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Trump Georgia Case: Judge Schedules Hearing on D.A. Fani Willis Misconduct Allegations

Trump Georgia Case: Judge Schedules Hearing on D.A. Fani Willis Misconduct Allegations

Michael Roman, Trump’s co-defendant, accused Willis and special prosecutor Nathan Wade of having an improper relationship and misusing funds.

Fulton County, GA, District Attorney Fani Willis has a hearing over allegations of an improper relationship with Nathan Wade, her lead prosecutor.

Willis charged former President Donald Trump with interfering with the 2020 election.

Willis hired Wade to prosecute Trump.

Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee, the judge overseeing the case, scheduled a hearing on February 15.

McAfee also ordered Willis to have a written response for the court by February 2.

Michael Roman, Trump’s co-defendant, accused Willis and Wade of an improper relationship while Wade was still married to his wife and before Willis hired him as a special prosecutor.

At the time of his hiring, Wade didn’t have much prosecutorial experience regarding criminal cases.

Roman claimed “that the entire prosecution is invalid and unconstitutional because the Fulton County district attorney never had legal authority to appoint the special prosecutor, who assisted in obtaining both grand jury indictments.”

The complaint continued:

As a result, both indictments contain structural errors and irreparable defects and should be dismissed in their entirety as to Mr. Roman. Mr. Roman also moves the Court for an order disqualifying the district attorney, her office, and the special prosecutor from further prosecuting the instant matter on the grounds that the district attorney and the special prosecutor have been engaged in an improper, clandestine personal relationship during the pendency of this case, which has resulted in the special prosecutor, and, in turn, the district attorney, profiting significantly from this prosecution at the expense of the taxpayers.

Accordingly, the district attorney and the special prosecutor have violated laws regulating the use of public monies, suffer from irreparable conflicts of interest, and have violated their oaths of office under the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct and should be disqualified from prosecuting this matter. In further support of the instant motions, Mr. Roman respectfully shows the Court as follows:

Willis initially played the race card instead of denying or admitting the accusations.

Once she realized that wouldn’t work, Willis denied everything.


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Hopefully, Willis and Wade will receive all that they deserve.

Is Fat Fani Willis going down in flames? Roasted hams?

Subotai Bahadur | January 18, 2024 at 10:43 pm

Hopefully, but keep in mind that Willis is a black, female judge which gives her tremendous “woke” points. Another thing in passing about that “relationship” is that Wade is still married, I am given to understand that his wife filed for divorce when Wade’s relationship with Willis became public. Finally, given that relationship, I also understand that Wade is being paid way more than the normal rate for lawyers in this position.

Subotai Bahadur

    Going to be hard to deny everything when there is evidence that Willis and Fanni were renting an apartment together and going on trips after she appointed him prosecutor. Even harder to explain why she hired 3 attorneys for this case and the other two are very experienced litigators with one of them arguing before the Georgia Supreme Court over 50 times but Fanni gave the whole thing to a guy with no experience. Explaining paying him over twice as much as the other two is also going to be hard to get around. She tried in a ham handed fashion to blame the entire thing on people attacking the only black person of the three. Well, he was the only one she was sleeping with that we know of.
    Entire thing stinks and she should be prosecuted for corruption and Willis disbarred. Whether another DA continues this travesty is an open question.

    DA, not a Judge

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | January 18, 2024 at 10:49 pm

Willis is clearly Vice President material. She’ll fuck her way into leadership.

    LeftWingLock in reply to AF_Chief_Master_Sgt. | January 19, 2024 at 8:21 am

    I think you are on to something Chief Master Sargent.

    A new prime time “game” show called “So You Want To Be Vice President”

    Political figures perform “tasks” to get points toward becoming the nominee.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to LeftWingLock. | January 19, 2024 at 9:46 am

      Perhaps the Game Show Network will pick up for the new Spring line up.

      Kamala Harris can be the Guest Host until January 2025, then she can be full time.

      Her catch phrase, instead of “You’re Fired!” can be “Heel’s Up!”

      henrybowman in reply to LeftWingLock. | January 19, 2024 at 6:22 pm

      They’d do this in Japan.

It’s amazing just how corrupt leftists are. They can never do anything by the book.

She may have sabotaged her chances of convictions as well as wrecked her career.

Wade must be in it solely for the money. Can’t see why else he would go there voluntarily.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to UJ. | January 19, 2024 at 5:21 am

    Has to be the money. Have you seen photos of Joycelyn Wade? Much better looking than Fat Fanni.

