Pro-Hamas Rally Shuts Down I-5 In Seattle
Another rally shut down Lake Shore Drive in Chicago, chanting “If we don’t get no justice, then you don’t get no peace!”

Pro-Hamas “protesters” shut down major roadways in both Seattle and Chicago on Saturday. In Chicago, they were reportedly chanting, “If we don’t get no justice, then you don’t get no peace!”.
This criminal behavior is not just a minor annoyance, these are major arteries, used by first responders who are being blocked from responding to health and fire emergencies.
Despite warnings from police, the antisemitic protesters remain on I-5 north in downtown Seattle. They’re being allowed to disrupt traffic because in Washington and Seattle, progressive movements can do whatever they want.
— Jason Rantz on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) January 6, 2024
The Seattle Times reports (archive link):
A group of demonstrators calling for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war are blocking northbound traffic on Interstate 5 in Seattle near Pine Street and just south of Denny Way, causing a 3-mile backup.
Traffic is being diverted onto eastbound Interstate 90, the state Department of Transportation posted on social media platform X.
The Washington State Patrol posted that “troopers are approaching to handle.” The Seattle Police Department asked people to avoid the area.
Thousands of additional demonstrators filled the Olive Way overpass, cheering in support of the blockade. Demonstrators chanted “free, free Palestine” and “hey hey, ho ho, the occupation has got to go.”
Here’s how this apparently unfolded:
Large group of antisemite protesters & Antifa outside a boarded up Starbucks in Seattle (closed because of the hate rally). Some followed me for a while.
There’s talk of them trying to take the busy I-5 freeway.
Large contingency of police on bikes are staged not far away.
— Jason Rantz on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) January 6, 2024
Antisemite rally taking over the I-5 overpass in Seattle.
— Jason Rantz on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) January 6, 2024
Lots of antisemites here.
— Jason Rantz on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) January 6, 2024
The antisemite rally is taking over I-5 in downtown Seattle. Law enforcement allowing it but just warned they must get off now.
— Jason Rantz on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) January 6, 2024
Given that the Chicago chant is demanding a political reaction (some kind of change to federal policy) or they will continue this criminal behavior, it’s hard to see how this is not terrorism.
Anti-Israel group SJP Chicago blocks drivers on both sides of Lake Shore Drive while chanting “If we don’t get no justice, then you don’t get no peace!”
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) January 6, 2024
A pro-Palestine protest temporarily shut down DuSable Lake Shore Drive Saturday afternoon.
The protest, put on by the U.S. Palestinian Community Network Chicago (USPCN), is one of several over the last few months in the Chicago area.
The group is calling for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war.
According to the USPCN, protesters first gathered in front of Dick Durbin’s house, “because of his unequivocal support of Israel.”
Protesters then moved to DuSable Lake Shore Drive, between Addison Street and Belmont Avenue, leading to a temporary shut down.
Needless to say, people have thoughts.
They are just taking advantage of our spineless mayor & city council. I hope anyone in an ambulance whose medical attention was delayed takes them to court.
— Chi_LastRespondr (@ChiLastRespondr) January 6, 2024
They are getting violent while protesting violence 🤷
— Maryellen is Wise (@maryellenonebay) January 6, 2024
Arrest them all. LSD is critical infrastructure for emergency vehicles. Multiple hospitals just off LSD.
Charge them with accessory to murder if anyone dies in an ambulance.
— RestoreSanity2024 (@RestoreSantity) January 6, 2024
Is that an ambulance that can’t get by?
— Brandi Kruse (@BrandiKruse) January 6, 2024
Protesting that doesn't disrupt the daily lives of civilians is perfectly fine. The moment you infringe on normal civilian life you should be arrested and prosecuted. Blocking highways must be stopped. They are intentionally disrupting daily lives and in this case stopping an…
— 🇺🇸Clekro🇺🇸 (@ClekroTTV) January 6, 2024
They chant ‘if we don’t get it shut it down’ get what?
— Rob Mayfield🇺🇸 (@rmayfld19) January 6, 2024
Its been both sad and funny watching right wing Islam run head on into the American left. They have much in common. Both hate Jews, hate America, hate Israel, hate capitalism, hate western culture & hate Christians. And both r wildly intolerant of ideas with which they disagree.
— Jerry Levy (@JerryLe00723434) January 6, 2024
Why is it so difficult to stop these things? If I blocked a highway clamoring for "white power" I'd be removed in 10 seconds.
— THC ☀️ (@HebrewCon) January 6, 2024

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to the full extent allowed by law.
The A-10 with its depleted uranium rounds makes quick work of these types of occurances…..
a. Any such overwhelming lethal action against these cannot be encouraged. They’re just uber-idiots and not presently a mortal threat.
b. I’m picturing that loud scary citizen-funded A-10 firing a few thousand stinging paintball rounds – and smiling over that image.
