NBC News Smears Libs of TikTok Founder Chaya Raichik by Linking Her to Oklahoma School Bomb Threats
Rolling Stone ran a similar piece, too. What a shock.

The left set new rules when Chaya Raichik, the founder of the Libs of TikTok account, had the audacity to call out the far-left crap contaminating the public schools.
New rules: Whenever someone criticizes a school, that person is responsible for any actions others do to the school.
Raichik warned people on X about a hit piece on her from Matt Lavietes at NBC News.
Lavietes and others in the MSM couldn’t understand why Oklahoma Superintendent Ryan Walters named Raichik as an advisor to the Education Department’s Library Media Advisory Committee.
I live in Oklahoma. I have no idea why Walters would choose Raichik except for the fact that she has no fear of exposing schools that have inappropriate materials.
But did Lavietes and others concentrate on Raichik’s credentials? No.
Instead, Lavietes dissected her “incendiary” and “inflammatory” X account. Yes, he used a word that means “a device designed to cause fires” to describe her account.
Lavietes and the MSM spent time smearing Raichik, connecting her to bomb threats against Union Public Schools, located in Tulsa:
In August, Union Public Schools, a school district that covers parts of Tulsa and some of its suburbs, said it received bomb threats for six consecutive days. The threats came after Raichik shared a critical video about one of its school librarians.
The video Raichik posted showed a school librarian walking next to a bookshelf, and it was captioned: “POV: teachers in your state are dropping like flies but you are still just not quite finished pushing your woke agenda at the public school.” The video replaced the librarian’s original caption, which read: “My radical liberal agenda is teaching kids to love books and be kind — hbu??”
Levietes even brought up bomb threats against Boston Children’s Hospital after Raichik claimed it performed child-mutilating surgeries.
What a joke. Authorities found no credibility behind the bomb threats.
Lavietes claimed Raichik didn’t answer any questions.
Except she did. Raichik brought receipts.
Here come the hit pieces from @NBCNews because I want schools to remove p*rn. @mattlavietes refused to answer if p*rn like this is appropriate for kids in schools.
Why is he having such a hard time answering it? 🤔 pic.twitter.com/R12iGkFrmk
— Chaya Raichik (@ChayaRaichik10) January 23, 2024
Hey Matt, why didn’t you include my full response and the image I sent you? https://t.co/HxvPg7I4Iu pic.twitter.com/Wso1iAsofV
— Chaya Raichik (@ChayaRaichik10) January 23, 2024
Rolling Stone, which is somehow still active despite the Virginia rape hoax, was no better. Not that it shocks anyone: Libs of TikTok Fueled Bomb Threats at Oklahoma Schools. The Superintendent Just Hired Her
Rolling Stone connects Raichik to the bomb threats. Also, calling her a professional harasser is not cool.
It’s hard to win defamation lawsuits, especially for public figures, but uh, Raichik might have a case.
@ChayaRaichik10 AKA @libsoftiktok when she gets called "professional harrasser" by Rolling Stone. pic.twitter.com/nvQ5lu09ob
— 3sidedstory 🇺🇲 (@3sidedstory) January 24, 2024

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There is a war. It’s us against them. We’re not winning at this point.
I wouldn’t be so sure, not as to the information battle anyhow. You correctly point out the lapdog legacy media is in the tank for d/prog, the establishment and woke agenda with minor exceptions. That’s not the case on new media. Plenty of center/right websites out there. Lot’s of content creators on YouTube and rumble pushing back against the woke agenda. Many ‘reactors’ who help push the stories to a wider audience.
The reason there is a phrase/trope that ‘d/prog can’t meme’ is due in part to overwhelming amount of content generated by the center right. Musk purchase of Twitter and subsequent rebranding as X with a commitment to largely unedited content has the wokiesta crowd in a tizzy.
The wokiestas know they can’t win a debate on evidence and ideas so they try to censor, curate, limit and suppress free speech critical of the woke agenda. It is why they keep trying to take down Libs of TikTok, b/c it is effective in highlighting their insane actions and policies by simply posting the wokiesta’s own creations to a larger audience.
They own and control every single institution and government and somehow you think they’re not winning?
Seriously. There isn’t a single institution in the U.S., at present, that isn’t thoroughly dominated by Leftists and Dhimmi-crats. Academia; CIA & FBI; the federal judiciary; the federal bureaucracy; the largest print, television, radio and movie media platforms; Hollywood studios and guilds; “Big Tech” companies, whether situated within Silicon Valley, or, without; corporate management and Boards of Directors of companies situated in all sectors; the list is endless.
This is the sad reality of our country, at present. The Dhimmi-crats control all the levers of power that matter.
Do what? That’s not what I wrote, not even close.
I specifically qualified my comment ‘…the information battle’.
What’s the comparison in viewers of say Joy Reid to Joe Rogan? How about Tucker? How much traffic does Libs of TikTok get? They don’t ‘control’ X (Twitter) and they are losing their minds over it.
The fact that you and I can read and comment here at LI is proof that ‘they’ can’t block every source or discussion no matter how much they want to. Nor do they control every Gov’t …see the many States Govt’s who are pushing back in CT and more importantly winning many of the contests.
The key is to make them earn every victory, not just roll over b/c ‘woe is me, the sky is falling, we can’t win’ or whatever other excuse you want to use. These folks are threatened by a lady on TikTok for crying out loud….that doesn’t scream confidence in their position to me.
