New Hampshire Debate Canceled Since Trump, Haley Won’t Appear
“The debate is important for the state of New Hampshire because I think a lot of people will be tuning in more than they were for the previous debate.”

Welp. Former President Donald Trump won’t show up for debates. His former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley said she won’t debate unless Trump shows up or against Joe Biden.
So, the New Hampshire debate on Thursday is no more:
WMUR and ABC News released a joint statement:
“Our intent was to host a debate coming out of the Iowa caucuses, but we always knew that would be contingent on the candidates and the outcome of the race. As a result, while our robust election coverage will continue, ABC News and WMUR-TV will not be moving forward with Thursday’s Republican presidential primary debate in New Hampshire.”
WMUR reported that people have only started to pay attention. They wanted to tune into the debates:
Many New Hampshire voters told News 9 on Tuesday that their friends and neighbors are just starting to pay attention to the race now that the focus has shifted to New Hampshire.
Most said they would tune in for a debate and feel that voters would benefit. They said they think that Haley had the most to lose by skipping, given the momentum she has had in the state recently.
“And probably it’s down to her and DeSantis,” said Marie Mulroy, of Manchester. “She needs to be in the room, and (New Hampshire Gov. Chris) Sununu needs to get her there.”
“The debate is important for the state of New Hampshire because I think a lot of people will be tuning in more than they were for the previous debate,” said Thalia Floras, of Nashua.
A Trump supporter, Jay Cook, said the former president shouldn’t “waste his time.”
Cook has a point. Trump won Iowa without taking part in any debates.
We’ve had five great debates in this campaign. Unfortunately, Donald Trump has ducked all of them. He has nowhere left to hide. The next debate I do will either be with Donald Trump or with Joe Biden. I look forward to it.
Haley is in New Hampshire with Gov. Chris Sununu, who endorsed her.
I’ll debate Donald Trump right here, right now. He can’t hide forever.
— Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) January 16, 2024
.@NikkiHaley & @ChrisSununu in
Bretton Woods, NH!
— Noah (@NoahPanchure) January 16, 2024
Trump will also be in New Hampshire.
Trump was nice to DeSantis and Haley in his Iowa victory speech, but that’s no more as well.

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There is no reason Trump should give Haley the time of day.
Please, no more talk of Haley as Trump’s VP. In fact, the sooner she drops out the better
Haley is a deal breaker. Anyone suggesting it is a good idea to import 1,000,000 Palestinian Gazans to the USA cannot be trusted in any position of authority.
Exactly right. He curb stomped her in Iowa by 30pts where she came in 3rd. Why would he ever get on stage with anyone especially a big government RINO hack like Haley? It’s clear by now that she is the pick of Rona, Mitt, McConnell and the Professional Republicans and backed by the deep pockets of the defense cartel who loves her talk of endless war.
Remember – New Hampshire is an OPEN Primary. 40% of those voting in the upcoming Republican Primary could well be Democrats.
Democrats will keep Haley in the race.
That actually was a gotcha question from a Democrat in the audience. The Civil War was about a lot of things with slavery as one which everyone knows so I don’t fault her for not stating the obvious that is what the plan is
She will be competative against Trump in New Hampshire, but If she loses South Carolina she is finished. We will fail beyond that primary.
Sure there is. He can tell her it is time to leave.
He should make an exception so she can catch her one-way flight out of the USA on time, provided she doesn’t return EVER.
#NeverNikki is happening.
The more she talks the more I see why Trump calls hr birdbrain.
Nikki Haley appears to have cracked.
Haley – ‘The US has never been a racist Nation’.
Also Nikki Haley as Gov – lets take down that Confederate Flag.
Also Nikki Haley at a campaign forum – describes the causes of the Civil War without mentioning slavery. When questioned about her answer not mentioning slavery she responded ‘what do you want me to say about slavery’ as if a broad historical question was somehow a ‘gotcha question’ from some plant in the audience.
Maybe staying away from a microphone is her best move.
The question of slavery really is complicated. I always thought it was slavery.
But during the Burns documentary he sad the Emancipation proclamation gave a cause to the civil war– the abolition of slavery. If the cause was already aabolition, why did you need the Emancipation Proclamation. YT vids debating this citing lotys of source.
I guess to really decide. I will have to go to the debates. in the assemblies and the letters.
But there is really one big question. How could the Civil War be caused by slavery when Lincoln could not free slaves barring a Constitution amendment?
Overly simplified explanation; there was very strong Sectionalism at the time that more/less broke down along:
1. Industrial/less industrial
2. Agricultural/less agricultural
3. Seller of raw material/purchasers of raw material
Slavery was definitely a big part of that economic divide which in turn was a sort of self reinforcing element. Especially when raw political power was riding on the outcome as Territories were added to the Union.
IMO slavery wasn’t the primary ’cause’ of the US Civil War. There were long-standing economic and cultural tensions but slavery was definitely the most important issue behind raw political power.
That said there is no way in hell that any discussion about the causes of the US Civil War can be honestly made without mentioning Slavery. Even if one wants to make the argument that ‘slavery itself didn’t play a role’. Every Civil War, heck every war for that matter has multiple issues not one simple issue and for Haley to fail to mention slavery was …odd given her past history.
