Las Vegas: Defendant Leaps Over Bench, Attacks Judge During Sentencing
“Judge Holthus experienced some injuries and her condition is being monitored.”

It’s a crazy video out of a Las Vegas courtroom. This will definitely end up on the show Court Cam! (Right, Mom?!)
Delone Reddon leaped over the bench and attacked Clark County District Judge Mary Kay Holthus during his sentencing hearing for “aggravated battery with substantial bodily harm.”
The video shows Judge Holthus denying Redden’s request for probation due to his criminal history and preparing to sentence him to jail time. Redden can be seen then leaping over the judge’s bench to tackle her.
He can be heard repeatedly punching her and yelling expletives while security officers attempt to restrain him.
According to the Las Vegas District Court, Judge Holthus experienced some injuries and her condition is being monitored. The marshal sustained injuries and has been transported to the hospital.
A man who was in the process of being sentenced in a Las Vegas courtroom launch himself over a judge's bench and attack her.
Clark County District Court Judge Mary Kay Holthus tried to take cover when Deobra Redden yelled out expletives during the sentencing and ran at her.…
— D. Scott @eclipsethis2003 (@eclipsethis2003) January 4, 2024

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Great way to prove you deserve probation! /sarc
Seems to me that life without any chance of parole is the only way to keep society safe from this guy; he doesn’t seem a good candidate for rehabilitation.
Seems to me that it would be a good idea if the court ordered him into handcuffs and leg shackles when he is to appear next in court. Why take chances.
And gagged.
But, but but…! That would bias the jury!
He seemed upset…
Just your typical black criminal thug with no impulse control and nothing much to lose except his freedom. Thought he was going to sweet talk his way into probation (again) but that obviously wasn’t going to work out for him. So of course, you assault the Judge hoping she’d change her mind. Totally logical.
Hope he enjoys his long prison sentence for assaulting the Judge.
15% of American blacks have a IQ 100 and up, what does that say about the other 85%?
The answer to this is in crime statistics. It is a sorry situation with no solution in sight.
I have known some, uhm… “slow” Whites and Hispanics, and although my sample is limited, they at least seemed to be keeping a grip on reality, and knew how to behave.
I also noticed in my four years in the Navy that The Thirteen Percent were BY FAR the ones with the least impulse control.
Oh well, we can’t all be brilliant white men like you who jo to the thought of slaughtering Muslims and spelling veneer as “venire.”
Like JR, both of you are one trick ponies.
So, tell me. Is it racism when a black criminal beats the shit out of a judge?
To you and JR, the racism is when others point out that blacks, specific to the story, are criminals.
The issue isn’t intelligence. It’s a matter of upbringing. No stable families. No fathers. A society telling them they are bringing misused
15% cheated on the IQ test and 85% didn’t have the brains to do so?
In any case, IQ tests be raycissst! At least that’s what all the race baiting blacks tell us.
Facts are stubborn things – John Adams
Presuming he doesn’t get off scot free!
With his violent history why was he even walking freely? He should have already been in jail so he couldn’t threaten to break someone’s kneecaps with a baseball bat.
Are all the American prosecutors soros buddies?
It’s a good way to get you sentencing judge to recuse herself. But you might not like the replacement . . .
If this had been Judge Roy Bean I’m betting the perp would have been shot mid-leap. I also wonder if any cops in the room managed to get their guns out, or if they just stood there in slack-jawed amazement.
Looked like cops were I non existent for quite some time
Anyone in that courtroom wearing a uniform is probably fat and stupid.
I’m curious. Had the judge formally pronounced sentence before Redden made his flying leap at her? If not, I sure hope she adds at least a couple years to whatever sentence she was considering, based on his behavior in her courtroom. It would be legal, too, since his courtroom behavior shows he’s highly likely to commit further violent crimes when released, justifying a longer sentence.
Nope. When the black thug realized he was going to go to prison he attacked the Judge before she was able to pronounce sentence for whatever he was there for. So at least theoretically, once she is out of medical care she can revise her sentence accordingly and pass sentence on him.
