Lawyer For Black-Women-Only Fearless Fund Contest Admits “Whites Only” Would Be Okay If 11th Circuit Rules Their Way
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Lawyer For Black-Women-Only Fearless Fund Contest Admits “Whites Only” Would Be Okay If 11th Circuit Rules Their Way

Lawyer For Black-Women-Only Fearless Fund Contest Admits “Whites Only” Would Be Okay If 11th Circuit Rules Their Way

Defendant Fearless Fund’s attorney admits during oral argument in 11th Circuit that allowing Black-Women-Only grant contracting means Whites-Only also lawful.

We have been following an important case out of Georgia concerning a grant contest for small business that is only open to Black businesswomen. Our original post on the case concerned a federal trial-level court in Atlanta that issued a ruling that, if upheld, would eviscerate the entire legal regime of anti-discrimination laws, Georgia Federal Judge Rules Racially Discriminatory Contracting Is “Speech and Expression” Protected By 1st Amendment – Emergency Appeal Filed:

Affirmative Action sure does make strange alliances. In this case, a desire to defend a grant program open only to black women may bring down the entire anti-discrimination legal infrastructure that has been in place for over 150 years, if a District Court ruling that racially discriminatory contracting is “speech and expression” protected by the First Amendment is not reversed….

The absurd implications of the District Court Order are apparent. Can a building owner say that having a “whites only” bathroom is speech and expression entitled to First Amendment protection. You probably can think of dozens of other counter-examples.

The civil rights groups supporting the racially discriminatory grant program at issue and arguing that discriminatory contracting is speech do not appreciate the implications of this District Court Order being upheld. They are so angry at Ed Blum for winning the Harvard case that they would rather see the entire regime of anti-discrimination laws cast aside so long as Blum does not win again.

Interestingly, the federal District Court rejected most of the arguments made by the Fearless Fund Defendants in the case. They (i) had argued that the organizational member Plaintiff had no standing because its members were anonymous, (ii) had argued that the racially discriminatory contest at issue was not a contract subject to 42 U.S.C. § 1981, the federal statute outlawing racial discrimination in contracting, and (iii) had argued that the racially discriminatory contest at issue was a valid affirmative action plan which is allowed in some very narrow circumstances. The federal District Court disagreed with all three arguments, but, as mentioned, held that the contest was okay because it constituted free speech protected by the First Amendment. You can review that Order here.

The Emergency Appeal

Fortunately, the Plaintiff in the case, the American Alliance for Equal Rights, immediately filed an emergency appeal with the 11th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals (which covers Florida, Georgia, and Alabama) and simultaneously filed an emergency motion for injunction pending appeal. And, in a stunning, lightning-quick move, four days after the appeal and emergency motion were field, the 11th Circuit GRANTED Plaintiff’s Motion for an Injunction Pending Appeal, stopping the racially discriminatory grant contest in its tracks: Black-Women-Only Grant Program Halted, 11th Circuit Issues Injunction Pending Appeal in Fearless Fund Case:

The Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit just issued an Injunction Pending Appeal completely rejecting the District Court’s use of the First Amendment to excuse discriminatory contracting….

The plaintiff’s motion for an injunction pending appeal is GRANTED…For the reasons stated in the plaintiffs motion for an injunction, we conclude that the plaintiff has established that the defendants’ racially exclusionary program – the “Fearless Strivers Grant Contest” – is substantially likely to violate 42 U.S.C. § 1981.

The district court held that the plaintiff “clearly” has standing and has “clearly shown the existence of a contractual regime that brings this case within the realm of § 1981.” But the district court reasoned that Section 1981 was likely unconstitutional under the First Amendment as applied to the defendants. We disagree. The defendants do not provide “expressive services” or otherwise engage in “pure speech.” 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, 143 S. Ct. 2298, 2318 (2023). Although the First Amendment protects the defendants’ right to promote beliefs about race, it does not give the defendants the right to exclude persons from a contractual regime based on their race. Runyon v. McCrary, 427 U.S. 160, 176 (1976)….