The civil war was about the North wanting to rule the roost, breaking the back of the south’s economy accomplished that. My father had a keen interest about the Civil war and we often discussed it. Early slaves were very slow, to the point that they could not manage their affairs. and they suffered serious hardships related to being set free. Many slave owners went far out of their way to kake care of former slaves.
We on the power dynamics. That aspect of Sectionalism never went away. We continue to see it in the sense of superiority displayed by the Acela Corridor; DC, Boston, NYC being the more prominent. The traditional North Eastern elitism is now supplemented on the ‘left coast’.
If it just relegated to sneering and condescending attitudes then we really wouldn’t care. Unfortunately, since Woodrow Wilson the bureaucracy and our instructions have been swamped with ‘elites’ who seem to believe they know better than the ordinary Citizens. These folks feel justified in their unyielding attempts to implement their preferred policies b/c it is ‘for our own good’.
A good answer to that Democrat who asked the stupid question hoping to paint Haley as a racist would have been to point out it was Democrats that fought so hard for slavery and Jim Crow and Republicans like Lincoln and MLK who fought so hard to end it.
That actually was a gotcha question from a Democrat in the audience. The Civil War was about a lot of things with slavery as one which everyone knows so I don’t fault her for not stating the obvious
I do b/c as you pointed out in another post it was a perfect opportunity to segue/pivot to pointing out the d/prog were the party fighting for Slavery, instituted Jim Crow and still want to continue classifying us by race for favor/disfavor which is in stark contrast to the GoP which supports MLK’s dream/legacy of a colorblind society that judges ‘by content of our character, not the color of our skin’.
We need politicians who use these opportunities to flip the script on the d/prog and their ideological allies in the media. We need to aggressively use every opportunity to get the truth out and stop allowing legacy media and others to unfairly and falsely frame our ideas and policy preferences.
An informed reply, sir…
If NH had any balls, they’d treat the abdication of two candidates as those candidates’ problem. They should go ahead with a one-man show, giving DeSantis all the time and all the questions, and let the other two candidates reap the consequences of what they sowed. Screwing DeSantis because the other two are petulant isn’t fair.
And given the push by the d/prog to alter the traditional early State voting in both Iowa and NH it seems shortsighted. I can understand if the networks don’t want to cover it but they can’t get their PBS stations to cover it? This is how you become irrelevant, as smooth mentions below.
Yeah and what would happen. Trump would have a town hall and Governor Pigface would get zero ratings.
Well, that’s part of the game, isn’t it?
What stops Trump from having a town hall now anyway?
One way DeSantis gets air time, the other way he doesn’t. Nothing else changes.
Air time isn’t going to help DeSantis. He may have been an effective governor
(please note he is no kind of governor at all right now, since he only has time to be a presidential candidate. This shows exactly how strongly he feels about the breaking promises he made to the Floridians who voted for him) but he continually demonstrates he is amazingly capable of picking the wrong advisors and continuing bullheadedly on the wrong course.
Sounds like Trump, right? Only without the leadership qualities, the charm or the height.
Whether air time does or doesn’t help DeSantis isn’t a reason for anyone else to deny it to him. He deserves it, let him make of it whatever he’s capable.
(please note he is no kind of governor at all right now, since he only has time to be a presidential candidate. This shows exactly how strongly he feels about the breaking promises he made to the Floridians who voted for him)
I call bullsqueeze. Governor DeSantis was “large and in charge” during Hurricane Idalia last August, and he was here to work with the state emergency management officials on January 9 to prepare for a severe weather event. Those are only two examples.
“let the other two candidates reap the consequences of what they sowed”
Trump won Iowa by a landslide despite showing up for no debates. What consequences are you thinking he’d suffer by not showing up to more debates?
Time to DeSantis AND Haley to get behind Trump. Stop dividing the party.
The most obvious consequence, of course — giving one of his rivals an unopposed one-man show,
You know how pathetic DeSantis would look debating by himself?
You DeSantis supporters are just utter buffoons.
Meh. These public pillory sessions haven’t been “debates” since one of the participants “knew Jack Kennedy.”
Haley and desantis going to do their own separate town hall Q&A session for NH?
Not a lot of votes there. That sux that smaller states become irrelevant.
Can we stop going along with the insane fiction that those events are “debates”?
You make a very good point. The “debates” have utterly failed to provide viewers with real insights to the issues and how the candidates would approach them . . .
. . .and the Republican Party has allowed this to happen.
The televised debates are worthless. Networks hype them to increase advertising revenues but this cycle’s debates lack real value. Boring, confrontational and destructive marketing campaign tactics that serve only the ambitions of the GOP elite RINOs.
Why must Trump be forced or shamed into debating any of his primary rivals when the Democrats have essentially suspended their for a primary election?
Joe is their candidate and they don’t want a democratic nominee election process because they are too busy trying to save our democracy, or something to that effect.
Amen. And why would they be “moderated” by the leftist media; all it does is give them a chance to ask gotcha questions.