I agree with your points about Rogan and conservatives fighting tooth nail and claw. That said, it’s still fair to acknowledge the general reality that the Left controls the major conduits of information flow and Narrative(TM) formation and dissemination in this country. Sure, that control isn’t total, but, it’s undeniably pervasive and dominant.
The histrionic, irrational and totalitarian Wuhan virus response fiasco and economy/freedom-destroying diktats, as well as the media’s and Big Tech’s suppression of the Biden crime family’s corruption and any narratives that are harmful to Biden, specifically, and, the Dhimmi-crat Party, more broadly, demonstrate this; among myriad other examples.
My favorite is how any Dhimmi-crat can always go on Colbert, Seth Myers, Jimmy Fallon, Rachel Maddow, etc., and always get a friendly reception and platform to spew their propaganda. The GOP never receives the same deference.
And, let’s not leave out Big Tech’s exertion of massive influence and censorship on behalf of the Dhimmi-crats. Big Tech is an 800-pound gorilla and its pernicious and corrosive influence must be addressed.
I don’t discount that at all. However the landscape in the information battle space has shifted. We ain’t in the 3 Networks + PBS era. Heck we are not even in the ’90s early ’00s era.
I don’t deny the leftists control the networks and newspapers…both of which are and have been bleeding viewers and subscribers for decades. These institutions are less important than ever. Their decline is at least partially due to their embrace of ‘advocacy’ of lefty policy goals. They alienated viewers and subscribers who went elsewhere.
The shift began with talk radio and some public access tv. Now we have widespread internet based alternate media platforms, many of which with more ‘eyeballs’ viewing their content than the networks.
In my view the leftists are in control of sinking ships of old media/legacy media. The media outlets they control become less relevant each day.
NBC “news”…hum….. Thinking back to Zimmerman and pyrotechnic pickup trucks. Huntley and Brinkley are long dead and beyond memory at NBC.
Alex Jones is now $1B in debt for saying something that wasn’t true. Since these are the new rules, how much is NBC going to owe?
1. Jones’s victims weren’t public figures
2. He made false statements of fact about them.
2. He knew those statements were false.
4. He repeatedly refused to withdraw and apologize.
5. They suffered serious damage and could prove it
6. He destroyed his case by refusing to produce documents he was ordered to.
Mrs Raichik is a public figure. Nothing NBC wrote is a false statement of fact; it’s all opinion. E.g. “professional harasser” is mere invective, not a statement of fact. Even if she could identify a false statement of fact somewhere in there, she’d have to prove that they knew it was false. If she does show that they made a false statement of fact they’d likely immediately withdraw it and post an apology in some obscure corner of their web site where nobody will see it. And she doesn’t seem to have suffered any damages.
I have been
reliably informedrepeatedly lectured that “inciting” others is a crime, and that government buildings or operations are extra, super not to be messed with.“Connecting” someone to bomb threats against a school sure looks like accusation of incitement to actual terrorism-ing, under the new rules.
But, who can tell til you try. Let’s have the prosecution, and see what we find. (BTW, can we issue indictments for each word in the piece, or just in the headline? New rules — let’s everybody play by them.
It may be obvious, but here is my suggestion to LI folks: If you don’t already support LOTT, then donate today. It will be difficult for David to fight these Goliaths without funds.
It never stops. The lies. The defamation. The projection.
If the tolerance ever snaps, the left will not enjoy the rules they have put in place.
I accuse the NBC reporter as encouraging ped0philes.
Now everyone can quote him as being pedo backer every time his name comes up. See how that smear works?
I don’t think Chaya is really phased by this at all, or is an easy target for being canceled. All she does is hold up a mirror to the people who criticize her and shows a winder audience their own words. She doesn’t manipulate anything, just merely amplifies what some people claim to support, and what most of us find repulsive. I think what she does is brilliant and really bullet proof because she isn’t the story, they are.
Why are libs so ticked off when someone runs their videos making them look as stupid as they are? If you don’t like looking stupid then stop looking stupid.
Like Muslim terrorists, you convert or die. That is the mindset of the left.
The can’t convince anyone that their ideas are good/effective, so they resort to intimidation, censorship, cheating and fraud, defamation and even violence.
We should speak to them in a language they understand.
This is what the vile and totalitarian Dhimmi-crats do, when someone scrutinizes, criticizes or merely points out their obnoxiously corrosive, destructive and immoral policies and conceits — they revert to goose-stepping, brown-shirted Maoist bully and thug, and, attempt to silence, intimidate and cow the critic.
Muslim supremacists, terrorists and Islamofascists react in the exact same manner, when criticized or scrutinized.
“Raichik has been accused of instigating several bomb threats to schools in Oklahoma and beyond in recent years.”
Who accused her? The news.
NBC has clearly defamed Ms Raichik
See my comment above. I don’t think NBC has made any demonstrably false statements of fact about her. It’s just made it clear that it really really doesn’t like her. Which she’s OK with, because she really really doesn’t like NBC either.
Oh, and I’m pretty sure she prefers Mrs. I don’t think I know her personally, but I know a large fraction of her family, and I’ve never yet met a Ms in it.
Did she say NBC is responsible for bomb threats against schools and hospitals, after their reporting on them. Did she imply it? That’s the apt comparison. And no, she didn’t. And yes, NB-whatever did.
And what were they wearing at the time? Any red hats? Or perhaps recent purchases of religious paraphernalia? Gotta put something in those three hop
fishing licensesFISA “warrants.”