St. Anthony school community is facing “overwhelming financial challenges,” despite large investments.

I do not know why the Diocese provided disingenuous reasons for the closure.

    The article didn’t cite the real reason for the closure:

    Prostitutes are walking the street right in front of the school. Johns are soliciting sex from students. CA gov newscum repealed the old laws against loitering because he said the laws were “racist” and “transphobic”. Resulting in explosion of street prostitutes brazenly taking over neighborhood streets. Same other CA cities, SF, SD, etc.

      The Gentle Grizzly in reply to smooth. | February 28, 2024 at 1:01 pm

      The governor did? All by himself? Or, was it the state legislature? Or, tyrants in black dresses voiding out anyi- vagrancy and loitering laws?

        “California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday signed a controversial bill to repeal a provision of state law that bans loitering for the intent to sell sex — a proposal that deeply divided Democrats in the Legislature and pitted transgender rights activists against advocates to stop human trafficking.” LA Times.

      markm in reply to smooth. | March 1, 2024 at 9:13 am

      So as usual, “human trafficking” is bullshit to make plain old prostitution sound more alarming.

      Not that in front of a school is an appropriate place – but when you ban prostitution everywhere, you cannot have no-sex-trade zones.

    LeftWingLock in reply to ParkRidgeIL. | February 28, 2024 at 12:31 pm

    And you know this how?

    What’s so hard about this?

    “Aside from crime, the notice says the closure is tied to homelessness, unemployment, lack of affordable housing, as well as human trafficking operations near the school.”

    So it’s a bad location for a school for elementary grade kids

    “Enrollment at the K-8 grade school declined to 65 students.”

    So parents have stopped sending their kids to this school

    “The Oakland Diocese says the St. Anthony school community is facing “overwhelming financial challenges,” despite large investments.”

    The Diocese has been pumping money into the school, but with severely diminished enrollment, it’s not financially viable.

The Gentle Grizzly | February 28, 2024 at 10:19 am

One can read that headline in more than one way…

“’It’s really hard to get into good schools, it’s really hard,’ former school parent Rosa Vargas told ABC7.”

Not really. But ya gotta follow the Willie Nelson, Lefty Frizzell, Hank Williams understanding of life,

If You Got the Money, Honey, I Got the Time,


But if ya want an internet home school program which is Judeo-Christian based and is reasonably priced,


    Hodge in reply to fscarn. | February 28, 2024 at 3:10 pm

    Home schooling is great if both parents don’t have to work….but…

      henrybowman in reply to Hodge. | February 28, 2024 at 3:15 pm

      Do taxes really “impoverish” us? Many of our American fathers and grandfathers supported their families in free-standing homes on a single salary, and paid cash for a new car every four years. Can you?

destroycommunism | February 28, 2024 at 11:59 am


when one gang knows the other gang is stronger

The Jacobins will see a new “Thermidorian Reaction”

It’s not “human trafficking”, it’s SLAVERY. Stop using the left’s euphemism for their favorite practice.