Speaker Johnson Standing His Ground Against Senate Border Deal
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Speaker Johnson Standing His Ground Against Senate Border Deal

Speaker Johnson Standing His Ground Against Senate Border Deal

Johnson after meeting Biden: “The House is ready to act, but the legislation has to solve the problem. We must have transformative policy change at the border.”

Speaker Mike Johnson has not budged from his position on the atrocious bipartisan Senate deal.

Johnson first spoke out against the deal on Saturday.

“Absolutely not,” Johnson tweeted.

Republican senators have been pushing Johnson to accept the deal because it’s as good as it’s going to get:

“There’s absolutely no way that we would get the kind of border policy that’s been talked about right now with a Republican majority in the Senate, unless we get a 60-vote majority, which isn’t going to happen … there aren’t many Democrats that are going to be available,” said Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), the minority whip. “This is a unique moment in time. It’s an opportunity to get some conservative border policy.”

Thune described the current situation at the nation’s southern border as a “national security emergency.” If House Republicans slam the door on an immigration deal, some in the Senate GOP worry that won’t exactly jibe with their message that the border is a five-alarm fire.

Someone tell Thune about our Founders. It’s better not to have a bill than pass a bad bill.

Johnson reiterated his position this morning before meeting with President Joe Biden and other Congressional leaders:

We’re not playing politics with this. We’re demanding real transformative policy change because that’s what the American people need and deserve and they’re demanding as well.

House Republicans are standing on that line. I will tell the president that today. I’ve been saying it consistently since the moment I was handed this gavel and that’s never changed.

I don’t care what you call it. I’m telling you these elements are important and we’re going to make the changes necessary.

No one should be playing politics with this. There’s too much at stake.

Fentanyl is the leading cause of death in Americans ages 18-49. Trafficking is a scourge. The cartels on the border down there, making billions of dollars trafficking humans into the U.S. 60-70% of the people who cross in Eagle Pass, the main funnel, are single adult males, between the ages of 18-40.

These are not huddled masses of families seeking refuge and asylum. These are people who are coming here probably with ill design (?).

Biden and the Democrats are still obsessed with Ukraine.

Johnson reminded them, “We understand that there is concern about the safety, security [and] sovereignty of Ukraine, but the American people have those same concerns about our domestic sovereignty and our safety and security.”

The House border bill Secure the Border Act, or H.R. 1, never stood a chance in the Senate or the White House.

Johnson told everyone a deal must include key provisions in H.R. 1: Remain in Mexico Policy, ending catch and release, reforming asylum and parole process, and restarting border wall construction.


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It’s honestly one of the worst pieces of legislation imaginable. Langford is a moron. Mitch McConnell is either insane or he’s a Chicom asset…or both. Any GOP House member who would support this is BEGGING, probably guaranteeing, that they’ll get a strong primary challenger. I suspect most GOP Senators who are standing for reelection this cycle would also not vote for this monstrosity. But, Schumer likely wouldn’t need their votes any way.

My fear is that they’ll pass this in the lame-duck session.

    Olinser in reply to TargaGTS. | January 18, 2024 at 2:38 am

    It just boggles my mind how many alleged ‘smart, young, talented’ Republicans new to the Senate are stupid enough to sit down with Schumer and ‘negotiate’ on the border.

    It was only a few years ago that Rubio pretty much killed his entire political future with his border ‘negotiation’ shenanigans.

      SeiteiSouther in reply to Olinser. | January 18, 2024 at 10:15 am

      All because he listened to a family member to “help” the illegals. I think it was his aunt, or something.

    Danny in reply to TargaGTS. | January 18, 2024 at 4:46 pm

    Main issue is Democrats hold the White House and Senate and this is the least bad thing they will accept.

    There is only a November solution to this.

Protect the border – AND – put an end to the Welfare State!!!

Stop providing the illegals with a reason to come here in the first place.

    caseoftheblues in reply to ChrisPeters. | January 18, 2024 at 3:46 pm

    There are 8 billion people on the planet. Over half of them would have a significantly better standard of living just from the easy access food, housing, money, education and medical care handed to them from the US government just for crossing the border no questions asked. Benefits US citizens sometimes wait years for if they ever even get. I wonder if 4 BILLION illegal aliens would even satisfy the open borders left?

