New Hampshire Primary: Donald Trump Wins, Nikki Haley Says She Won’t Drop Out
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New Hampshire Primary: Donald Trump Wins, Nikki Haley Says She Won’t Drop Out

New Hampshire Primary: Donald Trump Wins, Nikki Haley Says She Won’t Drop Out

Polls close at 7 PM ET

Most New Hampshire polls close at 7 PM ET. Some are open until 8 PM ET.

REMINDER: I will not call or announce the race until enough precincts come in and the second-place candidate has no chance of coming in first.

Don’t like it? Tough.

Haley Won’t Drop Out

Her home state is coming up. Of course, she’s not dropping out. (Sorry, forgot about Nevada! Nevada is next!)

Texas Sen. Cornyn Endorses Trump

Non-Republicans Voting Haley

This is why I am against open or semi-open primaries. Undeclared voters can vote in a Democrat or Republican primary. Registered party voters must vote in their party’s primary. Even if Oklahoma had open primaries, I would never vote in a Republican or Democrat primary. It’s crap that they can do this.


Immigration takes the cake when it comes to concern. We talk a lot about the southern border, but the northern border is just as bad.

People Don’t Like Trump Personally, But Voted for Him

CNN spoked to people who voted for Trump who do not like him personally. But if you read Salena Zito’s book The Great Revolt, you know that this is a common feeling.

I know CNN thinks this is a hit on Trump, but it is not:

Alex Saidel: “I don’t think I’d wanna go out and have a beer with the guy or hang out with him, but that’s not what I’m voting for. I’m voting for someone that can run the country,” the registered Republican told CNN at a Manchester, New Hampshire, polling place Tuesday.

Norm Gagnon: “Sometimes he behaves like a child,” said Gagnon, who voted for Trump in 2020 and 2016. But, he added, “We didn’t hire him to be a personality; we hired him to get the job done.”

Jay Robichaud: “I wish he would show a little bit more humility,” Robichaud said of Trump. He said that he hasn’t wavered in his support for Trump “since the first time I voted for him” in 2016, but he added, “I’m just hoping that he shows more compassion to everybody.”

Joanne Robichaud: “He’s not a conversationalist,” she said. “But I think he can run the country.” While she eventually chose Trump, she said was deciding between the former president and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley until the “last couple of days.” While she assumes the general election matchup will be a rematch of Biden and Trump, she told CNN, “I wish there was somebody better out there.”

Economy is on the Mind of Those in New Hampshire

They want a better economy:

“You’re getting less for your buck now,” Irene, who was visiting Manchester, told Fox News. “It’s horrible.”

Irene also lamented the price of groceries and other essential items, arguing it has become hard to make a living that pays for everyday expenses.

“Unless you had saved money and set it aside … you would be very hard-pressed to make a living from month to month just for groceries and daily essentials,” she said.

Meanwhile, others argued that things are starting to go in a better direction.

“Gas is down,” Clayton, a voter from Manchester, told Fox News Digital.

Jessie, another voter from Manchester, told Fox News Digital that while things have improved slightly, concerns still linger.

“Maybe it’s slowed down a little bit in the last year or so, but … it’s still a lot worse than it was four years ago,” Jessie said.

Trump Leads in the Polls

Trump is ahead in the polls:

Former President Donald Trump is the clear front-runner and holds 50% support among likely Republican primary voters in the Granite State, according to a new CNN poll. Trump’s closest competitor, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, stands at 39%. Both have gained supporters since the last CNN/UNH poll in early January (when Trump held 39% to Haley’s 32%). Haley has focused on undeclared voters, hoping they can help her against Trump’s committed Republican base.

Haley Won’t Drop Out

No matter the outcome, Haley said she is not dropping out:

Asked by CNN’s Kylie Atwood about Trump’s suggestion that Haley was standing in the way of him earning the nomination, she responded, “I don’t do what he tells me to do. I’ve never done what he tells me to do.”

