San Francisco Board of Supervisors Votes for Ceasefire in Gaza
Laughing off San Francisco’s ceasefire resolution is easy, but global intifada manifests itself locally. It’s an important ideological victory for the local anti-Israel camp.

Pro-Palestinian activists of San Francisco have been hard at work lately organizing demonstrations attended by tens of thousands and, following the lead of other Bay Area towns, working on a “ceasefire” resolution. The latter is an attempt to get Israel to lay down its arms as the country nears victory over Hamas.
Although the final version of the document adopted by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors included some pro forma statement about the terrorist organization, like all both-sidisms, it was meaningless. Hamas already made clear both in word and deed that it won’t abide by ceasefire agreements. All efforts to impose a long-lasting truce are intended to declaw the Jewish state. Likewise, as customary, the resolution degraded the genuine concerns about antisemitism with allusions to islamophobia and anti-Palestinian sentiment.
Overall, the resolution was what one expects — nowhere does it say that Israel has the right to defend itself or call on Hamas to surrender. It both insinuated that Israel targets civilians while erasing any difference between the collateral damage sustained by the Palestinian side and the intentional murder and torture of Israelis and their friends. In fact, it shies away from mentioning the horrific ways in which Gazans treated Israelis. The statement that Israeli hostages are “also” at risk is particularly heinous because Palestinian sympathizers would have you believe that it’s Israel’s campaign to liberate them that endangers these men, women, and children, not the Palestinians who took them hostage.
It a darkly comical situation — America’s most dysfunctional municipality, a town of under a million people with a budget of $14.6 billion that can’t figure out how to get nearly 8000 of its resident drug addicts off the streets or to keep stores from being ripped, takes it upon itself to dictate to the Jewish state how to defend itself. It’s also a very familiar situation — antisemitism is an ideology of failure.
When the Board of Supervisors voted 8:3 to support the resolution, boomer grannies in attendance, pink dye covering the grey of their heads, got off their seats, clapping and chanting through their tightly fitted masks, “Free Palestine!” OK, fine, a few token youngish men were in the audience—also a young woman with a baby strapped to her chest. The baby tolerated the noise well. But the IDF is shaking in their boots. They are going to roll over and die now.
Predictably, the reaction on social media was ridicule. @TheDailyFreir commented on the video of the pro-Palestinian jubilation: “I used Artificial Intelligence to create a video of Maoist Trustafarian Hypochondriacs.” And @HilzFuld quipped: “Tel Aviv just voted 10-0 to have SF clean up the human feces and heroine needles on their streets before thinking they have a right to preach to anyone about literally anything.”
Historically, local resolutions calling for a change of direction in American foreign policy don’t amount to much. I expect the Biden Administration to continue with its rather lukewarm support for Israel, unfazed by the demands of the Board of Supervisors and friends.
Yet the resolution in question is not painless. Because it energizes some of the most aggressive elements in the Bay Area, its results will be felt negatively throughout the region.
San Francisco’s State Senator Scott Weiner, of whom, on balance, I am not a fan, noted both the failure of the resolution to include language acknowledging Israel’s righteous grievances and the foul character of its supporters:
[Supervisor] @MattDorsey asked to include language about Hamas’s mass sexual violence against Israeli women & was met with shouts of “liar” — part of a QAnon/January 6-style conspiracy theory that these rapes didn’t happen.
While denying the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, pro-Palestinian protesters routinely shout slogans, like “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” that amount to calls for genocide. And how do they conduct themselves during the local protests?
When the January 6 anti-Israel demonstration in the El Cerrito suburb was met with a small counter-protest, a man with a face entirely obscured by a desert scarf “pushed a woman down to the ground from behind, injuring her, and then stole her Israeli flag by force. He then burned the flag in the street.” Although El Cerrito Police launched a hate crime investigation, the man’s identity is still unknown. The distinctive denim jacket he wore that the cops are asking to identify might have been a decoy.
Incidents like this are part of a global pattern of violence against Jews, and local authorities should be prepared to deal with them. They aren’t. What is lacking is local leadership — the kind that discourages mobs.
Aside from Wiener and the supervisors who voted against the resolution, nobody in the San Francisco establishment is speaking out against the grossly unethical resolution. It’s only radio silence from Mayor London Breed or the former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. California Governor Gavin Newsom owes his political fortunes to the San Francisco machine and is likewise mum.
As expected from a man with presidential ambitions, Newsom went to Israel following the Simchat Torah massacre. There, he took pictures with the victims, some of them from California, but what did he do to fight antisemitism and antizionism in his own backyard?