In light of the plaintiffs’ likelihood of success on the merits, the plaintiffs have established an irreparable injury and that the balance of equities and public interest favor an injunction. See Gresham v. Windrush Partners, 730 F.2d 1417, 1424 (11th Cir. 1984). Accordingly, the defendants Fearless Fund Management, LLC, Fearless Fund II, GP, LLC, Fearless Fund II, LP, and the Fearless Foundation, Inc., are ENJOINED from closing the application window or picking a winner for the “Fearless Strivers Grant Contest” until further order of this Court.

[emphasis added]

One odd thing about the 11th Circuit’s GRANT of the Plaintiff’s motion for injunction pending appeal is that it was decided by a three-judge “motions” panel on an emergency basis, and the judges actually ruled 2-1 on the issue, meaning that there was a dissent, written in this case by Judge Charles R. Wilson. He argued that the racially discriminatory contest was okay because it benefited Black persons, and the Plaintiff’s members were White, a group (he argued) having no rights under 42 U.S.C. § 1981. The 2-judge majority disagreed:

Unlike the district court, our dissenting colleague concludes that the plaintiffs Section 1981 claim is unlikely to succeed because the organization is supposedly “bringing a§ 1981 claim on behalf of white members.” Our dissenting colleague reasons that “[t]he inclusion of Asian business owners, while a racial minority, does not cure the inclusion of white business owners.” We disagree. The Supreme Court has held that Section 1981 “was meant, by its broad terms, to proscribe discrimination in the making or enforcement of contracts against, or in favor of, any race.” McDonald v. Santa Fe Trail Transp. Co., 427 U.S. 273, 295 (1976). We find no support in our caselaw to limit the standing of a membership organization to file a Section 1981 claim because it has members of many different races.

[emphasis added]

Following the 11th Circuit’s grant of the Plaintiff’s Motion for Injunction Pending Appeal, the court published a scheduling order requiring the Plaintiff, now an “Appellant,” to file its regular Appellant’s Brief by November 6. Which it did. You can review the Appellant’s Brief here. Although the 11th Circuit had already “agreed” with the Appellant, it did so on an emergency basis after only several days of foreshortened briefing, so at present the appeal is proceeding on its normal track of normal, lengthy briefing and oral argument.

EPP’s Amicus Brief

Following the filing of the Appellant’s Brief, the Equal Protection Project (EPP) filed an amicus curiae, or “friend of the court,” brief supporting Plaintiff, as we reported: Equal Protection Project Files Brief Opposing Black-Women-Only Grant Program in “Fearless Fund” Appeal:

In its brief, the Appellant makes the case, agreeing with the court, that while the First Amendment provides powerful protection for free speech, it cannot override 42 U.S.C. § 1981’s prohibition of racially discriminatory contracting:

Racial discrimination in contracting is not protected [by the First Amendment] because it is conduct, not speech. Section 1981 is an example of a permissible content-neutral regulation of conduct. [Section] 1981 does not target conduct on the basis of its expressive content. The discriminatory acts that violate §1981 are not shielded from regulation merely because they express a discriminatory idea or philosophy.

But we at EPP felt that there was a point touched on in the Appellant’s prior briefs but really downplayed in the final Appellant’s brief that warranted more emphasis, namely the impact a ruling upholding discriminatory contracting might have:

But what Appellant omits in its brief, which it had touched on in its earlier district court briefing and in its motion for injunction pending appeal, is the impact affirmance of the district court’s order would have on race relations. As Professor Jacobson stated:

The absurd implications of the District Court Order are apparent. Can a building owner say that having a “whites only” bathroom is speech and expression entitled to First Amendment protection. You probably can think of dozens of other counter-examples.

So, to add emphasis to the enormous importance of the 11th Circuit reversing the District Court Order and ruling that racially discriminatory contracting violates 42 U.S.C. § 1981, the Equal Protection Project has filed an amicus curiae, or “friend of the court” brief, in the 11th Circuit. You can review the brief here.