She said she’ll know what constitutes a strong finish in the Granite State “when the numbers come in,” refusing to give a specific benchmark for success.

“What I’ve always had in my mind is I want to be stronger than Iowa. And then South Carolina I want to be stronger. Let’s see what that looks like,” she said.

I never doubted that she wouldn’t drop out, especially since her home state of South Carolina is after New Hampshire.

Haley Wins Dixville

Dixville Notch, NH, kicked off the primary voting with its six registered voters:

The six registered voters in the unincorporated township — four Republicans and two independents, who also make up the entirety of the area’s population — had to cast a ballot before the votes could be counted once midnight struck, a process that typically takes just a few minutes.

Journalists and media outlets from around the world descend on the town every four years to witness the proceedings, hoping to divine some insight that might foreshadow the statewide results that will come into focus less than 24 hours later.

“We get our 15 minutes of fame every four years,” said Tom Tillotson, the town moderator, a post he’s held since 1976.

All six voted for Haley.


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dems love Nikki

    Well, Trump encouraged her to run for President. So I guess she has that going for her.

    That’s the problem. Most people don’t like Trump. He will easily win the Republican(e) nomination, and he will lose the general election, just like he lost to Biden the last time. He also lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton as well as he lost the popular vote to Biden. Think about that for a moment. Trump is so hated that most people would prefer to have Hillary or Biden as President than Trump. Pathetic. (I think even Barney Fife could have won against Hillary, but not Trump). So here we are. Trump loses again against Biden, just like he did the last election. And when he loses, he will blame it on election fraud, just like he did the last election, and just like Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, Stacey Abrams, and every other loser just like Trump. Trump and his supporters will take no responsibility for losing the election. Goodbye America. I loved you.

      TargaGTS in reply to JR. | January 23, 2024 at 7:48 pm

      Trump wasn’t my first choice, DeSantis was. But, I feel compelled to point a few things out. First, Trump lost the ‘popular vote’ (something that doesn’t really exist), only if you count California. That’s right. If California would have slid into the pacific ocean on October 31st, 2016, Trump wins the ‘national popular vote’ by almost 600K-votes, a factoid absolutely no one in the media ever mentions.

      Second, while the election is likely to be razor close no matter how unpopular Biden gets, Trump enjoys a good chance of winning according to even mainstream polls today because the Electoral College is still very competitive no matter what the NPV is. Yes, a majority of people don’t like Trump. But, even more people don’t like Biden. In fact, Trump is actually over 50% in a few polls.

      Lastly, no one in the GOP appeals to down-income voters like Trump does. He flipped some LATINO counties in 2016 that GOP nominees hadn’t won in decades…which underscores how peculiar the election outcome was. Now, if the nominee ends up being someone else not named Kamala Harris, Trump’s chances fall, perhaps appreciably. But, that’s something Republicans can’t really control, so it’s foolish to worry about it.

        TargaGTS in reply to TargaGTS. | January 23, 2024 at 8:01 pm

        I meant to say: “Trump flipped some Latino counties in 2020…..”

        txvet2 in reply to TargaGTS. | January 23, 2024 at 10:47 pm

        “”If California would have slid into the pacific ocean on October 31st, 2016, Trump wins the ‘national popular vote’””

        In fact, IIRC, it was mentioned at the time that if LA County had slid into the ocean, he would have won the NPV.

          Othniel in reply to txvet2. | January 24, 2024 at 8:32 am

          Is there a way we can make that happen? The rest of the country wouldn’t miss LA County.

          TargaGTS in reply to txvet2. | January 24, 2024 at 8:49 am

          That might be true. I didn’t look into with that granularity. But, there’s no question if you take LA, San Francisco and Oakland counties off the map, Trump carries California, probably by a few hundred thousand votes, or more.