Perhaps we should establish a GoFundMe account so they can shut down Seattle for the rest of 2024.
Just trying to make the world a better place . . .
When are they going to start running down these as*holes ?
Just asking…
I know what George Wallace would have done.
What? Blame the nigrahs?
If you run over someone who is standing on the interstate, it should not be a crime. All of the entrances have clearly worded signs that pedestrians and bicyclists are forbidden on the interstate.
People in genuine distress excepted.
Governed by Leftists, so neither area will ever enforce the law against Leftists. Any torts committed against others will go unpunished/compensated. There is no point in complaining because that is the way of the separate country they have become. The only recourse is for people and businesses to leave as soon as possible.
Subotai Bahadur
A Google search returned: “In 2020 there are reported to be 319,600 Jewish people living in Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will Counties—about 3.8% of the metro population. These residents are spread out among a total of 175,800 households with an additional 100,700 non-Jewish people living in these Jewish households.”
Are they doint anything about leaving Chicago?
The prosecutors in that area are leftists, so no charges will be filed.
Even if charges were filed, the judges in that area are leftists, so the cases would never make it to court.
Even if by some miracle the cases made it to court, the juries would let them go.
But if the *police* tried to interfere, the whole thing gets inverted, and the cop is going to go through hell for the next several years.
And people wonder why the cops don’t do anything.
Same in CA.
Perhaps time to give them justice and no peace.
One thing my father thoroughly drilled into me was not using double negatives.
“If we don’t get no justice, then you don’t get no peace!”
Thought the same thing here. These people cannot express themselves properly.
I think that’s the real problem: If only they understood the rules of proper grammar and usage they wouldn’t support violent rapists, torturers, genital mutilators, kidnappers, murderers, and baby-beheaders.
I have a minor in English; I’d be willing to volunteer to be part of an outreach group to help promote the proper use of the English language in order to decrease the amount of hate in our society.
Of course, I’d have to learn how not to write run-on sentences like that one.
We could name the outreach group the “Grammar Naz-” … umm, sorry, I meant the “Linguistic Authoritarians.” That would look great on our bowling-team shirts.
how long would it take the cops to show up with tear gas, fire hoses and baseball bats if Jewish and Christians started blocking up the highways demanding that prayers be allowed in school? has a lot of bulk spices and varieties of very hot pepper. That has possibilities.
Leftist states and cities deserve this. I really don’t care what America-hating criminals do in America-hating states and cities.
My only hope is that if any of these dirtbags try to pull this stuff in a red state that they will be immediately arrested and charged with massive crimes and locked away for years. That way, all this America-hating idiocy can be restricted to the leftists areas, where it belongs, with people who deserve it.
Here in Texas I guarantee a white pickup truck won’t even see them and run right through them.
No one called this out, but with regard to the Chicago terrorist action, Temple Shalom is located at 3500 north on Lake Shore Drive. And it is Saturday.
Temple Shalom is a reform synagogue..My grandfather belonged there.. Now, they are all about social justice. I doubt there is anyone there on a Saturday afternoon.
Visiting family here in Seattle, we were headed into downtown for lunch…checking traffic apps, we learned about the blockade so we headed to a different part of town…so, someone lost some decent size lunch business today.
The skies opened up with rain as well as thunder at 5 pm…so that dispersed the crowd that the police couldn’t…
I refuse to ever go to Seattle. I will go to Kent/SeaTac, Renton / Bellevue if I have to, but NEVER Seattle.
So once again- I’m delighted that these goons are antagonizing leftists. Though notice they are unafraid to use violence and terrorism where as our side will sit on our hands. I don’t think that is a winning strategy in the long run. Honestly the Gypsy Jokers are the only entity with balls on the entire west coast right now.
Related to my disdain for Seattle.
I occasionally have to return to Wa for work and family.
A company I work with closely wanted to take us the R.C steakhouse in Seattle. Their dime. Not a small tab.
I said move it to the Bellevue location or I’m not going.
They moved it to Bellevue. We closed it down. I was only packing OC spray at the time, so I was grateful the wait staff checked on me as I went to the parking garage, because even Bellevue has gotten that bad.
Try this in a red city and/or state. They don’t. For a reason. Well, for a few reasons. 😛
I hate this town for numerous reason and it just keeps getting worse.. Fortunately, we don’t have to be literally in town when we’re here……sitting at Seatac waiting to board. YAY!
I’m surprised they didn’t bring coffee and donuts to the terrorist protesters like Toronto police did.
Saw that and was actually about to post that here.
Compare how they treated the truckers to these anti-semitic terrorist supporting jackholes.
Oh, and they just started deleting the posts where the department was BRAGGING about how they were ‘dealing with a dynamic situation’.