We emphasized in EPP’s brief that the consequences of upholding racial discrimination in contracting is something Fearless Fund (now Appellees in appeal lingo) hadn’t fully considered:

The district court’s order, if not reversed, will have a profoundly negative impact on EPP’s attempt to vindicate constitutional and statutory protections against racial discrimination, by carving out a massive loophole to characterize discriminatory conduct as protected speech….

[T]he district court held that Appellees “clearly intend[] to convey a particular message in promoting and operating [their] grant program,” and so Appellees’ racially discriminatory conduct was excused on First Amendment free speech grounds.

That is contrary to law….

EPP agrees with Appellant’s [previous] arguments as to the disastrous consequences that lie ahead, should the district court’s order be affirmed, based on EPP’s experience opposing racially discriminatory conduct….

One aspect of this case that Appellees appear not to have considered in their injunction pending appeal opposition papers is the impact affirmance of the district court’s order will have on the very minority individuals Appellees purport to be assisting. If Appellees prevail in this case, there would be nothing stopping another entity similar to Appellees from running an identical contest open only to entrepreneurs who are white. As Appellant [previously] state[d], if the district court’s opinion is affirmed, “[a] white-supremacist organization [could] contract only with white men to convey its message that they [too] are vital to the economy.”

Importantly, affirmance of the district court’s order would embrace the growth of an entire discriminatory, Jim Crow-like nationwide regime, where discrimination against any and all individuals based on any skin color would not only be legal, but it would also likely become the norm. All a business would have to do to evade liability is hold itself out as expressing a discriminatory opinion regarding the benefits its business solution provides to members of its preferred race.

In sum, this court must reverse the district court’s erroneous order that Appellees’ First Amendment speech rights trump conduct covered by 42 U.S.C. § 1981.

We also argued that Judge Wilson’s idea that Section 1981 only protected Black persons was totally wrong, based on binding U.S. Supreme Court precedent holding that Section 1981 is meant to outlaw any racial discrimination in contracting against any race.

Oral Argument at the 11th Circuit

On January 31, an 11th Circuit panel different from the one granting the Injunction Pending Appeal held oral argument on the question of whether a racially discriminatory grant contest runs afoul of 42 U.S.C. § 1981. The panel consisted of 11th Circuit Judge Robin S. Rosenbaum, presiding, and 11th Circuit Judges Kevin C. Newsom and Robert J. Luck.

The case was the fourth of four cases heard, the others being two federal criminal cases and a federal arbitration case. That is noteworthy because those cases took about 30 minutes each, but the Fearless Fund argument took 51 minutes! All three judges were clearly heavily engaged in this case and asked numerous questions of all three attorneys, interrupting them often to clarify the arguments presented. It is important to remember that although the previous “motions” panel had granted Plaintiff’s motion for injunction pending appeal, this was the appeal, and this morning’s panel was and is not bound by that previous ruling.

Arguing for Plaintiff/Appellant was Gilbert C. Dickey of Consovoy McCarthy’s Washington, DC office. Mr. Dickey, a former law clerk to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, started off strong on his main argument, which was that the racially discriminatory grant contest at issue was conduct outlawed by 42 U.S.C. § 1981, just like the “White’s Only” sign at a restaurant under the old Jim Crow days. In fact, there was so little questioning the judges moved on to another point, namely whether the contest was a valid affirmative action plan, allowable in some limited circumstances. Dickey argued that is was not because there was no valid affirmative action plan, it was just a racially discriminatory contest that presented a 100% bar to anyone not a Black businesswoman.

Arguing for Fearless Fund on all issues except standing was Jason C. Schwartz of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher’s Washington, DC office, where he is “co-chair of the Labor & Employment Practice Group, General Counsel of the law firm and a member of the firm’s Executive Committee.” Mr. Schwartz argued that there have been hundreds of charities that have always been allowed to donate to various special groups, including racial groups, and those donations are not illegal because (i) they are considered “expressive activity” protected by the First Amendment, and (ii) they are not covered by 42 U.S.C. § 1981.