The latest GOPe Senate capitulation reminds me of when Dubya pushed for amnesty and tried to package the IOU contained in that travesty as a win for conservatives. Uh huh.

Johnson is right to tell McConnell and his little bitch, Thune, to GF. Stay the course.

I’ll be honest, I couldn’t give 2 craps about Ukraine. They are not an ally and shouldn’t be.

I we can’t secure our own borders we are doomed.

    diver64 in reply to Justanug. | January 18, 2024 at 3:23 am

    I care about Ukraine but consider it a European problem since they are not a member of NATO. Let Europe pay for it. 100 Billion or so is enough of our borrowed money.

The Senate minority under McConnell’s leadership has consistently failed to heed the wishes of the average GoP voter on border security. Their ‘agreement’ is bunk.

Biden doesn’t need legislation to take the steps demanded by the HoR GoP majority. These are largely policy decisions of the Executive Branch. Stop issuing parole. Stop allowing BS amnesty claims. Require any amnesty claim to originate in an Embassy or Consulate and reject those made at the border. Restart construction of the damn wall.

If Mexico won’t willingly cooperate by stopping the ‘caravans’ then Biden can close US Ports of entry to non commercial traffic and subject every truck to lengthy inspection say one a day until Mexico gets with the program. If they still don’t get it designate the Cartels and those affiliated with them as terrorists; seize bank accounts. Escalate from there.

This isn’t hard. Build the damn wall. Stop letting folks in. Neither Biden nor the d/prog and especially of McConnell’s cabal in the Senate WANT to stop this. They ain’t negotiating in good faith and ain’t gonna start without resolute action by the HoR. No border security, no budget. Eff the consequences.

Why are H-1B’s staying in the country long enough for their children to grow up? It’s supposed to be a stop-gap for talent you can’t find domestically.

    The big tech companies are gaming the H1-B visa program bigly, and have been for a very long time. They lay off middle aged American tech workers when they become ‘too expensive ‘ and import young immigrants to do the job at a fraction of the price

      InEssence in reply to Paul. | January 18, 2024 at 1:36 am

      Which is one of the reasons that American productivity is only around 1% when it was 3% in the 1970s.

      caseoftheblues in reply to Paul. | January 18, 2024 at 3:42 pm

      And the US tech companies are paying a price for that cheap labor they crave. Most of these tech hires are Indian. A study by their own country found only 3% of their tech grads from Indian Universities can code to international standards as opposed to 95% of US grads. Also once they get entrenched in a US company the Indian hires stop hiring and promoting any US citizens… or basically anyone who can actually do the work.

    CommoChief in reply to Crawford. | January 18, 2024 at 8:00 am

    They can already receive a work VISA for the Spouse of the worker granted the first VISA. It’s out of control, the large corporations are displacing US Citizens in favor of importing a foreign work force and the Fed Gov’t happily assists this effort.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to CommoChief. | January 18, 2024 at 8:26 am

      Well, what do we expect Chief?

      When China and the FBI have video and voice recordings of nearly every Senator and Representative having sex with minor children, or are corrupted by millions of dollars of bribes campaign contributions, and an administrative state that has a globalist mindset, we get what the masters say we get.

Way to go, Speaker Mike Johnson. More of this, please!

Now we know why the Speaker agreed to that crappy continuing resolution. By agreeing to a CR, he eliminated the obnoxious outcries by Democrats, the media, and RINOs against a potential government shutdown in order to concentrate on border funding.

This guy stood up for something?

“This is a unique moment in time. It’s an opportunity to get some conservative border policy.”

Exactly what part of ANY of that crap is “conservative” policy?

I’d say it’s not yet time to fold, but just wait…

At this point I simply don’t trust Johnson.

It feels to me like he’s just TALKING big because he knows the current bill is such an absolutely LUNATIC proposal, and if he even pretended to consider it, he would be vacated.

At the same time, this feels to me like he’s setting up to cave on the ‘compromise’ bill.

This feels like they just proposed the insane 5000 per day figure knowing that it would be rejected, so they could ‘compromise’ on ‘only’ 1000-2000 per day and act like they had some kind of massive win.

