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Escape From New York Week at Legal Insurrection

Escape From New York Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

This is not a movie. This is really happening and it’s disturbing where we find ourselves as a country.

It’s not just the politics.

For the record, California isn’t much better.

This outcome was obvious.

The Georgia case against Trump is crumbling.

Updates on Israel.

Lots of new developments.

Other world news.

The border situation somehow continues to get worse.

What a disaster launch this was.

He sure is lucky!

Just awful.

Again with this?

This is big news.

He deserves it!

Oh great.

Oh my…

Winning more friends.



What could go wrong?


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Time to unleash Snake Plissken.

Subotai Bahadur | February 25, 2024 at 5:45 pm

Your list above just reflects the current reality. Like it or not, functionally we are not one unified country under the Constitution and with a shared Social Contract [I know, its complex. See Thomas Hobbes’ book of that name.] We do not have a shared culture, and to be honest a shared set of loyalties. And we are governed, less than competently, by what is functionally a Leftist Uni-Party that has contempt for the overwhelming mass of the American people.

We are divided by race, color, creed, and sexual preferences; with each having a functionally different set of laws and legal systems applying to them at the whim of those in power. We are arguably not a sovereign nation in that we have no control of our national borders, and most importantly we do not have one set of laws that applies to all within our borders whether American or foreign. We may well have irrevocably crossed the percentage line of those whose primary loyalty is to other than this country; for us to be a single nation.

The political system that we devised generations ago to reflect the will of the people and ensure consent of the governed has been corrupted beyond denial. We cannot rely on the integrity of the electoral system at any level, nor the mechanisms of governance. More and more, corruption is revealed and has become the norm in all things.

One interesting indicator of that is the online publication BABYLON BEE. It was created and intended to be an exaggerated, humorous satire of our politics and culture. Today, it is having great difficulty in that what was written as satire is discovered to be reality in a couple of weeks.

A plurality, if not a majority, of Americans believe that the last presidential election was stolen. We are coming up on another presidential election that may have the same candidates, and at the very least will have the same functional “sides” facing each other. And there has been no real effort to restore electoral integrity. This may well be the last chance to return to our status as one nation.

President Trump has the same opponents regardless of official party lines as he did in 2020. He also seems to have more electoral strength, and this is reflected in the frantic responses by both wings of the Uni-Party. To be honest, given the kinetic nature of American politics from 1963-1968 on both a personality and societal levels; I would not be surprised for it to be blatantly reprised. And I expect that then there will not even be a facade of returning to the traditional American politics, but rather a reversion to the political forms that prevailed from the Neolithic era to say the early 1770’s.

The problem will be far more than “escaping from New York”. I fear that certain of Clausewitz’s sayings are understated.

Subotai Bahadur