During the summer of George of Floyd, the highway was shut down… but a guy (wrong way) punted a protester quite a long way…her (zer) body didn’t take it kindly. One less protester.
Protestor got the Rachel Corrie moment of fame.
Is there not one snow plow in Washington state?
Actually the snow plow drivers all quit / were fired because of the vax mandate. I don’t know if they’ve recovered at the state level, but the City of Seattle still hasn’t and STILL can’t fill the majority of the positions in the trades. I hear at this point they are so desperate they will even hire white people who are equally as unqualified as the favored race.
I-5 is a federal highway, carrying goods that travel in interstate commerce. This protest disrupted interstate commerce, almost certainly violating a federal law or several. Not that a prosecutor in Merrick Garland’s DOJ would do anything about it.
Interstate highway system. They interfered with interstate commerce.
these “protest” would break up fast if they would use the water cannons to wet the squatters down. the cops and the city councils are such COWARDS!
These “protests” would break up fast if drivers didn’t stop and just ran the MFers over. After enough people got splattered across the road by vehicles they might actually realize that standing in the middle of a 4, 6, 8-lane highway./interstate isn’t the best idea. But here we are and there we go.
Every car should come equipped with a built-in water canon now days. Enough capacity to perhaps get you through individually, but also the possibility of a phalanx of like minded motorists opening the path entirely.
WTF is right wing Islam?
Urban America’s slide into widespread crap hole status continues…
I can only hope that if they try this in a state that still has some semblance of law and order that they would be ordered to disperse. Upon failure to obey law enforcement’s legitimate order, they would then be arrested, charged, and convicted of a huge array of offenses.
I would most certainly include attempted murder for the delay of emergency services such as ambulances and fire response, as well as an enormous variety of conspiracy charges (to commit murder, attempted murder, destruction of property, failure to obey a lawful command, etc.) and right on down to disturbing the peace.
Then file criminal charges under RICO for the black-money backers of these useful idiots and confiscate every penny ever contributed, since these slackers are obviously unemployed and have nothing to go after…except maybe for the Trustafarians who have been supported by mommy and daddy’s money and/or trust funds.
Florida man did it. He was an attorney.
This would not happen in Florida, not while DeSantis is governor, at least. And he’s set up some fine laws to ensure that we can protect ourselves from this nonsense going forward.
Oklahoma as well.
Bullet points of Florida’s law:
The FL statute was blocked by a court a year ago, and I’m having difficulty finding if it’s currently in effect.
ugh- I read the location wrong… I stand corrected.
What blows my mind is in the 80s and 90s you could get arrested for disorderly conduct for just walking down the street after the bars close singing Irish diddy’s
I’m Torn.
And they all lose, somehow?
“Large contingency of police on bikes are staged not far away.”
Sounds like bringing a knife to a gunfight.
“Its been both sad and funny watching right wing Islam run head on into the American left.”
No, they are (temporary) allies. And stop with the “right wing” buzzword! Like you call Hitler “right wing,” when he was a National Socialist!
A proud right wing conservative Christian American.
DeSantis outlawed this garbage in Florida. (I know, it’s already illegal everywhere, if the authorities would enforce the laws.)
“…you could get arrested for disorderly conduct for just walking down the street after the bars close singing Irish diddy’s”
Like Do-Wah-Diddy-Diddy? 🙂
Seattle used to have a SERIOUS mounted posse. It was all funded by donations. Not a single tax dollar.
Seattle disbanded it because cops on horses frightened criminals.
“Like Do-Wah-Diddy-Diddy? 🙂”
More like “Come On Eileen.”
Now you’ll be thanking me all day for implanting that annoying ear worm.
(I like this song. Make of that what you will.)
Fuzzy, a little help here:
(Comment: it shouldn’t be this difficult to find a law currently in effect.)
Having trouble locating the statutes that would apply. It appears (?) that the “Combatting Violence” law did not survive the court challenge.
The only current one in effect that I can find is an old statute prohibiting blocking a highway that proscribed a misdemeanor pedestrian offense:$fn=document-frameset.htm$q=%5Band%3A%5Band%3Aimpeding%20traffic%5D%5D$x=server$3.0#LPHit1
Search engine:$vid=html:all
While the act of disrupting regular people’s lives does annoy me, and I think these people need to suffer severe physical consequences no matter the cause…
I have to ask about the absurdity (and very Progressive notion) of thinking that disrupting OUR lives has a damn bit of influence on the conduct of another sovereign nation. Seriously? Do you think America is just such a hegemon that it can raise its voice and stop other country’s warfare? Or is it that you think they are fellow Jews running this country? Both show a lack of understanding about how the world and human nature work.
If you really want to protest, go to Gaza and stand in a line there. Because here you’re talking to the wrong people.