        Danny in reply to TargaGTS. | January 24, 2024 at 10:22 am

        The middle class decides elections, and to say the least Trump and working class voters is overestimated. Without carrying the suburban voters in 2016 he would have lost, and it was suburban middle class who decided 2020, and will more than likely be deciding 2024.

        I to hope Trump wins the election but I can’t see any way to do so without the suburban middle class.

          Danny in reply to Danny. | January 24, 2024 at 10:24 am

          To specify I didn’t mean that as an insult but only a reminder that we should all be starting to shift focus to look at what will be deciding the general election (which is middle class).

          TargaGTS in reply to Danny. | January 24, 2024 at 12:02 pm

          I hear what you’re saying. But, I believe that even in 2016, Trump lost white, college educated voters (the first GOP nominee in 20-years to lose that demo). Now, did Trump lose that demo in the BATTLEGROUND states? No. Ultimately, because there’s increasing polarity in our electorate, all that really matters is how Trump is received in the Battleground States. Polling the last 5-months clearly indicates that Trump has mended many fences with suburban voters…persistent inflation has a way of concentrating the mind of of someone who’s trying to run a household, like a suburban mom.

          Ironclaw in reply to Danny. | January 24, 2024 at 1:48 pm

          The middle class ought to be more than happy to vote against the pedophile that has killed their kids with fentanyl, let criminals through our borders in record numbers, pushed up fuel costs so their everyday life is much less affordable and destroyed the value of their money with record inflation.

      dwb in reply to JR. | January 23, 2024 at 8:03 pm

      lol, logic gets you nowhere here. Headline: Trump supporters basically make Kamala Harris the first woman President.

        Johnny Cache in reply to dwb. | January 23, 2024 at 8:55 pm

        Biden is the stupidest, most ineffective slobbering moron to have ever lived in the White House. His polling numbers at the end of 2023 were the worst of any president seeking re-election since perhaps ever. Possibly Herbert Hoover could have had worse numbers if polling existed back then, Literary Digest predicted FDR’s win with crude polling. Gallup didn’t exist until 1935. Regardless, I can find no president seeking re-election whose numbers were worst at that same time – not Trump, not even Jimmy Carter.

        The economy sucks, Biden was mentally inferior before his senility, he makes Gerald Ford look like Fred Astaire, he’s ruined the military, grocery shopping, housing, so on and so on.

        You, the defender of logic, need to explain how Biden overcomes this, because this dipshit has no case to bring to the American people except a promise of heightened misery. With all of Trump’s faults, only fraud and deceit will stop him in 2024. Democrats must resort to this, or try to throw him in jail, because otherwise the left can’t win any logical argument ever.

          Camperfixer in reply to Johnny Cache. | January 23, 2024 at 11:56 pm

          Epicly stated. Only the galactically stupid could refute your facts and logic.

          One add: This constant whining about “Trumps faults” is…besides being moronic…nothing more than a fraidy-cat smokescreen because Squinty-eyed Joe is a thousand times worse and they don’t say a damn thing about his unbelievable faults (proof-pudding).

          Earth to PDJT hate ninny’s: EVERYONE has faults…and I don’t care about any of the man’s, I care about whether he can do the job,…and 2016 proved him the best at it. The rest is all blather and bravo sierra designed to obfuscate the massive failings of The Swamp Club idiots intentionally wrecking America while calling it righteous. Anyone who says “MAGA” as a pejorative needs to shut up and go away. Only a demented moron would deny Making America Great…because it is/was/can be, as we all witnessed and felt inside of 6 months with PDJT at the helm. The ship is only as good as the captain steering it, and often he’s a taskmaster that some people are too weak so whine about the methodology.

        henrybowman in reply to dwb. | January 23, 2024 at 11:52 pm

        “Headline: Trump supporters basically make Kamala Harris the first woman President.”
        Sorry — Biden has already done this, repeatedly, in speeches.