    But then again, my older brother GRHS, told me that every time I see a beautiful woman, keep in mind that there’s someone out there tired of sleeping with her.

    In Nathan Wade’s situation, he passed on the Stay-At-Home Mother for fame and fortune, even if the vehicle to fame and fortune has a trunk bigger than a semi…

      Think about what Fat Fani will look like in 10 years, probably as ugly as Abrams.

      Just looked up a picture of her. I guess I’m baffled too but looks can be deceiving. We have all know good looking women with hearts of rot and vitriol in their every breath.
      As for that advice your older brother gave you, solid gold. The older they get without being attached the more caution you should have but people have things happen so be careful but not dismiss out of hand. Wife raised 3 kids on her own after divorcing her first for fooling around. She lived a wild life for a number of years before we met but 15yrs later we are still in business. You never know.

    diver64 in reply to UJ. | January 19, 2024 at 4:54 pm

    Any port in a storm? Looks are not everything especially when $600K is involved but we have no idea what was going on. People that work in close proximity often develop relationships and looks have little to do with it.
    Fanni’s biggest problem is not the divorce. Her problem is that she benefited financially from appointing her boyfriend as prosecutor as evidenced by the cruises and Napa wine trips. That her first move is to strut into a church and pull the pin on the race hand grenade shows how much trouble she is in. Will Georgia have the stones to drop the hammer on her? IDK

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | January 19, 2024 at 12:15 am

What are the chances that MacAfee, himself, and everyone else in the Georgia judicial system around Atlanta hadn’t heard or known about Fanny Willis’ diddling on the job? The guy was such an unusual pick, to start with, for such a monumentally insane case, that there must have been gossip flying all over the place.

So if Fani’s ‘friend’ is ruled ineligible to hold his position, *can* everything he’s touched be thrown out and Fani be forced back to the beginning?

(No, I don’t think that will happen, since the judge is about as biased as can be without wearing an “I’m With Her” shirt on the bench, but rather if this was a fair court abiding by the rule of law.)

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | January 19, 2024 at 1:20 am

Fanny Willis sleeping with her unqualified special counsel …

Well, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree – her father was a black panther and she’s a black panter.

You guys are being distracted.

I couldn’t care less about who these two were screwing. What I want to know is why this guy was meeting with 10% China Joe and how much they were working together to get this prosecution in to the system.

That is the kind of corruption I want cleaned up.

The problem with Fani getting screwed over for screwing someone she was giving money to so she could bang his brains out is that nothing happens to her case against Trump.

If she gets removed, and she should, I guess all that happens to the case is that it just goes to another rabid Democrat to prosecute to their fullest corrupted abilities.

    diver64 in reply to mailman. | January 19, 2024 at 3:29 am

    She was apparently getting phone calls from the WH demanding she go after Trump and he visited the WH at least 2 times. An unknown and inexperienced attorney cruising to the WH for meetings is suspect to put it mildly.

      amwick in reply to diver64. | January 19, 2024 at 6:52 am

      This will be a great movie someday. Well, not great, but it reads like a movie plot.

      It has always been fairly obvious that the DOJ and the DA were colluding in a coordinated attack on Trump, I just thought these two had the common sense to use low-level staffers “coincidentally” meeting at one of DC’s expensive and exclusive dining establishments for drinks and off-the-record chats. Instead, they have a direct meeting and *bill* the expense. That’s a level of arrogance that exceeds my expectations by an order of magnitude. Next thing we’ll probably find out is that they kept notes.

MoeHowardwasright | January 19, 2024 at 6:30 am

So much to unpack here. Wade turned in billing receipts for 2 all day meetings at the WH with the Xidens legal counsel. The relevant oversight committees should already start the request and subpoena process. WH can’t hide behind “advice” here. They will have to produce the documents and notes. As to Fani, well her career is over as the DA. Misappropriation of funds is the first item up. Malfeasance is the second item. The judge may be an ideologue, but he also knows that the rest of the Georgia judicial system has their collective eyes on him. He also knows if he tries to protect her, to protect the case, he’s toast when it gets to the GA Supremes and he knows it. He will not sacrifice himself or his cushy job for a couple of philandering idiots. FJB

I don’t know the lady, but if I see somebody like her queued ahead of me at the coffee shop, I give up and leave.

I was trying to find some background on the allegation she abused Covid funds and came across this, which is kind of funny. [Prosecuted rappers under RICO]

“I have some legal advice. Don’t confess to crimes on rap lyrics if you do not want them used, or at least get out of my county,” she said.

I bet those rappers have some good material now.