    Danny in reply to Olinser. | January 18, 2024 at 4:55 pm

    The Republicans senators knew this would be rejected by Johnson?

    I agree, they did.

    Lets see how this ends, the Republican side is in an incredibly weak position right now.

      CommoChief in reply to Danny. | January 18, 2024 at 8:04 pm

      HoR GoP majority isn’t in a weak position. They control the HoR which means they control the purse.

      The Speaker is definitely in a weak position b/c there are too many GoP members in HoR who would take to their feinting couch if asked to refuse to appropriate funds if border security measures acceptable to the remainder (and of course the voters). No way these folks say eff it shut down the govt. (Which wouldn’t really happen anyway b/c previous legislation kicks in for a mini sequestration to go into effect in April if no CR or budget is in place)

      That’s the problem. We have a lot of ‘moderates’. Fine as far as it goes; ain’t gonna get full throated populist elected in some northern and suburban CD, gotta run a candidate who can win with the electorate of the CD or State. The real problem is the ‘moderates’ in deep Red CD in the HoR and the ‘moderates’ in the Senate from deep Red States. They pose as uber conservatives to get into office then continually disappoint.

Why would ANYONE agree to issue work permits to EVERY illegal alien released from custody??!?! WHY???

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to mailman. | January 18, 2024 at 7:26 am

    Cheap labor. For every permit issued, one American loses a job.

      Yep that supports the business interests who want cheap domestic labor. Don’t overlook the self interest of the Federal bureaucracy some State bureaucrats and the immigration advocacy NGOs all of whom need a constant flow of illegals to support their own jobs; to hand out taxpayer dollars.

If the GOP caves…America will truly be finished. I’m less than optimistic.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to MAJack. | January 18, 2024 at 8:33 am

    I haven’t been optimistic since George Bush The Elder became president. Since then, it’s been a long slog through the destruction of the USA.

    Jobs being sent to China and other parts of Asia

    Massive spending to countries that hate America

    One Military Industrial Complex boondoggle after another

    Protection of borders everywhere but here

    The unlimited supply of military aged males allowed to enter our country, that spits in the face of “give me your poor huddle masses longing to be free” claptrap

    And so much more.

    The only shining light through the clouds was a brief moment after 2016, until that was ruined by China importing a pandemic with the help of the Fauxchi Gnome.

    Yeah. I don’t have any optimism left. But I will still continue to fight the good fight.

      Suburban Farm Guy in reply to AF_Chief_Master_Sgt. | January 18, 2024 at 8:44 am

      There’s some isolated anti-woke growing out there. More Americans seeing the truth. Good times are to be had exposing and ridiculing the mess Progs make. Looking forward to this summer. We can win and have a hoot doing it if we play our cards smart.

        And if God decides there are enough of us worthy of his intervention.

          AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to WTPuck. | January 18, 2024 at 1:37 pm

          Show me 10 righteous people…

          CaptTee in reply to WTPuck. | January 18, 2024 at 11:48 pm

          I know a few more than 10 righteous people.

          However there are two explanations why the USA is not mentioned in End Time Prophesies:
          1. The writers didn’t have a way of describing the USA.
          2. The USA was irrelevant to the story being told.

          Sometimes I think the Biden Administration is working to make the USA irrelevant.

          I know some people who disagree with me on Reddit r/Trump666 who think that Donald Trump is the Antichrist and that he will return to power after the next election because he is the Antichrist.

The illegals should be rounded up and deported, without exception. The border should, of course, be defended, and every effort should be made to prevent the illegal entry to our country. Further, there should be a moratorium on LEGAL immigration of at least 10 years.

It’s nice to see a Republican with a spine. I hope he keeps it. (and releases the J6 tapes, which only a microscopic fraction have seen the light of day and we’re still seeing some epic reveals such as a Capitol Police officer who committed unmistakable perjury on the stand)

Why is this about the speaker, holding the line on some “deal.”

We have legislators in principle representing their various constituencies, each standing their own ground or not as they choose.

Weird how The Screaming D’s and their megaphone media got so faux-incensed when The Feckless R’s didn’t act in top-down commanded lockstep. It’s like the game isn’t serving the interests of the people, but flexing how much of what you want you can cram on them, and their agents.