Laughing off San Francisco’s ceasefire resolution is easy, but global intifada manifests itself locally. It’s an important ideological victory for the local anti-Israel camp. Expect them to go from strength to strength, shoring up support among the naïve and uneducated while flexing their muscle literally at every turn. When a masked thug sucker punches a woman for speaking her mind, and police are nowhere to be found, the local Jewish community has a problem.
Unfortunately, the war on another continent does have a lot to do with San Francisco, just not in the way pro-Palestinian activists imagine. Responsible local leadership would go beyond refusing to take the ceasefire resolution to vote. It would reprimand violence — the natural, physical kind — and address the ideological causes of it. Another suggestion is to ban masked public events — obviously, the goon in El Cerrito came prepared.

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Oh, it’s absolutely evil. But it’s also so bizarre – to think that you passing a resolution that doesn’t even have the force of law locally will somehow have an impact on a war all the way around the world from them, in which the US is not an active participant.
It’s kind of like churches declaring themselves “nuclear free zones” in the 70s/80s. Thoroughly meaningless, and also an indication of the lies being believed/promulgated.
This is symbolic to be sure but not meaningless. This is a concrete step to normalization and mainstreaming of the ideology and each iteration will cause its own reverberation spreading to other places who then use the prior iteration as an example to emulate. IMO it is analogous to ‘broken windows theory’ but applied to social/cultural norms at a macro level. Some jurisdictions are pretty impervious to this but others are more susceptible and each successful step advances the rot.
Sorta like the Biden Administration. Mainstreaming and normalization of a whole host of rot.
The point is not to affect a war halfway around the world, but to acquire official license to practice anti-semitism locally.
This is more like granting themselves a pardon and after the fact
It isn’t important what the resolution will do or if it will have any effect. What I s imporant is whether it will buy v9tes . SURCEY SEZ:: 78% of SF residents see this resolution as a political positive.
I agree with you 100%. It’s just like all of the posts here on LI. Every day you guys post comments here about what everyone else in our government and the rest of the world should do, based on your preconceived perceptions. But nobody in the whole world will ever read a single one of your comments here. Thank God. But you keep posting here time and time again, just like you do on Alex Jones and Gateway Pundit. I am really glad that nobody reads your posts here. All you do is make Independents and swing voters think that they should never, ever, vote for Trump. Mission accomplished. Good for you. In the meantime, please keep your posts to Alex Jones and Gateway Pundit.
And yet, here you are, posting comments that nobody in the whole world will ever read except for us LI forum members — fortunately we’re intelligent enough not to take any of your pointless rantings seriously. And you keep posting here time and time again, while all that you do is display your ignorance of the topic and arrogance in proving it. You’re stupid and proud of it; mission accomplished! I am really glad that you provide such a good example of why you deserve nothing but ridicule in response. In the meantime, until and unless your name appears on the masthead of this site as “founder” or “owner,” you can take your suggestions and give them a good, hard shove up your anal orifice, where they will do the most good.
“a good, hard shove up your anal orifice”
We know where your head is
Please don’t keep me in suspense — where do “we” think it is?
Perhaps you were thinking (term used ever-so-loosely) of your own head.
Perhaps you should rub a bit of cream on that butt-hurt, Junior.
Nah, militant idiocy like this is untreatable.
The mere fact that you mention POSTS 4 times in your rant shows you don’t really believe your own claim that nobody reads what’s on this site.
It’s not about a cease fire, it’s about hate. Pure unadulterated hatred of Jews.
Sorry i hit the down vote by mistake and can’t turn it off.
These worse than useless knuckleheads need to each spend a day riding on their own city busses, the BART, trolleys, walk around the areas they allow to be infested wth the local two legged vermin. No bodyguards, or security, just each one on their own. Sped a day like that then come back and see what needs to be done in their own backyard.
Pleasing those that plan to be their masters. Soviet communism is so passe. Dhimmitude is so in.
Very productive use of their time. LOL
EVERY taxpayer in San Francisco – regardless of opinion on the ongoing Israel/Hamas conflict – should be upset about this complete waste of time. The focus of the Board should be on San Francisco, and not a completely unrelated conflict thousands of miles away.
If the taxpayers of San FranShitCo can’t be bothered by human waste and drug paraphernalia in the streets, how does anyone expect them to be upset when their feckless “Supervisors” vote ineffective nonsense?
They lack standing. Now STFU
But since they’ve identified themselves as providing material support to terror…..
I saw the title of this article and thought I had mistakenly clicked on my favorite satirical website. God Save The Queen and you know the thing.