Rama-whatever had it right when he said that the events should be hosted by right-leaning people, or better yet, have the Dem events moderated by the likes of Gutfeld or VDH, so the Dems could deal with the opposition questions. Trump is the first one to actually call out the whole idea and boycott it; Haley is trying to milk that cow by linking her appearance in NH to Trump. She would have done better to not participate in the Iowa one.
Birdbrain seems to wane
And look to the weathervane
When going gets tough
My hopes had a crash;
When she began to talk brash
Of her va jay-jay.
Funny … Haley will not be in a debate if Trump isn’t there but she’s more than happy to be on the ballot of a primary where Trump is illegally thrown off of it.
Hmmmm ….
After “five great debates”, without Trump by the way, Nikki and Ron tied at 20%. Even with all of the media hyping her she got 20%. Time to drop out and endorse Trump Nikki.
OnlyTrumpers didn’t want a primary — just a coronation.
You know what you haven’t heard? DeSantis and Haley supporters demanding that Trump drop out of the race to “stop dividing the party.”
Hang in there. I hear Jeb! is thinking about jumping in.
Am I wrong?
Please show me. (That’s the polite version of “Prove it!”)
How is Trump dividing anything?
How are DeSantis and Haley dividing anything? Do you want a primary, or a coronation?
You are the only one calling it a coronation. Every one else is using their vote.
The man says “show me,” oblivious to his own vote totals.
So, henry, can you show me DeSantis and Haley supporters demanding that Trump drop out of the race to “stop dividing the party?” Why ask that of DeSantis and Haley — why not let the primaries play out? I don’t recall any past primary season where all of the opposing candidates dropped out after the very first vote in order to “unify the party” behind the one remaining candidate. That, to me, is a coronation.
The fact is, the dems have picked our nominee by harassing Trump. Otherwise, DeSantis would be in a strong position.
Most people’s position is, we can’t have the “government,” i.e. the dems, suing people out of running, thus Trump’s numbers.
Fact is, I agree with Ace of http://www.Ace.Mu.Nu, that DeSantis is better at EXECUTION.
Oh well.
I think there is a lot of truth to this. Many “only Trumpers” are that way because if we let the dems run him off with their lawfare, they win. I sense you see this as a bad thing whereas I am interested to see what an unfettered Trump will do with a second term. He tried to play nice with the establishment (e.g. respecting tradition by not going after hillary) but was not reciprocated. We always say we want a fighter to take on the deep state, a second Trump term is likely the only chance of that happening (whether or not he can be successful is a legitimate topic for debate).
Also, Desantis could make a good president; his track record in Florida is quite good. He just needs more seasoning to play in the big leagues, IMHO.
Ace discussed it yesterday, again.
As I said months ago after the 1st debate, these debates are pointless. Trump is going to be the nominee. He enjoys more support from his voters than the incumbent. He just made history by sweeping Iowa with 51%. The deal is done. It is long, long past time to pivot to the general election and defeating Biden and his corrupt regime. We have a nation to save.
I’m going to make a prediction and I know I will get a lot of feedback but here I go. Trump’s VP will be Ron DeSantis. It’s a no-brainer when you stop and think about it. Now all DeSantis has to do is drop out and support Trump. All of the people that care would be happy and both men can make it work. Haley is not a Republican or a conservative and we would suffer under her term. She will never be the VP.
My preference would be for my governor (Fuzzy likes to call him that, too) to complete the remaining two years of his lame-duck term working to strengthen Florida and mentoring his successors to continue his successful policies by the time he leaves office January 2026. There would be 16-18 months before he could declare his candidacy in mid-2027 — no opportunities for DeSantis to “gain experience” in campaigning, supposedly his Achilles heel this time around.
By the fall of 2027, DeSantis will turn 49, with three young children and a wife who has survived a bout with breast cancer. I’d advise him to retire so that he can spend his precious time raising his children and enjoying life with his wife Casey. At that point, he will have accomplished much more than the average politico and leave a positive legacy of his service to his country and his home state.
I’d advise against a career in politics, as I doubt that those who oppose his candidacy today (mostly of his own party) would support his selection as vice-president this time around, nor vote for him as President in 2028. They’d still find fault with his “betrayal” of Trump, his lack of bull-in-the-china-shop attitude, his campaign contributors — hell, even his height.
Who needs that aggravation? He’s already done the House tour. Senator? Florida is set with Rubio and Scott.
Screw the GOPers. There will be plenty of candidates in the (R) ’28 presidential pool — maybe Haley, Christie, Hutchinson (who?), Shaggy, and Scooby will run again. *snort*
Voting for someone, i.e. Trump, out of sympathy seems unwise.
With Trump, the steak doesn’t match the sizzle.
A good plan is to vote for your favorite in the primary, then vote for the party’s nominee in the general election.
I don’t like pollsters, the Wall Street Journal or random people on the Internet saying Trump’s nomination is a done deal, when the process just started two nights ago. It’s not over til it’s over, i.e. November 5th.
PS: Almost as many caucus voters chose someone other than Trump, as chose Trump!
“Move on…, Move on. Nothing to see here.” Sarc Off
Actually, Trump would waste valuable time messing with her head. He has much bigger fish to fry.