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Iran Claims Two Blasts Near Soleimani Grave Killed Hundreds

Iran Claims Two Blasts Near Soleimani Grave Killed Hundreds

People were commemorating the death of terrorist Revolutionary Guards general Qasem Soleimani, who died four years ago from a drone strike ordered by Trump.

The Iranian media claims twin blasts by the grave of Revolutionary Guards general Qasem Soleimani killed over 100 people and injured at least 141.

We don’t know who set off the blasts. I imagine Iran will try to blame Israel or America because, supposedly, whoever did it detonated the bombs remotely.

People gathered at Soleimani’s grave to mark the fourth anniversary of his death.

President Donald Trump ordered the drone strike in 2020 that killed Soleimani.

Soleimani caused many problems in the Middle East:

A 2013 New Yorker profile quoted John Maguire, a former CIA officer in Iraq, describing him as “the single most powerful operative in the Middle East today.” The piece said that since he took over the Quds Force, whose numbers it put at 10,000-20,000, Soleimani “has sought to reshape the Middle East in Iran’s favor, working as a power broker and as a military force: assassinating rivals, arming allies, and, for most of a decade, directing a network of militant groups that killed hundreds of Americans in Iraq.”

Defense officials said Soleimani’s goons caused “at least U.S. deaths in Iraq.”

Soleimani hated Israel and the Jews. He supported and armed Hamas and Hezbollah.


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Everyone standing near that grave is bonus points IMO

    20 Terrorists just got a promotion and a pay raise because their superiors just died.

    And the 20 below them too.

    Of course a Terrorist would never kill to get a promotion.

      ahad haamoratsim in reply to 1073. | January 4, 2024 at 10:06 am

      Exactly. I’ve read that it is ISIS’s style. One of Iran’s favorite lies, of course, is the nonsense that Israel created, funds & controls ISIS.

      And Iran, predictably, has threatened that Israel will pay a heavy price for these deaths.

        ISIS Claims Responsibility For Mass Casualty Suicide Bombings In Iran

        Surveillance footage from crowded event clearly showed a male suicide bomber detonating explosives.

      ahad haamoratsim in reply to 1073. | January 4, 2024 at 10:06 am

      AKA a Klingon Promotion.

That evil prick pretty much single-handedly invented and propagated the use of shaped-charge IED’s throughout the sandbox, killing thousands of Americans and maiming many more. I rejoiced when Trump droned his sick ass, and I’m not shedding any tears over anyone who thinks he is worthy of remembrance with anything other than a large dump on his grave.

I fully suspect the perpetrators are the ones we see murdering every Israeli to be found. After all, they don’t mind breaking eggs to make an omlette.

This sounds like poetic justice to me, karma, it is a shame that so few were killed. We should redistribute fentanyl to Iran. air drop individual pills in weatherproof Mylar bags with instructions for both recreational and overdose use. I wonder how many Iranians would like to off their leaders?

Isn’t it ironic, don’tchya think?

Before the bomb, people were making what if comments and implying the gathering was a bad idea.

This sounds like exactly the sort of thing that would be done by people who would you civilians as human shields. Does anyone know someone like that in the region?

I heard that both bombs were suicide vests

I hope Allah don’t run out of virgins and have to substitute goats

False Flag?

MoeHowardwasright | January 4, 2024 at 6:35 am

To kill 100+ people and maim many more, requires more than a couple of suicide vests. Even a packed event such as this one requires more. There were 2 bombs. They would need to be 2-4lbs of C4 with about 10-15lbs of nails/ball bearings to produce this many casualties. Packed tight as the pictures show that’s the kind of destructive force that would be required. The first blast kills an immediate 20-25’ circle. The second blast, as people start to scatter was the kill shot. Dispersed people running allows the shrapnel a greater chance to kill/maim. Well thought out effort on someone’s part. FJB

If you go to CD media, they have footage of the bomb victims. Somehow, all the victims had head wounds! Even the blood surrounding their wounds was the wrong color. Blood usually turns crimson when exposed to air.

BierceAmbrose | January 7, 2024 at 7:00 pm

“You can’t kill gatherings of our citizens. That’s our job.”