Anti-Israel Activist Laments That Hijacking Planes Is Not an Acceptable Form of Protest for Pro-Palestinians
“You can’t protest peacefully. You can’t boycott. You can’t hunger strike. You can’t hijack planes. You can’t block traffic. You can’t throw Molotovs. You can’t self-immolate. You can’t heckle politicians. You can’t march. You can’t riot. You can’t dissent. You just can’t be.”

In the aftermath of the self-immolation of 25-year-old Hamas sympathizer Aaron Bushnell, an active-duty engineer in the United States Air Force, a bizarre and surreal discussion has been underway on social media on what constitutes an acceptable form of political protest.
As Legal Insurrection reported Sunday, after news broke of Bushnell’s suicidal act, anti-Israel activists took to the Twitter machine to express their gratitude and solidarity for Bushnell’s “cause” – which was for the destruction of Israel and the rise of Hamas and Gaza.
Here are two examples of many:
Aaron Bushnell, 25, has passed away.
He is the soldier who set himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington.
So traumatised by watching genocide as to feel ‘complicit’, pushing him to his ‘extreme act of protest’.
His last words- Free Palestine 🇵🇸
Rest in Peace.
— Howard Beckett (@BeckettUnite) February 26, 2024
Far-left higher ed luminary and independent presidential candidate Cornel West:
Let us never forget the extraordinary courage and commitment of brother Aaron Bushnell who died for truth and justice! I pray for his precious loved ones! Let us rededicate ourselves to genuine solidarity with Palestinians undergoing genocidal attacks in real time!…
— Cornel West (@CornelWest) February 26, 2024
Sane people – those who haven’t been infected with the woke hive mind virus, that is – correctly pointed out that, no, self-immolation is not in fact an acceptable form of political protest. Such desires, they noted, are a big warning sign of mental illness, not of someone who is thinking clearly and who understands that there are better ways to get their points, as deranged as they may be, across.
Then there were people like this clown:
Being sane and well-adjusted means accepting the bottomless cruelty and infamy of the authorities without undue drama.
— Ben Ehrenreich (@BenEhrenreich) February 26, 2024
Worse, there was Palestinian activist and Princeton lecturer Mohammed El-Kurd, who lamented that terrorist acts like hijacking planes, throwing Molotov cocktails, and rioting were not accepted in civilized societies:
You can’t protest peacefully. You can’t boycott. You can’t hunger strike. You can’t hijack planes. You can’t block traffic. You can’t throw Molotovs. You can’t self-immolate. You can’t heckle politicians. You can’t march. You can’t riot. You can’t dissent. You just can’t be.
— Mohammed El-Kurd (@m7mdkurd) February 26, 2024
El-Kurd, for those who don’t know, has a long history of antisemitic behavior as detailed by the ADL:
Unfortunately, even a cursory analysis of his social media and his book “Rifqa,” reveals an indisputably troubling pattern of rhetoric and slander that ranges far beyond reasoned criticism of Israel. It is unvarnished, vicious antisemitism. El-Kurd has accused Israelis of eating the organs of Palestinians and of having a particular lust for Palestinian blood. He has compared Israelis to Nazis, negated the historic Jewish connection to the Land of Israel, and vilified Zionism and Zionists.
In a number of instances, El-Kurd has negated the historic connection of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel. In June 2021, he called such a connection “fictional indigenity[sic]” as he criticized a far-right Israeli march and other Israeli actions in Jerusalem. In at least two instances, he has dismissed the Jewish people’s link to the Land of Israel by commenting on the physical traits of Israeli Jews. In February 2021, he tweeted: “How are Israelis gonna say they’re indigenous to Palestine but can’t walk outside without getting sunburned? :/.” He posted in a similar manner in March 2021…
El-Kurd, the Palestinian correspondent for The Nation, has also acted as a propagandist for Hamas in other ways, including tweeting deceptively edited video clips to generate sympathy for the terrorist group and the people of Gaza. In January, during an anti-Israel demonstration in London, El-Kurd declared that “we must normalize massacres as the status quo.”
In 2021, Time magazine included El-Kurd and his twin sister Muna on its “100 Most Influential People” list for that year.
Needless to say, the reactions to his tweet about hijacking planes were lit:
Yet another thing 9/11 took from us: the joy of those perfectly normal non-violent plane hijackings we all enjoyed. I remember it well. “Do you have a layover?” my parents would ask. “That depends,” I’d answer, impishly. And then we’d all laugh, and shout, “fingers crossed!”
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) February 27, 2024
Are we really a free country if you can't hijack planes, block traffic, or throw Molotov cocktails without people getting mad at you?
— AG (@AGHamilton29) February 27, 2024
"Plane hijacker" is discriminatory language. The proper progressive terminology is "undocumented pilot."
– Corporate media, soon….— Christina Pushaw 🐊 🇺🇸 (@ChristinaPushaw) February 27, 2024
I got to the third line and was like wait a second…
— Mason (@MasonKrake) February 27, 2024
Palestinian beatnik poetry just hits different
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) February 27, 2024
Even Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) got in on the action:
For a guy who lectured at Princeton, he’s oddly confused about the line between free speech and *terrorism.*
But hey, most Hamas supporters are.. that’s why we’re in this mess in the first place…
— Dan Crenshaw (@DanCrenshawTX) February 27, 2024
As did Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio):
"You can't hijack planes."
Hey @TSA I've got a nomination for the no-fly list.
— J.D. Vance (@JDVance1) February 27, 2024
When I read things like what El-Kurd wrote, I honestly don’t know what to say because the fury I feel is so strong that it just takes my breath away.
But when you think about it, radical leftists tell us who they really are an awful lot. El-Kurd’s words, in my opinion, are a prime example of just that, telling us who he really is more than any critic’s spot-on reaction ever could.
— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

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It’s so revolting and indefensible that innumerable Muslim supremacist, terrorist-sympathizing and cheerleading Islamofascists have been hired by too many prominent American universities to count.
These idiots don’t deserve any sort of lofty sinecure from which to preach their Jew-hate, anti-Israel venom and pro-“holy war” sentiments. That they’ve been granted such, speaks to the Dhimmi-crats’ corrosive moral and intellectual rot that has corrupted our society and our institutions.
Aw, come on. He’s just being nostalgic. He misses the good ole days.
This”professor” and his ilk should be arrested and/or deported
I haven’t yet figured out what is keeping him from setting fire to himself.
Why? He might get hurt that’s why. He’s a thinker, not a doer . Doing dangerous stuff is for students, not professors. ‘El-Kurd’s enjoying the good life. The only thing missing is the virgins.
For a college professor? Riiiiiight.
Let’s as a group all mail him some matches.
Yup. Because you absolutely can self-immolate. When you’re covered in gasoline and have a lighter in your hand, ain’t nobody gonna try to stop you.
I encourage all Leftists to keep self-immolation in mind as a viable method of significant, world-changing protest.
That’s easy. Fire hurts.
Arrested and deported for what? He hasn’t committed any crimes that I can see. He’s just complaining that he isn’t allowed to be his evil self.
He’s wrong, though. This is America, where evil people are free to exist and to show everyone how evil they are, so he’s free “to be”. He’s even free to protest peacefully, to boycott Jews, to hunger strike, to heckle politicians, to march, and to dissent. All decent people will condemn him for those things, because his cause is evil, but they will leave him alone to do them anyway.
But if he tries to do the other things on his list, decent people will forcibly stop him. Except for the self-immolation thing; if he does that in front of me I won’t even piss on him.
He do any of those things that don’t harm and threaten to harm others.
Or better yet, he can demonstrate his support for the Palestinians by traveling to Gaza and joining the “resistance” movement. Protest by fighting against the IDF on Palestinian’s time and dime.
Bushnell was at least considerate enough to spare his family the cremation expense.
And to stand away from other flammable structures and objects.
I bet none of those pro-Islamist social media posters are on any kind of watch-list nor have their credit card transactions have been flagged for review by the US Treasury. But, if you happened to just be in DC or the vicinity on January 6th and purchased a Bible or a Gadsden Flag in the last decade, you probably are on a watch-list of some sort.
Swan song for a Palestinian protestor- Light My Fire
Islam is a cancer in the West.
islam is a cancer no matter where it establishes itself. The problem being that Christians and other religions do not (will not?) acknowledge that fact and act appropriately to protect and defend their religions and religious beliefs. They all think that all religions can just get along somehow when in reality one religion (islam) seeks the suppression and/or destruction of all other religions and to dominate the world.
that is because, I think, of the Reformation. The West spilt so much blood over religion, we came to a cultural horror of doing so again, and basically came to the realization that Christians can live together in harmony if not homogeny. If we can, why cannot they?
Culturally, we cannot understand the drive to kill in the name of religion. And we just assume that if Islam joins the cultured West, they will see what a superior system we have on that front. But Islam cannot live in harmony; the basics of the religion forbid it.
The West has also forgotten the conquest, for centuries, of the Iberian peninsula, Sicily, and large parts of what is now southern Italy. They have forgotten the million-plus slaves taken from Europe, the most favored in the Muslim slave markets being every blond woman they could get their hands on. They have forgotten that the reason Islam controls the Middle East is because of them. If European Christians hadn’t idiotically sacked Constantinople and critically weakened it we would not call it Istanbul today.
Churchill called it on Islam in 1899. Nothing has changed.
Wouldn’t have a problem in the least if more Arab terrorists and their supporters like El-Kurd were to self-immolate. In fact, it should be encouraged. Self-immolate for Palestine! Self-immolate for islam! Mohammed (PB&J) would approve and they’d get their 72 virgins all the earlier.. Allahu Snackbar!
Perhaps his act will start a Tik Tok trend copied by the masses at pro Hamas rallies and protests.
But you have to give it a trendier name.
Something like “The Techron Challenge.”
You’re right. You can’t “be”…after most of those things you are a “has been”
El-Kurd starts off with this lie: “You can’t protest peacefully.” People focus on the rest of it but that’s the one that really tells you who he is.
Actually, you can protest peacefully. It just doesn’t make people feel the abject terror he wants.
About half of the methods of protest on the list are not, in fact, prohibited. But if he hadn’t included them, the list would have seemed too rational (and unimpressively too short), and (rational) people would have said, “That seems about right.”
He’s probably a DEI hire that would have trouble pouring urine out of a boot if the directions were in Arabic.
his call for a 9 11 repeat is obvious
america keep sliding further into the abyss b/c left wing “peaceful protestors” have proven they got what it takes to push that agenda
just look to the public education system
THAT “EDUCATION” being oust the whites
create a false new sense of americanism via every left wing trick in the book
and the books are filled with lefty carnage reigning supreme over a civilized america which no longer exists
so keep giving them law degrees and medical license and pilot licenses etc etc
allll b/c you think that will “shut them up”
It just empowers them
My reply on X/twitter to this monster:
“You can’t self-immolate” You can be the main course for a Leftist Cannibal barbecue, Tasty. Feed the starving Gaza people, Eat @UNRWA
Don’t use gasoline. The resulting taste is terrible. Do it with cooking sherry. Oops, no. Muslim, you know. What’s a halal accelerant?
“You can’t self-immolate.”
I support El-Kurd’s right to self-immolate, and will defend that right against anyone who tries to stop him.
Back when I served in the Air Force, they tried to keep the crazy people out.