Because the argument was audio only I couldn’t tell whether Judge Luck or Judge Newsom asked the next question, but it was a dagger. Whoever it was asked, and I’m paraphrasing, “if what you say is true, then could an entity run a grant contest just like Fearless Fund’s but only open to Whites”? Mr. Schwartz said as repugnant as that eventuality might be, yes it meets the standard. The judge reiterated, “what if the charity in question’s “protected expression” was that they “didn’t like people of color”? Mr. Schwartz stated that it is “clear” that charitable giving is protected activity.

At this point, Professor Jacobson, who was listening to the oral argument as well, messaged me: “Civil Rights” Lawyer Argues Whites-Only Contracting Is Protected

Mr. Schwartz also argued that this was the first case ever that attempted to apply 42 U.S.C. § 1981 to a charity, to which Judge Newsom replied, “Section 1981 doesn’t apply”?

Judge Luck posed a scenario where a company discriminates in which outfit it buys office supplies from. Mr. Schwartz said that would clearly violate 42 U.S.C. § 1981, but here there is core expressive activity, i.e. charity, which is protected by the First Amendment.

Judge Rosenbaum asked if there was a difference between a donation and a contract, and Mr. Schwartz said that the contract makes it even more expressive, because now you have more information about the recipient of the donation, so the expressive activity is even more expressive.

The last attorney to argue was Mylan L. Denerstein of Gibson Dunn’s New York office. Ms. Denerstein is “co-chair of [Gibson Dunn’s] Public Policy Practice Group and a member of the Crisis Management, White Collar Defense and Investigations, Financial Institutions, Labor and Employment, Securities Litigation, and Appellate Practice Groups…[She] is [also] global chair of the firm’s Diversity Committee and co-partner in charge of the New York office. Mylan was previously a member of the firm’s Executive Committee.” Ms. Denerstein argued that the Plaintiff had no standing because its three members were not identified, and because their affidavits in support of standing, saying that they were “ready and able” to apply for the contest, were insufficient.

On her first point, that Plaintiff’s members must be identified by name for the Plaintiff to have standing, Judge Newsom asked if that rule conflicts with cases from the District of Columbia Circuit and the Ninth Circuit and Ms. Denerstein admitted that it would. As for the affidavits, Judge Rosenbaum asked what steps Plaintiff should have taken to perfect the affidavits, and Ms. Denerstein responded that the affidavits had no information about anything, did not even say that the members would apply for the program, and that their attorney Mr. Blum’s declaration said that two of three of them were able to apply made them all questionable, which made one of the judges respond “but you only need one” right? To which Ms. Denerstein responded “Yes but they have zero.”

Mr. Dickey was given ten minutes of rebuttal time, and Judge Rosenbaum immediately stated that she didn’t think the Plaintiff’s members’ names needed to be identified, but that the affidavits seemed shaky to her. Mr. Dickey responded that previous cases had established that the language “ready and able” to apply for the program was all that was needed to establish standing. The judges seemed satisfied with that, with Judge Luck citing a U.S. Supreme Court case stating that “ready and able” was enough to establish standing.

Finally, Judge Newsom asked Mr. Dickey some detailed questions about when  charitable activity could be “expressive.”


Our prediction is that the 11th Circuit will reverse the District Court and block the racially discriminatory Fearless Fund grant contest, for the following reasons:

  1. Although the previous order enjoining the racially discriminatory Fearless Fund grant contest is not binding on this group of three judges, they obviously know about it and have studied it, and voiced no concern over it. In particular, none of the judges mentioned Judge Wilson’s dissent to that Order arguing that Section 1981 only is meant to benefit Black businesspersons.
  2. The key question about whether Fearless Fund’s proposed rule would allow racial discrimination in favor of Whites and against Blacks (or any race for that matter), which Fearless Fund’s attorney agreed would happen, indicates to us that the judges have read EPP’s amicus curiae brief and are cognizant that allowing racial discrimination in favor of Blacks is a huge can of worms that could cause an explosion of discrimination of all sorts. No one should want to see that, and these judges sure didn’t seem like they did.
  3. The standing argument (i.e. Plaintiff didn’t have standing to sue in the first place) seemed like a dead letter from the jump. In fact, it may have been a tactical blunder for Fearless Fund to devote such a large part of its argument to that issue, given that neither the District Court nor the previous 11th Circuit panel thought it had any merit.