But what I’d really like to know is who is going to be presiding Judge in this thugs trial for the assault and injury of a public officer (ie. the Judge). Will she preside or will they assign the trial to a different judge.
She can’t preside over the trial of his assault on her because she would be a material witness. She would have to recuse herself. She will almost certainly recuse herself from the matter that was pending before her as well due to her likely bias or prejudice. See Rule 2.11 of the Nevada Code of Judicial Conduct.
That’s a really interesting question. I’m not sure when the sentence is ‘official.’ Is it simply done when she signs the order. or is there some other significant milestone, like banging the gavel? In any event, if she didn’t, I would be curious if she would be bound by ethics to recuse herself as she’s now a victim of the assailant herself.
kudos to the clerk / bailiff / attorney who went for the thug–an instant to process the situation and then no hesitation–excellent
He committed a VIOLENT crime during a sentencing for a prior VIOLENT crime that he likely shouldn’t have been able to commit had he been properly sentenced for an even earlier VIOLENT crime. It’s a story as old as time….in Joe Biden’s America.
*starts sing “Beauty And The Beast”*
“A tale as old as time…”
This POS will be in and out of prison his whole life, costing taxpayers dearly.
He better train. The benches are higher at the appellate court.
I wonder if the NFL will hold a spot open for him for when he finally gets out of prison?
Only if he beats his bed buddy. He’s perfect for the National Felon League. No impulse control.
I’ll be his words as he was being held down were, “Bitch, you brought dis on yoself”
Not a nice way to treat a lady. Chivalry is dead.
Not to mention the language he used in front of a lady!
Dim bulb+huge body+entitlement
Save us all some money by taking him out back and shoot him three times.
“I have shot it thrice: what I shoot you three times is through.”
The herd must be culled of these beasts.
This proves that had he been released he would have jumped bail.
Another young scholar and one of Obama’s “sons.” Three of them murdered an off-duty police officer in Greensboro, a few days ago, while stealing $85 worth of beer to fund an intended illegal drug purchase. Zero media publicity paid to these sociopaths and the epidemic of absent, irresponsible and incompetent parenting going on in the black community, naturally.
You just hit the nail on the head. Only thing I have heard out of the recent Greensboro shooting is law enforcement friends posting on Facebook about it.
Zero media coverage. Samantha Josephson and Carter “Opie” Strange got more coverage than this horrible act of violence. I don’t trust a certain group of people anymore.
The Citizen Free Press news aggregation site calls them “valedictorians”.
They one thing about black culture is that most of the crime is black on black, while Pales culture is about horrible crimes against Jews Whites and Asians.. So Muslim culture is far worse.
Wow you should publish your incredible insightful thoughts in a newsletter.
You should publish yours at /dev/null.
I predict that the words “sentences to run consecutively” are in this guy’s future.
Dude didn’t like it when real consequences were applied.
The story says Deone, the filmclip says Deobra…?
Thank God this didn’t happen in NYC! The monster would have been back on the street in an hour.
Dude needs to be made an example of.
If I were in charge, solidarity confinement cells would be 3’x3’x6 (oubliette style) for people like this.
Pipe in Yoko Ono nonstop 24/7 @ 120 dB and I guarantee you no recidivism.
It’s a bird; it’s a plane; it’s super word that can’t be uttered.
Hopefully other Judges will take note and reflect it in their sentencing decisions – probably not.
I did not notice any obvious increase in security in the Las Vegas Courthouse (Regional Justice Center) today.
The sentencing of this jackass that Judge Holthus was unable to complete will be re-assigned to another judge. The trial for this POS’s attacking Judge Holthus will be held (if it goes to trial) by another judge. Mr. Reddon found an (expensive) way to get Judge Holthus off of presiding over any of his cases from now on.
I hope they have him locked in stocks out in public while he’s awaiting trial in jail. Couple hours a day.
Someone needs to shove a 4” x 4” up his ass while he’s in the stocks.
That should get his attention. We have lost the art of public humiliation and corporal punishment.