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Israel Obtains Security Video of Shiri Bibas and Children Soon After Abduction, Alive In Khan Yunis

Israel Obtains Security Video of Shiri Bibas and Children Soon After Abduction, Alive In Khan Yunis

The fate of the family, mother Shiri, father Yarden, 10-month old Kfir, and 4-year old Ariel,  by Palestinian terrorists dressed in civilian clothes.

It was one of the most horrifying videos from October 7, the abduction of Shiri Bibas and her two strikingly red-headed children, 10-month old Kfir and 4-year old Ariel, by Palestinian terrorists dressed in civilian clothes.

The father and husband also was abducted. It is not known if any of them are alive. In late November there were reports that Hamas Handed Over the Bibas Family, Including 10-Month-Old, to Another Terrorist Group.

Hamas also claimed the Family, Including 10-Month-Old Kfir, Hade Been Killed, but that is not confirmed and Hamas has lied about such matters before as part of its psychological warfare.

Hamas even released a Propaganda Video Showing Captors Telling Yarden Bibas His Family is Dead.

The IDF as part of its capture of the Hamas stronghold of Khan Yunis has obtained security cam video of the family

The video does not prove what the status of the Bibas family is today, but it proves that Shiri and the kids were alive after having been transported deep into Gaza into the area where Hamas leadership is believed to be hiding with hostages.

Israel is in the process of wiping out Hamas in Khan Yunis, including the extensive and deep tunnel network. The best chance that they might be alive is if Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar is keeping them close as human shields. Sinwar loves to use children as human shields. Killing of capturing him without harming the family could be tricky.




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And Traitor Joe Biden wants to take land from Israel to give to these animals.

Unfortunately, Israel needs to make Pales suffer much more in order to break their spirit, I see no sign of them doing so.. As it stands they will still have terrorist in their midst.

destroycommunism | February 20, 2024 at 1:23 pm

bidumb will ban any info showing support for the israelis

destroycommunism | February 20, 2024 at 1:25 pm

UN report in 2025

The Oct 7 incidents was all an AI fake by Israel and Adam Shiff(t) will lead the investigation with the help of omar

I don’t hate Muslims. If we destroy Islam we’re freeing Muslims too. If we hurry we can get it over in time for Deer season

I may seem cavalier. I’m told we’re taking on the second largest world religion. Two billion people. Are we? The penalty for leaving Islam is death. That’s a faith that knows it can’t win a popularity contest.