We will be watching this case closely and will report when the 11th Circuit rules. This case could also very well be headed to the U.S. Supreme Court.


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Of course, they are lying.
The minute anyone proposes any kind of grant or benefit for Whites only, cities would burn to the ground.
They will just say whatever they need to say to get away with it now.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Exiliado. | February 2, 2024 at 8:07 am

    Fine. Issue a shoot on sight order for arsonists and looters.

    Rmoon in reply to Exiliado. | February 2, 2024 at 1:54 pm

    This made me really really think.

    So if a white man enters into an implicit contract (unwritten) with a woman at a bar, by purchasing drinks for her, in which she is expected to give sexual gratification to that man in return for that drink, but that man only offers drinks to Asian women under 5′, would his actions run afoul of 1981?

      DaveGinOly in reply to Rmoon. | February 2, 2024 at 9:36 pm

      An Asian woman under 5′ would be, by my standards, over-qualified.

      Milhouse in reply to Rmoon. | February 4, 2024 at 8:14 am

      Exactly. The correct answer to this case is that a grant is not a contract. The anti-discrimination laws don’t apply to gifts. They’re giving away their own money, and they’re entitled to give it to whomever they like.

    diver64 in reply to Exiliado. | February 2, 2024 at 5:55 pm

    Most likely. I think that a private fund using private dollars should be able to give money to whoever it chooses much like a property owner should be able to rent to whoever he/she wants or exclude anyone for any reason. Race, religion, sex, welfare, legal status in the US.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to diver64. | February 3, 2024 at 4:12 pm

      We’ll talk more when bakers and web site developers can choose who they wish to create product for.

        If they had been giving the cakes and the web sites away for free, those cases would never have happened. Nobody claims that if you bake cakes for people as a gift you must do so for all comers.

        And conversely nobody denies that if you do it commercially you can not choose your customers, because the antidiscrimination laws do apply. In both those cases the defendant was perfectly happy creating products for gay customers; their only objection was to the kind of product requested, which they wouldn’t make for anyone. They didn’t claim the law doesn’t apply to them, they claimed they were in full compliance with the law. So the cases are not at all comparable to this one.

    Milhouse in reply to Exiliado. | February 4, 2024 at 8:25 am

    “Cities would burn” is not a legal argument. I don’t understand how you can say “they are lying”, because the question wasn’t “what would you say if this were to happen”, it was “what do you say right now the law would be if this were to happen”? And the lawyer stated her client’s legal position, that antidiscrimination laws don’t apply to charities. Which I think is 100% correct, and of course that means you can have charities that only give to white people. How could it not mean that? If the law doesn’t apply then it doesn’t apply.

    Nobody disputes that you’re entitled to date only white people if you like, or that you’re entitled to invite only white people to your party, So how can anyone deny that you’re also entitled to give money only to white panhandlers — or to give a scholarship only to white students?

So, she admits she is okay with RACISM. Okay then.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to wendybar. | February 2, 2024 at 8:31 am

    It’s only OK if blacks are the racists. Whites are not allowed to be racists. If ever a White organization tried to pull a “Whites only contract” all heck in a hand basket would break loose from the usual race baiters. Guaranteed

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to wendybar. | February 3, 2024 at 4:13 pm

    No, she is not PK with racism. She’s only OK with racism when it benefits her.

Don’t capitalize “black.”

“It’s not racism when we do it!”

Lucifer Morningstar | February 2, 2024 at 8:28 am

Defendant Fearless Fund’s attorney admits during oral argument in 11th Circuit that allowing Black-Women-Only grant contracting means Whites-Only also lawful.