      Paddy M in reply to JR. | January 23, 2024 at 8:33 pm

      Good thing the popular vote doesn’t matter, JR. Do keep repeating your leftist talking points though.

      luckydog in reply to JR. | January 23, 2024 at 9:58 pm

      • In the last 10 elections Dems won the popular vote 7 times – and the election 5 times.

      • Both Trump (2016) and GWB (2000) won elections without having the most popular votes.

      • In 2016 Clinton had 48.1% of the popular vote (2.1% difference).

      • In 2000 Gore had 48.4% of the popular vote (.5% difference).

      • Bill Clinton won two elections with less than 50% of the popular vote (1992: 43%, 1996: 49.2%).

      • Nixon, JFK, and Truman all won elections with less than 50% of the popular vote (1968: 43.4%, 1960: 49.7%, 1948: 49.4%).

        Camperfixer in reply to luckydog. | January 24, 2024 at 12:01 am

        The “Popular Vote” is another low information voter (h/t Rush) smokesceen. It is wholly irrelevant, it only matters who wins the Electoral College, which is why Leftist and Dems are trying to eliminate it.

          TheOldZombie in reply to Camperfixer. | January 24, 2024 at 1:26 am

          I have to disagree with you. Your average street leftist wants the electoral college gone but the people running the Dem party know how to win using it.

          It’s why they love illegals and push as many illegals into red states as they can. The hope is to give them amnesty and flip those states blue in the electoral college.

          It’s also why they “fortified” the election in certain states up to and including on election day.

          The leftist leaders never actually make a move to eliminate the electoral college. They don’t send any amendments to be voted on when they control the House. They love the electoral college and work hard to game it in their favor.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to JR. | January 24, 2024 at 1:29 am

      If you had your way, America would be lost. Such a severe case of TDS must be painful. You should go play with you friends in Dearborn.

      Paul in reply to JR. | January 24, 2024 at 6:38 am

      You really have to be a special sort of idiot to trot out that retard bit about ‘winning the popular vote’. Did you fail grade school civics?

      scooterjay in reply to JR. | January 24, 2024 at 8:25 am

      I guess the only time vote rigging occurs is when Trump is on the ballot, huh?

      DrNo76 in reply to JR. | January 24, 2024 at 8:48 am

      You’re mistaken in several ways. Trump ‘lost’ in 20 by a total of 60,000 votes spread over 5 swing states. That was in the midst of the CV nonsense that had adversely impacted national, state and local economies. All that and all that Trump ‘lost’ by was less than 100,000 votes in 5 states. You assume as an outcome the same voting patterns this year as in ‘20, a serious mistake given that Biden has shown how he governs in the ensuing 3+ years…. a disastrous reign economically, fiscally, at the southern border, internationally. You don’t think these disastrous policies and their effects can switch less than 100k votes in those 5 swing states? Or nationally?

      As for the popular vote, I stopped paying any attention to that for a simple reason. It’s widely understood that there’s widespread voting fraud by the Democrat Party in many states, California, NY, Ill, Pa, NM, Ariz, to name just a few. Do you really believe Joe Biden received 81 million legal votes?, 15 million more than the lightbringer Obama in 2012. There was massive vote fraud in ‘20. You only need open your eyes to it. We have a serious national problem in our voting system pms with illegal alien voting and fraudulent practices in the uses of mail in voting.

      Nor have you accounted for changes in many states to address the mail in ballot and illegal alien problems. I don’t think we’ll see another CV ‘emergency’ affecting voting nationally. Thirty percent of democrats accept that there was substantial voting fraud in ‘20. Trump will benefit from that sense of ‘something was wrong’ with the ‘20 election.

      Finally, get off your backside and work for election integrity in your state and local precincts.

To add a bit, a recording of Jeff DeWitt, Chairman of the Arizona Repugblican Party to Kari Lake. was leaked in it he spends about ten minutes trying to bribe her.