Nah, I think the bee is having a problem with actually coming up something with something more ridiculous than reality at the moment
Before christmas the muzzies ran riot protest in union square, the premium retail shopping district of SF.
Clearly we have a problem “race” and a problem ”religion” in this Countrywide
We do, and America will have to deal with these Arab losers
I do not see any resolution to this conflict.
The Arab Muslims are committed to the total elimination of Israel the state and its people,
The Arab Muslims are taught from birth to hate all Jews. (They have kindergarten plays about killing Jews. )
The Muslims attitude toward Jews must change completely before peace becomes possible.
There is only one path to a resolution, eradicate all Arab terrorists and their supporters, regardless of where they are located. Also subduing Iran by destroying their infrastructure.
History of there conduct makes it clear.
San Francisco. Land of feces, vagrants, crime, and drug abuse lighting the way for the rest of the country to follow…
Well apparently if the people want to get that stuff cleaned up on a regular basis, they have to keep inviting Xi
Now, of course, police from San Francisco will be traveling to Gaza as part of their ceasefire plan.
Now that would be funny to watch
Better yet, round up a large gaggle of the homeless and send THEM over there. Hamas will die of laughter before hey die of any injuries inflicted bo those guys. they would only need one way tickets…….. and California compliant “standard capacity” magazines will do just fine.
Bless their little hearts, I wonder how they feel about leg-humping dogs.
The only thing missing from this cult of maskholes is handling snakes.
This is an ultra vires action that would be a firing offense in a company. The Board should be fired. They are representing a foreign terrorist entity.
I didn’t realize you had a say.
A reminder of the Bloomberg Syndrome, as coined by the great Victor Davis Hanson: the next time your elected local or state official holds a press conference about global warming, the Middle East, or the national political climate, expect to experience poor county law enforcement, bad municipal services, or regional insolvency.
“Listen to that,” said the man in a red cloak, “one animal says another animal told it to do something.”
Well since the San Fran Board has no other pressing issues, guess that Israel should stop their attack on mass murdering neighbors
A whole constellation of villages are missing their idiots.
Not a whole constellation, just one “Village by the Bay.
Oh I agree, there should be a ceasefire. After the last terrorist is dead
State of CA has been pushing hard last few years to require mandatory “ethnic studies” based on CRT. The purpose is for indoctrinating students that whites are to be considered potentially racist, and must always be ready to demonstrate they are anti-racist. They are now agitating to include “anti-zionism” in required studies.
Bay Area lefties virtue signal about international politics, while local crime exploding.
‘It’s Back-to-Back’: Oakland Airport In-N-Out, Gas Stations, a Thieves’ Paradise
It’s interesting the correlation between how many of them are still wearing masks and their support of the terrorists in Gaza.
Cool, so when are they leaving to go there an enact this resolution?
not near soon enough…….
Obviously the world listens, with bated breath, to every utterance of the San Francisco County Board of Supervisors in the same manner it does to the crazy-haired dude on “Ancient Aliens”. Funny how both are screwballs, though the latter has ultimately more credibility.
Oh, this will do it! A cease fire is only a few hours away. As soon as the world knows that the San Francisco Board of Supervisors have voted for a cease fire in Gaza, then it is a done deal! Murdered babies and raped women be damned.
Still wearing their stupid, useless face-diapers in San Francisco. What a clot of mindless, virtue-signaling drones.
The ability of lefties to wallow in their self-righteous ignorance never fails to amuse. An American city setting foreign policy? Nothing new here. I am reminded of the time when Burlington, Vermont had its own foreign policy in the ’80s, courtesy of Mayor Bernie Sanders. Such as his visit to Cuba, where he informed us that the Cuban people had “an almost religious affection” for Fidel. What else did Bernie expect Cubans to say to him in the presence of government-supplied translators? Bernie talked of a “far deeper and profound revolution than I understood it to be. It really is a revolution in terms of values.” Oh yes, the New Man, the Marxist dream from Lenin to Hugo Chavez. New Man, never-never man. (Burlington Free Press, March 28,1989)
I encourage them all to grab their rainbow flags put on their S&M gear and show their solidarity by marching with their arms linked through downtown Gaza City…
Sadly, this reflects on not only the San Francisco local government but also on the Tompkins County Legislature which is considering a cease fire resolution. Local governments are not sovereign and act outside of state law when they enact on national or international matters. These local legislators have zero power to speak for their constituents on such matters. They are spending time and tax resources on matters over which they have zero jurisdiction. This is lawlessness and they should know better.
Who knew that it was this easy?