I’m fine with that. But why stop there. Let’s go whole hog with this. Allow blacks to do their own thing completely separate from Whites. Segregation. It’s what blacks seem to want.

blacks only contracting.
blacks only businesses
blacks only schools
blacks only dorms in universities/colleges
blacks only busses
blacks only bathrooms
blacks only water fountains
blacks only housing

Whites only contracting.
Whites only businesses
Whites only schools
Whites only dorms in universities/colleges
Whites only busses
Whites only bathrooms
Whites only drinking fountains
Whites only housing

The whole “race equality” experiment has failed so just dismantle the whole of the “racial equality” industry and be done with it.

    I agree with you. Black people are voluntarily engaging in segregation while demanding equality.
    They seek not equality nor a return of equity as retribution and retaliation are two qualities Africans seem to confuse. They have dreams of superiority without the intelligence nor moral compass it takes to realize that dream.

    I am a color-blind Conservative; religion-blind as well..
    If Catholic parents want to send their kids to (what we used to call) a parochial school, so be it.
    If orthodox Jewish parents send their kids to cheder, why not – they will, anyway.
    And if blacks want to send their kids to a blacks-only school: well! why not! There’ll be some white Liberal Progressives who’ll always find a way to get their kids enrolled in there anyway.
    This is, after all, the United States of America where each individual has the right to have their kids educated in the manner that they see fit, rather than inculcating them in the propaganda that they’re forced to parrot in the public schools today.

    They are well on the way to getting there. There are black only dorms in college and black only graduations. There are black preference grants, scholarships and minority set asides for jobs.

    I kind of like it. I was never all that keen on forced integration. Neither were the black families that couldn’t send their kid to the neighborhood school in Raleigh but had to put them on an hour-long bus ride to a whiter school.

The true believers in tribalism have a corollary belief, sometimes spoken aloud but usually silent, which in essence is that these sorts of programs are not real discrimination b/c it is impossible to discriminate against ‘whites’, particularly ‘white’ males.

That’s the essence of the oppressor v oppressed philosophy. It’s Orwellian double speak at its finest; some pigs are more equal than others. We see this in the reluctance to arrest, charge and prosecute illegal aliens b/c those actions might lead to a deportation. Same for the recent antisemitic conduct on campuses where the administration, LEO, the legacy media and others go very far out of their way to avoid imposing normal consequences b/c some of the conduct would lead to a dismissal for the foreign Students and a revocation of their Student Visa.

Blacks for segregation? If obama has one white parent how does that work?

I fear a favorable ruling in this case will really have little practical impact. Do universities still discriminate in admissions? yup. Are public teachers still stuck unions? yup. Democrats just don’t care and find a way to continue the wrong, whatever it is, in new and creative ways. They’re back to segregation now.

    Milhouse in reply to Concise. | February 4, 2024 at 8:38 am

    This case has nothing to do with university admissions, teachers, or any other commercial activity. It is only about charities; about giving money away. And the defendant’s argument is simply that the antidiscrimination laws don’t apply to that. Which I think is clearly correct.

I believe in Real, NOT Fake, freedom.

It was a mistake to mandate segregation, and it is a mistake to mandate integration. REAL freedom, ACTUAL freedom, recognizes each person’s natural right to associate with – including spending one’s own money – with whom one wishes.

Our civilization walks quickly to dictatorship. The establishment is also busy ruining male-female relationships. There is no end to the destructiveness of our establishment. The evidence is everywhere; they despise us.

People naturally want to be around their own. with their own culture. To write that “no one should want segregation” is to fundamentally misunderstand reality and human nature.

Someone endorsing such a thought leads inevitably to illegal aliens are people too and should not be discriminated against, which again, ignores realities.

    The problem (as here) exists in the government realm. While individuals should be allowed to associate with whomever they desire, government cannot be allowed to discriminate – because the outcome is exactly as we see in “blue” locales with DEI-oriented prosecutors: inequality under the law.