    Olinser in reply to thad_the_man. | January 23, 2024 at 6:39 pm

    The only thing that surprises me about that is that he offered a cushy board seat directly to her, instead of offering one of her children a cushy board seat on a Ukrainian gas company.

      henrybowman in reply to Olinser. | January 23, 2024 at 6:48 pm

      I was going to say they were a bit young for that, but apparently the girl is already 20. She definitely could be vice president of some third-world slush factory.

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to thad_the_man. | January 23, 2024 at 10:18 pm

    A key point is that DeWitt is the Chair of the Arizona Republican Party. And apparently he was Chief Operating Officer for the national Trump campaign. This may indicate why the GOPe did not really object to the election fraud in 2020. They got what they wanted. And the offer to a popular, conservative, pro-Trump candidate indirectly from Mitch McConnell who wants the Democrats to stay in charge indicates that the Republicans are heading for a Whig moment.

    Subotai Bahadur

    Hers a link to the transcript and audio, the “funny” part is that DeWitt is concerned about being unalived if details of his conversation got out,.the question is, who is he afraid of?

      Azathoth in reply to MarkS. | January 24, 2024 at 1:27 pm

      Killed. The word is ‘killed’.

      ‘there is no such word as ‘unalived’. Jesus fucking Christ stand up for freedom of speech–I am sick to death of hearing people kowtow to leftists demands every fucking time they open their mouths.

    The tripartite clown show of 2022 Arizona statewide Republican nominees in Arizona in no way should be replicated, and that she wants to be defeated again and do damage to an already vulnerable top of the ticket is a major point against Kari Lake.

Haley is going to stick in all the way until the convention.

She’s getting too much money from too many Democrat donors to quit, and she’s holding out hope that Trump gets removed from the ballot and she gets crowned as the only one ‘still running’.

There’s morons every cycle that do the same thing, in 2016 it was John ‘my Dad was a mailman’ Katshit, who hung on all the way until the convention with the delusional hope that Trump wouldn’t win on the 1st ballot and he could be the ‘compromise’ candidate.

    henrybowman in reply to Olinser. | January 23, 2024 at 11:57 pm

    Oh, I’m waiting for the moment when her own state’s people choose Trump in a landslide over their old governor.

      CommoChief in reply to henrybowman. | January 24, 2024 at 9:18 am

      Yeah if Haley stays in long enough to take an L in SC she is likely sabotaging any potential political future, as remote as it may be. IMO if she chooses this path then her campaign is inarguably about the establishment/big donors wanting to wound Trump and prevent a general election victory.

      To me it was clear from the beginning that Haley was the establishment choice. Hopefully those who unfairly and inaccurately smeared DeSantis with that particular label are willing to open their eyes and see that Haley is clearly the darling of the establishment.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Olinser. | January 24, 2024 at 1:33 am

    “No matter the outcome, Haley said she is not dropping out:”

    There is no question that she will drop out, she is another loser.

And yeah, they’re ‘battling it out’ like Germany and France were ‘battling it out’ during the Blitzkrieg.

All kinds of people are reporting calls and numbers, and if you’re right, the polls are not closed, yet. (it’s 4:38 pst). I don’t like any discussion of numbers until after the polls close.

If she sees her shadow,she’s in for 6 more weeks…

This is such a hunk of dog dodo

Fyi NH has one day residency. Dems buss excess dem voters up from Ma where they have extra leftists. They give them a hotel room and a couple meal vouchers. They spend the night and become “residents” for a day. Then they register and vote. Then they get back on the busses and get driven home. All totally legal. Live free or Die


When you understand Nikki Haley et al. spent over $30M in NH and the GOP electorate in the state is VERY moderate but she still lost, you know it’s time for her to call it a day. Does she want to wait and get beat like a rented mule in her HOME STATE? I wouldn’t think so. But, I’m afraid she’s going to stick it out to the bitter end, just like Kasich did. I’m also fearful that she’ll win some modest number of delegates, something she could leverage at a brokered convention if the unthinkable happens to Trump before then.

