New Hampshire Primary: Donald Trump Wins, Nikki Haley Says She Won’t Drop Out

Donald Trump New Hampshire

Most New Hampshire polls close at 7 PM ET. Some are open until 8 PM ET.

REMINDER: I will not call or announce the race until enough precincts come in and the second-place candidate has no chance of coming in first.

Don’t like it? Tough.

Haley Won’t Drop Out

Her home state is coming up. Of course, she’s not dropping out. (Sorry, forgot about Nevada! Nevada is next!)

Texas Sen. Cornyn Endorses Trump

Non-Republicans Voting Haley

This is why I am against open or semi-open primaries. Undeclared voters can vote in a Democrat or Republican primary. Registered party voters must vote in their party’s primary. Even if Oklahoma had open primaries, I would never vote in a Republican or Democrat primary. It’s crap that they can do this.


Immigration takes the cake when it comes to concern. We talk a lot about the southern border, but the northern border is just as bad.

People Don’t Like Trump Personally, But Voted for Him

CNN spoked to people who voted for Trump who do not like him personally. But if you read Salena Zito’s book The Great Revolt, you know that this is a common feeling.

I know CNN thinks this is a hit on Trump, but it is not:

Alex Saidel: “I don’t think I’d wanna go out and have a beer with the guy or hang out with him, but that’s not what I’m voting for. I’m voting for someone that can run the country,” the registered Republican told CNN at a Manchester, New Hampshire, polling place Tuesday.Norm Gagnon: “Sometimes he behaves like a child,” said Gagnon, who voted for Trump in 2020 and 2016. But, he added, “We didn’t hire him to be a personality; we hired him to get the job done.”Jay Robichaud: “I wish he would show a little bit more humility,” Robichaud said of Trump. He said that he hasn’t wavered in his support for Trump “since the first time I voted for him” in 2016, but he added, “I’m just hoping that he shows more compassion to everybody.”Joanne Robichaud: “He’s not a conversationalist,” she said. “But I think he can run the country.” While she eventually chose Trump, she said was deciding between the former president and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley until the “last couple of days.” While she assumes the general election matchup will be a rematch of Biden and Trump, she told CNN, “I wish there was somebody better out there.”

Economy is on the Mind of Those in New Hampshire

They want a better economy:

“You’re getting less for your buck now,” Irene, who was visiting Manchester, told Fox News. “It’s horrible.”Irene also lamented the price of groceries and other essential items, arguing it has become hard to make a living that pays for everyday expenses.”Unless you had saved money and set it aside … you would be very hard-pressed to make a living from month to month just for groceries and daily essentials,” she said.Meanwhile, others argued that things are starting to go in a better direction.”Gas is down,” Clayton, a voter from Manchester, told Fox News Digital.Jessie, another voter from Manchester, told Fox News Digital that while things have improved slightly, concerns still linger.”Maybe it’s slowed down a little bit in the last year or so, but … it’s still a lot worse than it was four years ago,” Jessie said.

Trump Leads in the Polls

Trump is ahead in the polls:

Former President Donald Trump is the clear front-runner and holds 50% support among likely Republican primary voters in the Granite State, according to a new CNN poll. Trump’s closest competitor, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, stands at 39%. Both have gained supporters since the last CNN/UNH poll in early January (when Trump held 39% to Haley’s 32%). Haley has focused on undeclared voters, hoping they can help her against Trump’s committed Republican base.

Haley Won’t Drop Out

No matter the outcome, Haley said she is not dropping out:

Asked by CNN’s Kylie Atwood about Trump’s suggestion that Haley was standing in the way of him earning the nomination, she responded, “I don’t do what he tells me to do. I’ve never done what he tells me to do.”She said she’ll know what constitutes a strong finish in the Granite State “when the numbers come in,” refusing to give a specific benchmark for success.”What I’ve always had in my mind is I want to be stronger than Iowa. And then South Carolina I want to be stronger. Let’s see what that looks like,” she said.

I never doubted that she wouldn’t drop out, especially since her home state of South Carolina is after New Hampshire.

Haley Wins Dixville

Dixville Notch, NH, kicked off the primary voting with its six registered voters:

The six registered voters in the unincorporated township — four Republicans and two independents, who also make up the entirety of the area’s population — had to cast a ballot before the votes could be counted once midnight struck, a process that typically takes just a few minutes.Journalists and media outlets from around the world descend on the town every four years to witness the proceedings, hoping to divine some insight that might foreshadow the statewide results that will come into focus less than 24 hours later.”We get our 15 minutes of fame every four years,” said Tom Tillotson, the town moderator, a post he’s held since 1976.

All six voted for Haley.

Tags: 2024 Republican Primaries, Donald Trump, New Hampshire, Nikki Haley