    As to individuals, you are wrong in one area. When you say “To write that ‘no one should want segregation’ is to fundamentally misunderstand reality and human nature”, you misconstrue “do” for “should.” While it is natural for people to “prefer their own” it is not the state that should be, and it is moral to want to change that aspect of culture/society so it reflects a more moral position. “All men are created equal” is not an amoral position.

    Endorsing the idea that people should not shun Others does not lead inevitably to the idea of welcoming invaders with open arms. At least, if it’s approached in a Christian manner, rather than a Progressive one.

      DaveGinOly in reply to GWB. | February 2, 2024 at 1:31 pm

      The authority of government does not extend to the molding of society. “All men are created equal” under the law is the reason why government can’t discriminate. Individuals and society, however, will discriminate, in a wide variety of ways. It is up to the members of that society to lead it away from something they deem “immoral”. It’s not within government’s authority to actively change society (“society” appears not once in the Constitution; the business of government is government business, not the business of the individuals who make up society). At best, government can provide an example of the ideal, something at which it generally fails miserably.

      artichoke in reply to GWB. | February 4, 2024 at 8:45 pm

      You could think of segregation as a reduction of entropy, of purebreds. Why should people not want this? I come down about where “Close the Fed” does. People naturally tend to segregate, and that’s OK. But they mix sometimes by mutual agreement and desire, and that’s OK too. The government shouldn’t be involved in these issues.

JackinSilverSpring | February 2, 2024 at 10:23 am

Black leaders have done an about face. Previously they wanted to integrate and to judge people by the content of their character; now they have adopted the mantra of their DemoncRat partners: segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever; and, oh yes, they want to judge people by the content of the melanin of their skin.

    Yes. Obama set race relations back at least 50 years.

      Don’t blame 0bama. He actually did very little.
      Blame, instead, the general Progressive religion – it has now become America’s dominant religion – and it’s need to keep grievances burning.

        DaveGinOly in reply to GWB. | February 2, 2024 at 1:35 pm

        Obama’s objective was to “fundamentally change America.” I believe that included creating, or at least encouraging, the proliferation of many of our current problems with race. Obama’s mere presence in the Oval Office encouraged the adoption of progressivism by our institutions, private and government. He was indeed a “messiah,” ushering in an new era.

        wendybar in reply to GWB. | February 2, 2024 at 3:00 pm

        You blame them. I blame them, but Obama opened the door, and white liberals cheerfully ran through it with their new Messiah, and did the dirty work for their new master. Obama got what he wanted.

The vile Dhimmi-crats are so manifestly stupid, evil, hypocritical and destructive.

They’re toddlers in their maturity level and intellects, only, lacking toddlers’ innocence.

That blatantly illegal and unconstitutional racial discrimination in contracting, school admissions and job hiring is still being furiously litigated in the 21st-century shows not only how long federal courts have indefensibly enabled and allowed these racist conceits to thrive (in the name of “remedial” racial discrimination, e.g., “affirmative action;” “diversity;” etc.), but also how pervasive the vile Dhimmi-crats’ propagation of moral and cultural rot throughout American society has been.

    Close The Fed in reply to guyjones. | February 2, 2024 at 11:28 am

    I do not believe it is “unconstitutional” to discriminate by private persons. This arises from statute, not from the Constitution predominantly intends to box in the federal government.

    As far as the bill of rights being incorporated to apply to the states through the 5th Amendment, that was a usurpation by the court.

      Even in Texas they give minority-owned contractors a 5% advantage for state contracts.

      Sure, the same way that one is still technically entitled to place a racially restrictive covenant in a real estate contract — it may not be unconstitutional, strictly speaking, but, the practice is frowned upon and nearly universally rejected.

      So, at the end of the day, whether or not the U.S. Constitution is deemed to expressly prohibit such activity, the practice of discrimination in contract awards, job hiring and school admissions by private persons and entities should be universally rejected and condemned as immoral and in direct contravention to American ideals and aspirations.

        artichoke in reply to guyjones. | February 4, 2024 at 8:47 pm

        Really, I didn’t know it was allowed. Maybe constitutional, but don’t the 18/1964 Civil Rights Acts prohibit it? Are you sure?