    Camperfixer in reply to TargaGTS. | January 24, 2024 at 12:06 am

    The RNC is panicking, she’s their mule and is losing big time…but they won’t let her concede, can’t let her concede because “she’s it”. All their tainted money is on a dead-ender who isn’t even a Natural Born citizen.

    Olinser in reply to TargaGTS. | January 24, 2024 at 2:30 am

    It’s not even the GOP electorate. She got so many crossover votes that only 47% of the votes in the ‘Republican’ primary were actual Republicans, AND SHE STILL LOST.

    Allegedly somebody did the math and if she gets the same portion of Republican, Independent and Democrat votes in SC, then she’s going to lose by almost 20 points.

Hard to beat the RINOs AND
Dems, clearly the cheat is on

But he has

Trump 2024

We live in SC, and people HATE Nikki, here.

The execrable Haley’s narcissism and arrogance are laid bare, now.

If she had won the primary, she could argue a case for her continued candidacy. Because she lost, there is no rational case to be made for her continued participation.

The only reason for Haley to continue running are to satisfy her own ego and to curry favor with deep-pocketed Dhimmi-crat donors (who’d never, ever vote for her or any other GOP candidate, in the general election), and, the worthless and feckless “Never-Trump” and RINO crowds.

36% in, Trump 53.74%; Haley 45.27% Called for Trump by AP and ABC

Open primary and same day party registration should be ended

We talk a lot about the southern border, but the northern border is just as bad.

Really?! The northern border may be just as insecure, or even more so, but I have never heard of millions of people streaming over it. Probably because they have to get to Canada first, and (1) that’s not so easy to do, and (2) once they do, why not stay there?

“Gas is down,” Clayton, a voter from Manchester, told Fox News Digital.
And the printing presses are up. They’re trying to cover pedo joe and his handlers poor performance.

Haley will stay in as long as her Democrat and GOPe donors keep funding her.

IMO they hope that Trump can be pressured to accept her as his VP candidate and that the Senate will once again refuse to advance conservatives and populists to cabinet positions.

Perhaps Trump should select someone like Zeldin for VP who would be appealing to many independents but is conservative and tough enough to help advance an America first agenda.

According to the exit polls, only 47% of the REPUBLICAN primary voters were actually Republicans.

Not sure if its the final vote totals, but in 2020 general election, Hanover, NH had just 841 Republican votes, and today Nikki Haley got 1472 votes from the same area. Democrats that are blatantly saying they’re voting for Haley now, but will vote Democrat in November.

And yet Trump still won.

I look forward to her utter humiliation in her ‘home’ state of SC.

    thalesofmiletus in reply to Olinser. | January 24, 2024 at 10:57 am

    According to CNN, only 27% of Haley voters were registered GOP in NH.

    70% were undeclared.

    Haley cannot win the general election because not only will Haley primary voters be voting for Biden in the general, but the majority of the GOP base will not vote for Haley.

    It is Donald Trump or bust.

She should stay in. Putting all of your eggs in the Trump basket is a very bad idea. Implosion can occur at any time–and has before.

thalesofmiletus | January 24, 2024 at 11:24 am

Just as important — Ronna McDaniel has pledged her full support of Trump and said what I’ve been saying for months: the time has come to pivot towards the general election and defeating Biden.

There will be NO party shenanigans, no brokered convention, none of that jive.

Trump WILL be the nominee.

Why should Nikki drop out of the race as long as her husband is deployed on the other side of the world and people are paying her to run around the country?

Who is funding her and what are their motives?

Trump is not my first choice, but there is no way he doesn’t get the nomination. Haley keeps making more enemies and it is not likely that Trump will make any more enemies, so he has a lock on the nomination.

I wonder if she will drop out after getting her nose bloodied in South Carolina?

    thalesofmiletus in reply to kjon. | January 25, 2024 at 5:55 pm

    You’d think she’d want to spare herself the embarrassment of getting skunked in her home state, but clearly she has more millions to launder to the lamestream media.