What is truly appalling is that a federal judge actually argued that whites have no rights under Section 1981–at this point in history, you have to wonder whether some of the leading cases on civil rights from the past would even get through the courts

MLK rolls in his grave. The KKK applauds.

Steven Brizel | February 2, 2024 at 1:16 pm

The arguments for a black women only contest bordered on the frivolous and in support of Jim Crow like institutions-this is what Big Law supports today.

I marched with your grandmother, you stupid child.

Bearing arms is conduct, but it most decidedly sends a political message: “I am a free man.” See the statue of the “Independent Man” atop the dome of RI’s capitol building. He is sending that message with his spear. Mass protest is another example of “conduct” being integral to conveying First Amendment-protected political speech.

The Democratic Party hasn’t changed, they’ve KKK u st as racist today as when they fought to keep blacks in chains for hundreds of years and oppressed for another hundred years with Jim Crowe.

How in Sam hell did Mr. Schwartz convince himself to take this on?

Classic: Civil Rights” Lawyer Argues Whites-Only Contracting Is Protected”…. as repugnant as it is!

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | February 2, 2024 at 3:51 pm

This has nothing to do with “Free Speech”. Tha argument is completely retarded. It does, however, have everything to do with private property rights. People are allowed to use their own property as they see fit, and if they want to discriminate against anyone in the use of their property and commerce, then that is their right.

Jim Crow-like nationwide regime, where discrimination against any and all individuals based on any skin color would not only be legal, but it would also likely become the norm.

That is a mischaracterization of the problem with Jim Crow laws. Businesses had every right to discrimanate in who they served. The problem in Jim Crow was that the law FORCED businesses to discriminate. A business could not opt to serve blacks freely if the owner wanted. Jim Crow violated private property rights as much as the insane civil rights laws did after. Both of those regimes had no respect for private property rights. But private property rights are the wellspring from which almost all individual liberties emanate … so it isn’t too difficult to understand why our individual liberties have been shrinking and reducing over the past decades to bring us to a place that is near-Soviet in many respects (and even worse in some).

    That and SCOTUS’s insane ruling that you lose basic rights when you engage in commerce. Anyone who doesn’t quickly starve to death engages in commerce. Commerce is not the career of a special class or merchants, it is a basic state of human nature.

      paracelsus in reply to henrybowman. | February 2, 2024 at 9:29 pm

      We’ll go back to ’33 and adopt a modified Gesetz zur Wiederherstellung des Berufsbeamtentums.
      History does rhyme, after all.

How does black only or white only work? Are Mariah Carey and Derek Jeter (yes wimmenfolk only here, but what larger context) excluded? White moms, black dads.
Are we going back to octaroons or one drop of blood to assign “race”?

“What else than ignorance of the law is it that excuses judges themselves for all their erroneous decisions? Nothing. They are every day committing errors, which would be crimes, but for their ignorance of the law. And yet these same judges, who claim to be learned in the law, and who yet could not hold their offices for a day, but for the allowance which the law makes for their ignorance, are continually asserting it to be a ‘maxim’ that ‘ignorance of the law excuses no one;’ (by which, of course, they really mean that it excuses no one but themselves; and especially that it excuses no unlearned man, who come before them charged with crime.)”
Lysander Spooner
An Essay On The Trial By Jury, pg. 180-181

allowing racial discrimination in favor of Blacks is a huge can of worms that could cause an explosion of discrimination of all sorts

That ship has already sailed. Explicit discrimination on race and sex is already allowed, as long as you are discriminating against whites or men. See the many college scholarships only available to non-white or female students, as well as government contracting setasides.

Fearless Fund’s admission doesn’t mean much. They almost certainly don’t believe that making it changes anything or harms their case, because even in the unlikely event the ruling goes there I can guarantee a lawsuit explicitly framing itself so as to protect non-white contracting of every kind while eliminating white-only contracting will be filed the next day.